Chapter 394 Accident to Yu Shengxiao

"Doesn't that mean that Miao Jiang's Gu King will not be able to be cultivated?"

Yuan Deyin said with a sigh, it sounds like the people of Miaojiang are also miserable.

"So, before the old Gu King dies, they need to find a new person who is suitable to be a saint and train them a new Gu King." Jun Yu continued.

"Can you find a new saint? Wait... Could it be that they couldn't find any suitable people in Miaojiang, and then sent people to look for them outside, and Yunmo's wet nurse is one of them?"

Yuan Deyin suddenly wanted to understand something, she said quickly.


"This is too strange. Can you be a saint without Miao Jiang's blood?" Yuan Deyin began to feel puzzled, holding her small face.

"In addition to the daughter of the previous saint girl who can inherit her mantle, the woman recognized by the old Gu king can also be a saint girl of Miaojiang." Jun Yu saw that she was interested in this, so he explained more.

As a result, the more she listened, the more interested she became, and she even turned her head and asked with bright eyes: "Then Uncle Nine Emperors, do you know how to be recognized by the old Gu King?"

"Yin'er, what do you want to do?" Seeing her excited look, Jun Yu's eyes darkened, and his expression became vigilant.

"Deyin is wondering if we can help them find the saint, and then they may be able to hand over Grand Master Uncle." Yuan Deyin patted him on the shoulder and explained in a serious tone.

She is seriously thinking about saving Uncle Zongmu, okay?

"If you were going to go through something with the saintesses of Miaojiang, you might not want to help them find someone."

Jun Yu sighed slightly, and his tone became a bit complicated.

"What do you want to experience?" Yuan Deyin was curious and nervous when she heard Jun Yu's words.

"To raise a new Gu king, it is necessary for the old Gu king to give birth to a child in the body of the saint, and then give birth to a new Gu king. During this period, these two Gu kings will suck up the flesh and blood in the saint's body, leaving only The next layer of skin..."

"After the old Gu King dies, the saint will slowly come back to life. At that time, the new Gu King will crawl out of her body and recognize her as his mother..."

"This, isn't this a little too cruel?" Yuan Deyin's face gradually turned pale.

Crazy Yu also gave her Gu worms, so it must have been born like that.

Sensing her fear, Jun Yu comforted her softly: "Except that Gu Wang needs human body as nourishment to give birth, the rest is unnecessary."

"That's good, that's good..." Yuan Deyin patted his chest, breaking out in a cold sweat.

She almost wanted to throw away her two Gu worms.

However, she was able to breathe a sigh of relief, and what Uncle Jiuhuang said next made her heart hang again.

He said: "This is not the cruelest thing. The most cruel thing is the birth of a saint girl. Because the body has raised a Gu king, it is very difficult for a saint girl to give birth. The patriarch will find hundreds of men. Their task is to Let the holy girl give birth to a daughter..."

Having said that, Jun Yu has a little more to say.

Yuan De's voice was stuck in her throat, and she whispered, "Uncle Nine Emperors, stop talking."

She knew that many families had secrets, but she did not expect that behind these secrets, there was blood dripping...

The Holy Maiden is the victim who protects the longevity of Miaojiang!
"Uncle Nine Emperors, then they took Grand Master Zongmu away, what are they going to do?"

Yuan Deyin thought of Uncle Zongmu, and her heart hung up again.

She said to herself: "It's over, maybe they think the saint is Zongmu Grand Master Uncle."

The atmosphere was originally a bit heavy, but after hearing the little girl's words, Jun Yu's eyes flashed a little helpless.

He said in a deep voice: "No, to be recognized by Gu King, it must be a woman who has not left the court."

So, Uncle Zongmu is still safe?

Yuan Deyin didn't know how to describe his mood now.

Suddenly at this time, she saw her sleeves were shining, and when she looked down, she saw fireflies.

She looked up and saw fireflies all over the sky.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, look, it's a firefly." She grabbed Jun Yu's sleeve excitedly, the depression just now was gradually dissipating, and her eyes were full of longing.


Jun Yu looked at the expression on her face, and a little tenderness flashed in her eyes.

Speaking of which, that boy Yunmo is not useless, at least he can bring up the idea of ​​watching fireflies.


"Sister Cang Ling, go to sleep, I'll watch the night." Chen Shujing opened the curtain and said to Cang Ling.

