Chapter 387 Warning
"How dare you steal my antidote."

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Zong Mu's face darkened instantly.

She conjured a whip out of nowhere, and threw it at Yuan Deyin.

But Jun Yu moved faster, he dodged to Yuan Deyin's side, and then shattered the whip.

Zong Mu took half of the whip and stepped back.

She looked at Jun Yu with some disbelief.

"You are Chiyan Ninth Prince? Oh, you really deserve your reputation." She gritted her teeth.

Her cold eyes passed through Jun Yu, and then fell on Yuan Deyin behind him, and said: "Hand over that girl, and I won't care about your rudeness."


Yu Shengxiao felt that the situation could no longer be allowed to deteriorate, so he bit the bullet and stood up.

"Uncle, can you just give me some face, Xiao Deyin is still my apprentice after all."

"She's Yuan Deyin?" Zong Mu's eyes darkened and his tone changed slightly after hearing Yu Shengxiao's words.

"That's right!"

Hearing that Granny Zongmu's tone changed a little, Yu Shengxiao thought there was something going on.

When he nodded frantically, he still did not forget to continue to say: "She is the only little apprentice I accepted outside. I know you are a principled person and do not allow outsiders to enter here, but Xiao Deyin is the same My apprentice, you are not considered an outsider from the Valley of Divine Doctors, you..."

Yu Shengxiao still wanted to continue Xiaozhi's emotion and reason, but Zongmu's expression became weary, and he didn't want to listen to him at all.

She flicked her sleeves and said indifferently: "Let's go, take the herbs and go, don't appear here again."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay?

Wasn't it still tense just now?
Why did you become so talkative all of a sudden?

Yu Shengxiao was also in a daze. Since he could remember, he had never seen his uncle so talkative.

"Uncle Grand Master, it was my fault for trespassing on your place, but you also arrested me, and we evened out. I bought you this herbal medicine, and I put three bottles of beauty care in your medicine garden. muscle."

Yuan Deyin came out from behind, she looked at each other, and said calmly.

She didn't expect that this beautiful elder sister was actually her uncle.

But people have been offended, and the herbal medicine... can only be taken by force.

However, the other party is always her elder, she can't do things too much.

So she still kept her beauty skin.

"Nursing skin?" Yu Shengxiao heard this, his expression changed suddenly.

He quickly touched his waist with his hands, only to find that the beauty muscles on his body were gone...

"Cough, cough, master, let me borrow some of your beauty muscles first." Facing the sad eyes of a certain master, Yuan Deyin said with a guilty conscience.

At first glance, this grand master uncle is someone who cherishes her appearance very much, and she doesn't have the medicine for beauty with her, so she can only borrow the master's to use it.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Zong Mu just glanced at her, then withdrew his gaze, turned and left.

"Master, do you want to send someone to repair Tai Shishu's house?"

When Zongmu's back was gone, Yuan Deyin walked to Yushengxiao's side, like a child who had done something wrong, and lowered his head angrily.

"That's not necessary, uncle, she has to practice the exercises every six months, the power is so powerful that it will shatter the house, and she picked up the house by herself in the end, we can't help at all. "

Yu Shengxiao shook his head and said.

To build a house by yourself?

Yuan Deyin's beautiful eyebrows frowned slightly. The behavior of this grand master uncle is really amazing.

Also, when fighting her, her ruthless martial arts didn't seem like any righteous martial arts.

"Master, when did Grand Master come to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors? She also learned her martial arts in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors?"

Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

"Master, I once heard from your ancestor that my uncle came to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors when she was seventeen or eighteen years old. She only studied medical skills, and her surly martial arts were brought from outside. Because she felt that her martial arts were too The elders in the valley advised her not to use it...but since the death of the master, no one in the valley can interfere with her, fortunately she only works in the back mountain and never interferes with other things in the valley."

Yu Shengxiao patiently explained.

It is so...

Yuan Deyin's ears moved.

Why did she feel that this great uncle is also a person with many secrets kept in dust.

"Don't stand here stupidly, go back with me." Yu Shengxiao coughed lightly to remind everyone.

Soon, a group of people returned to Yushengxiao's house.

"Master, where is your pharmacy?" Yuan Deyin held two beads of herbal medicine as if she were treating a treasure. She raised her head and looked at Yu Shengxiao expectantly.

"That room is it." Yu Shengxiao pointed to the innermost room.

"Thank you, Master." After Yuan Deyin finished speaking, she ran away with the herbs.

"Wait, Xiao Deyin, do you want to use these two herbs to refine medicine now? These two herbs have very strict requirements on the heat, and poison will be produced if you are not careful."

Yu Shengxiao wanted to follow, but Shen Chuannan's serious eyes swept over him.

"Since Princess Deyin can suppress A Yu's toxicity, do you think refining two beads of herbal medicine can hardly stop her?"

This rhetorical question successfully made Yusheng Xiao shouted and stopped.

