Chapter 390 The Undead in the Coffin

Under the coffin, many oil lamps were lit.

There are traces of burning incense and candles beside it.

So, do people often come here to worship?
Except for Granny Zongmu, there should be no one who can come to this place openly.

Why is she hiding so many corpses in this place?
Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu looked at each other, and Jun Yu immediately flew up with lightness kung fu.

He took out his sword, stuck it on the stone wall, and stepped on it.

With his body suspended in the air, his palm hit one of the coffins.

The coffin fell slowly.

With a "bang", dust was raised all over the place.

"Offended." Yuan Deyin took a deep breath, and then walked forward quickly. She raised her hand and slapped it, and the coffin lid was lifted directly.

Everything inside is exposed in front of their eyes.


Yuan Deyin saw what was inside, and she staggered back a step.

Yu Shengxiao and Shen Chuannan also took a step forward nervously.

Because the person lying inside turned out to be...

Mother-in-law Zong Lin!

"Uncle Master?"

Yu Shengxiao immediately stepped forward, and he put his fingers on Grandma Zonglin's neck.

Soon, his expression dimmed, and even his fingertips trembled.

"I'm out of breath." He turned his head and shook his head lonely at Yuan Deyin.

Out of breath?
Yuan Deyin's heart trembled too.

After all, she and Zong Lin's mother-in-law haven't seen each other for seven years, and she also saved her back then...

I didn't expect that when they met again, it would be like this.

Yuan Deyin was so angry that his body trembled.

Who did it?
She gritted her teeth and walked to Granny Zong Lin's coffin.

Zong Lin's mother-in-law's hair was white, and she was even older than she had seen back then.

But her wrinkled skin is extremely clean, and the flesh has not rotted.

"Could it be that he was killed recently?"

Yuan Deyin and Yu Shengxiao looked at each other, and they began to check in a tacit understanding.

But it's okay not to check, once checked, the two of them were so angry that their faces turned red.

Shen Chuannan found that something was wrong with them and came over.

"What's wrong? Did you find anything? Senior Zong Mu's body is so well preserved, could it be a natural death?"

"No." Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth and said coldly.

"Uncle Master has been dead for at least six or seven years." Yu Shengxiao said in a complicated tone.

It has been many years since Master Uncle left the Valley of Miraculous Doctors.

Although she is not bound by the genius doctor Gu, the genius doctor Gu has always regarded her as a member.

But why, when she passed away six or seven years ago, he, a junior, didn't notice it.

"It's been seven or eight years since he passed away? How is it possible, this corpse is clearly..."

Shen Chuannan's tone was shocked, he looked at Yuan Deyin and Yushengxiao with puzzled expressions.

"The real reason for Master's death should be this..." Yu Shengxiao said, and then broke off the wrinkled flesh on Grandma Zonglin's neck.

Shen Chuannan looked over and saw a deep scar on her neck.

"However, there is no way to explain this. The corpse has not been corrupted for so many years." Shen Chuannan frowned.

"If it's mercury, then it makes sense." Jun Yu also came over.

His dark eyes looked at the top of Grandma Zong Lin's head, and then parted her hair.

Sure enough, there was a huge hole in it.

"Master Uncle was poured mercury from the top of his head before he died completely to ensure that his body was not broken."

Yu Shengxiao gritted his teeth, exuding hatred all over his body.

Who is so cruel, who wants to deal such a cruel hand to an old woman with limited mobility.

"Stand back, the smell of mercury is poisonous."

Although Yuan Deyin felt sorry for her, the comfort of the living is more important.

She hurriedly told Yusheng and Xiao to step back.

"This place belongs to Senior Zong Mu. Could it be that Senior Zong Lin..."

Shen Chuannan looked at Yu Shengxiao with a complicated expression, and expressed his guess.

He only said half of what he said, and Yu Shengxiao guessed what he meant.

"Impossible, Uncle Zongmu won't be cruel to Uncle Zonglin. When they were in the Valley of the Immortal Doctor, their relationship was like sisters, and Gu's ancestors taught that they would never kill each other! "

Yu Chenxiao became firmer with each sound.

He believed that his two uncles would not kill each other.

"Or, the person who killed Uncle Zonglin was not Uncle Zongmu, but someone else. But the person who put the body here should be Uncle Zongmu."

Yuan Deyin pondered for a while, then spoke.

She walked to the entrance of the cave, and then pointed in a direction ahead.

"Look, where is the line of sight between here and where?"

Looking in the direction she pointed, Yu Shengxiao and the others only saw the swaying bamboo forest tip and the gray sky.

Where does this line of sight connect with?

Yu Shengxiao looked at Yuan Deyin suspiciously.

