Chapter 397

Yuan Deyin quickly realized what she meant.

She smiled helplessly, and then explained softly: "Aqiao, don't worry, this princess is not looking for short-sightedness, this princess just feels uncomfortable after not washing for too many days, so I want to wash up."

It turned out to be the case.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, A Qiao breathed a sigh of relief.

She touched the back of her head shyly, then lowered her head.

"But thank you for your kindness. The water seems to be quite deep, and it's really not safe. The princess should change to another place."

After Yuan Deyin finished speaking, she was ready to walk ashore.

But suddenly, her foot stepped on a stone.

She staggered.

Although she reacted quickly and supported her body with her hands in time, when she raised her hand, she still found that the palm of her hand was scratched.

Blood flowed from inside.


In a panic, A Qiao took out a handkerchief from his body, and kept wiping Yuan Deyin's blood.

"It's okay." Yuan Deyin shook his head gently at her, telling her not to worry.

When she was in the Death Soul Formation, she only started to learn martial arts at such an "advanced" age, and she didn't know how much hardship she had suffered and how many injuries she had suffered.

Compared with that time, her little injury is really nothing.


A Qiao frowned and gestured to the shore.

Yuan Deyin understood in an instant that Aqiao was still worried and wanted her to go ashore as soon as possible.

"Okay." Yuan Deyin nodded softly.

For this girl who is younger than her and can't speak, Yuan Deyin should feel a little more in her heart.

So in the face of the other party's worries, she quickly accepted and prepared to go ashore.

But when she was just walking, she suddenly felt something clasp her ankle.

Her eyes froze, and she wanted to take out the dagger from her body.

But at this moment, a head popped out of the water.

"Help, help."

It turned out to be a young woman with large and small wounds all over her face, she was in a terrible mess.

Yuan Deyin's vigilant eyes swept over the opponent.

She took a look at the river and found that the current was relatively fast. It is estimated that this person was washed down from the upper reaches just now.

She frowned, and finally put the dagger back, then bent down, and picked him up.

This woman is really thin.

For such a tall person, when Yuan Deyin hugged her, she felt light, as if she was hugging a pile of bones.

On the shore, Yuan Deyin carefully put her under a tree.

Finding that the other party's dress was torn, revealing blistered, whitish, and even rotten flesh, Yuan Deyin quickly took off the cloak on her body, and then wrapped the other party up.

Finding that a cloak was falling on her body, the woman looked at Yuan Deyin in a panic.

In the end, all the helplessness turned into gratitude.

"Thank you," she said in a trembling voice.

Her voice was extremely hoarse, and it could be heard that she hadn't spoken for a long time, or that she had shouted "Help" for so long that her voice was hoarse.

"The princess?"

Wuyi and the others also noticed the commotion here, and they hurried over.

"Sister Wuyi, hurry up and find some firewood to start a fire. Cang Ling, go to the princess's carriage and bring a pot of hot water and some dry food."

"The slaves obey."

Although the two of them don't know why such a woman suddenly appeared beside the princess, but this is the princess's order, and they have to execute it quickly.

Soon, hot water was brought and the fire was lit.

Yuan Deyin asked the woman to lean over and warm herself with a fire.

Feed her some dry food and hot water.

During this period, Yuan Deyin felt her pulse.

Her body is very weak, but fortunately, she didn't hurt the root, and she can still recover after recuperating slowly.

"My family thanked my benefactor."

For Yuan Deyin's kindness, the woman choked up for a while.

"It's okay, who are you? Why are you here?" Yuan Deyin asked warmly.

Just at this time, Jun Yu, Shen Chuannan and others also came from there.

The woman was a little nervous when she saw so many people.

But seeing Shangyuan Deyin's gentle gaze, her heart slowly calmed down.

She moved her mouth, and then said in a low voice: "My family is called Qi Rao, she is the daughter of a peasant family on the nearby mountain, but a few days ago, a heavy rain caused our house to collapse, and the people in our village basically They were all dead, even my parents were not spared, I only survived by falling into the water..."

"Your surname is Qi?" Jun Yu's indifferent eyes fell on Wu Rao at this moment.

Facing Shang Junyu's constricted eyes, although Qi Rao was afraid, she still said bravely, "Yes."

