Chapter 392 The Rival of Love is Coming
Seeing that rope, Cang Ling's heart also sank.

Her eyes were red, and she ran over to put out the fire with sand.

"Isn't Xiaobai in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors? Why are you here?"

Looking at the rabbit inserted there to roast, Cang Ling's voice was choked with sobs.

Yuan Deyin's heart sank heavily.

She also couldn't believe that the stupid rabbit who was aggrieved and complained that it was scared in the morning has become like this today.

"Wait, this isn't Xiaobai."

After Yuan Deyin walked over, he soon realized that something was wrong.

Not Xiaobai?

Cang Ling and Wuyi looked at each other, the sadness on their faces hadn't had time to take back, they just looked at Yuan Deyin blankly.

"Xiaobai, it seems...not so thin."

Yuan Deyin said in a low voice.

She had just finished speaking, when there was a sound of "噗味" behind her.

"Stupid rabbit, your master knows you quite well."

this sound...

Yuan Deyin turned around, only to see Yunmo walking out carrying a rabbit.

"Prince Yunmo? No, the king of the Western Regions?" Yuan Deyin looked at the other party and shouted.


A certain meaty rabbit started whining.

Master Yin, hurry up and save him, this bad guy is going to eat him up.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

She gave a certain rabbit a look of disgust.

How stupid to get caught.

Disliked, a certain Xiaobai lowered his head aggrievedly.

Didn't it just eat a little fat and become a little slow to respond? Why does the owner despise it like this!
"Prince Yunmo, this rabbit is naughty. It will be bad if it accidentally bumps into you. You should return it to the princess to take care of it."

Yuan Deyin looked at Yunmo and said in a neutral tone.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yunmo instantly understood.

She wanted to take this stupid rabbit back.

He bowed his head and chuckled.


He strode towards Yuan Deyin, and then quickly stuffed the rabbit into your arms.

"You're so small, you're still so tall."

Arriving in front of Yuan Deyin, he looked at Yuan Deyin who was much higher than before, and couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

Yuan Deyin looked at Yunmo in front of her, her mood was a little complicated.

He also looks much calmer than he did back then.

"However, he is still shorter than this king, hahaha." Who knew, his next sentence turned into a joke.

Yuan Deyin's face turned dark.

She wants to take back her previous thoughts.

This guy hasn't changed at all, he's still as stubborn as before.

"Little one, do you eat meat?"

Yunmo rolled up his sleeves, showing his thick wheat-colored arms in front of Yuan Deyin, and then took the roasted rabbit off the fire.

It seems that this temperature is not a problem for him at all.

When a certain Xiaobai saw this scene, it quickly retracted its head.

"Eating rabbits in front of Xiaobai, Prince Yunmo is so elegant." Yuan Deyin didn't know how to express her feelings, she said in a slightly helpless tone.

But Yun Mo was not in a hurry when he heard it, instead he found a wooden pier and sat down contentedly, and then took out a jar of wine from nowhere.

He drank heavily and ate meat, and then said slowly: "On the way, your rabbit was more noisy than you, and my king was in pain from the noise, so I will kill the chicken to make an example to the monkey."


You are the one making the noise, your whole family is making the noise!
A certain little white poked its head out of Yuan Deyin's arms and glared at Yunmo angrily.

It also used its little paws to grab Yuan Deyin's sleeve aggrievedly.

Master Yin, are you helping others to avenge...

As a result, after it finished being cute, Yuan Deyin directly lowered his head, glanced at it, and then said seriously; "My princess thinks Prince Yunmo's idea is good. If you are disobedient in the future, this princess will do the same... ..."


Seeing Xiaobai trembling with fright, Yunmo couldn't help laughing.

I haven't seen her in seven years, Yuan Deyin seems to be more interesting than before.

I don't know, what will happen if he abducts her to the Western Regions?

Thinking of this, a faint light flashed in Yun Mo's blue eyes.

"Okay, Sister Wuyi, Cang Ling, you guys quickly pick up the firewood, we should go." Yuan Deyin turned to tell Wuyi and Cang Ling.

"The slaves obey."

The two of them quickly picked up some firewood beside them.

Holding the firewood, they followed Yuan Deyin, wanting to go back.

But Yuan Deyin stopped quickly, because when she saw Yunmo, she followed up.

"Prince Yunmo, isn't it an accident that you are here?" Yuan Deyin looked at Yunmo quietly.

"Well, it's really not an accident, the king wants to follow you."

Yun Mo said confidently.

