Chapter 388
"Uncle, uncle?"

Yu Shengxiao shouted anxiously, but all he got back was the whistling wind.

He touched his arm, it was chilly.

"Brother, what's wrong?"

Hua Sumo asked worriedly when he heard the commotion inside.

"It's okay." Yu Shengxiao said.

I remembered that his uncle had always been a loner, and his personality was extremely weird, and now he probably went back to the back mountain.

So he didn't think much, and turned his head to close the window.

The next morning.

"Princess, are you awake?"

Cang Ling and Wuyi stood outside Yuan Deyin's door, both of them were worried.

Because last night the princess clearly said that she would get up early today and then go back to the capital.

But they stood here and waited for a long time, but they didn't hear the princess getting up.

"Could it be that you've been exhausted for the past few days, and the princess slept too deeply?"

Cang Ling asked softly.

Wuying also walked quickly at this time, with a serious expression on his face: "The prince is not in the room either."

The prince is gone too?

The few of them looked at each other in blank dismay, and wanted to find Yu Shengxiao to find someone.

As a result, at this time, Yuan Deyin ran over from the pharmacy with a small jar.

"The princess?"

When they saw Yuan Deyin, they hurried forward.

"What are you doing standing here?"

When Yuan Deyin saw such a crowd, she was a little puzzled.

"Princess, where have you been? You haven't slept all night, have you?"

Wuyi saw that Yuan Deyin was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday...

And there are traces of weeds on it.

What the hell is the princess doing here?
Yuan Deyin looked down at himself, and found that he was indeed a little embarrassed.

But she was in a very good mood.

"It's true that I didn't sleep all night, because the princess has important things to do." Yuan Deyin raised her eyebrows and said arrogantly.

very important thing?

Wuyi and Cang Ling looked at each other in blank dismay, confused again.

At this time, Jun Yu came out of the pharmacy again.

There was a bit of fatigue in his brows, but the aura all over his body did not diminish at all.

They looked at Jun Yu, and then at the medicine jar Yuan Deyin held in his hand, thinking that the princess must have stayed up all night to refine the medicine again, and this time he brought the prince with him.

"I won't talk to you anymore, you pack up, and the princess will go find the master."

Yuan Deyin said anxiously.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and ran to Yu Shengxiao's room.

But suddenly remembered something, she quickly stopped, and said briskly: "Sister Wuyi, remember to prepare more dry food, the master is going to the capital with us."

Doctor Jade is going too?
But didn't he say last night that he was not used to life in the capital?

Wuyi and the others looked puzzled, but this was the order of their princess, and they just had to suppress the doubts in their hearts and go to work quickly.

Jun Yu looked at a certain little girl alive and kicking, and a little helplessness flashed in his eyes.

It's nice to be young...

It looks very lively.

"Master, master, are you awake?"

Yuan Deyin can't wait to let Yushengxiao use this bottle of ointment that can dye hair black...

So when she reached Yu Shengxiao's door, she knocked on the door, and without waiting for a response from inside, she pushed the door open and walked in.

"Xiao Deyin, what are you doing!"

Suddenly there was a pig-killing cry from inside.

"This king told you not to worry."

Just when Yuan Deyin was confused by this roar, a certain Jiuhuang uncle came to her side and covered her eyes.

And on the opposite side of them, a certain Jade Doctor was randomly picking at his clothes.

His back was still exposed.

While getting dressed, he complained in a low voice.

"Jun Yu, it's a good thing that you came quickly, otherwise the genius doctor's innocence would be lost." His tone was extremely rejoicing.

Although Xiao Deyin was his little apprentice, he still felt that it was a loss for her to show him all the beauty and body of the prosperous age.

Jun Yu: "..."

Yuan Deyin: "..."

"Uncle Nine Emperors, it's a good thing you covered De Yin's eyes in time, otherwise, no amount of effort would cure the eye disease."

Yuan Deyin crossed his waist and spoke in a disgusted tone.

Yu Shengxiao: "..."

This little apprentice doesn't look like a little padded jacket at all!
Shen Chuannan walked in from the outside at this time, just hearing these words, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Yu Shengxiao and the princess, after getting along for a long time, will still fall in love and kill each other.

He wasn't used to how friendly they were yesterday.

"Wait, Shen Chuannan, why are you here too? Are you also coveting the beauty of this miracle doctor?"

Yu Shengxiao picked at his clothes indiscriminately again, looking at Shen Chuannan dangerously.

