Chapter 385
"Is it good to have a good time?"

Shen Chuannan couldn't stand it anymore. He was a little sad by Yushengxiao's words before, but now seeing Yushengxiao's cowardly look, his face turned dark.

He walked directly behind Yu Shengxiao and spoke expressionlessly.

Hearing this voice, Yu Shengxiao, who was pretending to cry, froze.

He turned back hesitantly, looking at Shen Chuannan with a pair of slightly red and swollen peach blossom eyes.

"Shen Fox, so you're here too."

His voice suddenly dropped, and there was a sense of regret.

At this time, Jun Yu also walked towards this side.

Yushengxiao's hairs stood on end again.

It has to be said that no matter how many years have passed, when he faces Jun Yu, he will still be cowardly.

He stood up nervously, trying to hide behind Shen Chuannan.

But at this time, Jun Yu said softly to him: "Let's go, I've already arrived at the valley of your magic doctor, why don't you invite me to drink a cup of tea?"

Jun Yu was very calm and could not hear any anger.

Yu Shengxiao looked at Jun Yu in shock.

He was planning to abduct a certain Nine Emperor Uncle girl, why isn't he angry?

Seeing Yusheng Xiao's puzzled look, Shen Chuannan snorted coldly.

"My lord can't bear to watch your poor acting skills."

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

"Don't think we can't see it, you are joking because you want the princess not to feel guilty. Let's go, you have made yourself into an old man, and you want to blow the wind on the mountain?"

In the last sentence, Shen Chuannan's tone was mixed with a bit of helplessness.

If he knew that Yu Shengxiao would be so sad because of the death of Princess Deyin, he would have trapped him in the capital no matter what he said.

Put it under his nose, maybe it won't become so embarrassing.

Shen Chuannan's words successfully made Yu Shengxiao's face stiffen.

He twitched the corner of his mouth, and then said softly, "Go down."

Yuan Deyin did not follow them, but walked behind them.

She approached Hua Sumo, then lowered her voice and said, "Brother Su Mo, why did Master turn his head gray? He..."

Yuan Deyin had been brewing some words in her heart for a long time, but she didn't know how to say them.

"Princess...Forget it, I'll call you Deyin." Hua Sumo's personality is much calmer and more generous than seven years ago.

He glanced at Yu Shengxiao with complicated eyes, and then continued to answer Yuan Deyin: "People in the world say that Miracle Doctor Yu is unrestrained, passionate in love, and ruthless behind his back. But they don't know that it is just a mask of senior brother."


Although Yuan Deyin felt it a little bit in her heart, when Hua Sumo said this, her heart was still very dull as if it had been hit by a hammer.

"That's right. It's funny to say. People outside say that senior brother is merciful and has affairs with so many young women, but he never knew that senior brother has never even held a woman's hand..."

When Hua Sumo mentioned this, his expression was a little helpless.

The corners of Yuan Deyin's mouth also collapsed.

She had always thought that Master was a passionate prodigal son, but she never thought that he was such an innocent person.

"Deyin, I'm telling you this just to let you know that although senior brother seems unreliable, he really treats you as his apprentice and loves you. In the first year after your accident, he was often alone Running to this mountain, sitting for three days..."

"He thinks you are lively and can't stand being alone. He's afraid that if he walks away, no one will accompany you..."

"He is a doctor, how could he let his hair grow gray? After all, he has a heart disease that cannot be cured..."

"He always blamed himself for taking you out that night. If it wasn't for him, maybe you would have stayed in the Prince Regent's Mansion and wouldn't have died. When he woke up in the middle of the night, he would stand in the courtyard, After another night of sitting, he often told me that it was him who deserved to be damned..."

"He was lonely all his life, without father and mother, and he had to guard this lonely valley of genius doctors for the rest of his life. You are the only little apprentice he wants to treat sincerely, but he thinks that he is the murderer who killed you..."

"I'm depressed, how can I not turn my head white?"

At the end, Hua Sumo's voice was trembling.

As a bystander, he was unable to stop his senior brother from punishing himself frequently.

Because letting the senior brother punish himself, maybe the depression in his heart can be released.

"Great, you're back."