Yuan Deyin frowned, and couldn't help but said: "If the princess remembers correctly, you are still the king of the Western Regions. If you run out like this, aren't you afraid of foreign enemies invading and powerful officials usurping the throne?"

Cang Ling and Wu Yi were listening, neither of them dared to say anything.

Only the princess dared to say this in front of the king of the Western Regions.

The current Yunmo is not the Prince Yunmo back then, he is the king of the Western Regions who is so powerful in all directions.

These years of iron and blood methods are not at all inferior to their princes.

But Yunmo, who heard Yuan Deyin's words, was not angry.

Instead, he smiled even deeper.

"If the position of the King of the Western Regions is so easy to win, I hope they will take it. But, there is no such a man in the entire Western Regions."

This sounds a bit arrogant.

But remembering what he learned after he came back, Yuan Deyin knew...

He's not bragging.

Sighing in her heart, Yuan Deyin felt that she had to confront him.

"Okay, if you don't worry about your own country, king of the Western Regions, that's your own business, but please don't meddle in our affairs."

Yuan Deyin's tone became a little alienated.

Although they are also friends, she doesn't want too many people to know what she is investigating now, so as not to harm more people.

When she turned around with Xiaobai in her arms, Yunmo directly said, "Miaojiang is a very exclusive place. If you go there so rashly, you may not be able to get in."

"You know we're going to Miaojiang?"

Yuan Deyin turned around, and shot Yunmo directly with a sharp coldness.

Seeing her vigilant look, Yun Mo sighed.

How could he harm her, but she was always so wary of him.

But this feeling of loss just flashed in his heart, he quickly regained his composure, and then said in a calm tone; "Of course this king knows."

After speaking, he took out a letter from his arms.

"This king arrived in the capital a few days ago. He originally wanted to find you, but the steward of the Prince Regent's Mansion said that you had already left the capital, and he was unwilling to say where you went. Just when this king was reluctant to go back to the Western Regions, this king Wang received a letter..."

"A letter?"

"That's right." Yunmo put the letter in Yuan Deyin's hands.

Opening the letter and taking a look, Yuan Deyin's expression changed suddenly.

Because the letter said—

"If you want to find Yuan Deyin, you should stay on the way to Miaojiang from the Valley of the Miraculous Doctor."

"Do you know who sent you the letter?" Yuan Deyin raised his head and looked at Yunmo urgently.

"This king doesn't know either, it was a child who transferred it to this king." Yun Mo shook his head.

"Xu was thinking of giving it a try, so I came after you. Sure enough, I picked up your rabbit at the entrance of the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, and then took a short cut to wait for you."

He patiently explained.

"So, this letter was handed to you before the princess arrived at the Valley of the Godly Doctor? But at that time, why was that person so sure that the princess would go to Miaojiang from the Valley of the Godly Doctor?" Yuan De Yin glanced at Yunmo, then looked away.

She couldn't help muttering, her eyes were a little sharp.

Wuyi's face was also very serious.

"Princess, we only made up our minds to go to Miaojiang this morning. Before that, our plan was to return to the capital from the Valley of Miraculous Doctors, and then go to Miaojiang to find the truth..." Wuyi said.

"That's right, if it wasn't because of Grand Master Uncle, the princess and master wouldn't be so anxious to go to Miaojiang. But, before this morning, the princess didn't have a way to confirm the itinerary, how could that person know of?"

Yuan Deyin's expression was serious, she couldn't figure it out.

Wuyi and Cang Ling looked at Yunmo warily.

Yun Mo's face turned dark instantly.

"Could it be that you suspect that this is a fake by this king?" He gritted his teeth and said.

His majestic King of the Western Regions was actually suspected!

Hearing his words, Yuan Deyin quickly raised his head and shook his head at Wuyi and Cang Ling.

"It's not the king of the Western Regions who lied to us. Although he is unreliable, he won't be able to deceive people." Yuan Deyin explained patiently.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's explanation, Yunmo not only didn't feel happy at all, but was extremely depressed.

What is meant by "Although you are unreliable, you won't be able to deceive people"?

Where is he unreliable?
Ignoring Yunmo's panicked look, Yuan Deyin folded up the letter and put it in the envelope.

"So, there is only one possibility..."

She glanced at Wuyi and Cang Ling, and then said in a cold voice: "The person who sent the letter to the king of the Western Regions must have calculated that the princess will go to Miaojiang because of the matter of Grand Master Uncle. He can calculate so accurately, if he is not A god who is clever and calculating, it can only be said that the disappearance of Grand Master Uncle has nothing to do with him!!"

