Chapter 404 The Terrible

In the dark stone room, there was a strong smell of blood.

A Qiao was brought down, her face turned pale with fright, but she was still holding on.

Suddenly, she saw a man tied up and hung on the wall.

She quickly recognized that it was Zongmu.

Her eyes turned red and she ran over quickly.

"Mother, mother..."

Hearing the sound, Zong Mu looked up hesitantly. When she saw A Qiao rushing towards her, her first reaction was not excitement, but anger and panic.

Enduring the pain, she shouted loudly: "Why did you come here? Didn't I tell you that no matter what happens, don't leave the Valley of Miraculous Doctors!"

"Mother, I don't trust you..." A Qiao whispered.

In fact, she is not a parent who died at all.

The couple who passed away in Miracle Doctor Valley had nothing to do with her.

Back then, when Zong Mu found out that he was pregnant, he hid in the back mountain.

The child born is Aqiao.

She originally wanted to send Aqiao out of the valley of genius doctors.

But at that time, a couple and their daughter died, so she sent Aqiao there, pretending that Aqiao was their daughter...

For so many years, she has been secretly in touch with A Qiao.

She told Aqiao her real identity and taught her the most basic Gu skills.

In order for A Qiao not to be discovered by the people in Miao Jiang, she also poisoned A Qiao so that she could not speak and just acted like an ordinary person.

But how...

She has planned too much, but she still can't compare to Gu Que's calculations.

"It's really a mother-daughter relationship." But Guo came out from the darkness.

He wore a gloomy mask, clapped his hands, and his sneer sounded very permeating in this quiet stone room.

"Patriarch, Aqiao doesn't understand anything, please let her go."

Normally, Zong Mu could still fight against Guo Que.

But this time, A Qiao was caught, and her weakness was caught, so she could only bow her head and beg for mercy.

"Let her go? If you let her go, where will the patriarch's Miao Jiang get a bride?"

But Zhong snorted coldly, his dark eyes fell on Zongmu mother and daughter.

A Qiao hurriedly turned around, but knelt down facing the cup.

"Patriarch, Aqiao is willing to stay in Miaojiang as a saint, please let my mother go. She has paid enough for Miaojiang back then, she can't lose anything..."

She begged bitterly.

But for her pleading, Gu didn't show any emotion, instead the anger in his black eyes became deeper.

"Have you paid enough? The patriarch indulged your mother in feigning death back then, and let her go out so that she can find someone. Fortunately, she colluded with those old things in Fanzhou Island, and broke off the relationship with Miao Jiang privately." Contact. The patriarch has not settled this account with her yet."

Mentioning this, Kuque's fingers began to creak.

His eyes were full of murderous intent, wishing to kill the two mother and daughter in front of him.

Facing the murderous look in Shang Gu's eyes, Zong Mu knew that nothing they said would calm his anger.

So she simply didn't beg so humblely.

She raised her chin, looked at Zhong Que stubbornly, and said, "Do you think I betrayed Miao Jiang and you?"

"Did you forget that 300 years ago, our saintess clan, my mother, my grandmother, my great-grandmother, and all my ancestors did not belong to your Miaojiang, we only obeyed the orders of the Lord God... "

"So, even though you have been trapped in Miaojiang for so many years, you still want to work for the mob in Fanzhou Island?"

Hearing Zong Mu's words, Zhong laughed instead of anger.It's just that laughter, no matter how you listen to it, it's very intrusive.

"That's not working your life! That's what we should do as subordinates. Back then, you became greedy and wanted to get things that didn't belong to you, so you were cursed by the God Lord. It's been 300 years, you people of the Gu family, why? Don't you feel ashamed yet?" Zong Mu gritted his teeth and asked.

"Ashamed? What is shame?" Zhong sneered again, "The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. Fanzhou Island has disappeared for so many years, but our family has always been there!"

"No, you won't be here all the time. The curse is fulfilled, and you will die soon!" Zong Mu angrily said.

"The patriarch has a bride, so why did the Gu family lose?" But Zhong didn't have the slightest fear, as if everything was planned.


A Qiao realized something at this time, and she quickly said to Zhong: "Patriarch, A Qiao is not only a saint, but also someone you need. As long as you let my mother go, I will marry you immediately."

"Oh? Are you the person the patriarch needs?"

Cup lowered his eyes.

With his back to the light, he couldn't see the emotion in his eyes clearly, only two dark holes could be seen.

But despite this, A Qiao still felt like he was being targeted by something sinister, and goose bumps arose all over his body.

"Patriarch, I really am, if you don't believe me, take a look..."

A Qiao quickly pushed up his sleeves, and then found his wound.

She tore open her wound expressionlessly.

Seeing this scene, Zong Mu didn't understand anything.

This silly child, is she trying to prove that she is the bride of Miao Jiang?

She wants to rescue her, but also wants to protect Yuan Deyin, right?
However, does she understand that Gu Que, who has lived for hundreds of years, is the most difficult person in the Gu family to deal with in hundreds of years.

Sure enough, smelling the scent of blood in the air, and looking at the red blood, not only was not happy, but stared at her with his penetrating eyes.

A Qiao was still very confident at first, but when she met Shang Zhue's eyes, she began to panic, and her actions began to hesitate.

Suddenly at this time, Guo stretched out his hand, and his slender and smooth fingers directly pierced into her wound.


A Qiao didn't hold back, and shouted directly.

Seeing this scene, Zong Mu was so anxious that he was about to faint.

"Zhong Que, what are you doing, you stop, you stop!"

Zong Mu yelled anxiously, wanting to stop Gu Que.


But how could he pay attention to her?
When poking out a horrible blood hole on A Qiao's shoulder with his own fingers, Gu Que just let it go.

He withdrew his hand, and then a dark figure came out of the darkness.

The black shadow handed over the handkerchief respectfully.

Slowly wiped every one of his fingers clean, but only then did he look straight at A Qiao.

He leaned forward, staring at her with dark eyes.

Then he sneered and said: "Are you really going to use Gu in front of the ancestors who used Gu? Do you need my patriarch to catch the Gu worm that absorbs the strange fragrance from your body?"

He, he knows!

At this moment, A Qiao's face was so pale that there was no blood left.

Both because of the impact of injury, but also because of being frightened.

Her mother had told her long ago that Miao Jiang, the century-old patriarch, was a terrifying person.

Now that she saw it with her own eyes, she truly felt the horror.

(End of this chapter)

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