Hua Su looked at Yuan Deyin with red eyes, and spoke his mind.

Whether it's for the brother, or for the friendship that Yuan Deyin treated him as a friend at the beginning, he is sincerely grateful for her coming back to life again.

"Thank you for taking care of Master for so many years." Yuan Deyin's voice choked up.

She wiped away the tears she shed with the back of her hand, and then ran to Yu Shengxiao's side in a bouncing manner pretending nothing happened.

She took the initiative to take the back of his arm, and then said coquettishly: "Master, Deyin misses you so much."

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yu Shengxiao's body froze, and her eyes were burning hot.

But he was quickly pushed back, and he pretended to be calm and said: "Xiao Deyin, you actually hold the hand of Master, aren't you afraid that your Jiuhuang uncle will be angry?"

"You are the master, and the apprentice is close to the master. Even if Uncle Nine Emperors is Deyin's father, he shouldn't be angry."

Yuan Deyin said seriously.

Yusheng Xiao was amused by these words.

He glanced at Jun Yu with peach blossom eyes, and then said provocatively: "Oh, Lord Jiuhuangshu, Xiao Deyin said you shouldn't be angry."

"Why is this king angry? You are just a master, she is respecting the elders."

There was no trace of Jun Yu's anger at all, he glanced at Yu Shengxiao faintly, and said these words casually.

Respect, respect the old?
The corner of Yushengxiao's mouth twitched.

I have to say that Jun Yu is still the same Jun Yu back then, and his words are still so cruel.

Shen Chuannan stood on the side and saw this scene.

A little smile finally appeared on his face.

It's been a long time since I saw such a scene of falling in love and killing each other.

When they returned to the foot of the mountain, Wu Ying and the others were shocked when they saw Yu Shengxiao's appearance.

But Jun Yu glanced over ahead of time.

They understood instantly, quickly suppressed their shock, and saluted as if nothing had happened.

"I've seen Divine Doctor Jade."

"How many years have I been an old acquaintance, do you still need to be so polite when you see this miracle doctor?"

Yu Shengxiao took out the jade bone fan from her arms, and said in a haughty tone.

For a moment, Yuan Deyin felt that the heartless master back then had returned.

"Xiao Deyin, you must be hungry. I will take you back as a teacher and cook something delicious for you."

Yu Shengxiao smiled at Yuan Deyin, then grabbed her little hand with his backhand, and led her to his residence.

When Shen Chuannan saw this scene, he only felt a headache.

Although A Yu wasn't angry just now, it doesn't mean that you, Yusheng Xiao, can pull the princess's hand so brazenly.

Worried that Jun Yu would be angry, and then directly kill a certain flower peacock... cough, no, but slaughtered a certain white peacock, Shen Chuannan hurriedly spoke out first.

"Ah Yu, Yusheng Xiao may have been unintentional, he didn't intend to hold Princess Deyin's hand."

In the end, after hearing his words, Jun Yu was calmer than anyone else.

His black eyes looked over, and then said softly: "So what if he did it on purpose, so what if he didn't do it on purpose?"

"A Yu, you, aren't you angry?"

Shen Chuannan was confused by Jun Yu's words, and his eyes were extremely puzzled.

"The relationship between master and apprentice, why should I have any scruples? Besides, if Yusheng Xiao Ruo didn't hold Yin'er's hand, would it be possible to hold your hand?"

After finishing speaking, Jun Yu withdrew his gaze.

He flicked his sleeves and followed Yu Shengxiao's pace directly in front of Shen Chuannan.

Shen Chuannan: "???"

No matter how you talk, you accidentally hurt him!
Forget it, as long as A Yu is not angry with that kid Yu Shengxiao, Shen Chuannan heaved a sigh of relief, and he quickly followed.

To get to Yushengxiao's residence, they had to pass through a large area of ​​farmland, tea mountains and fruit forests.

After walking this way, Yuan Deyin was even more shocked.

Master said at the beginning that Miracle Doctor Gu is self-sufficient, and it is true.

And when Yu Shengxiao took Yuan Deyin and walked past the people of Miracle Doctor Valley, he always said proudly: "This is the apprentice of the owner of this valley."