"Could it be that the disappearance of Grand Master Uncle has something to do with them?" Cang Ling asked in shock.

"Yeah." Yuan Deyin nodded lightly.

"What uncle, you just say, it's fine if you don't take me with you?"

Yunmo looked at Yuan Deyin calmly.

"Let's go, my princess will take you to see Uncle Jiuhuang. If you have any questions, please talk to Uncle Jiuhuang." Yuan Deyin nodded to him.

Seeing Yuan Deyin coming back from a distance, everyone who was busy raised their heads.

But when they saw Yunmo behind Yuan Deyin, they were all shocked.

Especially Jun Yu, whose face was so dark that ink dripped out.

Yuan Deyin quickly lifted the hem of her skirt, ran over and said, "Uncle Nine Emperors, Deyin has something to tell you."

With that said, she approached Jun Yu, stepped into his ear and told all the things that happened to Yun Mo.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Jun Yu's face calmed down slightly.

But the way he looked at Yunmo was still very cold.

"Before the matter is investigated clearly, it is better for the king of the Western Regions to stay by my side."

Jun Yu twitched the corner of his mouth at Yun Mo, and said in a cold tone.

Yuan Deyin, who was standing in the middle, couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat.

When these two people got together, why did the atmosphere become strange?

"But, there is no carriage in our team, how can he go with us?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously.

"I grew up on the grassland, how could I ride in that carriage?" Yunmo said coldly, and he took out a whip.

He also began to blow a moderate whistle.

At this time, a horse ran out from the depths of the woods.

"This is my king's horse, Chasing the Wind." Yun Mo took the initiative to introduce his horse to Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin is easy to get the intimacy of animals.

So Chasing Feng, who was still a fierce horse just now, started to rub Yuan Deyin with his head in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, Yun Mo raised an eyebrow and smiled.

"It seems that we Zhuifeng like you very much." He said quietly.

On the side, a certain Nine Emperor Uncle looked at the scene in front of him and felt that it was so damn dazzling.

A group of people waited to cook something to eat. When Shen Chuannan and Yusheng Xiao saw Yunmo chasing after him, they were not shocked, but looked at Jun Yu as if they were watching a play.

During this time, Ah Yu was a little too comfortable.

Now the enemy has finally arrived.

They knew very well that this little king of the Western Regions, no matter it was seven years ago or now, his determination to snatch the princess away is only a little bit more.

"Xiao Deyin, we are going to continue!"

Yu Shengxiao patted the wrinkles on his body, he slapped the jade bone fan, and then called Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin quickly stopped her action of shunning Xiaobai, and she responded: "Yes, I see, Master."

She stood up holding Xiao Bai, and wanted to go back to the carriage.

But when passing by Yun Mo, Yun Mo suddenly stretched out his right arm and stopped her.

"I heard that the further south you go, the clearer the weather is. It's not even autumn yet. There are fireflies on the roadside at night. Don't you want to see them?"

Yunmo raised his eyebrows, and stared at Yuan Deyin angrily.

After all, Yuan Deyin is still a little girl at heart.

After hearing Yunmo's words, a little light flashed in her eyes.

"Of course I want to, but..."

She wanted to say, how to look at it.

In the end, she couldn't finish her words, Yunmo directly lifted Xiaobai out of her arms.

Throwing an arc in the air, Xiao Bai flew out and fell into Jun Yu's hands.

With the other hand, he quickly grabbed Yuan Deyin's waist, then jumped up with her in his arms, and sat firmly on the horse's back.

"The method is very simple, that is, the king is with you, and you can watch it while riding a horse."

After finishing speaking, with a sound of "drive", Yun Mo swung his whip, clamped the horse's legs, and walked forward with Yuan Deyin.

As soon as everyone reacted, they could only see the back of the person going away and the dust all over the floor.

"Cough, cough, is Xiao Deyin taken away directly?" Yu Shengxiao asked blankly.

He also wanted to turn around and ask Jun Yu why he was not in a hurry.

As a result, when I turned around, I found that a certain Nine Emperor Uncle had long since disappeared.

Looking further, it turned out that he found a horse from nowhere and chased it out.


"He's in a hurry." Shen Chuannan shrugged and said calmly.

"Then I..."

"We just need to watch the play." Shen Chuannan gave Yu Shengxiao a meaningful look.

Then he slowly got into the carriage, not forgetting to say to Wuying: "Let's go too."

(End of this chapter)

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