"It's connected to Senior Zongmu's house." At this time, Jun Yu said coldly.

His words successfully awakened Yu Shengxiao and Shen Chuannan.

That's right, it is connected to Granny Zongmu's main house.

Standing on the roof of the main house, you must be able to see this place.

The reason why they didn't realize it just now was because Granny Zongmu's house was destroyed yesterday, and she couldn't see it today.

"There are many caves in the back mountain. We walked all the way just now and saw caves of all sizes, but this cave is the main one where the corpses are placed. Apart from someone wanting to look at it, Deyin can't think of any other reason... ..."

Yuan Deyin said softly.

"The terrain of this mountain is low, and there is a water source, so it is easy to get wet. If it weren't for the coffin not being placed high, the corpse would have rotted long ago. If someone really cared, he shouldn't have put the corpse in such a place."

Jun Yu also spoke coldly at this time.

His words awakened Yu Shengxiao and Shen Chuannan.

"So, this place is not the best place to put the corpse at all. But it is still placed here, that can only show..."

Shen Chuannan suddenly realized, and he spoke quickly.

"That can only show that Xiao Deyin's guess just now is correct. Uncle Zongmu wants to see this location. Could it be that Uncle Zongmu wants to protect this place?"

Yu Shengxiao's expression was extremely complicated.

"Uncle Zongmu, what have you done!"

Yu Shengxiao clutched her head, her head ached like it was about to burst.

Before his master passed away, he had asked him to guard the Valley of Divine Doctors, but it turned out to be the current situation.

"Master, please calm down first, think about it carefully, has Uncle Zongmu ever had any abnormalities?"

Seeing Yu Shengxiao's almost collapsed state, Yuan Deyin hurried over to comfort him.

"No, Uncle Shi doesn't have much contact with us, she just gave us an order not to go to the back mountain..."

Yu Shengxiao shook his head helplessly.

"Now, it's better to find Senior Zongmu." Shen Chuannan also spoke out at this time.

"There's no need to look for him, he should not be in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors anymore." Jun Yu said coldly.

Not in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors anymore?

Shen Chuannan and the others looked back at Jun Yu at the same time.

"When we came here just now, we saw fresh blood in the water flowing down. But along the way, are there any corpses that just died?" Jun Yu continued.

"So, was the injured person, or the corpse that just died, sent out of the Valley of Miraculous Doctors?"

Shen Chuannan asked in a complicated tone.

Seeing Jun Yu staring at a piece of head on the ground, Yuan Deyin frowned and couldn't help but make a sound.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why do you keep looking at this head? But what's wrong?"

Hearing her words, Jun Yu looked back at her.

His dark eyes were bottomless, and he even had complicated emotions.

He leaned over, and picked up the head regardless of the dirt.

"See what's up there?"

He pointed to the head.

This head unexpectedly exudes a strange fragrance, and there is a piece of dried meat attached to its back.

What's even weirder is that there is actually a mark there.

Although vague, it is faintly visible.

It's like a blooming flower...


Yuan Deyin took a closer look.

The result is a chill down the spine.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, does this mark look like the stone statue we saw?"

she asked urgently.

"En." Jun Yu replied in a deep voice.

"Stone elephant?" Both Yu Shengxiao and Shen Chuannan were puzzled.

Yuan Deyin omitted the matter of the golden statue in the stone cave, and roughly explained the ins and outs of the stone statue.

"Why does this person have a statue of the God-lord clan of Tuoling?"

Shen Chuannan also knew a little about the time of the Lord Tuo Ling, so he was very surprised.

After all, no matter how brilliant the Lord of Toling is, he has disappeared from this world for a long time.

If it weren't for the existence of the hermit family, who would still remember what happened 300 years ago?

"It's not just that, there's more here!"

Yu Shengxiao picked up several heads in a row, but they all found the same mark.

It is estimated that all the corpses here will have this phenomenon when put together.

"Fanzhou Island has disappeared, but who knows where the tens of thousands of Fanzhou people went?" Jun Yu asked quietly.

"Wait, Ah Yu, what do you mean...these people are likely to be the descendants of the people of Fanzhou Island back then?" Shen Chuannan looked at Jun Yu in shock.

Jun Yu lowered his eyes and nodded.

He concealed the coldness in his eyes.

Originally thought that the people of Tuoling the God Lord family were far away from them, but it seems that after a certain girl's talent began to awaken...

A lot of things are starting to surface.

There seems to be a big net in the dark, forcing them to explore the secrets of 300 years ago.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, are you alright?"

Yuan Deyin was frightened by the terrifying aura emanating from Jun Yu, she asked worriedly.

Hearing the little girl's worried words, Jun Yu's eyes flickered, and he regained his clarity in an instant.