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

After all, they all knew that Master Gu had only accepted one apprentice, and that was Princess Deyin.

But didn't Princess Deyin pass away seven years ago?

For this reason, the valley owner has been sad for a long time.

Because Miracle Doctor Valley is isolated from the outside world, they are not well-informed, so they didn't know that Yuan Deyin was still alive before.

But seeing Gu Zhu so happy, they naturally wouldn't doubt Yuan Deyin's identity.

They hurriedly shouted loudly: "I have seen Princess Deyin."

Yuan Deyin was frightened by this scene, and she quickly said softly: "You don't have to be so cautious, Deyin came to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors as a master's apprentice, not a princess."

It is rumored that the people of the Valley of Divine Doctors are simple people, without the concept of hierarchy from the outside world, they are self-sufficient, rich and healthy.

That must not disrupt their lives because of her arrival.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, those people hurriedly said: "How can that be done? You are the apprentice of our Valley Master, so you are naturally someone we respect. How about we call you Miss?"

"Okay." Yuan Deyin didn't refuse anymore, she nodded with a smile.

Along the way, some aunts came with fruits, and sisters came with honey, and everything was stuffed into the hands of Wuying Wuyi and the others.

Yuan Deyin and a certain fat rabbit were also fed to their stomachs.

Obviously I can't eat anymore, but my mouth just can't stop.

In front of her, she was about to burst her belly, but Jun Yu couldn't help but walked to her side helplessly.

He took the peach away from her hand, and then said helplessly: "Don't eat it, my king didn't let Wuyi bring the piggy's clothes, and you have no clothes to change when your clothes are worn out."

It was only after knowing the sound of Yuan De that I heard it...

Is Uncle Nine Emperors saying that she is a little pig?
Her little face collapsed in an instant, and she said sadly: "Uncle Jiuhuang, you actually said that Deyin is a pig!"

"Cuckoo..." Hahahahaha.

Next to it, a certain big fat rabbit was gnawing on a radish, and still didn't forget to look up and laugh at Yuan Deyin.

In the next moment, it was directly picked up by Jun Yu.

Jun Yu took away its radish without mercy, and then inserted the half-eaten radish back into the field.

He still didn't forget to say in a cold voice: "Eat again, when you set up the table, your body is enough for ten tables to eat."

Xiaobai: "???" You actually want to eat the meat smashed by this rabbit?

Seeing a certain rabbit looking scared and angry, Yuan Deyin instantly felt balanced.

At most, she was despised by Uncle Nine Emperors like a pig, but a certain rabbit was directly on the plate.

So she casts a haughty glance at one of the rabbits and walks past it.

After walking for a while, the group finally arrived at Yu Shengxiao's residence.

It was a house built in the lake, and there was a long wooden bridge leading there.

The water in the lake is clear, and you can see fish swimming in it.

Looking up, you can still see a mountain spring flowing down from the top of the mountain.

It is really a beautiful scenery surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Yuan Deyin took a deep breath of fresh air, and then couldn't help but said: "Master, your place is indeed a paradise. If you live here, people will live a few more years."

"That's right, my teacher has already said that it would be great for you to come to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors. Look at little Su Mo, he is getting more and more handsome now, if you marry him..."

Yu Shengxiao spoke so excitedly that he completely forgot that a certain Lord Regent was beside him.

As he spoke, he felt a gust of wind blowing, making him feel like he was in winter.

He shrank his neck, then turned his head, only to meet Jun Yu's gloomy black eyes.

He smiled awkwardly, and then said expressionlessly: "Xiao Deyin, in fact, the Valley of Divine Doctors is not so good, for example, there are many mosquitoes in summer. And little Su Mo is not so handsome, with his face like a knife. , It was cut artificially for him by the teacher. And most importantly, he doesn't like women, so the teacher feels that he is not good enough for you."

Brother Su Mo, don't you like women?

When Yuan Deyin heard Yu Shengxiao's words, she looked at Hua Sumo from beginning to end with suspicious eyes.

Hua Sumo: "???"

Why didn't he know that he didn't like women?

But facing Yu Shengxiao's threatening eyes, he could only smile stiffly, and then said, "That's right, I probably don't like women."