"Uncle Nine Emperors, is there a problem?" Yuan Deyin asked curiously when she found that Uncle Nine Emperors' tone was not right.

Before Jun Yu could answer, Shen Chuannan who was beside him spoke.

"The people who live near Miao Jiang and have the surname Qi are probably descendants of Miao Jiang."

Descendants of Miao Jiang.

When Qi Rao heard Shen Chuannan's words, her expression became bitter.

"This son is right, but we are all abandoned by Miao Jiang, not descendants. People in Miao Jiang never intermarry with outsiders, but there are still many people who fall in love with outsiders. Once Miaojiang people who marry outsiders will be driven out of Miaojiang, and their original surnames in Miaojiang will also be deprived, and then they will be driven out of Miaojiang together and live around. These people who have been driven out will have the same surname , that is the surname Qi..."

Qi Rao lowered her head and whispered lonely.

It's so...

Yuan Deyin's mood is very complicated.

She didn't expect Qi Rao to have such a life experience.

"The grandfather of the slave family is from Miaojiang, and the grandmother is an outsider, so from my father's generation, we have all lived near here, but now... we don't even have a place to live."

Qi Rao shook his head helplessly.

"Then does your grandfather still have family members in Miaojiang? Don't they care about you?"

Yun Mo asked in a strange tone.

He was born in the Western Regions, where they were full of tribes, they would not forbid intermarriage with outsiders, so he couldn't understand Miao Jiang's approach!

Especially when he remembered that when the nanny was still alive, there were obviously good men in the tribe who wanted to marry her, but she refused.

He used to think that the nanny didn't like men from the Western Regions, but he never thought it was... these Miaojiang rules bound her for half her life.

"If you are kicked out of Miaojiang, you will never have anything to do with Miaojiang. Whether we live or die has nothing to do with them." Yes
Qi Rao shook his head and explained lonely.

"What kind of rules are these!" Yun Mo became more and more angry.

"Benefactor, are you going to Miaojiang?"

Seeing Yuan Deyin's dusty appearance, Qi Rao asked curiously.

"Yeah." Yuan Deyin nodded.

There is nothing to hide about this matter.

"Benefactor, the people of Miaojiang are very xenophobic. If you go so rashly, wouldn't it be..." Qi Rao's face showed worry.

"Don't worry, we have our own solutions." Yuan Deyin comforted her softly.

She still wanted to persuade her to say something, but she had decided to go after seeing Yuan Deyin.

Well, it's useless for her to talk.

"That benefactor, you must be careful." She continued.

"Okay, so what are you going to do?" Yuan Deyin looked at her and asked.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Qi Rao lowered his head and whispered, "One of my aunts married to another village, and I'm going to join her there."

"Sister Wuyi." Yuan Deyin gave Wuyi a look.

Wuyi immediately went to fetch dry food and clothes.

"Ben... I can't help you much, you should take these things first." Yuan Deyin said softly.

"Benefactor, slave..." Qi Rao shook his head.

How could she ask for something from her benefactor!
"We don't lack these things, you take them." Seeing Qi Rao's refusal, Yuan Deyin's tone became a little serious.

Meeting her serious eyes, Qi Rao still took the things.

She said with red eyes, "Thank you benefactor."

Watching Qi Rao leave, Yu Shengxiao couldn't help but walk out with the jade bone fan.

He joked: "Xiao Deyin, I thought you were going to take that girl with you."

After all, she likes to take in people along the way.

"Master, is the water ready? We have to enter Miaojiang." Yuan Deyin ignored his question, but asked him how his preparations were going.

For some reason, she had a strong feeling that she would see Qi Rao again.

"It's ready, it's ready." Yu Shengxiao hurried to the carriage.

Others also began to return to the carriage.

"Uncle Nine Emperors." Let's go.

Yuan Deyin took the initiative to walk to Jun Yu's side and walked with him.

No one noticed that at this moment, Aqiao was standing behind them, looking at their backs with strange eyes.


She picked up a handkerchief.

That handkerchief was clearly the handkerchief that wiped Yuan Deyin's bloodstains just now!

There was also Yuan Deyin's blood on it.

She glanced at the blood, sneered strangely, and then slowly put the handkerchief on her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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