Chapter 401 The Holy Maiden Found

"Deyin understands!"

Yuan Deyin slapped the table, she stood up, and looked at Jun Yu seriously.

"Actually, the curse has not been broken, right! It is true that no heir has been born in the past hundred years, but in order to hide it from the people of Miaojiang, the Wufu will create the illusion that an heir will be born every 20 years!"

"Also, the reason why the patriarch is elusive and rarely appears in front of people, and he likes to wear a mask is because he wants to hide from himself that he is the patriarch a hundred years ago!"

Hearing the little girl's guess, Jun Yu did not refute.

Because, this is indeed the truth.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, don't the people of Miaojiang know about this curse?"

Yuan Deyin realized another problem.

If you want to deceive these Miao people, you have to be ignorant of this curse.

"Well, they don't know. It is estimated that only the patriarch and a few elders in Miaojiang know the inside story." Jun Yu said in a deep voice.

"But Uncle Nine Emperors..."

"This king saw this from the lonely copy of the Dugu family." Jun Yu could guess the little girl's question without waiting for her to finish her question.

"The only copy of the Dugu family?"

Yuan Deyin froze for a moment.

Is it so amazing?

But she quickly realized that it was the Dugu family, the head of the hermit family, and it was normal for them to know some unknown secrets.

"Is that orphan copy also left to you by Empress Puyang?"

The little girl continued to ask.

Meeting her clear eyes, Jun Yu's eyes flashed a bit solemn.

He didn't want to lie to her...

So in the end, he changed the subject without a trace.

"Even with the help of Gu Art, Gu will not last long, so he must break the curse as soon as possible."

Cup but?

Is this the name of the patriarch?

For some reason, Yuan Deyin felt a little familiar when he heard the name.

However, she searched her memory for a long time, but found no trace of this name, so she suppressed the strange feeling in her heart.

Holding her small face, she continued to ask: "Uncle Nine Emperors, do you also know the way to break the curse?"

"Yes. It's all written in the orphan book."

"what is that?"

"Bride of Miaojiang." Jun Yu spat out these four words from his thin lips.

"Miaojiang bride?"

"Well, strictly speaking, it should be... Wu Que's bride who has been waiting for 100 years." Jun Yu continued to explain.

"The bride who has been waiting for 100 years, Uncle Nine Emperors, this bride must have passed away, or she is also over 100 years old."

As Yuan Deyin spoke, goose bumps all over his body also came up.

Lingye Kingdom, Miaojiang...these places are really weirder than the last.

"If the bride had appeared early, do you think Wu would have waited for so many years?"

Jun Yu let out a sigh of relief, his dark eyes looked at the flickering flames on the table.

"That's right. This is related to the important affairs of Miaojiang. It is estimated that Nao knew the news and went to someone a long time ago. How could he let himself wait like an old man."

Yuan Deyin nodded in agreement.

She pondered for a while, and then asked: "Uncle Nine Emperors, is that bride just born recently, or, did she just grow up recently?"

Only in this way can it explain the reason why the Miaojiang people have made so much movement recently.


Jun Yu's eyes moved back from the firelight and fell on her.

In the depths of the dark eyes, there is a solemnity that Yuan Deyin can't understand.

"Deyin still finds it very strange. Why does he have to find that bride to break the curse? Isn't it okay to find another bride?"

The little girl asked boredly while holding her small face.

It took hundreds of years to wait for someone to break the curse for him, and he still doesn't know if he can break the curse successfully. Thinking about it this way, the old patriarch seems a little pitiful.

Also, if the doomed bride is only recently born, or has only recently grown up, it seems inappropriate for her to marry an old man.

No matter how Yuan Deyin thought about it, he felt that this curse was too harmful.

"It's all the sins they committed back then, and they need to be repaid by future generations."

When Jun Yu said these words, a frightening hostility flashed across his body.

When Yuan Deyin noticed something and wanted to arrest him, he couldn't see anything.

She could only see Uncle Nine Emperor's expressionless face.

It's strange, why she feels that Uncle Nine Emperors knows many secrets.

