Chapter 408 Weird Boy

At the critical moment, Yuan Deyin quickly pulled Chen Shujing aside.

The ones who came down seemed to be the guards of the Gufu.

They dragged two bloody men down.

Push open a stone wall door and throw them in.

A man in the lead also said to the subordinate behind him: "Did you see it? This is the subordinate who escaped from Miaojiang and betrayed the patriarch!"

After speaking, they walked away.

Yuan Deyin wanted to hurry up and search, but when he turned around, he found Chen Shujing burst into tears.

"But the baby in the womb is different?"

Although very angry that Chen Shujing lied to her, but seeing her belly, Yuan Deyin still couldn't speak ill of a pregnant woman.

"Princess, the servant saw him, the servant saw him... It turned out that it wasn't that he didn't want to come to the servant, but that he was locked up by their patriarch."

Chen Shujing was talking to herself, and her tears became more intense.

Yuan Deyin also heard the problem at this time.

"You mean, one of the two people just now is the father of your child?"

"Yes, that face belongs to Mu Lang!"

Chen Shujing said anxiously.

After finishing speaking, she pushed open the door of the stone room desperately.

Yuan Deyin had no choice but to follow.

When the door of the stone room was pushed open, they saw the mess on the ground.

Two men in their twenties were lying there with injuries all over their bodies.

"Mu Lang, Mu Lang." Chen Shujing hurried over and helped the man on the left up.

Hearing the voice, the man slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing that the person who came was actually Chen Shujing, shock flashed in his eyes, followed by nervousness and worry.

"Jing, Jing'er, why are you here? You are not supposed to come to this place, so go!" Mu Lang wanted to push Chen Shujing away.

"No, I won't go, you are hurt so badly, I will take you away." Chen Shujing cried and shook her head.

All her hatred for him disappeared at this moment.


At this moment, the young man next to him suddenly gave a cold snort.

"The head of the Miaojiang clan is ruthless. We traitors can only die. We cannot get out of this prison."

His voice was nice, but it was full of compassion at this moment.

Hearing the voice, Yuan Deyin turned her head, but the other party's face came directly into her sight.

What kind of face is that...

Although it was Yuan Deyin, he was still shocked at this moment.

The other party's young face is more delicate than that of a woman, but it is not feminine.

The eyes are so beautiful that they cannot be seen, but they are so hollow inside.

Like a fragile and beautiful body, people can't help feeling pampered and protective.

Under the thin chin, the tattered clothes hung loosely on it, revealing a sickly skin with hideous wounds, and blood beads kept coming out.

But the loss of consciousness was only for a moment, and Yuan Deyin's eyes quickly recovered.

Yuan Deyin ignored him, she quickly turned around and went out to open the doors of the other stone chambers.

It turned out that there were no signs of Zong Mu and A Qiao.

Could it be that they are all locked here?

She quickly returned to the original stone room, grabbed the man's collar and asked, "Are there two women here?"

"We were just locked in, how would we know?"

The man looked at Yuan Deyin with neither humility nor condescension.

Forget it, it's useless to ask him.

Yuan Deyin let go of the other party, and she was about to leave.

But at this time, Chen Shujing knelt down in front of her and kowtowed to her.

"Please save Mu Lang, please."

She bled until she hit her forehead.

Yuan Deyin really wanted to leave.

But after taking two steps, she still stopped.

Because there is still an innocent life in Chen Shujing's stomach.

Sighing silently, she passed Chen Shujing and walked in front of the frail man.

She grabbed his wrist and gave him a pulse.

"Ben...I can temporarily restore your strength, but as a condition, you take this man out."

Yuan Deyin said indifferently.

Take the child's father out, and let him find a way to protect Chen Shujing and the child.

She was doing her best to help here.

"I'm already a dying person, how can I recover my strength?"

The man's empty eyes fell on Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin raised his eyebrows.

To be honest, she couldn't trust either of these two men.

Even though Mu Lang behind him is still someone Chen Shujing likes.

But if she were to choose someone to restore her strength, she would choose this frail man.

Because she's been there, this man is weak and not a martial artist.

In this way, even if he regains his physical strength, he can't do anything bad.

The most important thing is that he is from Miaojiang, so he should know his way.

She didn't want to let Xiaobai bump around to find his way anymore.

It was lucky not to be discovered this time, but it doesn't mean that it will be so lucky next time.

Not giving him a chance to resist at all, Yuan Deyin arrested him like a chicken.

He took out the silver needle from his body, aimed at his acupuncture points for a few needles, and then transmitted the internal force to him.

The other party coughed up a few mouthfuls of black blood, and he regained his spirits.

"Don't think badly, I can kill you at any time, now go and help that man up and take him out."

Yuan Deyin leaned over to warn the other party.

The man lowered his eyes, as if he was submissive.

He walked slowly to Mu Lang's side, and whispered, "Mu Lang, let me take you out."

"Wu Bian, are you in good health?" Mu Lang asked worriedly.

"It's okay." Wu Bian continued to speak softly, and then started to help Mu Lang.

Mu Lang is really too tall.

Wu Bian staggered a few times, and they almost fell together.

Fortunately, he stabilized his body in time.

His face was flushed, and he exerted all his strength, and he needed Chen Shujing's help to help Mu Lang move forward.

"Your surname is Wu?"

Yuan Deyin remembered the origin of Wu's surname, and her scrutinizing eyes fell on Wu Bian again.


Although very embarrassed, Wu Bian raised his head and answered Yuan Deyin neither humble nor overbearing.

It seems like this is the only way to maintain your dignity.

At this time, do you still have to take care of your dignity?

Yuan Deyin raised her eyebrows, but there was a little more appreciation in her scrutinizing eyes.

"It seems that you also know what Wu's surname means, don't try to get anything from me, I don't know anything." Wu Bian said indifferently.

"People surnamed Wu are of impure blood, and are usually kicked out. Why do you still stay in Miaojiang?" Yuan Deyin sized her up again with probing eyes.

"This is my secret, why should I tell you?" Wu Bian answered Yuan Deyin indifferently.

"Wu Bian, you..." Yuan Deyin didn't respond yet, but Mu Lang beside him was anxious.

They came to rescue them, if Wu Bian didn't restrain his temper, he might anger him.

"His father was Elder Zheng who was next to the patriarch. He was a man who had made great contributions to Miaojiang. He married an outsider and angered the patriarch. In order to protect his wife, Elder Zheng chose to commit suicide. Wu Bian was in Miaojiang. The patriarch kept Wu Bian by his side for the sake of his contribution to Miaojiang..."

Mu Lang quickly helped explain.

"Then why are you abandoned by the patriarch now?" Yuan Deyin asked quietly.

"That's because..." Mu Lang wanted to answer something again.

But this time, Wu Bian directly interrupted his words.

"Mu Lang, it's not your turn to tell an outsider about my life experience."

Mu Lang could only keep his mouth shut.

Looking at this scene, Yuan Deyin understood.

This Wu Bian is still a young man with a keen mind and low self-esteem.

(End of this chapter)

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