Chapter 383 Mysterious Cave
strange wind?
Yuan Deyin threw Xiaobai aside, and she cautiously leaned out.

It turned out that some of the small trees outside were bent by blowing.

"Prince and princess, if you continue to move forward in this environment, I'm afraid it will be dangerous." Wuying's voice continued to come from the front.

Yuan Deyin took a deep breath, sank to his dantian, and then fell to the ground next to him without being affected by the wind.

They have reached the edge of the woods, and if they go forward, there is a wooden bridge on the cliff.

If you pass through that bridge, you will only get closer and closer to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors.

She glanced up at the sky and found that the sky was full of dark clouds.

The day has changed too fast.

She lowered her eyes, thinking about something.

Suddenly, there was a "bang" in front, and the seemingly solid wooden bridge fell directly.

This scene shocked everyone.

Chen Shujing, who had already got off the carriage, saw such a scary scene for the first time, she almost fell down.

"The bridge looks solid, why did it suddenly fall down?" Cang Ling asked puzzled.

"There is no shelter in this place. Although the wood used to build the bridge seems to have no problem, it has been exposed to the sun and rain for a long time, and its interior has been rotten. Therefore, if there is a strong wind, it will be vulnerable." Shen Chuannan explained with a frown.

"It's okay, it's okay, we delayed a little bit, if we didn't delay, we would be standing on that bridge at this time, and the consequences would be disastrous." Cang Ling felt lingering fear.

"Princess, we are really lucky." Cang Ling turned around and walked to Yuan Deyin's side with emotion.

But Jun Yu had already walked over at this time, his deep eyes were full of sharpness.

"It's not so much luck as it is man-made." He said in a deep voice.

"Human salary?" Cang Ling and the others were puzzled.

Jun Yu's eyes soon fell on Wuying's body, and then said coldly: "Wuying, if you lead people to search around, there must be another way."

"Subordinates obey." Wuying lowered his head, and hurriedly led people to search.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, are you also suspecting that someone deliberately prevented us from going to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors?" Yuan Deyin asked Jun Yu solemnly.

"It doesn't have to be obstruction. If it is obstruction, wouldn't it be better to let us die on the bridge? I'm afraid the other party has other ideas."

Jun Yu slowed down and said in a deep voice.

Yuan Deyin nodded, the other party's motives are indeed quite suspicious.

At this moment, Wuying's anxious voice came from the side.

"My lord, princess, there is something strange here."

Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu looked at each other, then quickly lifted the skirt and ran over there.

In the dark night, there was a strong wind, but the sound of the bell around her waist was not affected at all.

When he reached Wuying, Yuan Deyin found that there was a mountain road in front of him.

The mountain road is spacious, but it has been in disrepair for a long time.

There seemed to be no sign of anyone passing by.

"My lord, princess, look, here is an arrowhead that was marked with a sword. This place is damp, and the stone is covered with moss, but the location of the arrowhead is clean, and it should have been engraved not long ago... Also, this arrowhead In the direction it is pointing, there is the same arrow every three meters..."

Wuying shared their findings.

Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu's eyes flashed sharply.

"Is the other party trying to show us the way? But we are not sure whether the other party is an enemy or a friend. Wouldn't it be easy to fall into a trap if we follow the past rashly?"

Shen Chuannan pondered for a while, then expressed his concerns.

Yuan Deyin walked over, raised his hand, and touched the scratch with his fingers.

"A friend, not an enemy." She said softly.

"Yin'er, what did you find?"

Jun Yu noticed that her tone was not right, and walked quickly to her side.

"This is not a sword mark, but a mark made with a crutch. The crutch is extraordinary. It is not made of ordinary wood, and its hardness is stronger than that of a sword." Yuan Deyin continued.


Wuying and the others were very puzzled.

"Well, Crazy Yu likes to scratch things with his crutch the most. I won't remember wrongly. He likes to hook up every scratch."

Yuan Deyin's tone was firm.

"Also, there is still a gap here, and there is also a gap in Crazy Yu's crutches, which was made when he lost his temper and smashed into the soul formation."

After saying this, Yuan Deyin's eyes were full of determination.

This must have been left by Crazy Yu!
She thought something happened to him, but he ran here!
"Crazy Yu?" Jun Yu's eyes darkened again.

