Chapter 377 Curse
"Nine, Lord Ninth, why is it you? lied to me?"

Gao Yifei's face was pale, and she asked in a trembling voice.

Jun Yu took the little girl's handkerchief, and while wiping it, he looked at Gao Yifei indifferently.

"If I didn't lie to you, would you take the initiative to confess your cruelty?" The indifferent voice echoed in this empty bedroom.

"Gao Yifei, it's you!"

At this moment, Eunuch Li Da walked in with Jun Zhouhan on his arm.


Gao Yifei's heart trembled, she saw the face that moved her heart, and those indifferent eyes, her heart sank directly to the bottom of the valley.

"Brother Emperor, are you alright?" Yuan Deyin ran over.

"It's okay." Although Jun Zhouhan's complexion is not very good, he can still shake his head gently at Yuan Deyin.

When he turned his head to look at Gao Yifei, he couldn't hide the coldness all over his body.

"I thought you really wanted to leave the palace, so I relaxed my vigilance against you and arranged everything for you, but I never thought that this was all your scheme. How many lives are there, why are you so ruthless!"

Jun Zhouhan shook his head and looked at Gao Yifei with strange eyes.

In fact, from the perspective of an emperor, Gao Yifei is indeed a very talented woman.

"I remember, when you first entered the palace, you were sad for a long time even when a butterfly in the royal garden died..."

Jun Zhouhan recalled what happened back then, with a complicated expression on his face.

"Your majesty, you also said that was back then, you said that the concubine was cruel, but who forced the concubine into such a state?" Gao Yifei asked aggrievedly.

"The concubine has worked so hard, why can't you see the goodness of the concubine? Those who rob you with the concubine are all sluts, they deserve to die!"

Thinking of something, her expression became gloomy and hideous.

Yuan Deyin watched from the side, her indifferent expression became a little more lonely.

At this time, Gao Yifei still didn't realize what he did wrong.

"Since I was discovered by you, I have nothing to quibble about. Your Majesty, you faked your death just to trick your concubine out, and then find a way to get rid of the Three Mother Gu? You just die, Gu worm I will always follow Mei Qingzhou and can kill me too, but don't blame me for not reminding you, if the mother Gu dies, the child Gu will surely die too!"

Gao Yifei spoke in a gloomy tone, without any panic on her face.

Anyway, these people didn't know that she had vomited out the mother vomit, and they probably thought the mother vomit was still on her body.

As long as she can be sure of this, she is not at all afraid that she will die.

Seeing Gao Yifei's unfazed look, Yuan Deyin sighed, and said, "It's not good to spit out Gu worms, it must be a lot of black blood."


Yuan Deyin's soft words made Gao Yifei's face change, and she looked at Yuan Deyin nervously.

"Concubine Fei, do you really think that the mother Gu on your body will escape by itself? Only when the poison of the Gu is undone, the Gu will die." Yuan Deyin explained earnestly.

Has the poison been undone?

Gao Yifei staggered a few steps.

She kept shaking her head, "No, no, the saintess of Miaojiang clearly said that the Three Mother Gu is unsolvable, how could it be solved..."

This news was like a bolt from the blue to her.

Because if the Three Mother Gu is untied, it means——

She doesn't have any leverage to threaten Jun Zhouhan!
"This time, I lost, but don't be too happy, those bitches will still die. Your Majesty, I am very happy to have your favorite Mei Qingzhou accompany my concubine to hell."

Gao Yifei covered her mouth and smiled darkly.

"Do you think that the person you sent out can really succeed in the assassination?" Yuan Deyin asked her in a strange tone.

"what do you mean?"

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Gao Yifei felt uneasy.

It was also at this time that there was a sudden sound of falling to the ground in the yard.

She looked out from the window, only to see Gao Lang, who was dressed in black, fell heavily on the ground, with a sword stuck in his heart.

"Sister, the person has been intercepted and killed. Zuo Xie walked up to Yuan Deyin with a blank face and reported.

His sword was actually used to kill someone with such low force, it was an insult to his sword!

Looking at his dark face and the sword in his hand, Yuan Deyin could quickly guess what he was thinking.

She has black hair all over her head.

This kid, why is he even more arrogant than before!

"Little Miss." Gao Lang kept spitting blood, he raised his head with difficulty, with a pair of red eyes, trying to engrave Gao Yifei in his heart.

Over the years, he has done a lot of bad things for the lady, and he already felt that he deserved to die.

It's just that he died, what should the lady do?
Looking at Gao Lang's affectionate eyes, Gao Yifei felt disgusted.

She gritted her teeth and said angrily: "Useless waste."

After finishing speaking, she turned her face away, and didn't even want to give him an extra look.


I really hate him.

Gao Lang spat out another mouthful of blood, and his vision began to blur.

Finally, he closed his eyes forever.

And that hand still maintained the posture of stretching towards Gao Yifei, as if wanting to protect her one more time before dying.

Yuan Deyin watched this scene with complicated emotions.

Although this Gao Lang has done many wrong things, but his sincerity towards Gao Yifei is hard to impress.

After all, he is just a poor man.

"stop looking."

Finding that she felt a little uncomfortable, Jun Yu hooked her fingers with his callused fingertips, and drew her attention back to this side.

"Concubine Fei, do you want to apologize to the person you killed, or do we do it?"

Yuan Deyin took a deep breath, suppressed the complicated mood, and then looked at Gao Yifei indifferently.

"Yuan Deyin, I have always wanted to ask you a question. You are also a friend, why are you not so kind to Mei Qingzhou, Yin Panrong and Sudan Tong, and I am like an outsider standing on the edge?"

Gao Yifei looked at Shangyuan Deyin's eyes, and she questioned loudly.

Yuan Deyin looked at the angry face of the other party, and she wanted to say that she also regarded her as a friend.

Worried about the child in her belly, she hurried to the palace, and went to the imperial hospital late at night to get her medicine...

But who knows, all her kindness is actually in her calculations.

Forget it, it's useless to say these now.

Yuan Deyin took back her loneliness, her face was expressionless.

Seeing Yuan Deyin like this, Gao Yifei only felt that she was guilty.

"Yuan Deyin, you are lucky." She sarcastically said.

"No matter what you do, there will always be someone who likes you, someone will always protect you, and someone will help you settle the big mess. People like you will never know what it is like not to be loved."

She growled at Yuan Deyin in disgust.

After finishing speaking, she actually took out a dagger from her body and stabbed it at her heart.

Blood spattered all over.

And her last words were——

"Yuan Deyin, in this palace, the person I hate the most is actually you, you are more hypocritical than anyone else. I curse you, I will never get what you love!"

With the last sound falling, Gao Yifei fell heavily to the ground.

She opened her eyes, staring at death.

The blood was all over his face, like a sacrifice full of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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