The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 406 Night Investigating the Patriarch's Main House

Chapter 406 Night Investigating the Patriarch's Main House
"Uncle Nine Emperors, Uncle Nine Emperors..."

Yuan Deyin shouted loudly, but Jun Yu didn't move at all.

She returned to the ground again, and found that the place was in a mess, and Shen Chuannan and others who were here just now were gone.

Strange, how can people disappear in the blink of an eye?

It was also at this time that the people who watched them stopped hiding, and they rushed out directly, wanting to arrest Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin naturally couldn't sit still.

She gritted her teeth, and finally backed away quickly, turning a corner.

"Googling, gurgling..."

At this time, a familiar voice came from a dark corner.

She walked over quickly, only to see Chen Shujing hugging Xiaobai, curled up in a corner shivering.

"Chen Shujing." Yuan Deyin called out.

But Chen Shujing was terribly frightened just now, and she also trembled when she heard Yuan Deyin's words.

"It's the princess, don't be nervous." Yuan Deyin quickly bent down, pressed her shoulders, and comforted her softly.

Hearing the familiar voice, Chen Shujing dared to look up.

"County, princess..."

She choked up.

"The Princess is here, why are there only you, Xiaobai, Master and Master Shen?" Yuan Deyin asked quickly.

"When the fire broke out, Mr. Shen brought out the servants. But who knows, a group of people came out to attack us just after we came out." Chen Shujing replied nervously.

"A group of people?"

"Well, they seem to be the common people nearby, but for some reason, they rushed towards us as if they had suddenly gone crazy. The scene was chaotic for a while, the servant was pushed to this place by Mr. Shen, and when the servant realized it, they disappeared By the way, Xiaobai was also found by the servant in the corner."

Chen Shujing desperately recalled what happened just now, and then told Yuan Deyin.

The people in Miaojiang suddenly went crazy...

This situation is really unexpected.

"Princess, Master Shen, will something happen to them?" Chen Shujing asked worriedly.

"No, Uncle Nine Emperors also disappeared together. They should have noticed something and followed them. As long as Uncle Nine Emperors is with them, everything will be fine."

Yuan Deyin said firmly.

Her trust in Uncle Nine Emperors is unwavering and unwavering.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Chen Shujing gradually felt relieved.

Yuan Deyin looked at the smoky night with solemn eyes.

Few people can take Jiuhuangshu away, but Jiuhuangshu is gone now...

So the only explanation is that Uncle Nine Emperors must have discovered something and left on his own initiative.

So what did Uncle Nine Emperors discover?
Did you find anything?
Yuan Deyin asked a certain fat rabbit with his eyes.


Ben Rabbit just ate it just now, but didn't find anything.

A certain rabbit lifted up the chicken leg while cooing.


Yuan Deyin's temper could be controlled at first, but after seeing a certain rabbit like this, her face finally collapsed.

Does it know how to eat?

Facing Shang Yuan Deyin's indifferent eyes, a certain Xiaobai was so scared that his shoulders kept shaking.

Woohoo, what a terrifying master silver.

"The root of everything lies in the patriarch of Miaojiang. My princess will go to him now." Yuan Deyin said indifferently.

She originally wanted Chen Shujing to watch a certain rabbit.

But as soon as he lowered his head, he saw Chen Shujing's panicked eyes.

She clenched her sleeves tightly, and it was obvious that she was extremely scared.

Yuan Deyin looked back and found that those people were still looking for them.

Forget it, leaving Chen Shujing here, the unknown danger is even more terrifying.

Sighing in her heart, she said softly to Chen Shujing, "You follow the princess."

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Chen Shujing's eyes turned red.

She quickly stood up holding Xiaobai, and followed closely behind Yuan Deyin.

Taking advantage of the darkness and turmoil, the two of them and one rabbit came to the Gaofu without anyone noticing.

Yuan Deyin looked at the word "Goufu" above the door, and could feel a gloomy aura coming towards his face.

She took a deep breath, determination flashed in her eyes.

"Wait a minute, follow the princess closely." She turned her head and told Chen Shujing in a solemn tone.

Chen Shujing also knew that the situation was serious, so she nodded firmly: "Your servant obeys."

"Go, explore the way."

Yuan Deyin gave a fat rabbit a cold look.

A certain rabbit could only obediently jump into the yard.

Hearing the sound of "吱吱吱吱", Yuan Deyin felt relieved and pulled Chen Shujing to fly inside.

The current Yuan Deyin's lightness skill is no less than Jun Yu's, so even if she brings someone with her, she won't make any noise.

When he got inside, Yuan Deyin found that the house was gloomy.

How could anyone point the gate at the main house?
Also, aren't the trees planted here only found in cemeteries?

Yuan Deyin just glanced around the yard and felt uncomfortable.

At this time, there was movement from the door.

She pulled Chen Shujing aside.

Soon, they saw an elder Jin hurried in with a few people.

"Report to the patriarch, those people have fled, and now our people are searching. Also, they caused a fire, and many houses were burned. If the fire is not controlled, this fire will bring disaster to Miaojiang. Devastating loss."

Elder Jin said solemnly.

After a while, in the darkness, several people helped a man wrapped in a black cloth and wearing a black mask to come out.

The man said in an old voice: "Let's go, this fire cannot be extinguished without the presence of the chief of the clan."

Soon, several people disappeared at the gate.

"Princess, is that person the Miao Jiang patriarch?" Chen Shujing asked in a low voice.

"Probably." Yuan Deyin frowned, then nodded.

That man does look like the patriarch.

Let's go, while their patriarch is not in the mansion now, rescue Grand Master Zongmu and Aqiao.

Yuan Deyin set his eyes on Xiaobai.

Xiaobai groaned, and it began to run desperately in the dark night.

Soon, it returned to Yuan Deyin's side, gesturing in a direction with its paws.

Yuan Deyin instantly understood that the rabbit had discovered something.

"Let's go."

She gave Chen Shujing a look, and quickly ran after Xiaobai.

After Chen Shujing realized it, Yuan Deyin and Xiaobai had already run a long way, so she had no choice but to hurry up.

I heard Cang Ling say that Xiaobai understands human nature very well before, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful and able to lead the way.

"Princess, won't we be found if we come in like this? Are there no guards here?"

After finally catching up with Yuan Deyin, Chen Shujing asked worriedly while panting.

She also looked around vigilantly, for fear that someone would suddenly appear to catch them.

"Don't worry, there aren't many people in the Gu Mansion right now, at least the princess doesn't feel the presence of many living people. I guess they all went out to fight the fire." Yuan Deyin gave Chen Shujing a reassuring look.

That's good……

Chen Shujing breathed a sigh of relief, and his whole body also relaxed.

But in the next moment, Yuan Deyin pulled her back who was about to retreat.

"Be careful." Yuan Deyin's tone was very severe.

Chen Shujing's heart hangs again.

"Although there are no living people here, there are still a lot of Gu worms. There are sleeping Gu worms on all the surrounding trees. Disturbing them is more terrifying than disturbing living people." Yuan Deyin explained patiently.

(End of this chapter)

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