Chapter 386: Stealing Medicine
Yuan Deyin quickly got up.

She glanced down at her clothes and was relieved to find that they were still men's clothes.

It's okay, it's okay, people are fine.

But where did Cang Ling go?

She anxiously wanted to get up and look for someone, but found that she couldn't exert any strength.

Suddenly at this moment, there was a slight scoff in the room.

"Little poor, I advise you not to move around, because it's all in vain. I made the drug myself, and no one can undo it except me."

this sound...

It was a very young female voice, and it sounded pretty nice.

But why does it sound so nasty?
He even called her poor girl!
Yuan Deyin looked forward with difficulty, only to see a woman in a red wedding dress twisting her body and walking over.

Her hair is half up and half down, revealing a coquettish face.

Her face is really coquettish, mature and enchanting.

As she walked, the scenery under her wedding dress began to appear faintly.


Yuan Deyin choked for breath, and didn't know which direction to glance.

Finally, the woman walked to the side of the bed, straddled Yuan Deyin's small body with a slender leg, and lifted her chin with her fingertips.

Now, Yuan Deyin can't even look directly at her.

Moreover, being so close, Yuan Deyin could clearly smell the strong scent of rouge and gouache on the opponent's body.

Really, really, really choking.

Yuan Deyin couldn't help but rubbed his nose, wanting to sneeze.

"If you dare to sneeze on my old lady's bed, my old lady will kill you now."

The woman sensed Yuan Deyin's intentions, her eyes narrowed slightly, and the dangerous light was naked.

She even started to use her other hand to break Yuan Deyin's face back.

Yuan Deyin's head was snapped back, facing the woman's position.

Looking at it, Yuan Deyin felt that she really wanted to cry.

What the hell is this.

Although she likes to look after her sister, but this sister is too enthusiastic, she can't hold it.

Also, the "I'll take care of you" that my sister said just now, maybe that's what she meant...

"A little man, with such a thin skin and tender flesh, won my heart..."

The woman touched Yuan Deyin from forehead to chin with her fingers.

Her salivating eyes looked as if Yuan Deyin was a delicious delicacy.

Yuan Deyin: "???"

It was exactly what she thought!

She has entered the wolf's den!

Why didn't Master say that there is such a dangerous person in Miracle Doctor Valley?

Seeing that the woman in front of her was about to start taking off her clothes, the hairs all over her body stood on end.

She then hurriedly said; "Wait a minute, I'm not a man!"

"Not a man?" The woman's eyes flickered slightly, and she just stared at Yuan Deyin like this.

Seeing that the other party stopped, Yuan Deyin breathed a sigh of relief, and she quickly continued: "I'm really a woman, look, I don't even have an Adam's apple, I just wore men's clothes for fun."

As she said that, Yuan Deyin quickly raised her fair neck.

The woman's gaze also began to move down, and soon landed on her neck with such an Adam's apple.

"Beautiful sister, I'm not the one you like, so let me go quickly."

Seeing the other party, Yuan Deyin seemed to have no idea about her, and her tone softened.

"Beautiful sister?"

After hearing Yuan Deyin's words, the woman seemed to hear something funny.

The way she stared at Yuan Deyin became more and more strange.

"You little guy, you actually call me your sister?" She suddenly drove over again, pinched Yuan Deyin's chubby cheeks, and pinched them into a ball.

Yuan Deyin was unprepared, so he was pinched into a pouting appearance, and it was difficult to speak.

She expressed her doubts helplessly with her eyes.

Isn't it right to call sister?

Do you want to call me sister?

Finally, I don't know how long it took before the woman was willing to let go of Yuan Deyin's face.

Yuan Deyin let out a sigh of relief. After being pinched for so long, his face was sore.

"Sister...cough, no, sister, is it convenient for you to help me undo the drug?" Yuan Deyin continued to probe.

"Undo the drug, you're leaving, where did I get my pet?" The woman sneered at Yuan Deyin.


What kind of perverted hobby is this!

Yuan Deyin's hairs stood on end.

She bit the bullet and said, "You like male pets. I'm a female, so it's not suitable for you."

"You're wrong. I don't really have any requirements for gender. It doesn't matter if it's a good-looking woman, even if it's a woman?"

She sneered and began to undress.

Yuan Deyin: "!!!"

What is she going to do!