In seven years, what has Uncle Nine Emperors gone through!
"By the way, Uncle Nine Emperors, then what is the relationship between this Miao Jiang bride and the Miao Jiang saintess, and what does it mean that the Miao Jiang people brought us here?"

Yuan Deyin returned to the original question.

But this time, before she could wait for Jun Yu's answer, someone knocked at the door.

"Ah Yu, Patriarch Jin sent someone over, saying that he can accompany us to find the Patriarch right now."

The voice of Shen Chuannan came from the door.

Yuan Deyin quickly stood up from the chair, and then ran to open the door.

Standing at the door was not only Shen Chuannan, but also Yu Shengxiao, Wu Yi, Cang Ling, Chen Shujing, A Qiao...

Almost everyone is here now.

Not far away, there was another man in a black totem robe standing there respectfully.

It is estimated that that person is the person sent by Elder Jin to lead the way.


Jun Yu walked to Yuan Deyin's side and wanted to tell him something.

But Yuan Deyin seemed to be able to guess his mind, she quickly grabbed his sleeve and said in a serious tone: "Uncle Jiuhuang, don't you think it's more dangerous to leave Deyin here alone?"

"Also, Deyin just made Elder Jin's two maids faint. Although they may sleep for two days and two nights, who can guarantee that there will be no accidents in the middle? If someone reports to Elder Jin, Isn't Deyin dangerous?"

She said to Jun Yu seriously.

Hearing her words, Jun Yu was very clear.

She has only one purpose, and that bring her along.

There is really nothing I can do with her.

Jun Yu sighed inwardly, and finally compromised.

"Follow me by my king's side."

"Okay." Yuan Deyin was overjoyed, and jumped up and down beside Jun Yu.

Under the leadership of the man, they walked out of Jin's house, and then took a detour around the winding road.

By this time, the sky had completely darkened.

They walked on the road, and if they listened carefully, they could hear the sounds of various bugs coming from all directions.

It's really creepy to hear.

While walking, Jun Yu suddenly stopped.

He looked at the man's back with dark eyes, and then said coldly: "This road is not the way to the patriarch's house."

His words successfully stopped the man in his tracks.

He turned his head, and the face that was still gentle just now began to become ferocious.

"Of course, how can you dirty things deserve to defile our patriarch's territory!"

He spat, and clapped his hands together.

Soon, clusters of torches lit up in the darkness.

Only at this time did Yuan Deyin realize that there were many people hiding in the dark.

Judging by their clothes, they should be ordinary Miao people.

But at this moment, their eyes were full of hatred, as if they wanted to tear them apart.

"Hand over the saint, and I will spare you from death."

The man spoke to them in a tone of charity.

The surrounding people also began to hold torches and booed indifferently: "Hand over the saint, hand over the saint."

"Are you confused, how can we have a saint here!"

Yuan Deyin stood up at this time and looked at the other party indifferently.

No matter whether there is a saint among them or not, they are all brought by her. She wants to protect them and never hand them over.

"It's really hard to talk, the saint's blood has a fragrance, our Gu worms are already agitated, the saint must be among you. Come, let's shoot the arrow."

After the man finished speaking, he directly ordered the villagers to shoot arrows.

Without giving Yuan Deyin and the others a chance to relax, arrows shot out from all directions.

Yuan Deyin quickly took a sword and began to block the arrows.

At the same time, she felt a little uneasy.

It turned out that what the little maid hadn't finished saying was—the blood of the saint has a strange fragrance.

She remembered that her own blood also had a scent.

Could it be that the saint is not someone else at all, but herself.

Is she the candidate for a Miaojiang saint?
The attack was too violent, accidentally, Aqiao got hit by an arrow.


Yuan Deyin and Yu Chenxiao yelled worriedly at the same time.

At this time, a strange fragrance came from Aqiao's body.

this scent...

Excitement flashed in the eyes of those Miaojiang people.

"It's her, it's her, she is our saint!"

A Qiao is a saint?
Yuan Deyin's footsteps paused.

But why, she smelled the same scent in the air as the scent in her blood...

(End of this chapter)

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