Chapter 380
Yuan Deyin reached out and picked it up by its ear.

A certain rabbit woke up instantly.


Master Yin, don't be so rude, it's hurting him.

"Come on, what are you doing here if you're not stealing food in the palace at this time?" Yuan Deyin stared at it threateningly.


This rabbit is here to send a message.

"Say." Yuan Deyin said in a cold tone.

"Cuckoo..." Many of my rabbit brothers said that Prince Yunmo had already come to the capital, probably looking for you.

Prince Yunmo?

Yuan Deyin remembered that he and Uncle Jiuhuang left without saying goodbye at Yue's house, and Yunmo was probably furious.

I was also friends with him back then, so he must have felt a little sad when something happened to me.

I knew that I would have talked to him a little bit more when I was at Yue's house.

"Forget it, when he comes to the capital and knows that the princess is not here, he will probably go back." Yuan Deyin said to himself.


Also, Zuo Qie also has a letter for you.

A certain rabbit grinned and said something, and then went back under the table, biting a letter and being afraid of the letter.

Yuan Deyin opened the envelope and saw the familiar handwriting on it, she began to read the contents——

"Sister, tell Jun Yu that if he can't protect you from now on, I will definitely tear down his Regent Palace..."

After finishing reading, Yuan Deyin couldn't help muttering: "It turned out to be a warning letter, this kid, he's getting fatter, and now he dares to threaten Uncle Nine Emperors."

"His personality is very similar to yours."

Jun Yu, who was making tea, heard her words, put down his teacup, and looked at her leisurely.

"No way, Deyin respects Uncle Jiuhuang very much, okay?"

Yuan Deyin raised his head and spoke imposingly.

Do you respect me very much?
A certain Jiuhuang uncle remembered that one day, after she climbed out of bed, she kicked him in the face.

His face darkened inexplicably...

Really respectful.

Seeing Uncle Jiuhuang's face getting darker and darker, Yuan Deyin touched his nose in embarrassment.

Why is Uncle Nine Emperor's expression so strange?

Did I do something wrong, and I didn't know it.

"Yes, yes, Uncle Nine Emperors, where is Sister Lin?"

Yuan Deyin quickly changed the subject.

"At that time, she followed the southwest army to the northwest to meet the enemy. After defeating the enemy, she stayed in the northwest." Jun Yu replied calmly.

"Stay in the northwest?" Yuan Deyin asked suspiciously.

The environment in the northwest and southwest is different, and the environment in the northwest is even harsher.

How can Sister Lin persist?
But she quickly realized that sister Lin has always been a hero among women.

She can go to the battlefield to fight, and relying on this, it is easy for her to adapt to the harsh environment.

"However, she is in the northwest, Master Shen is in the capital, so what should I do..."

Yuan Deyin held his small face and sighed.

Originally thought that after so many years, after she came back, she would be able to see Sister Lin and Lord Shen together again.

But who knows, it's even further away.

If this continues, when will they be able to reconcile?

"When Deyin was in the Soul of the Dead, he even made them a pair of sympathetic knots. I don't know when they will be useful."

Yuan Deyin said, and took out a pair of concentric knots from her arms, with an increasingly distressed expression.

Hearing her words, Jun Yu stopped pouring tea again.

His pair of deep eyes fell on the red concentric knot, and his thin lips were tightly pursed.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, do you think this looks good too?"

Sensing his gaze, Yuan Deyin quickly raised the concentric knot in front of him.

"En." Meeting her expectant eyes, Jun Yu responded, and then said nothing.

Uncle Nine Emperors seemed indifferent, even a little unhappy.

Yuan Deyin scratched her hair, not understanding why Uncle Jiuhuang's mood was so wrong.

A certain fat rabbit was on the side, nibbling on the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, while shaking its head in disgust.

After all these years, its owner is still just as stupid.

The Ninth Prince coveted the sympathy knot at first glance, and he wanted it too.

But the stupid master, just can't see it!

Why do some human beings only grow tall, but not brains?

A certain rabbit really dislikes Yuan Deyin to the extreme.

But at this time, the osmanthus cake in its hand was taken away.


It looked up in confusion, only to see Yuan Deyin holding an osmanthus cake in his hand.

She stared at it in disgust: "You're so fat, don't eat it anymore, or you'll really become a fat and stupid big rabbit. Osmanthus cake, I confiscated it."

A certain rabbit: "???"

You still despise Bentu being stupid, are you polite?


The carriage drove for several hours, and they were already far away from the capital.

"My lord, the horses will be tired from traveling at night, it's time to find a place to feed them some hay." Wuying's voice came from the front.

"En." Jun Yu put down the book and responded lightly.

There was no inn to be found in this place, and soon their carriage stopped in front of a village.

Wuying patted on the door of a farmer at the head of the village.

Soon, the oil lamp in the house was turned on, and then a man in his 20s opened the door with an oil lamp.

"You are……"

The farmer felt a little nervous when he sensed the hostility in Wuying.

