Chapter 393 The Holy Maiden of Miao Jiang
"King of the Western Regions, let go of your hand to the princess."

The first time Yuan Deyin noticed something was wrong, she turned her head to Yunmo and spoke in a cold tone.

But Yunmo didn't seem to notice her resistance.

"How slow is your carriage, but my king's carriage is fast, don't move around, or you will fall." He said to Yuan Deyin in a very good mood.

Yuan Deyin's tone became cold again: "Yunmo! This princess doesn't have the patience to tell you a second time, stop quickly."

Hearing Yuan Deyin finally called his name, instead of the stiff, uncomfortable-sounding "King of the Western Regions".

Yun Mo began to laugh heartily, his brows were full of the publicity of a prairie man.

"Sorry, I won't let you go!"

He spoke provocatively to Yuan Deyin.

The corner of Yuan Deyin's mouth completely collapsed.

She didn't intend to be polite to him anymore.

Raising his hand, he put his elbow directly on his heart.

Yun Mo grunted in pain, but the smile on his face became even brighter.

Sensing his smile, Yuan Deyin was helpless.

Is he masochistic?
Forget it...

If you don't teach him a lesson, he won't be sensible.

After thinking about it, Yuan Deyin's attack became more ruthless.

Yunmo had to take care of the horse and guard against her attacks, so soon he was at a disadvantage.

Yuan Deyin took advantage of Yunmo's turning sideways, she supported the saddle with one hand, and then kicked with a sharp backspin, put her foot on his shoulder, and jumped up.

If there were no accidents, she would fall to the ground when chasing the wind forward.

But who knew, Chasing the Wind seemed to be able to feel the will of its owner, let out a long sigh, jumped up the horse's hooves, and leaned back on the buttocks...

And Yunmo even grabbed her ankle.

Yuan Deyin didn't react, so he pulled him down and back.

Seeing this, Yuan Deyin's eyes sank.

She gritted her teeth, and was about to raise her palm to hit Yunmo.

But Yun Mo had already expected her move, instead of retreating, he took the initiative to meet her.

What is he doing...

Yuan Deyin's heart did not sink.

Her palm was almost exhausted.

Because she wanted a quick fix.

But Yunmo suddenly stopped fighting her, which was beyond her expectation.

If this slap hits him...

Yuan Deyin thought through the consequences almost instantly.

Although the battle between the Western Regions and Chi Yan had stabilized, it was all because Yun Mo had no intention of fighting Chi Yan.

If something happened to Yun Mo and other people became kings of the Western Regions, they might not be so friendly to Chi Yan.

Although according to Chi Yan's current strength, they are not afraid of fighting, but the people should always be innocent...

Thinking of the consequences, Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth and began to withdraw the internal force he had exerted.

But it was too late, she hadn't been able to take back all her internal energy.

A part of the internal energy returned to him, and a part fell on Yunmo.

Both of them fell in their own directions...

Yuan Deyin almost fell to the ground, but at this moment, Jun Yu caught up with her, and he quickly caught her.

"Yin'er." Jun Yu worriedly grabbed Yuan Deyin's cold little hand, and there was a bit of tremor in his voice.

Sensing his worry, Yuan Deyin shook his head.

"It's okay, Uncle Nine Emperors, don't worry, Deyin is fine."

After finishing speaking, she ordered a few acupuncture points on her body, and then fed herself a few pills to nourish her body.

She stood up from Jun Yu's arms, and then looked at Yun Mo not far away.

He was injured more seriously and was almost unable to get up.

Jun Yu took out the sword from his body, his face was cold, and his whole body exuded hostility.

The sword was pulled out, the sharp edge of the sword glowed coldly, the tip of the sword touched the ground, and when it passed the ground, the grass roots were pulled up.

He stood in front of Yunmo and stared at him indifferently.

Sensing Uncle Jiuhuang's killing intent, Yuan Deyin's heart sank.

It's over, is Uncle Nine Emperors trying to kill Yunmo?

Although this guy owes a lesson, but he won't die...

Most importantly, his identity does not allow him to die in Chiyan.

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin hurried over and grabbed Jun Yu's hand.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, calm down, this brat, just let Deyin teach you a lesson."

After finishing speaking, she quickly took out the medicine from her body, and immediately stuffed it into Yunmo's mouth without checking whether there was any mixed poison in it.

Yun Mo almost choked to death.

But he was still very happy, because he felt that she was showing her concern for him.

Gradually, seeing his complexion has recovered.

Only then did Yuan Deyin put on a straight face, and asked him very disapprovingly: "What do you want to do? If you want to die, don't implicate the princess."