At this time, Wuyi thought of something, and she hurriedly said: "Princess, this servant forgot to report to you. Goshawk caught up with us this evening and brought a letter from the palace. Look at that On it, it says 'Miss kiss', it should have been passed from the Yue family, and the people there thought you were in the palace. After Steward Dong received it, he let Goshawk catch up with us."

With that said, Cang Ling took out an envelope from her body.

Yuan Deyin took a look, isn't this Han Bingying's handwriting?

She quickly tore open the envelope and took out the letter.

After scanning it once, she gritted her teeth, not knowing whether she was happy or angry for a while.

"Han Bingying said that Madman Yu has traces of appearing in the capital and Gushan Gorge."

Yuan Deyin opened the way slowly.

Although all of them have been trapped in the death circle for many years, some of them still have some background.

In addition, as soon as she came out, she asked them to contact Uncle Bian, and took over the power established by her mother back then...

So it is not very difficult for them to investigate a person's traces.

"I thought the old man was killed by someone, but he turned out to be fine. He kept jumping around me, but he just didn't show up. He's playing tricks!"

Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth and muttered to himself.

There was anger and helplessness in his tone.

In fact, she already regarded Madman Yu as a relative in her heart, and when he had an accident, she was also very worried.

But it was good for him to play them like monkeys.

For a lunatic?
Shen Chuannan frowned.

Wuying and Wuyi glanced at each other, and soon remembered that it was the strange old man who stayed in the soul formation with the princess.

But does it mean that his whereabouts are unknown?
Now it sounds like it's not like her whereabouts are unknown, but like she didn't see the princess on purpose.

"Princess, could it be that this is the road given to us by the lunatic Yu?" Wuyi asked tentatively.

After all, this place is Gushan Gorge.

If Crazy Yu had appeared in this place before, then it is very likely that these traces were left by him.

After exhaling, Yuan Deyin's eyes became extremely serious.

"Let's all follow. The princess wants to see why he took so much trouble to lead us this way."

After finishing speaking, Yuan Deyin walked forward quickly.

Jun Yu didn't have any objection, he and Shen Chuannan looked at each other, and then quickly followed the little girl.

Several people walked along the arrow for nearly half an hour, and they saw a huge cave ahead.

There was a drop of water flowing down the stone wall, and there was a sound of "tick tick tick".

There is no strong wind in this place, but it has a gloomy feeling.

"My lord and princess, my subordinates go to explore the way first."

Holding the torch, Wuying planned to go in first.

But Jun Yu raised his hand, and said in a cold voice, "No need."

"Yin'er, do you want to go in?" He turned his head and looked at Yuan Deyin with serious eyes.

Sensing what she meant, Yuan Deyin nodded firmly: "Of course!"

Crazy Yu took a lot of trouble to lure her to this place, there must be something there, so it doesn't matter if she goes in and take a look.

Hearing her words, Jun Yu reached out and took her little hand.

"Remember to follow me closely."

"it is good."

Jun Yu held the torch in one hand and Yuan Deyin in the other. He still didn't forget to turn around and tell Wuying and the others: "You stay here and guard."

Although worried, but this is the order of the prince, Wuying and others can only wait.

Walking forward step by step, there is only one long corridor inside.

But the more you walk, the narrower the aisle becomes.

In the end, they had to pass one person behind the other.

"Yin'er, there is no way ahead." Jun Yu's deep voice came from the front.

No way?
Yuan Deyin frowned.

She stepped on her feet, put her hands on his shoulders, then kicked a few times, and finally climbed up a little.

Sure enough, she saw a stone wall in front of her.

No wonder she saw that there were not many traces of man-made here.

Normal people walk to the front and find it so narrow, they won't want to come in.

If you really have a heart and insist on going in, you will still be blocked by this wall.

"What the hell is Crazy Yu doing? It doesn't matter if it's unreliable, or it's a mystery." Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth and muttered.

"Yin'er, your bell...was it given to you by your concubine?"

Jun Yu suddenly asked such a question in a strange tone.

"That's right, my concubine said that when I was born, I grabbed the bell around her waist and couldn't let go. I could see that I liked the bell, so she took it off and gave it to me, and said it was a gift from her mother." What about her..."

Yuan Deyin replied obediently.