His eyes warmed up, and then he said in a deep voice, "This king is fine."

"No, no, or no, if these people are really descendants of people from Fanzhou Island, how did they get placed in the Valley of Divine Doctors? Is Uncle Zongmu related to them?"

Yu Shengxiao shook his head.

Obviously, he couldn't accept this statement.

"Yu Shengxiao, are you familiar with the field of Miracle Doctor Valley?" Jun Yu suddenly asked in an obscure tone.

"Of course I'm familiar with it. I grew up in the Valley of Wonderful Doctors. I'm the king here. Now I'm still the owner of the valley. How come I'm not familiar with Valley of Wonderful Doctors?"

Yu Shengxiao said anxiously.

"But, do you really know every corner of this huge valley of genius doctors like the back of your hand?" Jun Yu asked again slowly.

"This genius doctor..." Yu Shengxiao's tone suddenly choked.

"How did you know what this land was like before it became the Valley of Miraculous Doctors?" Jun Yu continued to ask.

"This, this land was opened up by our ancestors 200 years ago. What was it like before, and what does it have to do with us? This is now the Valley of Miraculous Doctors!" Yusheng Xiao was so anxious that he almost spoke up.

"But have you ever thought about it, in case, you are the intruders, assuming that this place has been living in the dark with a group of people..."

Jun Yu spoke in a cold voice, with a sense of urgency in his voice.

Yu Shengxiao had a calm expression just now, but after Jun Yu's words fell, his face gradually turned pale.

He wanted to open his mouth to refute, but found that...

Maybe Jun Yu was right.

Gu, the genius doctor, said it was not big, but it was not small.

If there is a group of people who have lived here for 300 years, they will cover up their existence under the guise of Miracle Doctor Valley.

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible for so many people to exist, and none of us are aware of it!"

Yu Shengxiao shook his head desperately, he couldn't convince himself.

If what Jun Yu said is true, then the tranquility and warmth of Miracle Doctor Valley...isn't it all an illusion?
"Nine, Uncle Nine Emperors, you, don't scare Master."

Not to mention that Yusheng Xiao couldn't accept it, Yuan Deyinzi was listening beside her, and she felt creepy.

Looking at the little girl's pale face, Jun Yu's eyes flickered.

He sighed silently.

The existence of the Tuoling God-lord family is far more terrifying than what they can understand.

If you really dig out the secrets in the dark, I'm afraid the little girl will not be able to accept it even more.

Suppressing the heaviness in his heart, Jun Yu said with a cold face: "Yu Shengxiao, did Senior Zong Mu tell you anything? You give me a good think about it!"

Jun Yu's voice was too shocking.

Yu Shengxiao's heart trembled a bit, but her mind was beginning to clear up.

"It's too much. This genius doctor almost forgot. Last night, the uncle actually came to see me once. I was a little surprised at that time. After all, the uncle usually doesn't go out of the back mountain. But the uncle said some inexplicable words After that, it disappeared, and I didn't think much about it at the time..."

The more Yu Shengxiao thought about it, the more annoyed she became.

If he had gone to find someone at that time, the result would have been different.

"Inexplicable words? What did Senior Zongmu say?" Shen Chuannan looked at Yu Shengxiao and asked.

What did you say……

Yu Shengxiao glanced at Yuan Deyin with complicated eyes, and finally said the words helplessly.

"She said, let this genius doctor follow Xiao Deyin and protect her. Also, don't let her go to Wei Guo and Miao Jiang."

"How did senior Zongmu know that the princess wanted to go to Wei and Miao Jiang?"

Shen Chuannan's expression changed suddenly when he heard Yu Shengxiao's words.

"Wait, you really want to go to Wei and Miao Jiang, but this genius doctor thought that Master was just giving a casual order."

After Yu Shengxiao realized it, she also felt terrified.

"Sister Qingzhou's matter has something to do with Miao Jiang. After this journey, many things seem to be inseparable from Miao Jiang and Wei Guo, so Deyin plans to set off for Miao Jiang immediately after Sister Qingzhou is cured." Yuan Deyin frowned.

and so……

Uncle Master, that's not something you said casually!

"If Yin'er goes to these two places, what will happen?"

Jun Yu's indifferent eyes fell on Yu Shengxiao, and he continued to ask.

"Uncle Master said that if Xiao Deyin left, Miracle Doctor Valley would be lost forever." Yu Shengxiao said with a tangled expression.

What message does the uncle want to convey?
Why did Xiao Deyin harm Miracle Doctor Valley when he went to these places?
"It seems that the person who attacked Senior Zongmu is related to these two places."

Jun Yu put down the head in his hand, and said sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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