Chapter 389 Many Corpses
Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, everyone stared at the scalp.

Even Yu Shengxiao, who was used to seeing scenes of birth, old age, sickness and death, looked a little pale at this moment.

Because he also saw clearly that it was indeed a piece of scalp, and the whole piece of scalp was pulled off, together with the flesh on the cheek.

It was also because the sun in the valley was too strong a few days ago, which dried the meat.

This is too disgusting!
The more Yu Shengxiao thought about it, the more numb his scalp became.

"Why is there such a thing in Miracle Doctor Valley?" Wuyi couldn't help asking.

The rest of the people were also puzzled.

"Little Su Mo, has anyone passed away in the valley recently?" Yu Shengxiao realized, he quickly turned his head and asked Hua Sumo in a serious tone.

When Hua Sumo heard this, he shook his head with a solemn expression.

"I remember, there wasn't one."

Because there are not many people living in the valley, every household is registered.

Regardless of birth or death, you must come to him to register in time.

Sickness is no exception.

But during this period of time, let alone passed away, not many people even fell seriously ill.

"Could it be that someone passed away, and the family members forgot to register?" Yu Shengxiao asked with a frown.

"I can't rule out the possibility." Hua Sumo nodded.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why such a thing suddenly appeared in this valley of genius doctors.

This is too infiltrating.

"Xiaobai, tell me, where did you get this thing?" Yuan Deyin looked at a certain fat rabbit with sharp eyes.

Xiaobai was trembling, it kept rubbing its paws.

woo woo woo...

It was also scared.

It thought it was the flesh of some animal, and wanted to feed it to the master...

But who knew it was actually human flesh.

Scared the rabbit to death...

It's so scared, the master silver is even more fierce to it!
A certain rabbit really felt aggrieved the more he thought about it.

It pursed its mouth and said; "Googoo..."

People just think that it is too much for that grand master to abduct you, so they want to scare her and help you vent your anger.But who knows, after going to the back mountain, I didn't find her, but I happened to see a lot of this kind of meat, so I took some back..."

"You mean, there are still a lot of this kind of meat in Taishishu's back mountain?"

When Yuan Deyin heard Xiaobai's last words, her eyes changed suddenly.

The others also heard Yuan Deyin's words, and they looked at Xiaobai very sharply.

A certain rabbit finally realized what he said at this time.

Its fat paws shook, and it panicked.

It raised its paws up, and reluctantly made a gesture to swear to the sky...


Really, Yinjia didn't lie to you, this thing was really found by Ben Tu smashing in the back mountain.At that time, there was a lot of this kind of meat in a cave, and the Yin family thought that the grand master had something good to hide and wouldn't let us eat it, so he took it back...

As it talked, it felt like it was about to cry with a "wow".

It's so sad, it just wants to steal a piece of meat, how could it become like this.

"Xiaobai said that there are many such things in a cave in the back mountain of Grand Master Uncle."

Yuan Deyin said to Yu Shengxiao with a solemn face.

"Impossible, how could there be such a thing at Master Uncle's place!"

When Yu Shengxiao heard it, his expression was anxious, angry and disbelieving.

Although he is not very familiar with the uncle, but thinking that so much scalp and meat are related to the uncle, he can't believe it.

"Brother, seeing is believing. Let's go to the back mountain first. If it's what Xiaobai said, it won't be too late for us to ask Grand Martial Uncle."

Hua Sumo said in a serious tone.

"Okay." Yushengxiao put away the fan without delay, and then walked towards the back mountain.

To go to the back mountain, there is not only a waterway, but also another way.

Bypassing the woods in front of the house, there is a path leading directly to the back mountain.

"Princess, are we not going back to the capital?"

Chen Shujing came out of the room at this time, holding her clothes in her arms, and asked puzzledly when she saw everyone walking in a hurry.

She and A Qiao had been helping to pack things in the house just now, and she didn't know what happened outside.

"We still have some things to deal with, you stay here."

Yuan Deyin didn't have time to say anything more, she directly lifted the hem of her skirt and followed behind Yu Shengxiao.

Everyone walked out of the mansion and into the woods.

But at this time, several people rushed over, their expressions flustered.

"Valley Master, Valley Master, something happened."

The leader, a woman in her thirties, shouted at Yu Shengxiao.

"Aunt Kang, what's wrong?"

Seeing this, Hua Sumo hurried to help the woman up.