This carriage was driven by Wuyi, and Cang Ling was sitting next to her.

Facing Chen Shujing's concerned eyes, Cang Ling smiled and shook her head like a big sister: "No, I took a nap secretly for a while in the evening, and I'm not sleepy now, just take a good rest with Aqiao .”

"Yes, but..."

Chen Shujing wanted to say that she had rested long enough, if she rested again, she would be too embarrassed.

Cang Ling is also considerate. Seeing Chen Shujing hesitate so much, she instantly understood what was going on.

She quickly comforted her and said: "Aqiao is still young, she is tired of traveling with us, and she can't speak, she needs more care from us, you should go in quickly, and treat it as helping me and Sister Wuyi to take care of Aqiao. "

Hearing Cang Ling's words, Chen Shujing lowered his head and thought for a while.

"Okay, then I'll go in first, but Sister Cang Ling, if you are sleepy, you must tell me." She warned seriously.

"Yes, I will." Cang Ling nodded to her.

Chen Shujing went inside, just in time to see A Qiao woke up from the dream.

"Ajo, are you okay?"

Chen Shujing quickly took out the water bag.

There was still warm water in it, so she put it in front of A Qiao and asked her to drink a little.

Aqiao's complexion improved a bit now, and she gestured with her hand to thank Chen Shujing.

"It's okay. It's just a small favor." Facing A Qiao's grateful eyes, Chen Shujing smiled and shook her head.

"By the way, what kind of nightmare did you have? Why do you look so bad?" Chen Shujing took out a handkerchief and wiped Aqiao's sweat.

It turned out that her collar was wet with cold sweat, and she couldn't help frowning. Isn't this too frightening?
Hearing Chen Shujing's words, A Qiao's back stiffened, she quickly shook her head and waved her hands, indicating that it was just a small dream and there was nothing to say.

Seeing that she had nothing to say, Chen Shujing didn't force her either.

Patting her on the back, Chen Shujing continued: "Go on to sleep, I will watch over you, so you don't have to be afraid."

"I'm not sleepy, do you know how long it is from here to Miao Jiang?"

A Qiao shook his head, and then wrote such a sentence in Chen Shujing's palm.

"How far is it from here to Miaojiang? Our speed today is quite fast. I heard from Brother Wuying that if we go at our speed, we can reach Miaojiang in three days."

Chen Shujing answered patiently.

And A Qiao also fell silent, and slowly lay back.

Seeing her like this, Chen Shujing also thought that she was used to staying in the valley of genius doctors and was not used to getting along with people, so she didn't think much about it.


After another two days of driving, Yu Shengxiao really became more and more manic.

"Jun Yu, when are you going to drive that wolf from the Western Regions away?"

Yu Shengxiao questioned Jun Yu in an extremely manic manner.

They were just stopping now to draw water by a small river.

Hearing Yu Shengxiao's words, Jun Yu turned his head, looked at him with a half-smile, and then asked: "Didn't you say that he is a person who lives and dies together? Why do you still want to abandon him?"

Yu Shengxiao: "..."

In terms of people who should respond, Jun Yu is definitely number one in the world!

He raised his sleeves, wanting to argue with Jun Yu with his fists, but soon realized that his martial arts were worse, so he pulled down his sleeves silently.

"Master, Uncle Nine Emperors, what are you talking about?"

Yuan Deyin ran down from the carriage. When she saw Jun Yu and Yu Shengxiao standing together, she lifted her skirt and hurried over.

"I didn't say anything." Yu Shengxiao smiled awkwardly, pretending that nothing happened.

Yuan Deyin stared at Yu Shengxiao with sharp eyes.

At this time, Yunmo's roar came from behind them again.

He is also on the edge.

This time, it was Jun Yu's turn to turn dark.

The lingering boy.

Seeing Jun Yu's unhappy mood, Yu Shengxiao finally felt a little better.

He took the initiative to show a small face, smiled and took care of Yun Mo: "King of the Western Regions, what's wrong?"

"Didn't you just say that this king belongs to the wolf of the Western Regions? Why are you so polite now?"

Yunmo looked at Yu Shengxiao with a faint look in his eyes, and said the words directly without any politeness.

Yu Shengxiao froze, then touched his nose in embarrassment.

