Chapter 400 Curse
"Uncle Nine Emperors, Uncle Nine Emperors."

Yuan Deyin pushed Jun Yu's door open.

"Yin'er, what's the matter?"

If other people broke into his room so recklessly, it is estimated that the end will be dire.

But if the person who broke in was Yuan Deyin, Jun Yu didn't show any impatience on his face.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, just now Deyin used hypnotism to get some words out of the mouths of the two maidservants. Uncle Zongmu Grand Master was indeed arrested and brought to Miaojiang, and he is now locked up in the patriarch's house."

Yuan Deyin looked at Jun Yu expectantly.

She walked over quickly, and then grabbed his sleeve and said, "Deyin also asked that the Sanmu Gu also came from that patriarch's family, so Deyin felt that it is very necessary for us to meet the Miaojiang patriarch. Uncle Nine Emperors, you..."

When Yuan Deyin wanted to tell her plan, Jun Yu suddenly interrupted her in a cold voice.

"Yin'er, I can go to the head of the Miaojiang clan for this matter. You can stay here and don't act rashly."

When Jun Yu said this, his expression was extremely dignified.

This was the first time that Uncle Nine Emperors showed such a serious mood after he went south.

Yuan Deyin's heart tightened, and her tone couldn't help but weaken.

She whispered: "Uncle Nine Emperors, do you think that Deyin will hurt you? Don't worry, I will definitely listen to your arrangements. If something happens, maybe I can help. Besides, Zongmu is Deyin. Yin's uncle, Deyin has the responsibility to save her."

"Be obedient, stay here, I will come back after I go to find out the news."

Meeting her expectant eyes, Jun Yu not only didn't show any emotion at all, but his tone became even more unquestionable.

Yuan Deyin's heart sank suddenly.

When did Uncle Nine Emperors speak so fiercely to her, and he didn't allow her to follow him.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what are you worried about? Can you talk to Deyin?"

She really wanted to just leave.

But she soon realized that Uncle Nine Emperors was not an unreasonable person, and she had to ask the truth.

Facing her increasingly aggrieved eyes, Jun Yu's heart that had originally wanted to harden suddenly lost his mind.

He sighed inwardly.

Impossible, it is impossible for him to harden his heart towards her in his life.

His cold eyebrows gradually calmed down and became a little dignified.

He poured Yuan Deyin a cup of tea and told her to sit down.

Then he asked in a deep voice: "Yin'er, what do you think is the reason why they drugged Concubine Mei and arrested Senior Zongmu?"

"Uncle Nine Emperors, are you saying that their goal is Deyin?"

When Yuan Deyin thought of something, she looked up in shock, and her tone became a little dignified.

Before the accident happened, Senior Zongmu had warned her not to let her come to Miaojiang.

Therefore, Uncle Zongmu must know the secret about her, and then the people in Miao Jiang are so eager to attack her.


The root of the problem had to fall on her again.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, tell me, did I dig Miao Jiang's ancestral grave, or else why would they be following me?" Yuan Deyin said helplessly as if discouraged.

Sighing, she spoke again: "Grand-Master Zongmu is still in the hands of that patriarch. I heard that he is an extremely violent person. I don't know how she will abuse Grand-Master Zongmu."

The more Yuan Deyin thought about it, the more confused she became, and she didn't know what to do.

"By the way, there is also a saint hiding in the dark. I don't know if she is an enemy or a friend. What does she want to do!"

Thinking of another pair of eyes in the dark, Yuan Deyin felt even more irritable.

"Yin'er, what do you think of the saintess of Miaojiang?" Jun Yu suddenly looked sideways at her and asked.

"I don't know. I haven't met before, so I can't judge. But from the fact that she ordered Gu worms to deal with Master, I don't think she is a good person! However, I think that if she is discovered by people in Miaojiang, she will be arrested and imprisoned." When I woke up, I felt that she was a poor person... Maybe she ordered the Gu worms to hurt Master as a last resort..."

Yuan Deyin's mood was extremely complicated.

She felt that the saint was a bad person for a while, and she felt that the saint was a poor person for a while.

But for some reason, she always felt that this saint would not be an outright bad person, she must have some difficulties.

"Perhaps, she really did that to hide something." At this time, Jun Yu sighed lightly and said in a complicated tone.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, do you know something?"

Hearing his words, Yuan Deyin's face changed slightly, and she hurriedly asked.

"It seems that this king has never told you that Miao Jiang still has a legend..."

"Legend?" Yuan Deyin quickly picked up the chair, sat beside Jun Yu, looked at him curiously, and waited for him to continue talking.

"The head of the Miao Jiang clan can only come from the Gu family." Jun Yu said slowly.

"The cup family?"

"Well, the mother who raised the Three Mother Gu was the wife of the Gu family. 300 years ago, because of a curse, the Wu family paid a heavy price."

"It was 300 years ago again?" Yuan Deyin couldn't help muttering softly.

She touched her arm, it was chilly.

The strange things that happened recently are all related to things that happened 300 years ago.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, continue, what kind of curse is that?" Yuan Deyin looked at Jun Yu and asked.

"Although it was a curse 300 years ago, it was truly fulfilled a hundred years ago. Since then, every patriarch has been unable to give birth to children..."

"Then wouldn't this curse be worse than not having a saint?" Yuan Deyin was shocked.

If there is no saint, they still have another 20 years to find a new candidate for the saint before the old Gu King dies.

But if the patriarch has no sons, it will be difficult for Miao Jiang to produce the next patriarch.

Because the head of the Miaojiang clan can only come from the Gu family!

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you just said that the curse was fulfilled a hundred years ago...then the current patriarch..."

Yuan Deyin finally realized a problem.

If that curse had begun to come true a hundred years ago, then that patriarch would have been over a hundred years old by now!

"Well, he is indeed over a hundred years old."

Jun Yu instantly understood the little girl's doubts, and he explained in a deep voice.

"However, won't this cause the people of Miaojiang to worry? They were so anxious that a saint was not found, and even the daughters of the elders were sent out to find someone. That centenarian was about to die. Are they still panicking?"

Yuan Deyin was even more incomprehensible at this time.

A hundred-year-old man leading Miao Jiang, everyone would be worried.

If there is no heir, then Miao Jiang will soon have no patriarch...

"One very interesting thing is that in the past hundred years, every 20 years in the Gufu, a new heir will be announced. When they grow up to about 20 years old, they will start to inherit the position of the old patriarch and become the new patriarch. , the only constant is...they always wear masks."

Jun Yu knocked on the table and added.

(End of this chapter)

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