Yuan Deyin: "..." Should?
"Okay, okay, Xiao Deyin, don't worry about these details."

Yu Shengxiao changed the topic with a smile, and then walked towards the house with Yuan Deyin.

They walked across the long wooden bridge, passed a gazebo, and finally came to the house.

The people inside heard the movement and ran out quickly.

Soon, they saw a woman in a blue dress.

She first smiled and nodded to Yu Shengxiao.

But when she saw so many people around him, she was slightly shocked and a little nervous.

"Sister Aqiao, don't be nervous, this is Chiyan Regent, this is Lord Prime Minister Shen, and this is Princess Deyin."

Hua Sumo hurriedly introduced to A Qiao.

When A Qiao heard this, she quickly gestured with her fingers. She was all smiles, as if she was very welcome.

"Master, this sister..." Yuan Deyin looked at Yu Shengxiao with puzzled eyes.

"A Qiao is a child in Guli, but her parents died early, so she was made to be Xiao Su Mo's drug boy as a teacher. Also, her throat was damaged when she was born, and she has been unable to speak sound."

Yu Shengxiao patiently explained.

"Can't talk?" Yuan Deyin felt a little pity when he saw Aqiao's pretty face.

What a pity that such a good-looking sister can't express her emotions with her voice.

"Master, can't you help her?" Yuan Deyin looked at Yu Shengxiao expectantly.

"I can't." Yu Shengxiao sighed, looking helpless.

Although others call him a genius doctor, he is just a mortal, not a Daluo god, and he is helpless with many diseases.

"By the way, Jun Yu, how is your evil poison?"

Yu Shengxiao thought of the evil poison on Jun Yu's body, his heart tightened, and he hurried to Jun Yu's side, took his hand, and felt his pulse.

But after taking the pulse, his expression was unpredictable.

"Jun Yu, you... What kind of medicine did you take?"

Yu Shengxiao's tone was very shocked, because he found out from Jun Yu's pulse that Jun Yu's evil poison seemed to be well restrained, and there was a possibility of it being eliminated.

"It's Yin'er." Jun Yu had no intention of hiding anything, he glanced at the little girl's position, and then said in a deep voice.

Little Deyin?
Yu Shengxiao looked at Yuan Deyin in shock.

Did Xiao Deyin have any opportunity in the past seven years?

He still wants to ask something, but he also knows that there is nothing to say here.

He quickly coughed lightly, and then led everyone into the house.

A Qiao hurried to make tea.

"Little Su Mo, hurry up and prepare some dishes. This genius doctor is going to cook something delicious for Xiao Deyin today."

Yu Shengxiao still didn't forget to turn around and tell Hua Sumo.

"Master, there is no rush. De came to you because he was in a hurry." Yuan Deyin held Yu Shengxiao's restless hand.

"Urgent matter?" Yu Shengxiao raised her eyebrows and looked at her puzzled.

"Sister Qingzhou is unconscious now, and Deyin needs two herbs to wake her up." Yuan Deyin said solemnly.

Sister Qingzhou?

Oh, it's Xiao Deyin's friend.

Yu Shengxiao knew that Yuan Deyin came to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors to ask for medicine, but he was not unhappy, instead he asked very seriously: "Then Xiao Deyin, what medicine do you need?"

"Thousand hooks and Fengronghua, I don't know if there are these two medicines in the Valley of Divine Doctors."

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, the smile on Yushengxiao's face gradually faded, and his expression was even a little complicated.

"This medicine is available. But it's a relatively rare medicine in the Godly Doctor Valley..."

Seeing him in such distress, Yuan Deyin's heart hangs.

She asked worriedly: "Master, did you make things difficult for you?"

"It's not a problem, because these two herbs are not used on weekdays. If you need them, the teacher is naturally willing to give them to you. But the place where these two herbs are grown..."

Seeing that the senior brother was very embarrassed to explain, Hua Sumo hurriedly stood up to help.

"The herbs in the Valley of Divine Medicine are spread all over the valley, but there are a small number of more precious herbs that are managed by Grandma Zongmu."

"Grandma Zongmu?"

Yuan Deyin frowned, why is this name so familiar?

