Chapter 391 Roast Rabbit

"So, Uncle Nine Emperors, shall we still go to Miaojiang?"

Yuan Deyin looked at Jun Yu with worried eyes, then at Yu Shengxiao.

Although she felt that Grand Master Zongmu's words were strange, what if it really had an impact on Miracle Doctor Gu?
Facing Shang Yuan Deyin's worried eyes, Yu Shengxiao looked firm; "Uncle Zongmu is missing, and the cause of Uncle Zonglin's death is unknown, and there are still so many mysteries that have not been solved. Therefore, this trip between Miaojiang and Wei Kingdom, this trip The divine doctor is going to fix it!"

Not being able to find out the truth is the greater harm to Miracle Doctor Gu.

Glancing at the stumped limbs on the ground, Yu Shengxiao's eyes were extremely serious.

The genius doctor Gu has lived for so many years, he absolutely does not allow any accidents to happen in his hands.

"Okay, Master, if you go, Deyin will accompany you."

Hearing Yusheng Xiao's words, Yuan Deyin spoke firmly.

"But, Mei Qingzhou from the capital..."

Yu Shengxiao remembered the matter of Mei Qingzhou.

"Sister Qingzhou and Concubine Ning's condition, Deyin can only think of another way, master, can Deyin borrow someone from you?" Yuan Deyin said quickly.

Sister Qingzhou is very important, but the genius doctor Gu can't delay...

If Uncle Zongmu is not found for a day, it will be more dangerous.

There are also those unknown calculations. If the people behind them are not dug out, there is no guarantee that they will kill the people around her next time.

"Borrow someone? Who?" Yu Shengxiao looked puzzled.

"Borrow Su Mo brother." Yuan Deyin said calmly.

"You want little Su Mo to treat your sister Qingzhou?" Yu Shengxiao could understand Yuan Deyin's intention in an instant.


Brother Su Mo learned medical skills from his master, and all the medical skills are definitely not bad. She only needs to give him the two medicines, and then tell him some details, and he will definitely be able to save sister Qingzhou.

After going out, Yuan Deyin went directly to Hua Sumo to talk about treating Mei Qingzhou and Concubine Ning.

And Yu Shengxiao asked someone to bury those stumps.

Grandma Zonglin was buried next to the successive valley owners of the Valley of Miraculous Doctors. It can be seen from this that her position in Yushengxiao's heart is not low.

"Uncle Nine Emperors."

Yuan Deyin saw Jun Yu standing in front of Zonglin's mother-in-law's tombstone, so she walked over quickly.

Is it her delusion?

Why did she actually see regret and compassion on Uncle Jiuhuang's face just now.

As if he could sense the doubt in her heart, Jun Yu spoke in a low voice.

"Senior Zong Lin has been lonely all her life, and she never waited for Li Cang to apologize until she died." Jun Yu said in a deep voice, his eyes darkened.

Li Cang?

Hearing this name, Yuan Deyin's eyes became a little more angry.

That immortal old man Tianji is nothing more than a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Poor Uncle Zonglin was bound by him for the first half of his life.

However, did Uncle Nine Emperors completely break up with that old man?He stopped calling that old man his master.

Yuan Deyin originally wanted to say that she was trapped in the formation of dead souls, and Li Cang also had a "credit".

But thinking that there are too many troubles recently, she should stop embarrassing Uncle Nine Emperors.

So she silently suppressed her thoughts of speaking.

Jun Yu stood on the side, watching her shrugging her head like a dead tree.

He raised his eyebrows, and said in a low voice, "Have you finished telling Hua Sumo?"

"Well, brother Su Mo is very intelligent. Deyin just told him the general idea, and he knows how to treat Sister Qingzhou and Concubine Ning. But Uncle Nine Emperors, if Sister Qingzhou wakes up, if she doesn't see We, will she be sad?"

Yuan Deyin raised his head and asked with a depressed expression.

"Then tell me, what is your reason for not returning to Beijing this time?" Jun Yu looked at her and asked patiently.

"Deyin wants to find Uncle Zongmu and the murderer who killed Uncle Zonglin!" Yuan Deyin looked into Jun Yu's eyes and said very seriously.

"That's fine, you have more important things to do, Concubine Mei will understand."

As Jun Yu explained, he raised his hand and rubbed her head.

"I hope that when we return to Beijing next time, the emperor's brother can have a good relationship with Qingzhou's sister, and stop having those troubles."

Yuan Deyin sighed, she looked into the distance with a confused expression.

At this time, Wuyi came quickly.

"My lord, princess, I've packed up my things, Doctor Yu said that we can go."

"Okay." Yuan Deyin nodded.