Shen Chuannan directly gave him a disgusted look.

"Come on, with your small body, you can't sell pork for two taels of money."

"What? You belittled this genius doctor so much. Do you know that this genius doctor is famous, and how many women don't think about food and drink just because of this genius doctor..."

When Yu Shengxiao heard Shen Chuannan's words, he quit.

He patted the bed board and said with a sneer.

As a result, Shen Chuannan's tone became even more disgusting.

"You still show off what happened seven years ago. Don't you know that you haven't been out of the outside world for seven years, and people outside have almost forgotten you?"


Yu Shengxiao opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but found that he had nothing to say.

Because what Shen Chuannan said is the truth.

"Okay, this miracle doctor is dressed, what are you doing here?"

Yu Shengxiao tugged at the skirt of her clothes and said in a sleepy tone.

Obviously, what Shen Chuannan said just now hit him.

"Master, wait a moment."

Yuan Deyin pulled Uncle Jiuhuang's hand off, and she ran out.

After a while, she ran in with a basin of clear water.

In front of Yu Shengxiao, she poured the contents of the medicine jar into it, and soon the water turned black.

"This is……"

Seeing this, Yu Shengxiao's eyes flickered a little.

"Master, Deyin hasn't been able to cure your hair from turning gray yet, but it's still possible to dye your hair black."

Yuan Deyin said softly, and then hurried to pull Yusheng Xiao over here.

Yu Shengxiao smelled the smell of medicine in the air, and he could guess what it was in an instant.

This kind of medicinal herb that can make hair black can barely extract a mung bean-sized ointment by picking fifty plants.

How many herbs did Xiao Deyin pick to turn the basin of water in front of her into black?

Seeing Yu Shengxiao's eyes were very complicated, Yuan Deyin pretended to be relaxed and said: "Master, you are really amazing doctor Gu, you have all kinds of herbs. Deyin and Uncle Jiuhuang just picked a little, it's very easy. We will be able to pick a lot of this herb soon."


Can she tell the truth when she lies?
Her dark circles are darker than the bottom of the pot. She said that she could get them off quickly last night, maybe it took one night.

"What are you still hesitating about? Don't you want to wash?"

Seeing Yu Shengxiao still standing there in a daze, Jun Yu's dangerous voice floated over.

"Of course I washed it. This is the herbal medicine picked by this genius doctor's apprentice."

Yu Shengxiao raised her head and chest, and said loudly.

He took off the jade crown on his head and was about to wash his hair.

Yuan Deyin watched this scene nervously, not daring to blink.

I'm afraid I'm missing something.

But just when Yu Shengxiao's hair was about to touch the water, a certain Uncle Nine Emperors grabbed her and took her out.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what are you doing?"

Yuan Deyin asked puzzledly.

"It's a private matter for a man to wash up. If you're a girl, don't look at it." Jun Yu said with a dark face.

"But Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin also looked at it when you were washing up before." A certain little girl protested silently.

"This king is different from him." Jun Yu's tone was extremely serious.


Uncle Jiuhuang is the same existence as his father and king, but it is indeed different.

A certain little girl muttered in her heart.

"What are you still doing here?" Seeing Yuan Deyin being dragged away, Yu Shengxiao looked up, only to see Shen Chuannan not only staying here, but even sitting on a chair next to him, looking at him casually. he.

"The truth is to check and accept the results for the princess." He tapped the table with his fingers, and then said in a calm tone.

Yu Shengxiao: "..." Forget it, you can do whatever you want.

Taking a deep breath, Yu Shengxiao looked dignified.

This is Xiao Deyin's painstaking efforts, so don't let her down.


Yuan Deyin was waiting in the yard outside for nearly half an hour.

"Why hasn't Master come out yet?"

Although he knew that it would take some time for the herbal medicine to dye his hair, Yuan Deyin couldn't wait to see the result.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, aren't you in a hurry?"

Yuan Deyin turned around, only to see a certain Nine Emperor Uncle drinking tea while playing chess by himself.

"Why the hurry?"

Jun Yu looked at her sideways, his black eyes bottomless.

"All right……"

Yuan Deyin held his small face and watched him play chess boredly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, have you always played chess by yourself?" Yuan Deyin wrinkled her little face as she watched him move up and down.

"Yes." Jun Yu replied lightly.

"How boring is that?" Yuan Deyin sighed.

"However, it would be more boring to win all the time playing chess with others." Jun Yu put down the chess piece and said in a low tone.