She didn't have time to catch her breath, so she hurriedly said, "Master Gu, I went to deliver food to Grandma Zong Lin as usual today, but found that her house has collapsed..."

"So it's about this, Aunt Kang, don't be nervous, something happened yesterday, so Grandma Zong Lin's house collapsed."

Hua Sumo touched his nose in embarrassment, and then said.

Although there was such a commotion yesterday, other people in the valley didn't know about it.

And Aunt Kang is the person who is responsible for delivering meals to Zong Lin's mother-in-law every day. It is normal for her to be scared when she saw that scene today.

"Auntie, Grandma Zong Lin's house often has problems. It's been decades. Are you still not used to it? You just go to the small house by the stream and look for her."

Hua Sumo said patiently.

On the other side of the back mountain, there is also a small house, which is also the place where Zong Lin's mother-in-law often practices. If the main house is broken, she will always go there.

"No, it's not..."

Hearing Hua Sumo's comforting words, Aunt Kang not only did not relax, but became even more anxious.

There is even a feeling of being too anxious to speak.

"Let me tell you." Next to him, Zhang Sheng couldn't help but speak out.

"Master Gu, Master Su Mo, Senior Zong Mu is missing."


Hua Sumo and Yusheng Xiao changed their faces at the same time.

Wasn't it still good yesterday?
How to disappear.

"Yes, yes, I searched the back mountain for a long time, but I didn't see Granny Zong Lin, that old ancestor would not leave the back mountain easily." Aunt Kang stomped her feet anxiously.

"Aunt Kang, please calm down first, maybe she came out on a whim, she should go back soon." Although Hua Sumo was puzzled, he still expressed his relief.

"No, something must have happened. There is a lot of blood and corpses in the back mountain!"

Aunt Kang continued to stamp her feet.

Lots of blood, lots of corpses?
Everyone's expressions changed suddenly because of these words.

"Little Su Mo, take good care of Aunt Kang and the others."

After Yu Shengxiao said this, he touched the soles of his feet, and quickly flew towards the back mountain.

Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu looked at each other, knowing that there was no delay, they flew up at the same time.

Shen Chuannan and Wuyingwuyi who were behind him naturally followed suit.

When they reached the entrance of the back mountain, they were shocked by what they saw.

The clear spring water flowing down from the top of the mountain was actually dyed red.

The pungent smell of blood makes people sick.

They walked over quickly, only to see a lot of stumps rushing down from above.

piece by piece...

It's hard to tell whether it's the hands or the legs...

"These corpses have been dead for a long time."

Looking at these traces, Yuan Deyin gritted her teeth and said.

The stumps that I saw, if they were really pieced together, there would be at least dozens of complete corpses.

"These people are not from the Valley of Divine Doctors."

Yushengxiao endured the nausea and knelt down to check.

Soon he was shaking his head.

Although the original appearance of these stumps can no longer be seen, if you look closely, you can still see their clothes...

The clothes of Miracle Doctor Valley are all self-sufficient, and the fabric is very special, it shouldn't be like this.

"Why are there so many outsiders dying in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, yet I, the Miraculous Doctor, didn't notice?" Yu Shengxiao said to himself, and anger appeared in his foolish peach-blossom eyes.

"Master, is there a magic formation guarding Miracle Doctor Valley all the time?" Yuan Deyin walked to Yu Shengxiao's side and asked in a low voice.

"Well, our ancestors have always arranged formations in order to isolate the Valley of Divine Doctors from the outside world. Seven years ago, when I returned to the Valley of Divine Doctors, I was disheartened and didn't want to go out to the outside world anymore, so I changed again. An even more powerful formation... So, if you are not proficient in formations, you will not be able to enter at all, and it is impossible for this genius doctor to be unaware..."

Yu Shengxiao shook his head while explaining.

If it was Jun Yu who brought someone in, he wouldn't notice it, and he would admit it.

After all, according to Jun Yu's peerless genius, even if his formation is changed without anyone noticing, it will not be surprising.

But other people's words...

"Could it be that other formation masters came in..."

Yu Shengxiao was talking to himself.

"Master, that's not right. These people died at different times... They should have been sent in in many batches. You think that you would not be aware of sending people in so frequently. Is this possible?"

Yuan Deyin also checked the stumps, she asked with a frown.

"So, there is another possibility." Jun Yu also spoke out at this time, his voice was sharp and cold.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, did you guess it too? That person must be very familiar with Miracle Doctor Valley, and he is also very familiar with the formation, so that he can unknowingly kill so many people, no, it should be so many corpses." Bring it in."