She glanced back at the tombstone.

Although I don't know why Grand Master Zongmu treats Grand Master Zong Lin like that, but it is more important to be safe in the ground.

"Uncle Zong Lin, we will help you find the murderer and avenge you."

After bowing to the tombstone, Yuan Deyin followed Jun Yu and walked down the mountain.

Yushengxiao found a few trustworthy people and told them to keep an eye on the affairs in Guli.

Seeing Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu also coming, he waved his hand, threw his last item on the carriage, and walked over quickly.

"Okay, everything is almost packed, we have to start as soon as possible. If those people really robbed the uncle, we will find the uncle earlier, and the uncle will be less dangerous."

"Yeah." Yuan Deyin nodded.

It was the first time she saw Master so anxious.

"Brother Su Mo, have you brought all the medicine?" Yuan Deyin asked quickly when she saw Hua Sumo standing beside another carriage.

"Don't worry, I have brought everything, even your message to the emperor and Concubine Mei, I will remember it."

Hua Su Mowen explained in a gentle voice, telling her not to worry.

"We have to get on the road as soon as possible, or it will be late again." Shen Chuannan jumped into a carriage first, and didn't forget to turn around to remind him.

"Yin'er, let's go." Jun Yu grabbed the little girl's hand and wanted to help her into the carriage.

Suddenly at this time, Aqiao rushed out.


She gestured with her hands and feet, looking anxious.

"Aqiao, you mean, you want to leave the valley with senior brother?" Hua Sumo had lived with her for a long time, so he understood what she meant by gesturing.

"No, it's not safe outside, Aqiao, you'd better stay in the valley and help me raise those herbs."

Yusheng Xiao seriously objected.


A Qiao quickly shook his head again.

She continued to gesture, and this time, everyone could understand what she meant.

She wanted to say that the outside world was no different than the valley, and she wanted to follow and take care of the owner of the valley.

"Aqiao, you are pure and kind by nature, and you don't understand the good and evil of the outside world. This genius doctor doesn't let you go out, it's for your own good. Besides, this genius doctor is used to traveling all over the world, so it's okay to take care of yourself." Yusheng Xiao Still looks non-negotiable.

When A Qiao heard his words, his eyes were red, as if he could shed tears at any time.

"Forget it, Yu Shengxiao, she grew up with you since she was a child, and now that you have all left the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, she will be afraid, so let her follow and be with Wuyi and the others."

Shen Chuannan opened the curtain at the right time and made a sound.

Yushengxiao looked at Shen Chuannan, and then at Aqiao who could cry at any time.

He sighed, and finally compromised: "Okay, you follow."


Hearing that Yu Shengxiao agreed, A Qiao wept with joy, and hurried back to get his own baggage.

A few carriages left the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, and two guards escorted Hua Sumo to the capital.

But Yuan Deyin's carriage was heading south, and they needed to go all the way south to reach Miaojiang.

"By the way, where's Xiaobai?"

Only then did Yuan Deyin remember that a certain rabbit hadn't come out yet!

She looked around the carriage, but found that there was no sign of Xiao Bai.

She hurriedly opened the curtain of the carriage, and asked anxiously: "Sister Wuyi, sister Wuyi, have you seen Xiaobai?"

"Princess, didn't Xiaobai get into your carriage first?"

Wuyi heard the movement, and immediately leaned forward to answer.

"There is no..." Yuan Deyin was puzzled.

Where did Xiaobai go?
Could it be that he fell into the valley of genius doctors?

Yuan Deyin glanced at the road behind and found that they had gone a long way.

She sighed in her heart, and then said: "Xiaobai, you can stay in the Valley of the Godly Doctor. Anyway, there are delicious food and drink in there. If you grow stronger, it will be delicious when it is baked."

At this very moment, a certain rabbit that was still wandering around the exit of Miracle Doctor Valley was so wronged that it was about to cry.

It was obviously sleeping comfortably in the carriage, but when the carriage shook, it flew out.

It looked into the distance, shrugged and pulled its two ears aggrievedly.


Woooooo, master silver, do you want someone else?

Just when it was crying aggrievedly, suddenly a pair of black shoes appeared behind it.

Um! ! !
Sensing the movement, a certain little rabbit's ears instantly stood up, and the two long teeth in its mouth were also tensed, and it dared not move its small body.

Is there someone behind it?
Is it someone?

It didn't notice any movement for a long time, its little heart slowly calmed down, and then it was ready to jump away.

But when its front legs started to bounce, suddenly, a pair of big hands with thin calluses directly lifted its ears.

"Is her rabbit so fat?"

A cold hum came.

