Chapter 403
Hearing Shen Chuannan's words, Yusheng Xiao's confused mind also began to gather.

"Immortality Gu? The genius doctor of this Gu has seen it in the master's handbook. This is a Gu insect that can only be raised by the saints of Miaojiang. The saints of Miaojiang must rely on Gu skills to stay young forever." He also hurriedly said .

As he spoke, his expression changed.

"Xiao Deyin, where did your Gu come from?" He asked anxiously.

"It was given by Crazy Yu." Yuan Deyin didn't hide anything, she answered directly.

After scanning everyone around with her eyes, she continued: "Deyin also told the lunatic when he was drunk, and asked him how he got this Gu worm. He said that only the saintesses of Miaojiang can do it." Raising immortality Gu, this Gu worm was what he wanted to come when he saved the saintess of Miaojiang..."

"The saint who saved Miaojiang is coming?"

When Shen Chuannan heard Yuan Deyin's words, he became even more curious about that lunatic Yu who had never met before.

He looked at Yuan Deyin and said, "Princess, I remember you once said that Madman Yu looks like an old man, right?"


"In that case, the saint he has seen should be the previous saint who died suddenly." Shen Chuannan expressed his guess.

"If the lunatic's Gu worm was given by the previous saintess of Miaojiang, then who gave the uncle's Gu worm? It couldn't have been given by the previous saintess of Miaojiang, right? The uncle already has more than a dozen of them. I haven't been out of Miaojiang for a year!"

Yu Shengxiao said with a frown.

At this time, Jun Yu's indifferent voice reached his ears.

"Don't forget that the sudden death of the Miaojiang Saintess happened more than ten years ago."

Jun Yu's words made Yu Sheng's hands stiffen, and the teacup fell from his hands.

He looked at Jun Yu in disbelief, and then asked in a tentative tone: "You mean, the uncle is very likely to be the last saint in Miaojiang, the saint who claimed to have died suddenly, and hid in the doctor's office. Valley more than ten years!"

"Only in this way can we explain why she can keep her appearance unchanged, Aqiao can talk, and why Miaojiang people will attack her!" Yuan Deyin said coldly.

Yuan Deyin's words were like a fatal blow to Yu Shengxiao.

He sat down on the chair, feeling a little dazed.

Yes, only in this way can we explain so many problems clearly.

"So, Senior Zongmu also knows that Aqiao is a saint, right?" Yunmo couldn't help asking.

Along the way, he also understood the general process of the matter, so now it is not impossible to understand.

"Maybe." Yuan Deyin sighed.

She can understand many things now, but the only thing she can't understand is... people's hearts.

"But why didn't Senior Zongmu let you come to Miaojiang?" Yun Mo, as a bystander, also found this matter very puzzling.

His words successfully made Yuan Deyin's face a little more dignified.

Her eyes looked towards Jun Yu.

She was silent for a while, and then said, "Uncle Nine Emperors, you told Deyin specifically about Miao Jiang's bride, right?"

"It's Deyin, right... the person the patriarch is looking for is Deyin, right?"

Her eyes were fixed on Jun Yu, her fingers were clenched tightly under her sleeves, and her heart was hanging.

Meeting her slightly red eyes, Jun Yu sighed inwardly, and finally nodded.

Hearing Jun Yu's words, Yuan Deyin's first reaction was to breathe a sigh of relief.

Sure enough...

No wonder……

She said, why did Jiuhuangshu start to be so wrong after entering Miaojiang?

Moreover, when talking about Miao Jiang's bride, he was obviously worried.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, did you already know that Aqiao is a saint?" Yuan Deyin took a deep breath, and then asked.



"When I was in the Doctor's Valley, I was just suspicious. That day, I saw the Gu worm attacking Yu Shengxiao, so I am sure." This time, Jun Yu did not hide it from her.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you..."

Yuan Deyin was angry and lost.

Uncle Nine Emperors could obviously tell her about these things, why didn't he say it!
"I only regret now that I didn't stop you, but let you enter Miaojiang." Jun Yu looked at Yuan Deyin with complicated eyes.

Facing his dignified expression, the anger in Yuan Deyin's heart disappeared again inexplicably.

She lowered her eyes and asked in a low voice: "Uncle Nine Emperors, did you just think they were looking for the saintess of Miaojiang at first? So you thought Deyin would be safe?"


"Then when did you know that their ultimate goal was to find a bride from Miao Jiang?" Yuan Deyin asked in a muffled voice.

"When Elder Jin burned the letter left by his daughter." Jun Yu also lowered his eyes and replied in a deep voice.

Knowing that she didn't explain this matter clearly, the little girl would not let it go.

So he continued: "All of us thought that Miao Jiang made such a big commotion because he was looking for the saint. This king is also too confident. Knowing that Aqiao and Senior Zongmu are saints, all problems are fine. You will be involved. Until that letter..."

