Chapter 396 Something is wrong

A group of people waited, drove the carriage, and began to slowly head towards Miao Jiang.

In the carriage, Yuan Deyin's fingers were placed on the small table, and the fragrance of the incense burner wafted up.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, do you also feel that something is wrong?" Yuan Deyin turned to look at Jun Yu and asked softly.


"When Deyin met that Gu worm, he found that it seemed to be summoned by something, and then it started to be agitated." Yuan Deyin said solemnly.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Su Cao..."

She turned her head and looked at Jun Yu with burning eyes.

Jun Yu put down the book, and then said calmly: "Sucao is just plain grass. It may be good for curing diseases, but it will definitely not cause the Gu insects to be restless."

"That's right, but Deyin, relying on the fact that Master has the smell of grass, nonsense said that grass has the effect of causing Gu insects to move, and you actually spoke for Deyin!" The little girl moved her head closer, her eyes full of joy Looking at Jun Yu.

Sure enough, Uncle Nine Emperors was the one who understood her best.

He could guess a thing or two about what she did.

"Since Crazy Yu even taught you how to raise Gu worms, and you know medical principles, how could even this king, who is half a bucket of knowledge about Gu art, know that grass does not have that effect, but you don't. So this king Sure, you said that on purpose."

Jun Yu raised his hand, poured Yuan Deyin a cup of hot tea, and explained patiently.

"That's right, Gu worms don't attack people for no reason, the one who can make them restless is either the saintess, or other people who know Gu skills!"

Yuan Deyin said firmly.

"At first, Deyin was just guessing, so he said loudly that Sucao can cause Gu insects to be restless..."

"But when Yu Shengxiao went back to look for the grass in the carriage, he found that the Gu worms were gone. This means that someone heard our words and secretly took away the grass. He did this to make Yu Sheng There is no proof against Xiao's death, and the second is that he wants to use this 'vegetarian herb' next time to stimulate the Gu worms to be used by him."

Jun Yu spoke up and continued to explain.

"Then Uncle Nine Emperors, do you think the person in the dark is from Miao Jiang, or the saint woman who has the blood of Miao Jiang?"

Yuan Deyin continued to look at Jun Yu curiously with her small face in her hands.

"That person can only be a saint of Miaojiang. How can a person who can't even tell the function of Sucao be a master of Miaojiang?" Jun Yu looked at her with sideways eyes.

"That's right!"

Yuan Deyin patted the table hard.

Uncle Nine Emperor's guess was exactly in line with her guess.

She didn't want to drink tea either.

She quickly pushed the teacup aside, and then said: "The saint must know that she has a special bloodline and can command Gu insects, but she doesn't know the art of Gu poison, so she must be very flustered now."

"Yeah." Jun Yu nodded lightly.

"Then where is this person hiding and attacking us secretly? Why did she let Gu worms attack Master!"

Yuan Deyin tilted his head and fell into deep thought again.

Her fingers tapped lightly on the table, and there were some "da da da" sounds, which were extremely obvious in this quiet night.

"Because of Yusheng Xiao's gender." Jun Yu looked up at her at this moment.

"Master's gender?" Yuan Deyin frowned.

She remembered something quickly.

She remembered that when she was luring out the Gu worms for her master, Mr. Shen and Yun Mo looked at their master very strangely.

They were all wondering, how could a man like Master be a saint?
This Gu worm that can attract the saintess must be fake.

"De Yin understands! The saint must be afraid that after Yunmo releases the Gu, or after she comes to Miaojiang, she will be exposed if she encounters more Gu. Yunmo's wet nurse is dead, That Gu worm has no master and is easy to control, so she wants to create an illusion before everything becomes uncontrollable..."

Jun Yu looked at the little girl talking to herself, and he followed up her words: "If that Gu worm is disturbed by Yu Shengxiao, it will definitely make us doubt whether the Gu worm that can lead to the saint is fake or not. In this way, we will not doubt that she is a saint no matter what Gu worms do to her in the future."