"My king was injured, and it was you who caused it. You have to be responsible to this king."

The pain in Yunmo's heart clearly disappeared, but he still raised his head confidently and said to Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

She finally found out that it was he who touched the porcelain.

"Are you sure that you want to reason with the princess, it is obvious that you are belittling the princess, and the princess has no choice but to attack you. Also, you can obviously catch the palm of the princess, why don't you avoid it!"

Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth and asked.

Beside, when a certain Nine Emperor Uncle heard the word "frivolous", his ears perked up instantly.

There was also a gloomy light in his eyes, and in this dark night, he felt a little permeable.

Yunmo naturally also noticed the change in Jun Yu's eyes, but instead of being afraid, he looked slightly embarrassed.

Heh, I won't let you feel comfortable if you let you brag in front of me because you are her Nine Emperor Uncle.

Yuan Deyin didn't know that the two men were already fighting secretly, she gritted her teeth, and finally reached out to Yunmo.

"stand up!"

It is important to go to Miaojiang, and she cannot waste time with this scoundrel.

Seeing that he hadn't moved yet, Yuan Deyin continued to threaten and said: "If you don't get up again, the princess will feed the wolves here by yourself!"

"This king is a wolf on the prairie. Why are you afraid of wolves? Little boy, this king forgot to tell you. This king's nanny is the daughter of the first family in Miaojiang. I have her token on me. I can definitely take you to Miaojiang. Jiang. So, think about it for yourself, whether you want to take this king away."

When Yunmo heard Yuan Deyin's threatening words, not only did she not get nervous, but instead threatened her in turn.

The daughter of the first family in Miaojiang?
Yuan Deyin frowned, and she looked back at Jiuhuangshu.

It turned out that Uncle Jiuhuang's eyes had changed a little.

So, are members of this family actually very prestigious in Miaojiang?

No wonder this kid is so arrogant, it turns out he has such a big hole card in his hand.

"We can go in without you." Jun Yu stretched out his hand to pull Yuan Deyin to his side, and then said to Yunmo in a cold voice.

Because Jun Yu's tone was too confident, Yun Mo couldn't tell whether he was pretending to be confident or really having confidence.

"Hmph, then you can feed the mosquitoes here yourself." Yuan Deyin said arrogantly when she heard what her uncle Nine Emperors said.

After finishing speaking, she turned around and pulled up Chasing Wind.

Now, she doesn't even plan to leave the horse to Yunmo.

Seeing that Yuan Deyin was really determined to leave, Yunmo finally became a little nervous at this moment.

He frowned, and then shouted unwillingly: "Little boy, we were good friends who lived and died together, how could you leave me like this?"

With the total death?

When Yuan Deyin heard this, her face darkened, and she looked back at Yunmo.

When did they live and die together!

Aware of her doubts, Yun Mo actually didn't blush, and said confidently: "We were hunted down together. Isn't this life and death together?"

Yuan Deyin: "..."

After seven years of not seeing each other, he has become more and more shameless.

"Yoho, Xiao Deyin, what you said is right. We shared the joys and sorrows in Haicheng. How could you leave him as the king of the Western Regions?"

The carriages of Yushengxiao and Shen Chuannan also passed by at this time.

Yu Shengxiao even poked his head out, fanning the flames while fanning the Jade Bone Fan.

He was on the road just now, and he also thought of one thing——

This stupid wolf of the Western Regions... Cough, no, it is the king of the Western Regions, currently Jun Yu's greatest enemy.

He had to help him so that Jun Yu could feel a sense of crisis.

Otherwise, he put on a condescending face every day, thinking that Xiao Deyin belonged to him.

As a good master, he felt that he must help Xiao Deyin find the most suitable husband.

Thinking of this, Yu Shengxiao's thoughts of fanning the flames became deeper.

When Yuan Deyin heard Yushengxiao's words, she tilted her head, as if she was also thinking about this issue.

In fact, it makes sense. In Haicheng, if Yunmo and Master hadn't protected her, how could she be safe and sound when she was unarmed?
Forget it, this brat just needs a beating, he should settle down after the beating.

Being idle like this, the coldness on Yuan Deyin's face also decreased a lot.

She took the initiative to walk back, stretched out her hand to Yunmo, and her tone was a little gentler.

"Get up, we have to hurry."

Yun Mo naturally accepted it as soon as he saw it. He looked at Yuan Deyin's little white hand, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and wanted to reach out and grab it, and then get up again.

But before his rough big hand could touch Yuan Deyin's small hand, he felt his collar being grabbed.

He, the majestic king of the Western Regions, a rough prairie man!

