Chapter 399 She Will Come
"Uncle Nine Emperors."

Yuan Deyin followed Jun Yu.

For some reason, after Uncle Jiuhuang took out the token, she felt more and more uneasy.

It's as if something is starting to spin out of control.

So, she couldn't help calling him softly.

"what happened?"

Jun Yu looked at her sideways, and his deep voice was reassuring.

Hearing his voice, Yuan Deyin felt relieved, and she shook her head slightly.

Then he whispered: "It's weird here, we have to be careful."

Soon, all of them came to an empty place.

At a glance, they are all low wooden houses.

At this time, a man wearing an ancient totem costume walked up to them.

"You want to meet our patriarch and the head of the Jin family?" the man lowered his head and asked.

When Yuan Deyin heard this, a sharp light flashed in her eyes.

It seems that since they stepped into this land, their every move has been watched.

"We'll visit the patriarch later, and now we want to go to the Jin family first." Jun Yu said in a deep voice.

"Okay." The man didn't have the slightest doubt. He nodded and led the way.

Yuan Deyin and others followed behind him.

Walking this way, Yuan Deyin found that there were not many people in this place.

It's just that they are now full of vigilance, staring at them like an invasive alien species.

But because there was the guide in front of him, it could be seen that that person had a high status here, so these common people did not dare to do anything.

Finally, they stopped in front of a house.

This house is built under a big tree that blocks the sky and the sun. Although it is not high, it looks a little more grand than other houses.

"Guest, this is Elder Jin's house."

After the man said this, he turned around and left.

Soon, a young man came out of the house.

He has a beard, coiled on his head, and the clothes on his body are the same as the man just now, embroidered with strange totems.

"Everyone, please come inside."

He made a gesture and led Jun Yu and others inside.

They walked across a long dark shelf and stopped in a room.

After the candles were lit, they saw clearly that a man was sitting in the middle.

It's the same ancient totem costume, but he looks much more expensive.

Holding a cane in his hand, he sat there.

Hearing the movement, he slowly opened his eyes.

Those sharp eyes, like a goshawk in the dark night, are vicious and fierce.

"I heard that you have a token from the elder?" He said slowly, his voice very cold.

"Yes." At this time, Yunmo quickly took out those two things from his body, and then walked into Jin Pengtian's hands.

Jin Pengtian glanced at the jade pendant, but didn't pick it up.

He took the letter, glanced at it briefly, and burned it on a nearby candle.


When Yun Mo saw this scene, he was a little angry.

The nanny asked him to bring these things back from thousands of miles away, but the elder Jin just took a look and burned them, and he didn't look sad at all. Does he look like a father?

Sensing Yun Mo's anger, Jin Pengtian glanced at him with dark eyes, and then said indifferently: "She was born as a daughter of the Jin family, so she has to pay for Miao Jiang, this is her fate."


Yunmo really wanted to refute, but he remembered that the nanny told her before she died that her father was a person who cared more about Miao Jiang than his family. If he had any dissatisfaction, I hope he would look at her and not Argued with her father.

The nanny is still a person with a delicate heart, and she can even predict that he will question her father.

Taking a deep breath, Yun Mo finally suppressed his resentment.

He stepped back.

At this time, Jin Pengtian's eyes swept over the crowd, and then fell on Jun Yu.

"This one, is the distinguished guest of the Hidden World Family?"

"En." Jun Yu just responded lightly.

"The visitor is a guest, Fir. Clean up the house and take the distinguished guests to rest. Later, this elder will take them to see the patriarch."

Jin Pengtian said to the young servant.

"Yes, elder. Ladies and gentlemen, this way please."

The man started to show Jun Yu and the others the way again.

that's it……

Don't you want to ask more questions?

This matter was so easy that Yu Shengxiao and the others were dumbfounded, and they couldn't believe it.

The few of them looked at each other, and finally followed the man out.

Their guest rooms are a few log cabins in the backyard.

From the outside, it is indeed very simple, but after opening it, it is unique, and there are many things that should be there.

