Chapter 384 Seeing the Master

"Let's go."

Looking away from the golden statue, Jun Yu took Yuan Deyin's hand again, ready to take her out.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, are you leaving like this?" Yuan Deyin tilted his head, his face full of confusion.

"What else do you want to do?" Jun Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at her quietly.

"Crazy Yu played us around, we should get some compensation anyway, there is so much gold here, if you don't take it, you won't take it for nothing."

Speaking of gold, Yuan Deyin's eyes seemed to have light.

It's like a little money fan.

"Don't take it."

Jun Yu firmly rejected her, then held her hand tightly, and quickly led her away from this place.


Yuan Deyin looked at him blankly, why didn't he take the gold?

"The money in the Nine Princes' Mansion is countless times more than this."

Jun Yu walked in front of her, but as if he could sense her doubts, he replied indifferently.

Yuan Deyin: "!!!"

Seven years ago, when she left, the Prince Regent's House already had a lot of money.

But listening to Uncle Nine Emperor's tone now, it seems more than seven years ago.

Yuan Deyin couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Uncle Nine Emperors, how much money does our palace have now?"

The way she probed her head and her soft voice made Jun Yu smile instantly.

"I don't know." He replied in a deep voice.

"Why don't you know?"

The little girl expressed that she was extremely puzzled.

"This king has never counted, but you just need to know that Chi Yan's treasury is not as good as the small treasury this king prepared for you."

When Jun Yu's voice fell, Yuan Deyin was stunned.

Wait, the current Chi Yan is not the Chi Yan of the past...

The current Chiyan national power is far above other countries.

If the small treasury of the Prince Regent's Mansion is bigger than Chi Yan's treasury, wouldn't it be...

Yuan Deyin's head was dizzy for a while.

From her greatly stimulated appearance, it can be seen that she has forgotten...

How much money did her mother and concubine leave her?

Counting it, it is actually no less than the Prince Regent's Mansion.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, we are so rich, will Brother Emperor fear us?"

She frowned, and suddenly became nervous.

"Don't worry, even if he's afraid, he doesn't have the guts to steal." Jun Yu turned his head and glanced at her calmly.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Suddenly, I felt that the emperor's elder brother looked very pitiful.

When he reached the switch position, Jun Yu took off her bell and tied it to her skirt himself.

"From now on, you have to protect this bell, and don't let others steal it." Jun Yu's tone was extremely serious.

"That's natural, this is the key to wealth!"

Yuan Deyin nodded firmly.

This is not only something given to her by the mother concubine, but also the key that can unlock the wealth of tens of millions, and she will definitely protect it.

However, how could the bell given by the mother and concubine open the cave of the lunatic?
Could it be that lunatic Yu has seen this bell?

Yuan Deyin was a little more puzzled.


When they walked outside, Shen Chuannan and others were still waiting outside.

"Ah Yu, what's going on inside?" Shen Chuannan asked worriedly.

"There's..." Yuan Deyin opened his mouth to talk about the situation inside.

But Jun Yu spoke first, "It's nothing, it's just an ordinary cave."

Why did Uncle Nine Emperors lie?

Yuan Deyin squinted his eyes and looked at Jun Yu suspiciously.

Knowing Jun Yu so well, Shen Chuannan naturally knew that this was just his rhetoric.

However, he won't go into it.

He let out a breath, and then said in a calm tone: "When you went in, we took a look around and found that there was a brand new road 100 meters ahead. faster."

There is such a discovery.

Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up.

From this point of view, Madman Yu is not very bad, at least he showed them a good way.

Several people were ready to go, ready to set off towards the shortcut.

Yuan Deyin walked in front of Chen Shujing at this time.

"Shu Jing, has an old man passed by your house during this time? His hair is all white, his clothes are tattered, and he carries a walking stick and wine jug..."

Yuan Deyin described all the characteristics of a lunatic.

When Chen Shujing heard this, she was shocked.

"Princess, how do you know there is such a person?"

"Really?" Yuan Deyin's guess was probably confirmed.