"Don't be nervous. Our young master has something to go south. He happened to pass by here and wanted to find a place to stay overnight, but there is no inn around, so we had to disturb your dreams."

Wuying restrained his hostility for a while, and he spoke gently.

Wuyi also came down quickly at this time.

"Brother, we really can't find a place. Do you have any spare rooms in your house? We will pay you."

While talking, Wuyi took out a bag of silver and handed it to the man.

"No, no, don't need so much, the visitor is a guest, come in."

Seeing that Wuyi was a woman, the man was not so nervous anymore.

He quickly pushed the silver back and opened the door.

"My parents and younger sister are already asleep. There are three empty rooms in the house. There are also beds in them, but they are all piled up with sundries. I don't know if the nobles can adapt..."

He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, and said naively.

"It's okay, we are not picky about where we live, thank you." Yuan Deyin jumped up from the carriage at this time, she said with a smile.

Seeing another good-looking girl, the man looked away in embarrassment.

He continued to scratch the back of his head, and then said, "That's good, that's good."

Everyone got out of the carriage.

"If there are three rooms, or if Wuyi and Cang Ling accompany Deyin, Ayu, I will share with you, and Wuying and the others will have the remaining room."

Shen Chuannan also got off the carriage, and he assigned them calmly.

As a result, Jun Yu glanced over with an indifferent look.

"This king doesn't want to be with you."

Shen Chuannan: "???"

"This king is not Yusheng Xiao, but I can't bear your snoring." Jun Yu said expressionlessly.

Shen Chuannan: "..."

"Shen Da...Master Shen, if we don't want to keep watch at night, I will give you the room." Wu Ying hurriedly stood up to comfort Shen Chuannan.

They were all silently thinking in their hearts——

Master Shen is so miserable.

In the past, when Miracle Doctor Jade was around, when the prince despised people, he despised two people.

Later, Miracle Doctor Yu was no longer here, and Mr. Shen had to bear the contempt of the prince alone.

"It's okay." Shen Chuannan twitched the corners of his mouth, as if he could still bear it.

He came back to his senses and patted Wu Ying's shoulder.

"It's okay, let's squeeze together."


Over there, Yuan Deyin yawned.

She has been busy with things in the palace for so many days, and she finally found out the truth, and started on the road of looking for medicine again, so she will naturally be tired.

"Wow, woof..." She was about to go into one of the rooms with the man, but a black dog next to her suddenly barked.

If it wasn't for the fact that its neck was tied, it probably would have rushed over.

"No, I'm sorry, our dog is born." The man apologized embarrassedly.

"It's okay." Yuan Deyin shook her head, she was not afraid of a dog.

She walked into the house with the rabbit in her arms.

Sure enough, it was a room for sundries, full of dust.

"I, I'll find a cloth to wipe it off." The man said quickly.

"No, it's fine if we come, you go to rest quickly, I'm sorry to disturb you tonight."

Yuan Deyin didn't forget to apologize when he stopped the other party's action.

"It's okay, the visitor is a guest," the man said with a naive smile, before he was about to go out, he didn't forget to add, "I live in the opposite room, if you have anything, you can call me."

When the door was closed, Cang Ling quickly took out a clean cloth from the package, poured some water with the water bag, and began to wipe the bed.

Yuan Deyin was walking around the room with the rabbit in her arms. Suddenly, she saw a small stone statue on the table.

"Huh? There are still stone statues here." Yuan Deyin said curiously.

"Princess, the people's homes also have gods they believe in. It is estimated that this is not only where they put sundries, but also a place where they worship their own gods." Wuyi explained aloud.

"So that's the case." Yuan Deyin nodded, and didn't ask any more questions.

"Princess, pack it up."

Cang Ling patted the bed, and took out the quilt from the package.

Fortunately, they have the habit of carrying quilts with them, otherwise they would not be able to find quilts to cover them tonight.

"Princess, you go to sleep, the servant will keep watch for you." Wuyi said to Yuan Deyin.

"No need, this princess is not a powerless person, besides, Nine Emperor Uncles are right next to them, what danger can there be? You should all sleep with this princess." Yuan Deyin said in a serious tone said.

"The servant is a servant, how can she fall with the princess!" Cang Ling quickly shook her head.

"It's outside now, where is there any princess, come up quickly, we have to hurry tomorrow, what can we do if we don't rest well?"

Yuan Deyin hugged the rabbit and climbed to the innermost part of the bed first. She turned her head and spoke seriously.

"But the princess..."

"This is an order!" Yuan Deyin's face became more serious.

Cang Ling and Wuyi looked at each other, and finally compromised.

"The slaves obey."

They nodded, and began to blow out the lamps, and lay down.

Although the bed was a bit crude, but fortunately it was big enough for three people to lie on.

Yuan Deyin was lying in the innermost part. She hugged the rabbit and the Anshen beads, which had already sounded asleep, and began to fall asleep.

Soon, everything was quiet, except for a few dogs barking outside from time to time.

In the quiet room, no one noticed.

Opposite the bed...

Bloody tears began to flow from the eyes of the stone statue on the table...

(End of this chapter)

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