She forgot that here, there are many masters, whispering that this kind of work is not easy to do.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding." He put away the jade bone fan and quickly apologized with a smile.

Yuan Deyin glanced at the mountain in front of him, then turned around and asked, "Hey, Yunmo, didn't you say you have your nanny's token? What is it?"

After these few days of getting along, they have become as familiar as they were seven years ago, so she didn't bother to say anything about King Xi Yu.

"Wait a minute, this king will show you."

After hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yunmo immediately took out a bottle from his black coat.

Yu Shengxiao thought it was some kind of medicinal pill, and leaned over it very curiously.

In the next moment, Yun Mo poured out a black worm from inside, which scared him so much that his soul almost flew up.

"Help, there are bugs." Yu Shengxiao jumped three feet high, and just jumped onto Shen Chuannan who was walking over.

Shen Chuannan's face turned dark.

He lowered his head and picked Yu Shengxiao off, then walked over here.

He also saw the worm in Yunmo's hand, he frowned, "Is this a Gu worm?"

"That's right, but this is not an ordinary Gu worm. It was given to her by my nanny's father. It is said that this worm can help people outside find the saint." Yun Mo said calmly and beat it.

Found the saint?

Shen Chuannan and Yusheng Xiao glanced at each other. They also knew the secrets of the Western Regions, so they wouldn't be too shocked when they heard Yunmo's words.

"The nurse passed away due to illness a few months ago. Her biggest regret before she died was that she hadn't been able to bring the saint back to Miaojiang. So she handed this Gu worm to the king, hoping that the king will Give it back to her father if you get the chance."

Yun Mo continued to explain.

It was also for this reason that Gu worms became his tokens.

He is now somewhat rejoicing that he agreed to the nanny's commission, otherwise, he would not have the opportunity to stay with Yuan Deyin and the others now.

"So miraculous? You can find people just by relying on a bug?"

Although Yu Shengxiao was very scared, she couldn't overcome her curiosity.

He poked his head out from behind Shen Chuannan and looked at the Gu worm curiously.

"That's natural. The nanny said that the blood of the saint girl is fatally attractive to this Gu worm and the Gu king. If the next saint girl really appears, this Gu worm will start to be restless..."

"Then is it restless?" Yu Shengxiao continued to ask quietly.

If it wasn't because he was too afraid of this thing, he would have leaned over to study it.

Why do Miaojiang people love raising Gu so much?

Can this thing be drugged?

His mind was full of how to stew this Gu worm and refine the medicine.

"Naturally, there has never been any reaction. If not, the nanny would not be so regretful." Yun Mo sighed and shook his head helplessly.

The nurse's greatest wish in this life is to help her family find a saint, but who knows, until she dies in a foreign country, there is still no result.

Seeing him so disappointed, Yuan Deyin knew that the nanny's position in his heart should be very important.

She sighed, and then said: "My condolences, the dead cannot be brought back to life. We arrived in Miaojiang and explained all this to her father. Her father should not blame her."

"Okay, okay, put this thing away as soon as you finish talking." Yu Shengxiao sneaked a closer look, only to find that the tentacles of the Gu worm moved, which made his hair stand on end in fright. Woke up.

Yun Mo picked up the bottle, wanting to put this Gu worm away.

Suddenly at this moment, the Gu worm seemed to have sensed something, the wings on its back started to vibrate, and then quickly pounced on Yu Shengxiao's body.

In the blink of an eye, it ran around his body, and then burrowed into his body.

! ! ! !
This scene happened so fast that almost no one could react.

In the end, Yuan Deyin's reaction was relatively quick. She gave a loud shout and made everyone back away.

Then she moved forward quickly, and quickly tapped Yu Shengxiao's heart a few times, cutting off the possibility that the Gu worm could penetrate into his heart.


Yu Shengxiao let out a heart-piercing roar.

"Master, don't scream, the Gu worm has already entered your body, if you move and scream, it will only make it more violent." Yuan Deyin reminded Yu Shengxiao helplessly.

Yu Shengxiao then obediently closed his mouth.

Yuan Deyin took out a dagger from his body, cut Yu Shengxiao's wrist open, and let the blood out.

Seeing his own blood flowing out as if he didn't want money, Yu Shengxiao was dizzy for a while, and passed out in Yuan Deyin's arms.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

She knew that her master was weak, but she didn't know that he was so weak.

(End of this chapter)

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