Chapter 405 Uncle Nine Emperors Is Gone
"Say, who's blood did you use as an introduction to make your blood have a fragrance."

But Guo narrowed his eyes and asked in a cold voice.

At this time, A Qiao raised his chin stubbornly, and said: "Patriarch, A Qiao's blood has a fragrance, it has nothing to do with Gu insects, no matter how many times you ask A Qiao, the result will be the same."

She absolutely can't tell the Princess.

The owner of the valley is kind to her, and the princess is the apprentice that the owner of the valley cherishes, so she can't do it.

Moreover, the princess has another identity. She is the person who must be protected by the entire Fanzhou Island, and it is also the secret that the mother has to guard for most of her life. She cannot let the wishes of the mother and so many people fail.

Deceiving the Princess to come here is already the biggest mistake she made, she can't make the same mistake again and again!
Thinking of this, A Qiao looked at Zhong Que with firmer eyes.

Unless she died, he would never get words out of her mouth.

"A Qiao..."

With Zong Mu behind her, blood and tears flowed down her cheeks, and she kept shaking her head.

This silly child, she won't get any good fruit if she is so angry.

However, he has never been a kind person!
Although I was a little angry that A Qiao brought Yuan Deyin here, but the matter has come to this point, and there is no turning back.

Zong Mu could only bite the bullet and say, "Gu Que, just give up, the curse cannot be broken, and there will be no destined person..."

"This patriarch really wants to kill you two, mother and daughter, so noisy..."

But Guo withdrew his gaze, he flicked his sleeves, and spoke indifferently.

He took a sword from the side and aimed it at A Qiao's neck.

Thinking that he was going to end A Qiao's life, Zong Mu could only keep screaming: "She's just a child, what are you doing to me!"

"You think the patriarch is going to kill her? No, she brought the patriarch's bride here herself, and it's too late for the patriarch to thank her."

But Zhong suddenly raised his head, looked at Zong Mu with gloomy eyes, and smiled strangely.

Hearing his words, Zong Mu could breathe a little.

As long as I don't kill A Qiao...

But who knows, the next moment...

Gu Que's sword made a cut directly on the side of A Qiao's neck.

Blood continued to flow down, staining the ground red.

This wound will not make A Qiao die, but it will make her very painful.

"If the patriarch doesn't kill you, it doesn't mean he won't punish you. You dare to use your dirty hands to take her blood. This is punishment."

After Zhong Que finished speaking, he dropped his sword, turned and left indifferently.

Only Aqiao was left lying on the ground, twitching non-stop, and Zong Mu was screaming.



The people in Miaojiang put Yuan Deyin and the others in this house, and they never came again.

They didn't see anyone except someone leaving food at the door.

However, Yuan Deyin was very clear that if they didn't show up, it didn't mean they were lax.

They must be hiding in the dark, watching them quietly.

"No, we absolutely can't just sit and wait for death. Aqiao doesn't know what's going on. What if there is danger."

Yuan Deyin stood up from the chair.

She walked past Jun Yu and Yu Shengxiao, opened the window, took out a flute, and played a soft tune.

But soon, her face became serious.

She put down the flute, looked at the empty yard, and fell into deep thought.

At this time, a certain Xiaobai crawled out from the darkness.

It said with a look of unrequited love: "Googoo..."

Lord Yin, it’s useless, Ben Tuzai just sneaked a few miles around to look at it, and there were no animals.

"Xiao Deyin, what are you doing?"

Seeing Yuan Deyin standing alone by the window in a daze, Yu Shengxiao was very puzzled, and he couldn't help asking.

Looking back at him, Yuan Deyin directly asked Jun Yu behind him; "Uncle Nine Emperors, do you think there are no animals within a few miles of us, is this normal?"

"Is it because you can't summon animals?" Jun Yu quickly understood Yuan Deyin's intentions, his eyes darkened.

Because there are only him, Yuan Deyin, Yusheng Xiao, Shen Chuannan and Yunmo in this room now, Jun Yu is not afraid of exposing Yuan Deyin's ability to communicate with animals.

It's just that now... things don't look good.

"That's right, Xiaobai went to investigate and found that there were no animals around here. It's no wonder that Deyin played for so long, but no animal came." Yuan Deyin said solemnly.

She originally said that they couldn't get out, and they could rely on animals to find out the news, but who knew, there wasn't even a single animal!
"This Miao Jiang is really evil. He does everything differently from others. He only raises people and Gu worms, not animals."

Yu Shengxiao patted the table and said, he attributed the absence of animals here to the fact that there were no animals raised here.

"Impossible. At the entrance to Miaojiang, I have seen a few birds, so there is no such thing as Miaojiang without animals."

Yun Mo glanced at Yu Shengxiao lightly, and then spoke.

"The entrance is for young birds, so why isn't there..." Yu Shengxiao muttered in confusion when he heard Yunmo's words.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, is that him? He even knows that Deyin can communicate with animals, so he made preparations in advance!"

When Yuan Deyin saw Jun Yu speak, his tone was sharp and helpless.

This feeling makes her very uncomfortable and uneasy!

It's as if the other party has figured out everything about her, but she doesn't know anything about the other party.

"This is the only explanation." Jun Yu lowered his eyes to hide the anger in his eyes.

The old monster who has lived for more than a hundred years really has a clear calculation of everything.

"Does he want us to fight trapped beasts now? Well, then the princess wants to see, if there are no cages, where are the trapped beasts!"

After Yuan Deyin finished speaking, she picked up the rabbit and threw it on Yunmo's body: "When you run away, remember to take it with you."

"Master, Master Shen, remember to protect Elder Sister Cang Ling and Chen Shujing well later."

Yuan Deyin's continuous exhortations made the expressions of several big men in this room very dignified.

"Xiao Deyin, what do you want to do?" Yu Shengxiao asked nervously.

But Yuan Deyin ran out quickly at this time.

With her keen sense of smell, she found the oil and poured it on the ground.

Light the torch and throw it in.

With a "bang", even Yusheng and Xiao could hardly react.

"Cough cough cough..."

Yu Shengxiao dragged Cang Ling, coughing, and said helplessly to Yuan Deyin: "Little Deyin, can you call us in advance when you are doing these things? You are so fast, we can't react Come."

"It's good if we can't react. If we can't react, then they can't react either."

Yuan Deyin said calmly.

She turned her head and nodded to Jun Yu.

It was just a look, and Jun Yu immediately understood what she meant.

The two flew onto the roof in a tacit understanding, and then set fire to the surrounding houses.

The weather in autumn is dry, and the wind is strong at night. When the fire started, it basically burned the surrounding houses and spread to other houses.

Almost for a while, everyone was woken up, and they got up in a panic to put out the fire.

The people who were watching them in the dark also started to lose their footing.

Looking at the people fleeing below, Yuan Deyin's eyes flashed a little cold.

"Don't blame this princess for being cold-blooded. This princess just wants to save her own people." She gritted her teeth, and after saying this, she wanted to turn around and look for Uncle Nine Emperors.

But who knows, when she turned around, she found that Uncle Nine Emperors had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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