"Returning to the princess, there is indeed such an old grandfather. When he passed by our house late at night, he said he wanted to ask for a pot of wine to drink. My father saw that it was so late, and it was not safe for him to wander outside as an old man. So I invited him to my home." Chen Shujing answered patiently.

"Then the house he lived in that night is the utility room between you?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask sharply.

"Exactly!" Chen Shujing nodded.

Sure enough...

The room in the middle was where she stayed that night.

So, that stone statue was left behind by a lunatic.

As for why only Cang Ling and Sister Wuyi have seen the stone statue, but they have no impression, it must be the work of lunatic Yu.

What is the relationship between him and the Tuoling God Lord Clan?
Also, why does she always feel that the people and things related to Lord Toling are more mysterious and weird.

Thinking about it, Yuan Deyin felt that she had goosebumps.

She touched her arm, and said, "It doesn't matter, it's important to take medicine to save people now, let's go."

Several carriages started running on the road again.

But after a few days, they arrived outside the Valley of Divine Doctors.

Yuan Deyin looked up, the sun was shining in the sky.

She looked at the ordinary mountain in front of her, and asked suspiciously: "Uncle Nine Emperors, is this the very powerful Valley of Miraculous Doctors that is said to be like a paradise in the world? Why does it look so simple? It's because of the Eight Diagrams Formation ?"

Yuan Deyin suddenly realized what Master had said about the magic doctor Gu Bagua array.

"En." Jun Yu responded.

He let go of her hand, and took a step forward.

I can't even see how he walks, the harsh footsteps under his feet are extremely messy, but there is no mistake in every step.

Soon, he returned to Yuan Deyin's side.

And Yuan Deyin also found that the scenery in front of him had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Mountains of red leaves.

Below is a sprawling path.

"Let's go." Jun Yu continued to hold her hand and led her in.

Wuying and the others led the carriage behind and also started to walk in.

It was the first time for Chen Shujing to see the Bagua Formation, and she looked a little nervous.

Standing beside her, Wuyi comforted her with a smile: "Follow us closely, everything will be fine."

"it is good."

Chen Shujing took a deep breath, and then quickly followed their footsteps.

When all of them walked into this forest, they began to notice changes behind them, returning to the original appearance, and their traces disappeared without a trace.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, where are we going to find Master?" Yuan Deyin looked at the huge peach blossom forest and suddenly felt a headache.

She thought that the Valley of Miraculous Doctors was just a small valley, but now, she felt that her previous thoughts were really too naive.

The peach blossom forest that catches the eye is clearly a city.

"Look slowly." Jun Yu said in a deep voice.

Suddenly at this time, Shen Chuannan frowned, pointed to a direction to the right, and asked suspiciously: "Is that person a bit like Hua Sumo?"

Hua Sumo?
Yuan Deyin looked over, only to see a young man hurriedly walking towards a hill with a food box.

Although he only saw a side face, Yuan Deyin also recognized that it was Hua Sumo who had grown up.

That funny brother Su Mo who stutters!

As soon as Yuan Deyin's eyes lit up, she quickly lifted the hem of her skirt and followed quickly.

It was unrealistic for Wuying and the others to lead their horses up the mountain, so they all stayed where they were.

Only Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan kept up with Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin chased him to within ten meters of Hua Sumo.

She originally wanted to shout, but suddenly saw a red figure in front of Hua Sumo.

The man is standing under a maple tree, holding a red umbrella.

Even though he only saw the back, Yuan Deyin recognized him as Master!

But why does Master have gray hair?

Yuan Deyin saw the black hair that was originally black, but now it was black and white, and she couldn't move forward no matter what.

Shen Chuannan and Jun Yu also stopped, and both of them showed serious expressions at the same time.

"Little Su Mo, are you here?"

Yu Shengxiao spoke lightly, his voice was very soft, not at all the flirtatious play of the past.

"Well, brother, I brought the things over."

Seven years later, Hua Sumo's stuttering was also cured.

"Give it to me." Yu Shengxiao stretched out his hand, his fingers were slender, more beautiful than his daughter's fingers.