Yuan Deyin: "..." Well, it makes sense.

She glanced back at the door and found that it was still not open, so she could only look away again.

She continued to hold her small face, but this time she was not watching Jiuhuangshu playing chess, but looking at Jiuhuangshu's sideburns.

She whispered: "Uncle Nine Emperors, if Master succeeds, Deyin thinks that we can plant a large amount of this herbal medicine and make a plaster for hair dyeing. It will be very popular when sold, after all, there are so many people who don't like it." I like having white hair..."

Speaking of this, Yuan Deyin's eyes sparkled.

When Jun Yu heard her words, he paused the hand holding the flag, and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.

Unexpectedly, the little girl has a business mind.

"Do you think the palace's money is not enough for you? Do you have to try your best to make money?" He raised his eyebrows and looked at her.

"Who would think that there is too much money? Deyin still has to make a lot of money. Otherwise, Uncle Nine Emperors, you will grow old and no longer have the ability to make money. Who will support you?"

Yuan Deyin retorted seriously.


The arc of Jun Yu's mouth froze, and his eyes began to darken.

Wuying and Wuyi, who were not far away, also heard this, and they tried their best to hold back their laughter, which was so uncomfortable.

Generally, only the younger generation will support the elders...

cough cough...

The princess wants to support the prince, isn't that...

"This king is only six years younger than you." Jun Yu almost gritted his teeth.

"Deyin knows, but Master said that men are impatient, especially someone like you, Nine Emperor Uncle, who thinks too much about the people and the court every day, and it's easy to grow old..."

Yuan Deyin explained seriously.

Jun Yu: "..."

He pursed his lips and said nothing.

But Wuying, Wuyi and others behind him all understood that the prince wanted to vomit blood.

"Understood, this king will hand over all the official duties to Shen Chuannan when he returns."

Jun Yu put down the chess piece in his hand, and with that "da", the chess piece split open.

At this moment, the door was opened.

Yuan Deyin hurriedly looked back.

In the end, he saw Yu Shengxiao walking out slowly in black clothes, with black hair as he had seen back then.

"It really worked!"

Yuan Deyin stood up quickly and walked over there.

"Well, as expected of an apprentice taught by this genius doctor, he is extremely talented in everything." Yu Shengxiao said arrogantly, fanning the jade bone fan.

Shen Chuannan couldn't help but said: "Have you taught the princess anything?"

Yu Shengxiao: "..."

Dang Ben didn't say anything.

"Fortunately, it succeeded. Deyin was still a little nervous in the morning, because Deyin once read in an ancient book that this kind of herbal medicine dyes hair, either succeeds or fails. If you fail, you will lose your hair and become bald. ..."

Yuan Deyin sighed with emotion in a soft voice, with a happy tone.

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

"Why didn't you tell me about this at the beginning? What if I failed, wouldn't my teacher be bald?" Yu Shengxiao looked at Yuan Deyin dangerously.

"Hehe..." Yuan Deyin smiled awkwardly, and then whispered, "Then I can braid your hair."

Yu Shengxiao: "..." What a caring apprentice.

"Then Master, can you go to the capital with us now?" Yuan Deyin looked at Yu Shengxiao expectantly.

"Well, I'll wait for this genius doctor to think about it..." Yu Shengxiao actually became arrogant at this time.

It was also at this time that Xiao Bai, who hadn't appeared all night, came back.

It took proud steps, twisted its fat body, and then walked to Yuan Deyin's feet, holding a piece of meat in its arms.


Lord, Bentu found a large piece of dry food, so he won't be afraid of going hungry when he is on the road.

Dry food?

Could it have been stolen from the kitchen?
Yuan Deyin narrowed his eyes slightly.

She stretched out her hand, picked up a certain rabbit with one hand, and pulled the meat in its arms with the other hand.

"What kind of meat is this?" She asked suspiciously.

The meat was dry and looked like it had been dried for a long time.

She turned the meat around, only to see a few strands of hair clinging to it.

When she took a closer look, she almost couldn't hold things steady with her hands.

She quickly threw away the meat in her hand.

"Xiao Deyin, what's wrong?" Yu Shengxiao saw Yuan Deyin's expression so strange.

He also wanted to pick up that piece of meat.

But Yuan Deyin snorted coldly.

"Don't touch it!"

"what happened?"

"It's a piece of dried human scalp."

(End of this chapter)

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