Chapter 382 Someone is watching them

Regent?Princess Deyin?

Although Chen Zhuang and the others are big bosses, the Regent and Princess Deyin still know who they are.

"The common people's eyes don't know Mount Tai, and they don't know that the two are the prince and the princess." Aunt Chen was about to kowtow in fear.

"Mother, don't be nervous, just treat us as ordinary people passing by."

After all, Yuan Deyin quickly helped him up.

"This sister, can you read?" Yuan Deyin asked Chen Shujing curiously.

Sensing her eyes, Chen Shujing was nervous, but after realizing that there was no contempt in her eyes, only curiosity and clarity, her inferiority complex was soothed.

She lowered her head and whispered, "Minnv learned from her master for a period of time when she was a child."

That's the case, Yuan Deyin nodded clearly.

The Chen family was already grateful to Yuan Deyin, but now that they knew her identity, they dared not neglect her even more.

They hurried to work on the food.

"County, princess, villain..."

Chen Shuniu walked to Yuan Deyin's side cautiously, as if he was about to kneel down at any moment.

Seeing this, Yuan Deyin immediately said seriously: "If you say something that you don't know Mount Tai, be careful that the princess will get angry."

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, how dare he say the original words.

"How old is your sister?" Yuan Deyin glanced at Chen Shujing over there, and asked Chen Shuniu curiously.

"Ten, seventeen." Chen Shuniu quickly replied.

She's the same age as her...

Yuan Deyin sighed, why did she feel a maturity beyond her age in the other party.

It must have been through a lot.

"Princess, my sister's life is very bitter..."

Seeing Yuan Deyin looking at Chen Shujing, Chen Shuniu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then recalled the past.

"Actually, my sister was very beautiful when she was just born. There is no more beautiful child in the whole village. But for some reason, when she was nine years old, she disappeared. We couldn't find her. I can't find her. My parents asked the village chief to mobilize the villagers to look for her, and finally found her in the back mountain..."

"But her face has become what it is now... Over the years, people in the village have pointed at her face. She has also become more and more reticent, and she will not go out unless she can..."

When mentioning his sister, Chen Shuniu's words were full of pity.

Yuan Deyin also felt suffocated listening to it as a bystander.

How did Chen Shujing persevere all these years?

However, according to what Chen Shuniu said, the birthmark on Chen Shujing's face was not natural.

She also wanted to ask Deng Fei what happened to the chastity matter just now, but considering that it was a secret, it was difficult for her to ask.

Aunt Chen moved very neatly, and quickly prepared the meal.

Although it is not as rich as the richness of the capital, the taste is not bad.

After the meal was full, Yuan Deyin signaled Cang Ling to put a bag of silver under the table, and then prepared to leave.

Wu Yi also came back.

The county magistrate was almost scared to pee when he saw the token, and he would naturally guarantee the safety of the Chen family, so they had nothing to worry about.

But when Yuan Deyin was about to get into the carriage, Chen Shujing, who had been silently lowering her sense of existence, rushed out.

She ran to Yuan Deyin's side, then knelt down: "Princess Deyin, please take the minnv away. Minnv can do anything."


Yuan Deyin looked at Chen Shujing puzzled.

Aunt Chen and the others also looked at this scene in shock.

"Father, mother, brother, all these years, because of me, you have not been able to hold your heads up in the village. My daughter often wonders if you would be much better off without her..."

Chen Shujing choked up with red eyes.

"You child, what nonsense are you talking about!" Aunt Chen stomped her feet, tears welling up.

"Princess, I beg you to take in this servant. If you feel that this face of this servant has stained your eyes, and this servant can cover it up, I beg you to give this servant a home."

As he spoke, Chen Shujing kowtowed heavily, and blood flowed from his forehead.

"You don't have to be like this..." Yuan Deyin shook his head quickly.

She helped Chen Shujing up, and her fingers touched the other's pulse without a trace.

I don't know if I don't check, but her heart sank when I checked.

In Chen Shujing's body, there were traces of many kinds of poisons.

She is an ordinary woman, why is there so much poison in her body?

Yuan Deyin frowned, and there was a dark tide in his eyes.

Looking up again, her eyes became firm.

"Follow the princess, you are beautiful, so you don't have to hide it." Yuan Deyin reached out to touch Chen Shujing's birthmark as she said.

Chen Shujing looked at Yuan Deyin in disbelief, her eyes turned red again.

Aunt Chen and the three of them looked at each other, not knowing how to describe their feelings.

But Yuan Deyin looked at them, and said firmly: "The Princess is just taking her away for a while, and he will pass by here when he returns to Beijing. If she wants to go home, the Princess will let her come back."

"Mother, let my sister go, maybe she will be happier in a different environment."