But Yuan Deyin only saw the mottled scars on it.

Master, doesn't he cherish his own skin the most?

Why are there so many wounds?
For some reason, Yuan Deyin's eyes turned red in an instant, and her throat was choked up.

Over there, Yu Shengxiao took the food box and knelt down on one knee.

Only at this time did Yuan Deyin realize that there was a small grave in front of him.

People who practice martial arts, seeing things from a long distance is not a problem for them.

So she could clearly see up there—

"The Tomb of Ai Tu Xiao De Yin"

Seeing this scene, tears fell from Yuan Deyin's eyes.

Master, he still remembers her.

Yu Shengxiao put the red umbrella on the grave, and then slowly opened the food box.

As he opened it, he said affectionately like a family member: "Little Deyin, Master has come to see you again. This is the seventh year. You are in another world. Can you have sweet-scented osmanthus cakes to eat and peach blossom stuffing to drink?" , but there is... Master..."

In the last sentence, Yu Chenxiao's voice was trembling.

"Forget it, you are so greedy, and only a teacher can support you, who wants to be your master..."

He sighed softly, then gently wiped the dirty marks on the tombstone with his fingertips.

"You have no conscience, you left without explaining anything, even if I want to cook you another delicious meal. I also know that if you are still alive, I don't want to be sad for the teacher, so every time the teacher I have come to see you in red clothes every time... You used to say that I wear red clothes like a peacock for my teacher, but now I come to see you dressed as a peacock for my teacher, are you happy..."

"It's useless to be a teacher. I sent many people to find your murderer, but they still couldn't find anyone. I'm incompetent as a teacher. Your greatest wish is to get rid of the evil poison on your Nine Emperor Uncle. Years, still no results..."

"Little Deyin, do you blame me for being a teacher, so you never came to the dream of being a teacher. I almost forgot what you look like..."

At the end, Yu Shengxiao's thin and out of shape back began to tremble.

Master... is he crying?

Looking at this scene, Yuan Deyin's eyes were once again blurred by tears.

In the past, Master was the person who hated her the most.

But he never expected that Master would be so sad during the seven years since she disappeared.

"Brother, take care of your health." Hua Sumo's eyes turned red when he saw Yu Shengxiao in such grief, but he didn't know what to say to comfort him.

"You don't have to worry about me, let me talk to Xiao Deyin. She is such a lively little one. For so many years, no one has been able to talk to her. How lonely she must be..."

"Jun Yu took her body away, and I couldn't even keep one of her belongings, so I could only make an empty tomb for her. I don't know if she can hear what I said..."

While talking, Yu Shengxiao began to smile wryly.

"I didn't miss my appointment as a teacher. I said that there is only one disciple, you are really the only one. But being a teacher really doesn't look like a master at all. I teach you so little..."

"What would you do if you were bullied in another world? Being a teacher can't help you..."

As he was talking, Yu Shengxiao hugged his body like a dog, crying with his head in his arms.

"At the beginning, my teacher said that he wanted to watch you grow up, kidnap you back to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, and then watch you get married..."

"When you died, that python was so fierce, how much pain you must have..."

He bit the back of his hand tightly, and blood flowed down the back of his hand.

It was already hard to tell whether this smear of red was his blood or his red robe.

"Master, I am not dead, Deyin is not dead!"

Yuan Deyin's eyes were red from crying, she walked forward with difficulty, and then spoke to the red figure.

After she said these words, the howling cold wind on the mountain seemed to suddenly quiet down.

The maple leaf fell silently on Yu Shengxiao's head, and rolled to the ground.

One piece, two pieces, three pieces, four pieces...

When maple leaves were piled up around him, he still froze, not daring to turn his head.

When Yuan Deyin spoke, Hua Su Mozhao quickly looked over here.

When he saw Yuan Deyin's face, his eyes widened.

A look of shock began to appear on his face.

"County, princess?"

he asked in a trembling voice.

Hua Sumo's reaction had already told Yu Shengxiao beside him the answer.