The corners of his mouth froze, his words sounded both reasonable and heart-wrenching.

He had nothing to teach Xiao Deyin before, but seems that Xiao Deyin's medical skills are better than him.

Sighing, he pretended nothing had happened and took out the jade bone fan, and resumed his usual flirtatious appearance.

He fanned himself and walked slowly towards the kitchen.

"It seems that now the genius doctor can only cook food."


An hour later, Yuan De ran out with a dirty face.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin has succeeded. Deyin has successfully refined the medicine that can save sister Qingzhou."

She was the first to run to Jun Yu's side and said excitedly.

"Yeah." Jun Yu nodded lightly.

He wasn't surprised.

After all, he already knew that his little girl would succeed in whatever she wanted to do.

He raised his hand and patiently wiped off the marks on her face with his fingertips.

Soon, a dirty little cat was wiped clean in an instant.


Bankers also need to wipe.

At this time, a certain chubby rabbit poked its head out.

It followed Yuan Deyin into the pharmacy just now when everyone was not paying attention, so now its pure white hair has turned into pitch black.

When it saw Jun Yu wipe Yuan Deyin's face, it, who loves cleanliness, came over cheekily.

As a result, in the next moment, it heard a sneer from a certain Lord Regent.

"Wuying, throw it into the kitchen and ask Yushengxiao to cook some rabbit soup for the Princess." Jun Yu ordered Wuying coldly.

A certain rabbit: "..."

excuse me.

It rubbed against it for a while, but no one was there... Oh, no, the rabbit was gone.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why do you always plan to eat Xiaobai?"

Seeing a certain fat rabbit running away, Yuan Deyin couldn't help asking.

"you are not happy?"

Jun Yu looked at her deeply, and he immediately added: "So, this king will let it go in the future."

"No, I just think that Xiaobai's fat is too much. If it is stewed, it will be too greasy. Let's wait until it is thinner. When it is put in mushrooms and medicinal materials, it will be very fragrant..."

Yuan Deyin's face was full of longing, and her saliva was about to flow out.

At this time, a certain rabbit hiding above the door corner began to tremble.

At first, I thought that Zhuyin was protecting it, woo woo woo, it turned out that she was just greedy for its body...

woo woo woo...

So sad...

Forget it, eat a radish first to calm the shock.


"The dishes are here."

At this time, Yu Shengxiao's voice came.

Yuan Deyin looked over and saw Yu Shengxiao walking in with a plate of vegetables.

Behind him, Aqiao, Hua Sumo, Wuying, and Wuyi were all serving dishes.

Yuan Deyin smelled the fragrance, and her stomach started to growl.

"Master, it's been seven years, and your skills seem to have improved again."

She ran over to be intimate with Yusheng Xiao and act like a baby.

"Hey, that's natural. You don't look at who the teacher is. I tell you that according to the level of a teacher, even if you haven't cooked once in the past seven years, your cooking skills will still improve with age." The growth has been increasing steadily.”

Yu Shengxiao hummed proudly.

"Brother, half an hour ago, you still couldn't light the fire. Also, there is still a stack of your burnt eggplants, burnt lamb, and..."

Hua Sumo spoke expressionlessly from the side.

"Ahem, ahem, there is no need to talk about such things!"

Yu Shengxiao glanced at Hua Sumo with mournful eyes.

Isn't it just that he hasn't cooked for seven years, is a little rusty, and overcooked more than a dozen dishes!
Yuan Deyin also knew that her master was a face-saving person, so she coughed softly, struggling to suppress her smile.

"Okay, let's eat."

Yu Shengxiao put down the dishes, and said loudly.

The table was full of people, Aqiao, Wuyi Wuying and others didn't dare to sit at the same table with them, but Jun Yu glanced over with a faint look, and said that they don't need to worry so much when they are away from home. Willing to sit down.

"Xiao Deyin, you've seen it too, this genius doctor Gu Shanmeishui is beautiful, you come here once in a while, so just stay a few more days."

Yu Shengxiao picks up vegetables for Yuan Deyin, turns her into a little hamster, and doesn't forget to coax her to stay in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors.


When Yuan Deyin heard this, she shook her head firmly.

She put down the chopsticks slowly, and said seriously: "Master, although Deyin also likes Miracle Doctor Gu very much, sister Qingzhou is still waiting for Deyin to save her."

"But, haven't you already refined the medicine? Why don't you let Uncle Nine Emperors take the medicine back by himself!"

Yu Shengxiao didn't know where the confidence came from, and then he asked Yuan Deyin to abandon Jun Yu confidently.

"No, it's not enough just to have the medicine. Deyin needs to administer the needles himself. Besides, there is another Concubine Ning in the palace, and her burns are even worse."

Yuan Deyin explained patiently.

Concubine Ning?

Yu Shengxiao quickly remembered that it was the one who was burned in the palace.

While in the kitchen, Yu Shengxiao had already asked Wuyi about many things.