It can be seen that the Jin family is indeed a big family in Miaojiang.

"Miss, we are here to serve you." Suddenly, the two girls pushed the door open.

Their clothes are different from Jin Pengtian's group, and the style is similar to that of the maids outside, except that there is a little more totem on the skirt.

Yuan Deyin quickly understood.

These totems may be a status symbol in Miaojiang.

People with more totems on their clothes have more noble status.

She originally wanted to say that she didn't need someone to take care of her, but she suddenly remembered the purpose of her trip to Miaojiang.

So she hurriedly said, "Well, I'm sorry."

The two maidservants came in and helped Yuan Deyin arrange the things.

Yuan Deyin took the water they poured, sniffed it without any trace, and there was no problem.

She just took a sip.

The moment she entered the water, she felt a faint fragrance permeating her mouth.

This is a very strange, but very comfortable smell.

She looked at the two maidservants suspiciously.

The two maidservants quickly replied with a smile: "Miss, this is a fragrant tea cultivated by our saintess. It tastes fragrant and has the effect of prolonging life. These are extremely precious things. Elder Jin rarely drinks it on weekdays. Today we saw a distinguished guest coming, so we let us take it out."

so precious?
"You saint..." Yuan Deyin continued to ask tentatively.

"Miss, the things are packed, do you need to rest?"

The two maids heard that Yuan Deyin began to pay attention to the saint. They knew that they had said something wrong, so they quickly changed the subject.

It seems that asking directly is not enough.

Yuan Deyin lowered his eyes, and when he raised them again, there was a clear smile in his eyes.

"Okay, but I still have one thing that I need you to help me with." She said softly.

"Miss, where are the things?"

"In that bundle, a little mirror."

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, one of the maidservants went to get it.

However, when she turned around, her companion was knocked out silently by Yuan Deyin.

When she turned her head, she suddenly saw Yuan Deyin standing behind her.

She opened her mouth to say something, but Yuan Deyin had already taken out a small hanging thing, and then turned it into her eyes.

"You are now on a small road in a secluded environment, everything around is very quiet, in front of you is a person worthy of your trust..."

Yuan Deyin looked at the maidservant's eyes and began to become blurred, blurred...

She started to get down to business.

"Is your saint really dead?"

"Well, dead."

"Have you found the new saint?"


"Apart from today, have any other outsiders come in in Miao Jiang recently?"



"I don't know, but I heard from Elder Jin that it is a woman. It is said that if you catch her, you can find a new saint."

a woman?
That woman should be Uncle Zongmu, Yuan Deyin's breathing became a little tense.

She let out a breath, then continued to concentrate and asked: "Then do you know where she is now?"

"Stopped in the patriarch's house."

Hearing this, Yuan Deyin's eyes flashed with emotion again. It seems that they still have to deal with this patriarch.

"Do you know the Three Mother Gu?"

When asked about the whereabouts of Grand Master Zongmu, Yuan Deyin also wanted to know about the Three Mother Gu, after all, this was one of the reasons she came to Miaojiang.

"I know, the Three Mother Gu is a forbidden technique in Miaojiang. It has been lost for many years. No one knows how to cultivate it."

No one knows?

What's the matter with the three mother Gu on Sister Qingzhou's body?

"No one really knows how to cultivate it? Then where did the offspring of the person who raised the Three Mother Gu go?" Yuan Deyin asked.

"The descendants of Madam are our patriarch." The maid continued to answer.

The patriarch is actually a descendant of the ancestor of Sanmu Gu!
So, the patriarch is still the key figure?

"What kind of person is your patriarch?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask.

"The patriarch wears a mask to show others. Except for the elders, no one has ever seen his appearance, but he has a violent temper, and no one dares to disobey him."

When talking about the patriarch, the maid's body trembled.

It can be seen that this is real fear.

A little maid should have no chance to get close to the patriarch, so Yuan Deyin didn't intend to continue asking this question.

She changed the question: "Then do you know how to recognize the candidate for the saint woman?"