This is not his auditory hallucination, it is really his little Deyin who has returned.

His only little apprentice is back.

"Did Xiao Deyin come back? Did I call her back? Xiao Su Mo, hurry down and drive those people who know mystical arts out of the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, and don't let them discover Xiao Deyin's existence. "

Yu Shengxiao seemed to have suddenly remembered something, he held Hua Sumo's hand worriedly, and then spoke anxiously.

Could it be that Master thought she was a ghost and was afraid that others would take her away?

She remembered that Master used to be most afraid of ghosts.

Yuan Deyin's eyes started to burn again.

She said patiently, "Master, I have a shadow, I came back alive, I am not dead."

The word "not dead" came to Yu Shengxiao's ears...

With a "pop", the peach blossom wine in his hand fell off.

He turned around, only to see Yuan Deyin standing behind.

Yuan Deyin could finally see his face clearly.

It still has the face of the vagabond seven years ago, but the white hair between the temples is really too glaring.

"Master, Deyin is really back." Yuan Deyin choked up while wiping her tears with the back of her hand in a panic.

Yu Shengxiao stood up and walked towards Yuan Deyin step by step with difficulty.

After finally getting in front of her, he felt unreal.

He raised his hand and hesitated for a long time before touching her...

Yuan Deyin took the initiative to bring her face closer.

"Master, there is warmth. Deyin is back." She leaned her face in his palm, and then choked up.

It's really his little apprentice...

Yu Shengxiao burst into tears.

But he quickly turned his head back, because he didn't want the little apprentice to see himself in such a mess.

He didn't know how much effort it took before he wiped away his tears, then turned his head and pretended to be angry and said, "Why didn't you tell me that I was still alive, and that I wasted seven years of sacrifices."

"I'm sorry, Master, Deyin knew he was wrong." Yuan Deyin apologized guiltily.

"Little Su Mo, hurry up and push that grave to this genius doctor. Also, bring back the sweet-scented osmanthus cake and peach blossom wine, so that those birds won't share their food..."

Yu Shengxiao returned to his former appearance, he muttered loudly, and began to give instructions to Hua Sumo.

"Yes, senior brother." Hua Sumo hurriedly started to do it.

"Xiao Deyin, this genius doctor guesses that you must have a last resort for not coming back, but it doesn't matter, as long as you come back safely now. By the way, is this genius doctor the first person you met... Jun Yu then Forget about the guy, I haven't seen you in seven years, he must be disabled, and I don't know how many concubines he has taken, don't go looking for him, just stay in the valley of genius doctors, and find a reliable husband for your teacher..."

Seeing her crying, he was also very helpless.

So with a playful smile on his face, he continued to plan to abduct her to the valley of genius doctors.It seemed that this would stop Yuan Deyin from crying.

Not far away, a certain Lord Regent's face was completely blackened.

Does this jade monkey think he is dead?
He even wanted to abduct his little girl.

"Xiao Deyin, just say something. That old man Jun Yu has nothing to do, so just stay here." Yu Shengxiao said with a smile.

"Master, if Deyin says that you are not the first person Deyin sees after he comes back, what will happen to you?"

Yuan Deyin finally found a chance to speak, she asked weakly.

"Hmph, the teacher will kill that person." Yu Sheng Xiao's eyes flashed with hostility.

"Okay then, master, try hard and see if you can hurt a hair of Uncle Jiuhuang."

While talking, Yuan Deyin pointed in the direction of Jiuhuangshu not far away with his finger.

Following her fingers, Yu Shengxiao raised her head, and finally met Jun Yu's cold eyes.



"Little Su Mo, don't dig the grave!" Yu Shengxiao screamed.

He turned his head quickly, stopped Hua Sumo's movement, then knelt in front of the tombstone and began to cry.

"Oh, little Deyin, you died so badly. Master didn't see anything just now, and didn't say anything. You have to take care of yourself down here. If there's anything that's not enough, I'll ask your Uncle Nine Emperors to burn it for you..."

(End of this chapter)

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