Seeing Yuan Deyin was about to explode, the woman snorted again: "Don't try to escape, in this valley of genius doctors, except for Yu Shengxiao, there really is no one who can unravel my drug."

After finishing speaking, she walked towards the bed again, trying to pick up Yuan Deyin and strip her naked.

But at this moment, Yuan Deyin rolled like a carp easily, dodged directly, and jumped far away.


Seeing that Yuan Deyin actually moved, the woman's expression froze for a moment, and her eyes became dangerous.

"You can actually break my drug?"

"Thank you also for talking to me a few more words and giving me time." Yuan Deyin said indifferently.

If it wasn't because it was Uncle Nine Emperor's clothes and she didn't have much medicine hidden, she would have cured the damned drug long ago.

Caused her to lie on that bed and let the mermaid go for so long.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's relaxed words, the woman looked at her quietly.

Her mouth was always pursed, as if she was thinking about something.

After a while, she suddenly chuckled, her voice even weirder.

"You are really getting more and more interesting. I haven't seen such an interesting little pet for a long time."

Yuan Deyin: "???"

"If I see it, it will either be left behind, or the corpse will be used as fertilizer."

After the woman finished speaking, she took off her wedding dress, turned it into a ribbon, and threw it directly towards Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin: "!!!"

Do it as soon as you do it, can you not take off your clothes!

For the opponent's attack, Yuan Deyin hid very easily.

But she can't wait to close her eyes now, because... Cough, that picture is not easy to describe.

He's still a trainer?

Seeing Yuan Deyin's actions, the woman's expression became even weirder.

Obviously, Yuan Deyin has another advantage that makes her satisfied.

The two came back and forth, fighting in the house, and the roof was a little crumbling.

In fact, after a few rounds, Yuan Deyin was basically certain that her martial arts were superior to this woman.

It is not difficult to defeat the opponent.

But she doesn't know what this woman's real identity is now.

She was afraid that if she acted too hard, the consequences would be troublesome...

So just keep going.


On the other side, Yu Chenxiao knocked on the table for a while, and held his face for a while, looking a little depressed.

"Why did Xiao Deyin take a bath for so long?"

He murmured: "The miraculous doctor's uncle often goes to bed before dark, if it is later, it may be too late to negotiate with her."

At this moment, Cang Ling hurried in.

She was wet all over because she swam back from the back mountain.

"My lord, my lord, something happened to the princess."

Jun Yu's face changed suddenly, he stood up quickly, not knowing that the teacup in his hand had been knocked down.

"What happened to Xiao Deyin? Didn't she go to take a bath?"

Yu Shengxiao was both worried and confused.

"Our princess wanted to get the medicine early, so after she finished washing, she rowed to the back mountain... But who knows, when we arrived at the back mountain, a person rushed out and knocked the princess unconscious, and the servant fell to the ground. It was only when I got into the lake that I escaped a catastrophe, but when I swam out of the water, I couldn’t see the princess, so I had to come back and ask for help..."

Back Mountain?

A person suddenly rushed out?

Yu Shengxiao, Shen Chuannan, and Jun Yu's complexions instantly darkened.

Could it be what they thought?
"Miss Cangling, what are the characteristics of that person? The back mountain is the site of Grandma Zongmu, and no one in the valley should go there." Hua Sumo asked suspiciously.

"The servant did not see her face, but what is certain is that it is a woman in a wedding dress."

With a "bang", the teacup in Yushengxiao's hand fell, and his face was distorted...

"Grandma Zonglin...she loves to wear wedding dresses." Hua Sumo said boldly.

When Hua Sumo said these words, Jun Yu's whole body was condensed into one.

The penetrating coldness gave him the feeling that he could tear down the house at any time.

Seeing this, Shen Chuannan quickly comforted her: "Ah Yu, don't be nervous. Princess Deyin belongs to a girl's family, and she wears such a bright dress. Maybe that senior just took her away for a moment of interest, and there is absolutely no other meaning. ..."

"Master Shen, our Princess is wearing men's clothing." Cang Ling hurriedly spoke out when she heard Shen Chuannan's words.


This time, Shen Chuannan couldn't sit still anymore, and his teacup fell out of his hand.

The sound of the tea cup breaking was louder than that of Jun Yu and Yu Sheng Xiao.

"Why does Xiao Deyin wear men's clothes? Help, my little Deyin..."