So I also know the situation in the palace...

He sighed in his heart, there was no one in the Jun family to make people worry, and Xiao Deyin was about to run around after he came back.

Although he knew Yuan Deyin's decision to go, Yu Shengxiao was still a little unwilling.

He whispered: "There are so many imperial doctors in the palace, can't they save people? They are all quack doctors!"

His words made Yuan Deyin laugh.

He knew that she was reluctant to part with her, so she hurriedly said: "Master, why don't you go to the capital with us."

Go to the capital?
Such words made Yu Shengxiao's expression stiff.

"Forget it, I'm used to living in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors as a teacher, and I'm not used to the capital."

He said softly, and quickly looked away, not wanting to continue this topic.

Don't want to go?

Yuan Deyin's expression became a little disappointed.

Well, she respects Master's wishes.

After eating, Yu Shengxiao asked Aqiao and Hua Sumo to take Yuan Deyin and the others to rest for one night, and then leave the valley tomorrow.

Seeing that everyone had left and Shen Chuannan was still here, Yu Shengxiao snorted arrogantly.

"What, you don't go to rest even when you're exhausted, are you planning to catch up with this miracle doctor?"

His voice was slightly raised, and he seemed a little proud when he mentioned it.

It's rare that this time, Shen Chuannan didn't hate him anymore.

Shen Chuannan stood up from the chair and walked past him.

At the same time, he did not forget to say seriously: "Actually, you don't have to mind that people from outside the world look at you strangely. In our eyes, you will always be Yu Shengxiao."

After speaking, he glanced at Yu Shengxiao's white hair complicatedly, sighed softly, and finally walked out of the gate.

And the moment Yu Shengxiao said Shen Chuannan's words, his movement of fanning the jade bone fan froze, and his smile gradually faded.

After a long time, he lowered his head lonely.

Sure enough, Shen Hu still saw through his thoughts.

That's right, he didn't want to go to the capital, because he didn't want people outside to know that the once suave and suave doctor Jade had turned into an embarrassing white-headed old man.

On the other side, Yuan Deyin watched A Qiao walk out of her door.

She opened the window, jumped out, and climbed into another room.

Uncle Nine Emperors lived in the room next to her.

What she is entering now is Uncle Nine Emperor's room.

Jun Yu noticed it the moment the little girl pushed open the window, and he looked over with dark eyes.

"If you don't sleep in the middle of the night, what do you want to do with me?"

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you know it too, right? Master is obviously a person who likes to visit mountains and rivers. He lived a good life in the capital back then. He definitely didn't want to go to the capital with us because he didn't like it. , he was afraid of his white hair..."

As she got to the end, the volume of Yuan Deyin became lower.

"The king once heard that there is a kind of herbal medicine that can dye the hair black. First dye the hair black, and then adjust the body after a while, it should be able to turn the black hair back."

Seeing the sad look on the little girl's face, Jun Yu pondered for a while, and quickly came up with an idea for her.

"Yes, there is indeed such a herbal medicine, why didn't I think of it!"

Yuan Deyin suddenly realized.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, let's pick herbs now!"

Yuan Deyin made up his mind, rushed over immediately, grabbed Uncle Jiuhuang's arm, and was about to pull him out.

Seeing her anxious appearance, Jun Yu sighed in his heart, but followed her out without complaint.

Soon, under the dark sky, two people were carrying an oil lamp, looking for something furtively in Yushengxiao's medicine field.


Yu Shengxiao returned to her room, suddenly, she noticed movement in the room.

He narrowed his eyes, guarded all over, and then turned around quickly.

As a result, when he turned around, he saw Zong Mu standing behind him.

"Uncle, why are you here?"

When Yu Shengxiao saw the other party, his heart sank, and he quickly stepped back, his face became more guarded.

Didn't it mean that my uncle wouldn't come out of the back mountain?

It's weird how it popped out in the middle of the night.

Looking at Yu Shengxiao's frightened look, Zong Mu let out a cold snort.

"Don't worry, I'm not a beast enough to attack you."

That's good……

Yusheng Xiao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then Master, you came here in the middle of the night, what's the matter?" Yu Shengxiao asked tentatively.

"I will let you stay by Yuan Deyin's side, protect her, and never let her step into Miaojiang and Weiguo."

Zong Mu said in a cold tone.

"Miao Jiang? Wei Guo? Why?" Yu Shengxiao was puzzled.

Miao Jiang has nothing to do with Xiao Deyin, so she probably won't go.

But Wei Guo is the place where his father was born, how could he stop her from going?
Also, didn't the uncle still attack Xiao Deyin today?Why do you still let him protect her now?

However, for his question...

Zong Mu just said coldly: "You can do what you want, otherwise, the entire valley of genius doctors will face catastrophe."

After finishing speaking, a gust of wind blew in from the window, and Yu Shengxiao blinked a few times.

When he opened his eyes, Zong Mu was gone!
(End of this chapter)

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