"Deyin understands, that person is afraid that we will know that she is the saint of Miaojiang, that's why she did this! She is not hiding by our side, she is right by our side!"

Yuan Deyin felt that the thoughts in his mind became clearer and clearer.

Jun Yu glanced at her appreciatively.

The little girl's growth over the years is really getting faster and faster.

There are many times when he suspects that she no longer needs him to protect her.

Thinking of this, a certain Nine Emperor Uncle felt melancholy in his heart.

"Then let's figure out who that person is. Among our team, there are females——Deyin herself, Sister Wuyi, Cang Ling, Chen Shujing, Aqiao..."

Yuan Deyin began to meditate.

She thought for a while, and then said: "Uncle Jiuhuang, do you think Sister Wuyi looks like a saint? She seems to have the noble and glamorous temperament of a saint."

But after she finished her guess, she quickly shook her head.

"No, no, sister Wuyi is such a good person, how could she instruct Gu worms to hurt Master!"

"That's Cang Ling, no way, Cang Ling is actually very timid, she dare not do such a thing..."

"Then Chen Shujing, she can't, she has such a quiet personality, she won't do this kind of behavior."

"Ah Qiao, that's even more impossible! She was raised by Master, so she definitely wouldn't do this..."

"Who the hell is it, is it me?"

Yuan Deyin guessed the end, and had already begun to doubt himself.

"Don't think about it, if there is such a person among us, she will soon lose her position. During this time, just keep an eye on Yu Shengxiao."

Jun Yu said in a deep voice, telling Yuan Deyin not to worry so much.

"That's right, Deyin thinks the problem lies with the master. There are so many men here, why did the saint instruct the Gu worms to hurt him?"

Yuan Deyin's eyes became sharp again.

Jun Yu glanced sideways at her.

There was a bit of complexity in his eyes.


He can guess.

But he felt that it was better not to tell her.


It is getting closer and closer to Miaojiang.

Yuan Deyin lifted the curtain of the carriage.

She looked at the gray sky and found that she could no longer tell whether it was day or night.

The closer you get to Miaojiang, it seems like there will never be a sun.

The cold breath also rushed over.

"Shen Chuannan, you guy, why do you always follow this genius doctor?"

Yusheng stared at Shen Chuannan as if she was flabbergasted.

He found out!Ever since the Gu worm attacked him, this Shen Chuannan was like cowhide cream, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

"Is this road yours? You get out of the carriage to breathe, and my lord also gets out of the carriage. You didn't open up this road. Why don't you allow me to take this road?"

Shen Chuannan folded his arms, looked at Yu Shengxiao, and said leisurely.


Yu Sheng and Xiao Yujie had no way to refute Shen Chuannan.

"Hmph, forget it, this genius doctor knows, you just want to see this genius doctor, so you stick to this genius doctor!"

He said arrogantly.

Shen Chuannan's face turned dark.

This arrogant and arrogant guy, if the princess and A Yu hadn't told him to keep an eye on him, he really didn't want to look at him for a moment.

"We will soon reach the entrance of Miaojiang. There are too many unknown dangers inside. Let's get ready."

Yuan Deyin jumped out of the carriage at this time and reminded.

Yu Shengxiao also reacted, and he glared at Shen Chuannan.

In order to get angry with this Shen fox, he even forgot to do business.

He picked up his water bag and walked towards the river to fetch water.

Seeing Wuyi and the others, Yuan Deyin also went to fetch water, while Uncle Jiuhuang and Brother Wuying went to see the terrain. She felt that her hands were very sticky, so she quickly followed to the river.

As soon as she took off her shoes and socks, she walked into the middle of the river.

But at this moment, a small hand suddenly grabbed her.

She turned her head, only to see A Qiao looking at her nervously.

A Qiao was still making gestures.

A Qiao, who didn't take off her shoes and socks, her shoes and skirt were wet, but she didn't care about it at all, just kept pulling Yuan Deyin.

(End of this chapter)

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