The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 379 The truth remains to be investigated

Chapter 379 The truth remains to be investigated

When Bentu smashed it, the bad guy was already dead.

Xiaobai waved his paw and quickly explained to Yuan Deyin.

Wuying quickly took out a bunch of letters from her arms at this time.

"Princess, when we went to Luo's house, Luo Jingheng committed suicide by taking poison. Before he drank the medicine, he even burned the things in his study. But before that, Xiaobai had already stolen a lot of letters. .”


Are they great?
At this time, Xiaobai still raised his short tail, completely looking for Yuan Deyin's compliment.

Yuan Deyin didn't intend to be stingy with her praise, she said directly: "It's pretty amazing!"

She also stretched out her hands, rubbing Xiao Bai's head while taking the letter.

She had expected that things would not go so smoothly, so she sent Xiaobai out before cheating Gao Yifei.

An animal with human nature can not only be used by her to help her get what she wants, but it is also not easy to be found.

After being praised, a certain rabbit's ears stood up.

From that small appearance, it can be seen that he is really embarrassing to the extreme.

Yuan Deyin spread out the letter for a look, and found that there was not much valuable content, and they were all asking about Chi Yan's situation.

There is also a lot of content about the "Three Mother Gu".

Luo Jingheng really has a problem...

Taking a closer look, Yuan Deyin's aura immediately cooled down.

Because she saw the mark of Yuxi in the lower right corner.

This jade seal does not belong to the emperor's brother...

"Princess, this is Emperor Wei's jade seal." Wu Ying hurriedly explained beside him.

Emperor Wei?

"Wei Po?" Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth and asked.

This person was her enemy seven years ago.

Now, he even extended his hand to Chi Yan.

The Three Mother Gu was placed many years ago, so, did Wei Po plan something a long time ago?

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin's face darkened.

"Princess, the current situation in Wei State is more complicated. Since seven years ago, Prince Wei has not been trusted by Wei Po. Although he still has the name of Prince, it is already a false name." Wuying continued to give Yuan Deyin Speaking of the situation in Wei Guo.

Yuan Deyin thought of Wei Qinhuai he met at Yue's house, and felt a little lonely.

That day, when she came back in a hurry, she didn't even have time to say a word to her cousin.

So many things happened that year, it is estimated that his situation in Wei State was not very good.

"Concubine Fei said that the Sanmu Gu was given to her by the Holy Maiden of Miaojiang, but Luo Jingheng's various behaviors indicate that this is Wei Po's conspiracy. What is going on here?"

Wuyi couldn't help but asked suspiciously.

"It seems that after the princess returns from a trip to the Valley of the Godly Doctor, she must go to Miao Jiang and Wei Guo to find out the truth. There is also the unsolved mystery of An Wanwan's death in Yishang back then. , must also be related to these people.”

Yuan Deyin put the letter back into Wuying's hand, and she spoke in a cold voice.


"Princess, let us go to the Valley of Divine Doctors with you." Cang Ling and the girls stood in front of Yuan Deyin with red eyes.

Yuan Deyin glanced at the carriages at the door, and then looked back at them.

She sighed silently, and then explained helplessly: "The Valley of Miraculous Doctors is far away from the capital, and there are many accidents along the way. This princess cannot protect you."

"But Princess, the servants are worried about you." Their eyes turned red again.

Yuan Deyin only felt a headache. After seven years, these four girls shed tears more easily.

After some hesitation, she finally gave in.

"Okay, the princess is willing to bring people, but only one, the princess can't take care of more."

Hearing that the princess had compromised, the four girls nodded happily.

"Sister Cang Ling, you go."

The three of Ji Xia looked at Cang Ling in unison.

Although the three of them wanted to be by the Princess' side, Elder Sister Cang Ling had a calm temperament and was more suitable to take care of the Princess than any of them.

"Okay, Princess, I will follow you." Cang Ling turned her head and said to Yuan Deyin firmly.

"Going to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, how can I miss my lord?"

Suddenly at this time, a gentle voice came from far and near.

Yuan Deyin looked over, only to see Shen Chuannan walking slowly in a white jade robe.

"Master Shen, why are you here? Why haven't I seen you these days?"

Seeing Shen Chuannan, Yuan Deyin's tone was a little excited.

"Isn't it because you, Uncle Nine Emperors, were busy investigating the truth in the palace with you, and as a result, all the affairs of the previous court fell on me, and I have not set foot in the mansion for many days."

When Shen Chuannan said this, he glanced at Jun Yu from the corner of his eye.

Rather than saying that he is explaining, it is better to say that he is complaining.

Yuan Deyin scratched her hair in embarrassment.

If it's really like Master Shen said, then she is really sorry for occupying Uncle Nine Emperors for so long.

"Master Shen, aren't you busy with business? Besides, Uncle Nine Emperors is not in the capital these days, don't you also have a lot of things to do, you probably don't have time to go to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors with us."

Thinking of this situation, Yuan Deyin frowned and asked.

"Affairs can never be dealt with. The court has recruited so many talented people. It's time for me, the prime minister, to let go. Otherwise, how can I train new people?"

Shen Chuannan waved his hand.

"But, as the prime minister, it's not easy for you to leave the capital." Yuan Deyin tilted his head, looking a little puzzled.

"The little princess, don't worry, I just told the emperor that I want to follow you to the Valley of Divine Doctors to seek medicine, and the emperor immediately agreed."

Shen Chuannan said calmly.

Yuan Deyin frowned.

That's right, it's about sister Qingzhou's medicine, the emperor's brother will agree to it.

If it wasn't because the reality didn't allow it, otherwise the emperor's elder brother would have gone there in person.

"The most important thing is that kid, I haven't seen him for seven years, and I miss him a little."

I don't know what I thought of, the smile on the corner of Shen Chuannan's mouth restrained a little.

There seemed to be a lonely emotion flowing in the eyes.

"Let's go, if you don't start, it will be too late." Suddenly at this moment, Jun Yu's cold voice came from the front.

Yuan Deyin quickly lifted the hem of her skirt and ran to the front carriage.

Shen Chuannan walked to the second carriage very calmly.

In order to bring the medicine back earlier, they set off overnight.

When Yuan Deyin climbed into the carriage, it was completely dark.

But this didn't affect their speed at all, several carriages drove towards the outside of the palace quickly.

In the spacious carriage, it was brightly illuminated by the night pearl.

Yuan Deyin glanced around and found that there were many books here.

It is estimated that Uncle Jiuhuang was put here so that the journey would not be so boring.

At this moment, she heard a rustling sound.

Her eyes froze, and she quickly opened the curtain under the table.

Then I saw a white pig... oh, no, it was a white rabbit, lying there sleeping soundly.

(End of this chapter)

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