The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 378 Getting ready to go to the Valley of Divine Physicians

Chapter 378 Getting ready to go to the Valley of Divine Physicians

Seeing that Yuan Deyin's face was pale because of Gao Yifei's words, Jun Zhouhan called her worriedly.

"It's all right, Brother Emperor, Deyin is all right." Yuan Deyin shook his head with reddish eyes.

No one wants to hear curses.

Even though she told herself that the curse was unbelievable, she still couldn't help panicking.

"I'll get it."

Suddenly at this moment, Jun Yu took her little hand, and the silent sense of security was transmitted to her through the temperature of his palm.

Will you get it?

Yuan Deyin raised his head hesitantly, looking at Jun Yu with eyes stained with mist.

Silly girl, you already got it, but you never knew it.

Jun Yu didn't speak, he just raised his hand and gently rubbed her head.


The news that the emperor was alive again spread throughout the palace.

Everyone's hearts were trembling like never before.

But no matter what, the haze of the entire imperial city finally disappeared.

At the same time, there was another piece of news that Fei Concubine died suddenly.

I don't know the reason, but no one got to the bottom of it.

Because the recent moment was too big, Fei Concubine's death seemed insignificant.

The only ones who were angry were the Gao family.

Gao Da came to the palace angrily, and he hoped that the emperor could give an explanation.

He didn't care why his daughter died, he only cared, if his daughter died, where would the Gao family rely?
He hoped that the emperor could give the Gao family some compensation.

But half an hour after he stepped into the imperial study room, when he came out, his straight back was already bent, and he was a little embarrassed, as if he had aged ten years all of a sudden.

After he returned to the mansion, he ordered someone to send his booklet of retiring from old age and returning home to the palace, and then closed the door tightly, and no one disappeared.

Although everyone was puzzled, but the king's heart is unpredictable, so no one dared to speculate.

After all, Jun Zhouhan still did not announce the matter of Gao Yifei to the world.

Of course, this is not done to take into account Gao Yifei's face, but there are too many involved in it. Once the truth is announced to the world, I'm afraid it will lead to many bad consequences.

However, Gao Yifei has done so many wrong things, and he doesn't intend to let her go so easily.

Her body was thrown in a mass grave, and she couldn't keep the whole body until she died.


Changning Palace.

"Xiaoyin, how is Qingzhou?" Jun Zhouhan asked Yuan Deyin urgently, clasping his hands nervously.

After feeling Mei Qing's pulse, she looked solemn.

"Brother Emperor, although the Gu poison has been removed from Sister Qingzhou's body, her body is damaged too badly, and her condition is not very good."

"This, how can this be done?"

Jun Zhouhan staggered a few steps, but fortunately, Eunuch Li Da helped him up quickly.

"Your Majesty, you have to take care of the dragon's body." Eunuch Li Da persuaded with red eyes.

Jun Zhouhan shook his head in embarrassment.

What's the use of taking care of his body?
After finally waiting for the Gu poison to be lifted, he thought he could be with Qingzhou again.

But I never thought that this wish is still too difficult.

"Brother Emperor, Eunuch Lida is right. You have to take care of your dragon body. Behind you is the whole Chiyan. Don't forget that sister Qingzhou wakes up, and you fall down again." Yuan Deyin said helplessly.

"Xiaoyin, are you saying that Qingzhou can still get better?"

When Jun Zhouhan heard Yuan Deyin's words, he seemed to see a gap of light in the darkness, and he asked excitedly.

"Well, but there are several medicines, which are more difficult to find. As long as you find the medicine, sister Qingzhou will not only be able to wake up, but it will not be difficult for her to conceive in the future."

Yuan Deyin looked at Mei Qingzhou's peaceful sleeping face, and she said softly.

"You, you mean, will Qingzhou have children in the future?"

With tears in Jun Zhouhan's eyes, he asked excitedly.

"Of course, it's not an incurable disease. Of course it can be cured, but it's just a little complicated. Also, your... can also be cured."

When Yuan Deyin said the last sentence, he looked at Jun Zhouhan helplessly.

She is a girl from every family, and she still has to discuss this kind of thing with the current emperor.

But Jun Zhouhan didn't feel embarrassed either, he just kept giggling.

"Qingzhou and I can still have children, and I can still have children..."

Seeing him looking like a fool, Yuan Deyin sighed, knowing that he might not be able to listen to what he was talking to now.

So she could only turn her head and say to Jun Yu not far away: "Uncle Nine Emperors, are there thousands of hooks and velvet flowers in the palace and palace?"

"No." Hearing her words, Jun Yu frowned and recalled, and quickly answered.

"Princess, do you need those two herbs to save Concubine Mei? The servant then went to the imperial hospital to ask the imperial doctors if there is any way."

Eunuch Li Da heard this and hurriedly spoke.

"No need, those two herbs are precious in the first place, and there are not many of them in the world, and it is rare for the Chiyan Palace." Yuan Deyin shook his head, stopping Eunuch Lida.

"This king knows there is a place." At this time, Jun Yu suddenly said.

"Where?" Jun Zhouhan also came to his senses. He looked at Jun Yu urgently, "I'll send someone to look for it right away."

"That place may be difficult for the emperor's people to go to. It's the valley of genius doctors." Jun Yu replied calmly.

After Yuan Deyin heard Jun Yu's answer, her expression brightened.

That's right, how did she forget about Miracle Doctor Gu?
There are many rare medicines in the Valley of Divine Medicine, so it is not surprising that there are these two herbs there.

"Eunuch Lida, hurry up and get ready, I will go to the Valley of Divine Doctors to seek medicine in person." Jun Zhouhan stood firm and said firmly.

"Brother Emperor, please calm down first," Yuan Deyin said solemnly, "You are the king of Chiyan, you can't leave the capital casually. You should go, Deyin will bring the medicine back."


"Your Majesty, don't worry, I will go with Yin'er." Jun Yu took the initiative to step forward at this time and said in a deep voice.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, don't you need to manage the army?" Yuan Deyin looked at her suspiciously.

"Throw it to Zuo Qie." Jun Yu said quietly.

Zuo Qie standing at the door: "..."

He understood that Jun Yu had worked so hard to teach him the experience of leading troops these years, so it was to prepare for the present.

"Eunuch Lida, this is the prescription for Sister Qingzhou and Concubine Ning. I tell the people in the Imperial Hospital to take good care of them and wait for the princess to come back."

Yuan Deyin took out two pieces of paper from his arms.

When she thought of Mei Qingzhou, she didn't forget that there was a burnt Concubine Ning.

"Old slave obeys." Eunuch Li Da nodded quickly.

Walking out of Changning Palace, Yuan Deyin let out a sigh of relief, only to see Wuying and Wuyi running towards with a fat rabbit in their arms.

"My lord, my princess, when my subordinates were catching up with the thief who wanted to kill Concubine Tong, they found that he had drank poison and died suddenly." Wuying said guiltily.

"No problem, brother Wuying, it's not your fault." Yuan Deyin shook his head.

They should have expected this result.

After all, the other party can even think of killing people and silence them, so they must be fully prepared. How could they find clues so easily.

"What about Luo Jingheng?" Yuan Deyin's eyes fell on a certain fat rabbit.

(End of this chapter)

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