Chen Shuniu gritted his teeth. After hesitating for a while, he still choked up and said to their parents.

Chen Zhuang and the two looked sad, but finally relaxed.

They hurriedly nodded to Yuan Deyin: "How can we be so cared for by the princess."

Chen Shujing didn't have many things to take away, she went into the house, and soon came out with a small bag.

She knew that if she looked at her parents and elder brother more, she might be reluctant to part with it.

So she gritted her teeth, with tears in her eyes, and quickly ran into the carriage.

Yuan Deyin put her in the carriage of Wuyi and Cangling.

Seeing Chen Shujing get into the carriage, Yuan Deyin let out a breath, then nodded to the Chen family, and got into his own carriage.

Uncle Nine Emperors had been waiting in the carriage for a long time.

After she sat down, she took over the rabbit who was still soundly asleep, and said in a muffled voice: "Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin rashly added someone to the team without asking for your opinion. If you have any questions Punish you, just say it..."

"Your wings are stiff, you can do whatever you want." Jun Yu said without raising his head while setting the teacup.

His voice was cold and quiet, and he couldn't hear much emotion.

Yuan Deyin's heart tightened, and his expression became a little dignified.

Uncle Nine Emperors...

Are you so angry that you don't want to pay attention to her?

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin knows he's wrong, but he's already taken in. If you have any punishment, you can punish Deyin."

She is completely out of shape.

Finally, Jun Yu stopped pouring tea, he raised his eyes and looked at her with dark eyes.

Then he twitched the corners of his mouth and asked casually, "Why does this king punish you?"

"You said it just now, Deyin's wings are hardened, and he doesn't ask for your opinion on anything, just do it on his own!" Yuan Deyin said in a serious tone.

"But, your wings are stiff, and you are also favored by this king. How can this king blame you?"

Jun Yu said in a low voice, he slowly picked up the teacup and sipped the tea in a leisurely manner.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

There is even a little truth.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin thinks there is something wrong with the birthmark on Chen Shujing's face."

When Yuan Deyin heard that Uncle Jiuhuang didn't intend to punish her, she immediately stopped being cowardly.

She sat down obediently, then looked at Uncle Nine Emperors, and relayed to Jun Yu everything she had heard from Chen Shuniu.

The other side of Jun Yu's fingertips lightly tapped on the table, and then said lightly: "When I get the medicine from Concubine Mei, I will investigate this matter with you."

"Well, Uncle Nine Emperors, you're actually interested in this matter?" Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up, and she had the feeling that she had found a fellow.

As a result, Uncle Jiuhuang glanced at her faintly, and then said, "I'm not interested, but if I don't accompany you to investigate, I'm afraid you will have to act alone again."

Yuan Deyin: "..."

It has to be said that Uncle Nine Emperors still knows her too well.

She touched her nose in embarrassment and fell silent.

She lowered her head to smooth the hair of a certain little white, but suddenly, she felt that her sleeves were heavy.

It's strange, she remembered that she didn't wear anything, why are the sleeves so heavy?
She frowned, then flicked her sleeves.

Suddenly, a "bang" sounded.

Something fell from her sleeve.

She took a closer look, and her face instantly sank.

Because, the thing that fell on the ground was actually that stone statue!
The head of the stone statue was still broken, and a pair of hollow eyes carved out of stone were staring at her.

"Yin'er, what's wrong?"

Realizing that something was wrong with her, Jun Yu looked over with serious eyes.

"No, it's okay." Yuan Deyin shook his head.

She hesitated for a moment, but still picked up the stone statue.

She put the head on the body, but with a "click", the head fell off again.

"What is this?" Jun Yu also noticed this thing, his eyes were sharp.

"This is a small stone statue in the room where Deyin slept last night. When Deyin woke up in the morning, he found that it was missing. Who knew it was actually in the sleeve..."

But she clearly remembered that she hadn't touched this thing.

"By the way, Uncle Nine Emperors, do you have this in your room?" Yuan Deyin wanted to ask Uncle Nine Emperors if this would happen.

"No." Jun Yu shook his head very firmly.

"When you get to the resting place, ask Cang Ling and Wu Yi, maybe they accidentally put it in. Then just return it to Chen Shujing."

Seeing her serious face, Jun Yu gave her an idea.

"Yeah." Yuan Deyin nodded, that's all he could do.

Today is still on the road.

When they were resting at Chen's house, Wuying had already taken people to replenish hay and dry food, so they didn't worry about food and drink along the way, and they didn't need to find a place to stay.

Finally, from day to night, they stopped in a forest to rest for a while.

Yuan Deyin opened the curtain, and ran directly towards Wuyi and the others' carriage.

But who knows, both Wuyi and Cang Ling went to collect firewood.