She couldn't help but patted Uncle Jiuhuang on the shoulder, and then murmured, "Didn't I tell Uncle Jiuhuang about this a long time ago? Seven years ago, that black boa constrictor almost swallowed me, After the ghost array took me away, I left this bell. Fortunately, Uncle Nine Emperors helped me keep it. In the ghost array, although the lunatic Yu brought me a lot of bells, none of them was like the one given by my mother. My dear..."

Saying that, Yuan Deyin touched the bell on her waist lovingly.

It was hung by Uncle Jiuhuang in front of her grave. After knowing that she was not dead, Uncle Jiuhuang took it back.

He still kept it with him all the time, and when Yue's family came back, he returned the bell to her.

She hasn't touched the bell for seven years, but she still has a sense of familiarity.

"Of course I remember..."

Jun Yu's tone was complicated, with emotions that Yuan Deyin couldn't understand.

He just wanted to make sure of something.

"Yin'er, can you lend me your bell?" He asked warmly with sideways eyes.

Lend her bell?
What do you want the bell for?
Yuan Deyin couldn't understand it.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a sunken place on the rock wall in front of her.

The shape of that place clearly looks like... the shape of a bell.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, don't you think Deyin's bell matches it?"

Yuan Deyin asked in a strange tone.

Although most of the bells look similar, there are still differences.

Crazy Yu has never seen her bell, so how could she set up a similar mechanism entrance?
Although Yuan Deyin felt that this was unrealistic, but Uncle Nine Emperors had spoken, she still obediently handed over the bell.

The bells collided, and there was a crisp jingle jingle sound, which was extremely pleasant to hear.

Jun Yu took out one of the bells and put it in at the entrance of the organ.

In the next moment, the stone wall was opened like a door.

"how so!"

Yuan Deyin jumped off Jun Yu's back in shock.

"Let's go." Jun Yu held her hand tightly and led her inside.

Looking at her ignorant little face, he really wanted to say what he had always guessed.

Yu lunatic...

It should be to know her concubine, or to be the guardian of her concubine.

Princess Ji should be of that person's blood.

It's just that Princess Ji died, and she became the last inheritance of that person in this world.

Crazy Yu must have come from a guardian family.

But many words came to his lips, but he took them back.

He didn't want her to suffer too much. If possible, he hoped that she would be carefree in this life.

Once inside, Yuan Deyin raised his head, and felt dizzy wherever his gaze passed.

Because there are too many night pearls here!

It is almost piled up like a mountain, making it brighter than the daytime.

"That...that's not..."

Yuan Deyin pointed to the rows of stone statues not far away, covering her mouth in shock.

These stone statues are exactly the same as the one she lost.

Moreover, it is much bigger than the lost one!
"Uncle Nine Emperors, you remember these stone statues, right?" Yuan Deyin looked at Jun Yu anxiously.

She was worried that Uncle Nine Emperors would be like Cang Ling and the others, saying that he had never seen them.

"Well, I saw you in the carriage."

Jun Yu lowered his eyes to cover up the emotions in them, and gently tapped the back of her hand with his fingertips to comfort her.

"That's good." Yuan Deyin exhaled.

Soon, her whole little face collapsed.

"What, what do you want to do to make a stone statue mysterious!" She gritted her teeth and muttered.

All of a sudden, everyone was full of anger at the madman.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Shu Jing said that this is not a stone statue enshrined by their family. It must have been thrown there by Crazy Yu. He is so powerful that he can even predict that we will pass by that place, and he can also predict that we will pass by because of Chen. The family delayed the journey, and then went to the wind, the broken bridge, and then led the way, and then came here..."

"If there is a mistake in any part of this, I'm afraid he won't be able to attract us to this place..."

"Crazy Yu is a person who can observe the sky. When I see something wrong with the weather, I should have guessed that he is playing tricks..."

"However, what is he trying to do after so much trouble!"

Yuan Deyin was talking, and the whole person became a little depressed.

At this time, Jun Yu let go of her hand, and strode to the back of the stone statues.

He flipped a switch.

With a bang, the rows of stone statues all began to descend.

Yuan Deyin was taken aback by this scene, and she walked over to see what was going on below.

As a result, the ground was closed.

At the same time, the stone wall opposite them cracked and opened like a door.

This time, seeing what was behind the door, Yuan Deyin was even more shocked than before.