"She is Granny Zonglin's younger sister. Granny Zonglin has received many inheritances in her life. Although she didn't call our master a master, the name is still here. Unlike Granny Zonglin, Granny Zongmu is our real son. Master uncle of the Eight Classics. Although I am in charge of the main affairs of the valley, she is in charge of her herbal medicine."

Yu Shengxiao went on to explain.

"Then let's go to that mother-in-law to ask for medicine, isn't it all right?" Cang Ling couldn't help but make a sound.

"If only things were that simple." Hua Sumo's expression was extremely serious.

He continued: "Grandma Zongmu is more difficult to get along with than Granny Zonglin, and she was born in the Valley of Divine Doctors since she was a child. Herbs."

"Then there are no other places in the Valley of Divine Doctors that have these two herbs?" Yuan Deyin asked.

"No, these two herbs have very high requirements on the environment, and they can only be grown in the medicine field managed by Grandma Zongmu." Yu Shengxiao shook her head.

"Then let's steal it directly." Shen Chuannan said indifferently, his words were straightforward.

"Grandma Zongmu's martial arts is only a little weaker than that of Jun Yu back then, how can she steal it?"

Yu Shengxiao glanced at Shen Chuannan.

He sighed and continued: "Grandma Zongmu probably has received the news that you have entered the valley. You are brought in by this genius doctor. Even if she has an opinion in her heart, she will not stop it. But take the herbs from her hand ,too difficult."

The more she thought about it, the more dignified Yusheng Xiao's expression became.

In fact, there is such a master as Ah Yu, and they still have so many people, they can grab it by force.

But he was afraid that after the robbery, the master and master would crawl out of the coffin, saying that he even bullied the master and uncle, he was simply bullying the master and destroying the ancestors!

Yuan Deyin could also see Yushengxiao's entanglement, she shook her head, and decided not to embarrass him.

"Master, isn't Deyin your apprentice? Deyin is also a member of the Miracle Doctor Valley, so let Deyin go meet this Grand Master Uncle for a while." Yuan Deyin said firmly.

"Okay, but I suggest that you clean yourself up before going. After all, Grandma Zongmu has a serious obsession with cleanliness."

After Yu Shengxiao looked Yuan Deyin from head to toe, he said in a serious tone.

Yuan Deyin glanced down, and found that he was really dirty now because he was on his way.

"it is good."

After finishing speaking, she quickly took Wuyi and the others to find a place to take a bath.

After washing herself deliciously, Yuan Deyin shouted: "Cang Ling, bring the clothes to the princess."

Soon, Cang Ling's hesitant voice came from the front: "Princess, this servant is guilty. That day there was a strong wind, and your things fell on the ground. The servant picked it up and forgot to check it. When I looked at it, I found that the clothes were dirty..."

"But princess, don't worry, sister Wuyi has already gone to wash your dress." Cang Ling continued to add anxiously.

Go to wash now, when will I be able to do it?

Yuan Deyin looked at the gradually cooling bath water, and then remembered that sister Qingzhou was still waiting for her medicine.

She let out a breath, and then said: "Cang Ling, bring your clothes to the princess."

"Jun, princess, that was passed through by slaves. You are a rich man, so it's not suitable." Cang Ling said with trepidation.

Yuan Deyin wanted to say that she didn't mind, it's already this time, so what's so worthless!

But through the screen, Yuan Deyin saw Cang Ling's nervous appearance.

I'm afraid that if she really wears her clothes today, she will continue to feel uneasy.

"My princess remembers that there are new clothes in Uncle Jiuhuang's box, so hurry up and steal one while he's gone." Yuan Deyin said patiently.

"Ah?" Cang Ling said in surprise.

Could it be that the princess wants to wear the prince's clothes?

"Cang Ling, if you don't go, the princess will wear your clothes." Yuan Deyin warned.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Cang Ling didn't dare to hesitate.

"Your servant obeys." She quickly ran to steal the clothes.

After a while, little Cang Ling ran in blushing, holding a set of black robes in her hands.

It was the first time she stole clothes, or the prince's clothes, and if she was found out...would she behead her?
"Don't worry, if Uncle Nine Emperors knows, he will cut off the head of the princess first."