A certain rabbit feels that its whole body has been stripped clean.

woo woo woo woo……

Lord, help me, someone wants to eat this bunny.


late at night.

The carriage was still on its way, and Yuan Deyin was lying on the arranged mattress.

Jun Yu's carriage is so big that it can fit two beddings.She was a little tired, and fell asleep early while Uncle Jiuhuang was still reading.

However, at some point, her stretched brows began to wrinkle.

Her fingers were tightly clutching the quilt, her teeth were biting her lips fiercely, and sweat dripped down her forehead.

"Yuan Deyin, you killed them, you are the murderer."

"Do you think your father was really killed by the enemy? He died to keep the secret of your mother and concubine."

"Do you think your concubine mother died of illness? That's why she deserves to die!"

"And Mei Qingzhou, Zong Mu, Zong Lin, these people are all suffering for you..."

"Damn you, damn you..."

That piercing voice kept echoing in her ears, as if it was going to penetrate her head and cut her head open.

Not me, not me, not me...

I didn't kill my father, no, it really wasn't me...

Yuan Deyin kept shaking her head. She wanted to scream, but she couldn't make any sound.


Jun Yu helped her up, his voice full of worry.

Hearing Jun Yu's call, Yuan Deyin finally grasped a life-saving straw.

She slowly opened her eyes, the cold sweat on her forehead had already wetted her hair at the temples.

She looked at Jun Yu in a daze.

He couldn't help calling weakly: "Uncle Nine Emperors?"

"The king is here." Jun Yu didn't say much, just took her into his arms, and then patted her on the back lightly.

"It's really Uncle Nine Emperors, was Deyin dreaming just now?"

Yuan Deyin still has half of her sanity trapped in that nightmare, so she is extremely weak now.

"It's okay, it's just a dream." Jun Yu didn't ask what the dream was, but just tried to comfort her.

"No, Deyin thinks that voice is very real. He keeps saying that it was Deyin who killed his father, mother, concubine, sister Qingzhou, and two uncles. It was all because of Deyin."

Yuan Deyin remembered the words in the nightmare, she held Jun Yu's shoulder tightly and said in a panic.

Her words made Jun Yu pause as he patted his back.

But this abnormality was quickly suppressed by him, he used the other hand to help her smooth the hair on her cheek, and then said in a deep voice: "It's really just a dream."

"Really, really?"

Yuan Deyin felt a little confused.

"Hmm." Jun Yu nodded without showing any impatience on his face.

"No matter what happens, I will always be by your side."

He continued speaking with firmness in his tone.

It has to be said that Uncle Jiuhuang's words were very soothing, and Yuan Deyin's heart slowly began to calm down.

She tapped her head in frustration.

She had never experienced anything before, but she was actually frightened by a little nightmare.

She must have been exhausted recently. When she woke up just now, she was in a daze.

She stuck out her tongue embarrassingly, and then whispered: "Sorry, Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin lost his composure just now."

"In front of this king, you don't have to restrain yourself."

Seeing her annoyed look, a smile flashed across Jun Yu's eyes.

She is still as heartless as she is, and he doesn't like her restraining herself.


Yuan Deyin's face flushed instantly with a sound from his stomach.

"Are you hungry?"

Jun Yu's eyes instantly moved from her face to her stomach.

"Ah... I'm a little bit hungry." Yuan Deyin said with some embarrassment.

Hearing her words, Jun Yu immediately said in a cold voice, "Wu Ying, rest here."

"Subordinates obey!"

A shadowless voice came from outside.

After the carriage stopped.

Yuan Deyin opened the curtain and jumped down.

And Wuying and the others have already quickly unloaded the things from the carriage and started cooking on the spot.

Wuyi and Cang Ling went to collect firewood.

Seeing this, Yuan Deyin also ran up quickly.

"Princess, why don't you wait in the carriage." Seeing Yuan Deyin also coming, Cang Ling worried.

"It doesn't matter, my princess is also sitting. It's not safe for you two girls to collect firewood at home. It's better for my princess to follow." Yuan De said earnestly.

Cang Ling and Wuyi looked at each other, and they both couldn't help laughing.

Why did the princess say that she doesn't look like a girl!

"Let's go." Yuan Deyin patted them on the shoulder, and then walked towards the nearby forest with a torch.

But just after they walked in, they saw a fire burning under a big tree, and there were still things roasting on it.

Take a closer look...

"Princess, it looks like a roasted rabbit." Cang Ling covered her mouth and said in shock.

"Princess, there is a rope next to it, it seems to belong to...Xiaobai!" Wuyi quickly found a red rope, and she quickly picked it up.

(End of this chapter)

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