Yuan Deyin turned around, looked at Jun Yu, and said firmly.

"Master, think about it, who in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors meets this condition?" Yuan Deyin asked Yu Shengxiao nervously, what did Yuan Deyin think of.

After analyzing this point, we should soon be able to know who brought the corpse in.

"Master, it's Master. The method of cracking the formation, the people in the entire valley of genius doctors, only this genius doctor and master know, and this back mountain is also the forbidden area of ​​master..."

Yusheng Xiao said in a lonely tone.

He's in a mixed mood right now.

What the hell is Uncle Master doing?
"Uncle Grand Master?"

Yuan Deyin's expression froze slightly, and his expression was a little complicated.

So many corpses are related to Tai Shishu... What the hell is going on here.

"The top priority is to find Grand Master Uncle."

Seeing that Yusheng Xiao was in a bad mood, Yuan Deyin quickly comforted him.

"En." Yu Shengxiao nodded lightly.

All of them waited and hurriedly walked along the top of the spring.

"Master, is the source of this spring water inside or outside the Valley of Divine Doctors?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

"Inside, the mountain in front is the source of water." Yu Shengxiao replied in a complicated tone.

If the source of this spring water is from the outside world, he still has reason to convince himself that these corpses flow in from outside.

But it's unnatural...

The source of spring water is in the back mountain!

Yu Shengxiao's words successfully calmed Yuan Deyin down.

She lowered her eyes and could understand his distress.

Soon, a group of people arrived at the entrance of a cave.

A very fragrant smell wafted from it.

"What does it taste like?"

Shen Chuannan asked.

"Corpse oil. When a person's corpse rots to a certain extent, put a kind of herbal medicine into it, boil it into oil, and use it to light a lamp. Not only will it burn for a long time, but it will also be very fragrant." Jun Yu said coldly at this time .

Shen Chuannan's expression gradually froze.

Corpse oil...?

He had only read about this kind of thing in books before, and he didn't expect such a thing to exist in such a paradise as Miracle Doctor Valley.

He looked at Yu Shengxiao with weird eyes.

Sensing the look in his eyes, Yu Shengxiao immediately frowned, "Since I can remember, I don't know that there is such a thing in the Doctor's Valley."

"This should be the cave Xiaobai mentioned."

Yuan Deyin said softly.

She turned her head and wanted to find a certain rabbit.

It turned out that it didn't follow at all.

This coward!
Yuan Deyin ruthlessly cast it aside in her heart.

"Xiao Deyin, you wait outside, go in and take a look for the teacher."

Yu Shengxiao's expression was very dignified, but he still needed to dig out the truth.

Worried about the danger inside, he told Yuan Deyin to stay outside.

"Master, what are you talking about? Deyin is also a member of Miracle Doctor Valley now, okay. It is also Deyin's responsibility to investigate the truth." After Yuan Deyin finished speaking, he took the initiative to walk to Yushengxiao's side.

Shen Chuannan and Jun Yu also came over.


Seeing them all coming, Yu Shengxiao sighed in his heart and didn't stop them.

Because there is light coming in from outside, they can still vaguely see the scene inside.

The four of them walked in slowly at the same time.

The further you go in, the stronger the scent becomes.

Yuan Deyin couldn't help but feel nauseous, because thinking of the source of this fragrance, she couldn't smell it anymore.

It is estimated that Xiaobai was also attracted by this fragrance.

If it finds out what the scent is extracted from, it probably won't be able to eat radishes in the future.

With a "click", Yuan Deyin seemed to have stepped on something.

She frowned, and quickly lowered her head, only to see a few human fingers under her feet, but they had completely rotted away, leaving only bones.

"Yin'er..." Jun Yu called her worriedly.

"It's okay." Yuan Deyin quickly raised her head, and she replied softly.

She let out a sigh of relief and quickly followed their pace.

Finally, after walking for a while, they finally got inside.

There are oil lamps inside, so they can see clearly what's inside.

But obviously, the scene in front of them has left them speechless.

At the bottom, indistinct stumps were placed there.

"Hmm..." Yuan Deyin's stomach twitched and he almost vomited.

When their eyes went up, that scene horrified them even more.

Xiaobai Xu couldn't see the top because of his short stature, but they could see clearly.

There are many large holes carved out of the stone wall above, and in each hole, there are coffins...

(End of this chapter)

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