He was picked up by Jun Yu as easily as a rabbit!

Jun Yu held Yun Mo in his arms, without blinking, he threw him directly into the carriage of Yu Shengxiao and Shen Chuannan.

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

Shen Chuannan who was taking a nap: "!!!"

"What the hell is this!"

In the darkness, Shen Chuannan asked through gritted teeth.

"Jun Yu, what are you doing?" Yu Shengxiao also looked at Jun Yu angrily.

Their carriage was already small, and he and Shen Chuannan were already aggrieved when they were squeezed together. Now Junyu throws another piece of trash... Cough... Throwing a person in, isn't it going to be crowded to death?
"Since you have said that he lived and died with you, then you can take care of him."

Jun Yu said expressionlessly.

Yuan Deyin couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing when she saw her master's broken expression.

"Master, what Uncle Nine Emperors said is right, you have to take good care of the king of the Western Regions. By the way, internal injuries are more difficult to recuperate, so I wronged him to stay with you for a few more days."

Yuan Deyin said to Yu Shengxiao obediently.

Yu Shengxiao: "???"

This little cotton-padded jacket, she is leaking, and she actually helps Jun Yu to bully him.

After solving a big problem, Yuan Deyin clapped her hands in a good mood, and she was about to go back to the carriage.

Wuying had already brought their carriage over.

But suddenly at this moment, a big hand appeared in front of her.

Looking up, it turned out that Uncle Nine Emperors rode in front of her.

"Huh? Uncle Nine Emperors, what's wrong?"

She looked at Jun Yu puzzled.

Isn't Yunmo's matter resolved?
"Get on the horse." Jun Yu said quietly.


"Didn't you say you want to see fireflies?" His tone was always calm.

This time, without waiting for her to react, he directly took her little hand, picked her up, stuffed her into his arms, and then drove away.

Seeing this scene in the carriage, Yun Mo gritted his teeth.

"Hmph, I will use the rest of the king's means, shameless!" He said angrily, covering his aching heart.

Yu Shengxiao was so bored by the small space that she didn't want to talk much.

But after hearing Yun Mo's words, he still couldn't help it.

He rolled his eyes directly, and then said with disgust: "It's different, okay! You put Xiao Deyin on the horse, Xiao Deyin is not happy, but she is very happy now."

Yunmo: "..."

"Young man, you still need to keep working hard." Yu Shengxiao patted Yunmo's shoulder and said earnestly.

Here, Yuan Deyin and Uncle Jiuhuang rode a horse together, and the uncomfortable resistance in her heart disappeared instantly.

While stroking the horse's mane and smoothing its hair, she asked curiously: "Uncle Nine Emperors, what kind of family is the first family in Miaojiang? Didn't it mean that Miaojiang people are very xenophobic? Why is its Miss will become Yu Shengxiao's nanny?"

"If my king remembers correctly, it should be the Jin family, a family whose Gu skills are comparable to that of the Miao Jiang patriarch." Jun Yu explained calmly.

"It's so powerful!" Yuan Deyin couldn't help being shocked.

Ever since she followed the lunatic to understand Gu poison, she knew how difficult it is to raise Gu, especially those who are good at Gu skills, they should not be underestimated.

"But no matter how powerful the Jin family is, because they don't have the blood of the master of Miao Jiang, they can only submit to the patriarch of Miao Jiang forever. As for why the young lady of the Jin family is living outside, that's another story..."

"Uncle Nine Emperors, tell me." Yuan Deyin's interest was aroused, she looked at Jun Yu curiously and said.

"The reason why Miao Jiang is prosperous is not only because of the patriarch and several big families, but also because of the saintesses of Miao Jiang." Jun Yu patiently explained.

"This Deyin knows that the lunatic Yu said that the Gu king must be raised by the saint of Miaojiang, which is the root of Miaojiang. But I heard that the Gu king also has a lifespan, and can only live for a maximum of 100 years. So every In 100 years, the saintesses of Miaojiang will have to cultivate a new Gu king..."

"Yes, if there is no Gu King, the other Gu insects in Miaojiang will die slowly." Jun Yu nodded, and then continued, "So, when the Gu King has less than 20 years of lifespan, Their saintesses are about to train new Gu kings..."

"Then what if the saint is also dead?" Yuan Deyin suddenly thought of this question, and she asked curiously.

"Well, indeed, your guess did happen. 18 years ago, the saint of Miaojiang died suddenly, but she left no children." Jun Yu said in a flat tone.

Yuan Deyin was stunned for a moment, she just guessed casually, but she didn't expect it to be true.

(End of this chapter)

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