Because there are no longer piles of night pearls inside, but jewels everywhere.

Yuan Deyin almost blinded the pearls inlaid on the wall and piled up on the ground.

And in the middle is actually a golden elephant more than ten meters high.

This golden statue looks like...

Why is it so similar to the stone statue!

Yuan Deyin frowned.

She couldn't help muttering: "Why is this image again, who enshrined it?"

"To lead the people of the Lord God."

"Huh?" Yuan Deyin heard Uncle Jiuhuang's words, and she looked at his back in puzzlement.

"I originally thought that the stone statue you took out on the carriage was an ordinary stone statue, but now... I guessed wrong. You have heard of Lord Tuo Ling..."

Jun Yu's voice was very low, and his last sentence was very strange.

But Yuan Deyin didn't think much about it, she replied obediently: "Well, I have heard of it."

Although she doesn't know much, she still knows a little bit about the basics.

For example, some people said that although God Lord Tuoling only lived on Fanzhou Island back then, he was the Lord of this land.

His people are very powerful, the current hermit family is just his subordinates, he also has his own guardian.

However, how could such a powerful person be destroyed along with Fanzhou Island 300 years ago?
"This is the Mani Buddha, which is the belief of the people of Fanzhou Island. You can still see this kind of stone statue in the hermit family. But in order not to contradict the Lord Tuoling, apart from the golden statue enshrined in the palace of the Lord Tuoling statues, the rest are stone statues." Jun Yu said in a deep voice.

"So that's the case... Wait, Uncle Nine Emperors, you mean that the only one that leads the palace of the Lord God is a golden statue, so isn't this one..."

Yuan Deyin pointed at the golden statue in shock.

Such a tall golden statue must belong to God Lord Toling!

But shouldn't it be missing?

How could it be in Chiyan?
Yuan Deyin looked at Uncle Nine Emperors blankly.

In her perception, Jiuhuangshu is the most powerful person, he must know a little more about these things.

She couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Uncle Nine Emperors, does Madman Yu have anything to do with Lord Tuolin?"

"En." Jun Yu turned his head, looked at her with dark eyes, and then nodded.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Sure enough, she said that the old man was unusual, but he was always secretive and unwilling to reveal his identity.

Although a little angry, Yuan Deyin quickly understood.

After all, it's hard for the old man to reveal his identity like that.

"Then this stone statue was moved here by a lunatic?" Yuan Deyin asked strangely after she calmed down.

"Do you think one person can drag so many things?" Jun Yu's eyes became a little helpless.


Yuan Deyin stuck out her tongue, she was careless.

"So Uncle Nine Emperors, is it true that God Lord Tuoling still has many people still alive, are they planning something? Will this affect Chi Yan?"

Compared with those things, Yuan Deyin was more worried that Chi Yan would be affected.

Looking at her worried little face, Jun Yu's eyes finally flashed a bit of warmth.

This little guy still has feelings for Chi Yan.

"Maybe." He let out a breath and said calmly.

It was once rumored that after 300 years, the Tuoling God Lord Clan will return, and by then, the entire land will experience a mighty bloodbath.

But these, he didn't want to talk to the little girl for the time being.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you said that Madman Yu spent so much effort to lure us here, is he trying to drag us into trouble?"

Yuan Deyin frowned, her head turned quickly, and she had already thought through the worst outcome.

Glancing at her nervous little appearance again, Jun Yu finally couldn't hold back a chuckle.

"Yin'er, you're thinking too much."

"He didn't want to drag us into the water, what's the intention?" Yuan Deyin asked, holding his mouth.

"He didn't want to lure you here, but to lure me here. These things are what he wants me to see."

Thinking of something, Jun Yu's voice became cold.

"Want you to see it?"

No matter how clever the little girl was, she was still confused at this moment.

Crazy Yu has nothing to do with Uncle Nine Emperors, why did he let Uncle Nine Emperors see these things?

Jun Yu turned his head and looked at the stone statue, a stern light flashed in his deep eyes.

Crazy Yu has done so much, just to let him correctly judge the identity of the little girl, then recognize himself clearly, and finally stay away from the little girl obediently.

After all, the bloodline of Tuolin's God-lord clan cannot be tampered with by outsiders.

(End of this chapter)

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