Seeing her nervous appearance, Yuan Deyin teased.

While chatting with Cang Ling, Yuan Deyin had already put on Uncle Jiuhuang's clothes.

Thanks to the fact that the clothes brought back by the lunatic were neither male nor female, it would not be difficult for her to wear men's clothing now.

But, this robe is too big!
Looking at the extremely long sleeves, Yuan Deyin felt a headache.

However, she quickly took out the needle and thread from the bag next to her, and after a few random stitches, the robe became least, it did look like that from the outside.

"Let's go." Yuan Deyin tied up her hair casually.

Soon a handsome young man appeared in front of Cang Ling.

She walked a few steps and found that Cang Ling was still in a daze.

She hurriedly turned her head back, raised her eyebrows and looked at her: "What are you still doing in a daze, let's go."

"Yes! The servant obeys!"

Cang Ling came to her senses, she nodded quickly with a red face, and then ran up.

She just lost her mind...

I actually think that the princess is quite handsome.

Yuan Deyin didn't go out the front door either. She climbed out the window and rowed away.

Because the master said that Grandma Zongmu was behind the mountain, and it would be faster to go this way.

In the front hall, Yu Shengxiao sat there and sighed.

"When Princess Deyin comes out, and truth will accompany her there, the two of them are more likely to succeed." Shen Chuannan said.

Hearing Shen Chuannan's words, Yu Shengxiao quickly raised her head: "Don't, don't, don't..."

"You, Junyu, and Wuying and others, don't follow." He looked like he was facing a big enemy.

His appearance aroused the curiosity of Jun Yuer and Shen Chuannan.


"As long as you are a man, don't go near the back mountain." Yusheng Xiao blushed, then gritted her teeth, "Grandma Zongmu...she has strange hobbies."


"That's right, it's related to the exercises she practices. She likes handsome young men very much. Men in the valley regard her land as a forbidden area. It's okay for women and ugly men to go there, but Good-looking man, going there, it's like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth..."

Yu Shengxiao explained with difficulty.

"At the beginning, little Su Mo ran over there ignorantly, but was almost stripped naked and thrown on the bed. Fortunately, this genius doctor took the risk of losing his innocence and rescued him..."

The more Yusheng Xiao talked, the more difficult it was for her to speak.

It's really amazing to have such an uncle at the booth.

Hua Sumo stood beside him with a very strange expression.

That was his history of humiliation, senior brother actually said that!
Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan's faces darkened.

What an amazing fetish.

"Grandma Zongmu has coveted this genius doctor for a long time these years, but fortunately, Gangchang ethics restrained her. She still cared about the relationship between this genius doctor and her, so she reluctantly did not do anything... But you don't necessarily..."

Yu Shengxiao looked at Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan with worried eyes.

The faces of both of them darkened again.

No wonder Yu Shengxiao refused to let them go to the back mountain when they first came to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors.

It turned out that there was such a reason.

"But don't worry, Granny Zongmu doesn't have any interest in the girl's family, plus Xiao Deyin is the apprentice of this genius doctor, she is very safe."

Yu Shengxiao comforted Jun Yu and Shen Chuannan.

It's just that he doesn't know...

At this moment, Yuan Deyin, who was very safe in his mouth, just brought the boat closer to the back mountain, and suddenly felt the danger approaching.

She was alert all over.

But who knew that the danger was going towards Cang Ling behind her.

"Cang Ling, be careful." She called out worriedly, trying to protect Cang Ling.

But in the next moment, the opponent suddenly changed his attack to attack.

A strong smell wafted directly into her mouth and nose.

This was the only thought in Yuan Deyin's mind before fainting.

This time should be the first time she has been calculated successfully after learning martial arts.

It's all because she thought that the genius doctor Gu was not in danger.

Moreover, the man in the dark has unfathomable martial arts and is also a master of medicine. She thought that the other party was going to attack Cang Ling and forgot to protect herself.

However, who exactly did it to her in the valley of genius doctors?


When Yuan Deyin woke up, she saw the big red bed curtain.

Her eyes glanced a little, and she found a big red pillow and a big red quilt.

Wait, what's with the red "囍" on the wall! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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