Chapter 398 Entering the Miao Border
The entrance of Miaojiang is in a swamp.

In order to walk through this swamp, they can only travel lightly.

The carriage and some heavy objects were to be thrown away.

They only brought a change of clothes and important things, and then flew across the swamp with light work.

Chen Shujing, Cang Ling, and A Qiao all know how to do light work, so Wu Ying, Cang Ling, and Yu Shengxiao led them there.

When they landed on a flat ground, many black lacquer worms suddenly gushed out from all directions.

That battle was like a dark cloud-covered sky pressing down.

The few of them retreated quickly, and Yunmo stood up at this time.

He shouted loudly: "We are entrusted by Miss Jin to come here to meet the head of the Jin family."

After he said this, the black bug disappeared instantly.

An old man stepped out from behind a century-old tree with tangled roots.

The old man was as thin as a dead branch, with only a layer of skin hanging loosely on it.

His clothes were also tattered, as if they hadn't been changed in more than ten years.

He slowly raised his head, and only then did everyone see...

On his face, his mouth was split open, all the way to the base of his ears.

The face seemed to be rotten, and the eyes were empty, without eyeballs.

But he was able to point in their direction with precision.

and many more……

When they took a closer look, they finally discovered that there were two large, trembling insects inside his empty eye hole.

Could he be using these two bugs as eyes?
The people of Miaojiang are really weird enough.

Everyone's backs began to break out in cold sweat.

Yun Mo let out a breath, looked at him fearlessly with icy blue eyes, and then said loudly, "Senior, are you the gatekeeper of Miao Jiang?"

"Take out Miss Jin's token." The old man didn't bother to answer Yun Mo's question, he used his black hole to size up Yun Mo.

Yun Mo felt like he was being stared at by some kind of poison.

Suppressing his weird emotions, he quickly took out a letter and a jade pendant from his body.

In addition to the Gu worm that can find the saint, the nanny also gave him these two things, telling him to give them to her father.

The man scanned the letter, then stared at the jade pendant for a long time.

"Is she dead?"

His voice was very ugly, and when he talked about a life, there was no mercy in his tone, and some were just indifferent, as if he was just asking a question casually.

A look of loneliness flashed across Yun Mo's eyes, and then he whispered, "Yeah."

"Ben... I was entrusted by her to personally hand over the things she left to the head of the Jin family." He continued.

"You can go in, but only you can go in." The old man said without doubt.

Only he can go in...

What about them?
Yun Mo's face darkened, and he wanted to negotiate with the old man.

But at this time, Jun Yu stood up, squinting at the old man with dark eyes, and then took out a token that looked like it was carved from ice.

When the old man saw the token, his expression finally changed.

"I don't know why this distinguished guest is here?" Although the words were still so blunt, the voice was still so unpleasant.

But no matter who it is, they can hear the slight respect in his tone.

Is this what Jun Yu said "I have my own way"?
But what exactly did he take?
Why did he take out the nanny's token, which is not as good as Jun Yu's small token.

Thinking of this, Yun Mo was puzzled and unhappy.

Others couldn't see clearly, but Yuan Deyin who was standing beside Jun Yu could see it.

The token of Uncle Nine Emperors has the word "Dugu" on it.

She suddenly remembered that Grand Martial Uncle Zong Lin said back then that Empress Puyang was the eldest lady of the Dugu family.

So, is this token left by Empress Puyang to Uncle Nine Emperors?
Just when Yuan Deyin was puzzled, the old man spoke again.

"Since it is a distinguished guest, it is natural to enter."

After finishing speaking, the old man raised his muddy hand, and the gray path ahead suddenly became clear, and there were no such terrible bugs.

"Guests, walk all the way forward, and someone will entertain you." The old man nodded, and then disappeared.

"Hiss~ That old man is a man or a ghost, it's too scary."

While wiping his arms, Yu Shengxiao moved to Jun Yu's side, separating Jun Yu from Yuan Deyin.

He felt that at this time, the only way to be safe was to stand by Jun Yu and Xiao Deyin's side.

"Let's go." Jun Yu glanced at the crowd, then pushed Yu Shengxiao away from him and the little girl with his palm, and then took the little girl's hand and walked towards the path.

He was pushed away, but Yu Shengxiao didn't give up, he continued to lean forward.

He couldn't help but asked curiously: "Jun Yu, what exactly is that thing you took out just now? Why is that old man suddenly being so polite to you? What else is waiting for us inside?"

Yu Shengxiao's voice was so noisy, it actually made the surroundings less eerie and weird.

Shen Chuannan followed behind them, looking at Jun Yu's back with a complicated expression.

Although he couldn't see what the token was, he could guess...

The only thing that can make the people of Miaojiang respect so much is the things of the hermit family.

Of course, Miao Jiang is used to being rebellious and rebellious by relying on his Gu skills, but not any hermit family can restrain them.

At the very least, it must belong to the Dugu family.

Empress Puyang is the eldest lady of the Dugu family, so what A Yu got, could it be the relic of Empress Puyang?

However, using the relics of Empress Puyang means that A Yu is about to step into the threshold of the Dugu family.

He remembered that when he found out that he had a relationship with the Dugu family, A Yu was very resistant.

He knew that his mother and concubine came from that place, and his mother and concubine were killed, and no one from that family came out to help them, so he naturally didn't want to have anything to do with such a family.

Chi Yan is already in the center of the vortex, if the world knows that A Yu is related to the Dugu family, the consequences will be even more disastrous.

A Yu has clearly figured everything out, why is he still using the relics of Empress Puyang now?
What the hell is Ah Yu thinking!
Shen Chuannan pondered for a long time, but still couldn't come up with a reason.

Suddenly at this moment, Aqiao, who was walking beside him, slipped and almost fell down.

Still, he quickly supported the other party.


After A Qiao stabilized her body, she quickly gestured with her hands to express her gratitude to Shen Chuannan.

Shen Chuannan shook his head, and then said softly: "It's a little effort."

After speaking, he hurriedly followed Jun Yu and the others.

"Aqiao, the road here is not easy, let me go with you." Wuyi walked to Aqiao's side at this time, and took the initiative to walk with her.

It was just that she was afraid that she would fall down again like before.


A Qiao nodded, and obediently followed Wuyi's side.

She looks exactly like an obedient sister.

However, from an angle that Wuyi couldn't see, the smile in her eyes couldn't reach the bottom of her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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