"Miaojiang people value tokens and relics the most, especially people from big aristocratic families. Everyone's dead things will be kept, because this is the most important thing that can wake up their Gu worms..."

"Miss the Jin family didn't leave Miaojiang until she became an adult. When she was young, there must have been many well-cultivated Gu worms in the Jin family. The letter and the jade pendant have her breath before death, which can awaken the Gu worms. The best thing, but Elder Jin dismissed it, and even burned the letter, which can only show..."

"Indicate what?"

Because it related to his nanny, Yunmo was a little anxious.

"Naturally, it can only explain—the letter mentioned more important information. That information made Elder Jin careless about his daughter's belongings, and he only wanted to conceal the contents of the letter."

Jun Yu glanced at Yun Mo indifferently, and then explained quietly.

"There are only two things that can make Elder Jin act like this. The first is the saint, and the second is the bride of Miaojiang." Yuan Deyin sat on the chair, she whispered.

Couldn't help looking up at Jun Yu, she continued: "Actually, at that time, you still didn't fully confirm your suspicions. It wasn't until I learned from the maid through hypnosis that Uncle Zongmu was imprisoned Patriarch, you are starting to make sure..."

"Since the saintess has been found, there is no need for the patriarch and Elder Jin to be anxious. The only one who is anxious is... Miao Jiang's bride. It was also from that time on that you were very unwilling to have Deyin follow you to find the patriarch. Yeah?"

At the end of Yuan Deyin's analysis, her voice was a little choked up.

"Uncle Jiuhuang, I'm sorry, Deyin was too anxious just now." She whispered.

Just now she actually started to blame Uncle Nine Emperors, saying why he kept it from him.

However, Uncle Nine Emperors also slowly began to know what the Miaojiang people were planning.

He didn't know everything from the start.

The first time he knew the danger, he was still thinking about protecting her.

It's because she is ignorant.

"What the hell are you talking about, what bride, what's wrong?" Yu Shengxiao heard in a daze.

But Shen Chuannan's eyes beside him became sharper.

He didn't know what the Miao Jiang bride was all about.

But from Jun Yu's words, he probably had a guess.

It should be that the Miaojiang patriarch needs a destined bride, that person...

It is Princess Deyin!

I'm afraid that looking for the saint is just a cover, and looking for Princess Deyin is the real thing!

Yunmo's nanny must have discovered something.

What's even more frightening is that the other party even guessed that Yunmo would look for Yuan Deyin, follow her all the way south, and bring this letter back.

It's terrible, when did this game start to be set up!

As for Senior Zongmu, she must have also sensed the identity of Princess Deyin, so she must be prevented from going to Miaojiang.

But the Miaojiang people didn't know the identity of the princess at that time, so they planned to take Senior Zongmu back for interrogation.

And Aqiao, the next saint.

She has been hiding her name in order to protect herself.

But senior Zongmu disappeared, and he was caught off guard.

In order to save Senior Zongmu, she followed in the name of taking care of Yu Shengxiao.

It's just that she also has her own calculations.

"So, are we all players in the game now?" Shen Chuannan clenched his fists and asked through gritted teeth.

"Not necessarily." Suddenly, Yuan Deyin's cold voice echoed in the room.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, haven't they suspected Deyin yet?" Yuan Deyin suddenly turned his head, looked at Jun Yu seriously and asked.

Facing Shang Yuan Deyin's eyes, Jun Yu's dark eyes suddenly appeared a little sharp.


Senior Zongmu must not let go, and Aqiao will not let go for the time being, at least from what she said before being taken away, she does not intend to let go.

Moreover, if the people of Miaojiang are really sure that Yin'er is that person, I am afraid that Yin'er will not be able to sit here now.

"That's easy to handle. There are four women left in our group, me, Cang Ling, sister Wuyi, and Chen Shujing. I guess the other party is also afraid of scaring the snake, so they put us under house arrest, just to test us slowly. Four."

Yuan Deyin curled up her fingers, her eyes determined.

The other party has set such a big trap for her, how can she not return it?

"Uncle Nine Emperors, there is one more thing." Yuan Deyin continued to raise his head, looking at Jun Yu firmly.

"The common people think that the one with blood and fragrance is a saint, but it's not. Deyin couldn't figure it out just now, but now he figured it out..."

"Before entering Miaojiang, Deyin happened to hurt his hand. At that time, it was Aqiao who wiped Deyin's blood with a handkerchief..."

"Miaojiang has a kind of Gu insect, which can inhale the fragrance for its own use. Aqiao must have this kind of Gu insect..."

"The people are all wrong. In fact, the one with the strange fragrance in her blood is not the saint, but the bride of Miaojiang! It was the rumor that the patriarch let out to hide the curse. Aqiao has done so much, she is trying to deceive the patriarch, saying She is both a saint and a bride of Miaojiang..."

"This is the time that Aqiao bought for us, we must seize it!"

(End of this chapter)

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