Yu Shengxiao began to cry loudly.

He slapped his chest while crying, "The genius doctor's little Deyin is so miserable, my innocence will be lost..."

"To shut up!"

Shen Chuannan's head hurt from the noise, and he frowned coldly.

And Jun Yu beside them had already disappeared without a trace.

"The most important thing now is to save people. Hurry up. If anything happens to Princess Deyin, Ah Yu will be the first to kill you."

Shen Chuannan immediately chased after Yusheng Xiao with his hands.

A group of people waited, as if teleporting, and soon arrived at the back mountain.

When they first arrived here, everything they saw was a mess.

Because the only house in front of them has become a pile of ruins.

Judging from that appearance, it should be a ruin that has just been turned into ruins.

"Where's Xiao Deyin?" Yu Shengxiao looked around nervously.

"Wait, isn't she buried below?"

Yu Shengxiao was talking to himself.

Soon, he was devastated and ready to poach someone.

"Calm down." Shen Chuannan held him helplessly.

"The current Princess Deyin is much more powerful than you imagined."

Recalling that Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu subdued Jiaolong when they were in the Yue Family, such a person would never let himself be hurt so easily.

is it?

Yu Shengxiao didn't know about the Yue family's affairs, and he still looked at Shen Chuannan blankly.

At this moment, an indifferent voice came from the front: "Yu Shengxiao, the back mountain is my territory, who allows you to bring outsiders in?"

There was a cold murderous look in those words.

Everyone looked over, only to see a woman wrapped in a red cloth come out.

She was young and beautiful, with a face full of hostility.

Why is there such a young woman in Houshan?

Shen Chuannan and others looked a little puzzled.

"Uncle, I'm here to find someone." Yu Shengxiao said helplessly.


Grandma Zongmu?

Everyone looked at the woman in front of them in shock. She looked only in her thirties. How could she be called "mother-in-law"?
"She is over 60 years old this year." Hua Sumo said helplessly beside her.

Everyone: "..."

"Looking for someone? I don't have anyone here who can give you, but, looking at you like this, it looks like you brought me a lot of gifts..."

Zong Mu smiled strangely.

Her naked eyes began to look at Jun Yu, Shen Chuannan, Wuying and the others.

She raised her hand, pointed at Jun Yu with her red nails, and said disgustedly: "This man is too hostile, stained with too much blood, it's too unpalatable..."

"However, this little husband suits my taste." Her eyes fell on Shen Chuannan.

Those naked eyes seemed to strip Shen Chuannan naked.

Shen Chuannan's face twisted a little.

Is he being spotted?

"Congratulations, you have caught my uncle's eyes." Yu Shengxiao said awkwardly.

"Shut up." Shen Chuannan yelled at Yu Shengxiao angrily.

And over there, Zong Mu couldn't hold back anymore.

She was in a very bad mood today, she had to catch a toy, so she stretched out her hand like a white claw, and rushed towards Shen Chuannan.

"Uncle, uncle, calm down." Yu Shengxiao quickly jumped out and stood in front of Shen Chuannan.

"Get out of here, I won't interfere with your Miracle Doctor Valley, and don't spoil my interest!" Zong Mu cast a gloomy look at Yu Shengxiao.

"Master, no! He is my friend. If you want a toy, I will give you something else. I hope you don't think of my friend."

After finishing speaking, he took out a fat rabbit from Wuyi's arms beside him, and threw it towards Zongmu.

A certain Xiaobai was having a good time watching a play, only to find out that he was actually a rabbit in the game.

It panicked, quickly stretched out its four paws, and paddled.

Help... Lord Silver.

I don't know if its summoning had an effect, Yuan Deyin flew out and hugged it.


Woohoo, Master Yin, you are finally back...

Xiaobai quickly leaned into Yuan Deyin's arms and acted like a baby.

"Yin'er." Jun Yu saw the little girl standing in front of him, he let out a breath, and the stone in his heart dropped.

And Yu Shengxiao was a little relieved when he saw that Yuan Deyin was not in any distress except that he was a little weird in men's clothing.

But Zong Mu was not happy at all.

She looked at Yuan Deyin, gritted her teeth and said, "Didn't you run away, why did you dare to come back?"

"I'm not running away, I'm going to steal herbs."

Yuan Deyin took out two herbs, Fengronghua and Qiangouzi, from her arms, and said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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