Chapter 407 Everyone is a Murderer

Hearing Yuan Deyin's explanation, Chen Shujing's heart was hanging, and he didn't dare to move anymore.

Finally, Xiaobai led them to a stop in front of a big rock.

Are you sure it's here?
Yuan Deyin asked Xiaobai with his eyes.

Xiaobai quickly nodded his head.

Yuan Deyin closed her eyes and put her hand on the stone. Soon, the stone was pushed away by her silently.

And a hole was exposed.

Yuan Deyin was overjoyed, it was indeed here.

"Follow the princess closely."

At this time, Yuan Deyin did not forget to tell Chen Shujing.

"The slaves obey."

Chen Shujing gritted her teeth, and followed closely behind Yuan Deyin.

There was a staircase leading down, but it was not long, and they arrived in no time.

In front of their eyes, there are several stone chambers.

Before you get close, you can smell the smell of blood inside, which makes people sick.

Yuan Deyin frowned, but the speed under his feet was not slow at all.

She walked to the first stone room and pushed the door open.

As a result, I saw a lot of people falling in disorder inside.

These people were covered in blood and had scars all over their faces.

Could it be that this is the traitor of Miao Jiang, so he was locked up here?

Yuan Deyin walked over and wanted to pick up one to ask some questions.

But it was found that their breath was very weak, they were all on the verge of death, and some of them had even died.

"It's really ruthless..."

Yuan Deyin sighed, and finally chose to give up asking them.

Because she has no medicine on her body now, so she can't save them.

Exit and open the second stone interior door.

The result here is the same as the first one.

Looking at this scene, Yuan Deyin felt that it was not an exaggeration to say that this place is hell.

"Can you hold on?"

Seeing that Chen Shujing was about to vomit, Yuan Deyin asked worriedly.

"Princess, slaves..."

She wanted to say that the servant girl was fine, but before she finished speaking, she couldn't help covering her mouth and ran to the side to vomit.

Yuan Deyin stepped forward and felt her pulse.

It was this pulse that made Yuan Deyin's face change.

She looked at Chen Shujing with a very incomprehensible look.

As soon as Chen Shujing turned her head, she met Yuan Deyin's expression, and looked down again, and found that Yuan Deyin's two fingers were following her pulse.

Her face "scratched" and became even paler.

"What the hell is going on here? How could pregnant for two months?"

Yuan Deyin asked in a complicated tone.

"Has it been two months?" Chen Shujing was stunned for a moment, then lowered her head and gently stroked her stomach.

She whispered: "Princess, in fact, the people in our village are right in scolding. The servant girl is a disorderly person. Without the words of a matchmaker from her parents, she has a private life with someone else, and she is pregnant with a child. In the end, she was abandoned." The end..."

Thinking of the past, Chen Shujing's eyes were full of pain.

It is so...

Yuan Deyin finally understood why when she asked about Chen Shujing when she was in the Chen family, her eldest brother looked so weird.

"It's not your fault, the child's father is a scumbag, but you are not."

Yuan Deyin said softly.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Chen Shujing raised her head in shock: "Princess, you... don't you think that slaves are indiscreet?"

"Indiscretion is just the evaluation of the world. You are just being stupid, not a crime." There was no impurity in Yuan Deyin's clear eyes.

Her words made Chen Shujing couldn't help covering her mouth and crying bitterly.

"Princess, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

While talking, Chen Shujing suddenly knelt down to apologize to Yuan Deyin.

"What are you doing, your fetal position is already unstable, don't move around."

Although Yuan Deyin didn't understand why Chen Shujing wanted to plead guilty all of a sudden, she still quickly held her down.

"Princess, this servant is really guilty, and I can't wash it away... On the road that day, you asked the servant if there was an old grandfather who came to our Chen family..."

Chen Shujing shed tears and kept shaking her head.

"This princess heard you say it."

Yuan Deyin nodded.

This is what Crazy Yu did. He put a stone statue there, and led her and Uncle Nine Emperors into the cave, and showed them some weird things.

If there is a problem, it is because the lunatic has a problem. Why does Chen Shujing apologize?
Facing Shangyuan Deyin's incomprehensible eyes, Chen Shujing felt that her sins were even more serious.

She cried and shook her head, and then said: "No, no, princess, in fact, the slave has not finished talking. The old man also said other things to the slave..."

"What else did he say?" Yuan Deyin's eyes became serious.

"At that time, the servant just found out that she was pregnant, and the father of the child was still missing. The servant was very desperate. But the old man said that the father of the child was from Miaojiang. Passing by in the village, he hopes that the servants will seize the opportunity and go to Miaojiang with you, and then they will be able to find the father of the child..."

Chen Shujing cried and explained.

Yuan Deyin's expression also gradually cooled down.

"So, you already knew that we were going to Miaojiang? The so-called wanting to serve the princess and not staying in that village are all lies. You actually just want to find the father of the child, don't you?"

she asked indifferently.

It was the first time seeing Yuan Deyin showing such a cold expression, Chen Shujing was very scared.

But she still nodded.

"But this servant has won the care of you, the princess. This servant really wants to serve you... slave..."

Chen Shujing wanted to explain something, but was interrupted by Yuan Deyin's indifferent words.

"People don't kill themselves. You want to come to Miaojiang to find the father of the child. You are not wrong. But your mistake is that you lied to the princess."

As a person who can't rub the sand in his eyes, Yuan Deyin was more disappointed than angry.

"Princess, this servant knows that I have lied to you, and I am not qualified to ask for your forgiveness. But there are some things, this servant still wants to tell you..."

Taking a deep breath, Chen Shujing bit the bullet and said: "That night, the old man went out with wine late at night, and the slaves were worried, so they followed him up. But when he saw him kneel down facing the south, he still read He murmured—"Master, don't worry, even if I risk my life, I will keep Miss Deyin away from the capital and Jun's family. If I can't stop her, I will keep her in Miaojiang .'"

Knowing that she could not get Yuan Deyin's forgiveness, Chen Shujing still wanted to tell what she knew, so as to eliminate some of her faults.

"He really said that?" Yuan Deyin's dark eyes fell on Chen Shujing.

"Yes, yes." Chen Shujing nodded.

Now that the matter has come to this point, there is no need for her to lie to the princess anymore.

Yuan Deyin withdrew her gaze, and she smiled wryly in her heart.

If everything is really as Chen Shujing said, then Madman also one of the planners who lured her to Miaojiang.

But why would he do this!
Why did he dislike her staying in the capital so much, why did he dislike her being with Jun's family, and even did not hesitate to trap her in Miaojiang!

All the emotions filled her heart, and Yuan Deyin was so depressed that she was almost speechless.

Realizing that something was wrong with her, Chen Shujing asked worriedly: "Princess, what's wrong with you?"

Yuan Deyin let out a sigh of relief, and only then recovered a little energy.

"After the grand master and A Qiao are rescued, your business will be settled." Yuan Deyin's brows turned cold in an instant, and she said in a cold voice.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Chen Shujing's eyes flashed with bitterness, but he nodded obediently.

Packing up her mood, Yuan Deyin knew that there was not much time left for them, so she hurriedly continued to search.

Just when they were about to continue searching for the next stone chamber, there was a movement at another entrance, as if someone had entered from there.

(End of this chapter)

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