"Princess." When Chen Shujing saw Yuan Deyin, she saluted quietly and respectfully.

She was wearing a veil, which covered half of her face, and looked at Yuan Deyin with a pair of watery eyes.

Seeing that it was her, Yuan Deyin thought that he could also tell her about the stone statue.

So, she quickly took out the severed stone statue from her bosom.

"Shu Jing, my princess doesn't know why the stone statue enshrined by your family appeared here, but my princess will have someone repair it as soon as possible, and bring it back to you when the time comes." Yuan Deyin said seriously .

"The enshrined stone statue? County, princess, what do you mean?"

Chen Shujing looked at Yuan Deyin suspiciously.

Obviously, she was also confused by Yuan Deyin's words.

"Isn't this the stone statue of your family?" Yuan Deyin suddenly felt a little uneasy.

"Reporting to the princess, there has never been such a thing in the servant's house. Did you remember it wrong, princess?" Chen Shujing explained helplessly.

"No! I saw this stone statue last night when the princess was sleeping in your house." Yuan Deyin's tone was still extremely serious.

"However, slaves have the habit of cleaning up the house every day, and I have never seen such a thing at home."

Chen Shujing shook her head firmly.

how so!
Yuan Deyin was also confused, she saw Cang Ling and Wu Yi coming back holding Chai from a distance, she hurried over with her skirts in hand, the bells around her waist jingling.

"Princess, what do you want to order?"

Seeing Yuan Deyin coming, Cang Ling and Wu Yi quickly put down the firewood.

"Sister Wuyi, Cang Ling, tell Shu Jing that this stone statue really belongs to their Chen family, we..."

Yuan Deyin wanted to say what they saw together last night.

But before he finished speaking, Cang Ling took the stone statue in doubt, "Princess, did the Chen family give you the stone statue? But, why does this stone statue look so strange, it is different from the ones enshrined by ordinary people?" Too much the same."

"What did you say?" Yuan Deyin looked at Cang Ling in shock when she heard this.

"County, princess, did the maidservant say something wrong?"

When Cang Ling saw Yuan Deyin's serious expression, she also became a little nervous.

She hurriedly continued to explain: "The slaves also grew up in the village since they were young. Because the people in the village have no money to buy gold statues to worship, they all keep stone statues at home."

"Yes, I have seen many ordinary people do this. But other people's homes are all Buddha-like, and this one doesn't look like a Buddha." Wuyi also explained.

"Sister Wuyi hasn't seen it either?" Yuan Deyin looked at Wuyi strangely.

Wuyi frowned, and she asked inexplicably, "Master, have you seen it before?"

"So, I haven't seen it before..."

Yuan Deyin muttered to herself, her fingers tightly clutched the stone statue, her eyes were solemn, and it was impossible to tell what she was thinking about.

"Princess, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing her like this, Chen Shujing also came over, and the three of them said in worried tones.

Yuan Deyin glanced at Chen Shujing complicatedly, then shook his head: "It's nothing."

After she finished speaking, she went straight to a nearby slope, and threw down the stone statue in her hand heavily.

Hearing the "da" sound from below, her complexion improved a little.

After doing this, she rubbed her palms with a handkerchief, and walked quickly to the carriage.

Seeing Wuying and a group of hidden guards feeding the horses, she said in a serious tone: "Brother Wuying, how long will the horses be fed?"

"It should be fine soon." Wuying replied respectfully.

"Okay, hurry up after feeding, it's okay to slow down, just don't stop." Yuan Deyin's tone was much more serious than before.

"Yin'er, did you find something wrong?"

Jun Yu got off the carriage, walked to Yuan Deyin's side, and said with concern.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, something is really wrong! Deyin always feels that there is a pair of eyes staring at us in the dark." Yuan Deyin raised his head, and his complicated eyes met Jun Yu's black eyes.

"Someone is staring at us?" Jun Yu's eyes also darkened, his whole body exuding coldness.

"That's right, that person seems to be aware of what we're going to do." Yuan Deyin shook his head at Jun Yu.

"Wuying, we will leave immediately." Jun Yu also gave Wuying a stern look.

Wuying and the others didn't dare to delay after hearing it.

Wuyi and Cang Ling didn't dare to start a fire anymore, they packed up and were ready to go.

Their horses slowed down in the dark night.

But Yuan Deyin never told them to stop.

In the carriage, she was stroking Xiao Bai while thinking about something quickly.

Who is it...

Suddenly at this time, the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and a huge gust of wind rolled up, blowing all the teacups in the carriage down.

Yuan Deyin looked out, only to find that the moon that was still high in the sky had disappeared, and there was a strong wind below.

"My lord, princess, there is a strange wind..." Wuying's intermittent voice came from outside.

(End of this chapter)

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