"We all in Miaojiang know that we can find the saint with Gu worms." The maid replied obediently.

"Other than that?" Yuan Deyin's tone became a little urgent.

There is a saint hiding in the dark, she is not sure whether it is an enemy or a friend, so she must find that person as soon as possible.

But the way of Gu worms is basically unfeasible, she has to find another way.

"The slave once accidentally heard the words of the patriarch and elder Jin. They said that the real saint has something strange in her blood..."

Just when the maid was about to finish speaking, the door was suddenly opened from the outside.

Joe appeared.

The hypnosis was interrupted in the middle, and the maid passed out directly.

"Aqiao, you..."

Yuan Deyin looked at A Qiao angrily. Generally, hypnosis can only be used once for a person, and it will not be so easy to use next time.

Just now, she almost heard the way to find the saint.

Who knew, he was actually interrupted by A Qiao.

But when she looked at A Qiao's bewildered face, she couldn't say any accusations.

In the end, all the words turned into one sentence: "Put them all on the bed."

After speaking, she walked out quickly.

The most urgent thing now is to discuss this matter with Uncle Nine Emperors.

After Yuan Deyin walked out, A Qiao obediently dragged the two maidservants to the bed.

After doing this, she turned her head and looked at the closed door, with obscure emotions flashing in her eyes.

Then, she took out a bag of things from her arms and walked to the cabinet.

Open the cabinet and put it in.


In a dark dungeon.

Zong Mu was tied there, and something "tick-tock" flowed down behind her.

Smelling the bloody smell in the air, she knew it wasn't water, but blood.

After being tortured for so many days, her pretty face has begun to age rapidly.

With a wrinkled face and age spots on it, she is now an old man.

"If you want to kill or cut, you can do whatever you want. If you tie me up like this, what kind of hero are you?"

Her hands and feet were tied up, and her whole body was hung in the shape of a "big" character.

But it didn't stop her from swearing at people with her mouth.

In front of her, a man in a robe covered with totems sat there.

He wore a mask, revealing only a pair of cold eyes.

Hearing Zong Mu's words, instead of being angry, he laughed sinisterly.

He stood up, blocking the light from the only opening behind him.

He stared at Zong Mu quietly, then let out a cold snort.

After a while, he lowered his head, looked at the ancient totem on his robe, and then murmured softly: "The patriarch heard that five women came in today. Tell me, which one is her?"

His words successfully changed Zong Mu's face.

She raised her head abruptly, then gritted her teeth and said, "Don't be too happy, she won't come, she won't come, you'll just fetch water from a bamboo basket!"

"Won't you come? But with the heart of this patriarch, I feel that she is approaching." The man smiled strangely again.

He put down his hand, and walked towards Zong Mu step by step.

Every step he took was very slow and light, as if he was deliberately torturing Zongmu.

Finally, in front of Zong Mu, he pinned her head with his fingers.

What kind of hands are those, with fair skin and well-defined joints, they are even more beautiful than the hands of young women.

But he used the nails of these hands to cut Zong Mu's face little by little.

The blood rolled down one by one like drops of water.

Zong Mu's hands and feet twitched in pain, but she insisted on not saying a word, she couldn't let this pervert get his way.

"Give up, there won't be a saint in Miaojiang, there won't be!" Zong Mu roared.

"That's right, you're right, there really won't be a saint in Miaojiang." The man let out a sigh of relief and said such a sentence.

But hearing his compromise, Zong Mu was not only not happy, but became nervous.

"What do you mean?" she asked in a trembling voice.

"It doesn't mean much, you have misunderstood the patriarch. The patriarch has never been looking for a saint. The patriarch is waiting for... a bride from Miaojiang."

Zong Mu panicked completely.

"It's impossible, it's not true, it won't be, no matter what it is, you won't be able to wait, she won't come!" Zong Mu loudly denied.

"Heh, you're really stubborn... But fate is like this, she will come..."

"My patriarch has been waiting for her for 18 years, how dare she not come?"

(End of this chapter)

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