Chapter 409 Did she guess wrong?
The four of them followed the stone ladder and returned to the top.

Yuan Deyin looked around and found that there was still no one, but she did not dare to relax at all.

"Come on."

She said to Mu Lang and Wu Bian indifferently.

Although Wu Bian is now low-browed and pleasing to the eye, she has no intention of letting down her vigilance.

She pricked his neck a few more times with the silver needle, and then said: "Although your physical strength has recovered a little, your injuries are still serious. If you don't get treatment, you will die. I play tricks."

After finishing speaking, she took back the silver needle, then put her hand on the big rock, and slowly moved the stone back.

Behind her, Wu Bian watched her movements, and then looked down at the scar on his neck, a strange glint flashed in his eyes...

Oh it's you.

"Ms... County. Where shall we go now?"

Chen Shujing originally wanted to call Lieutenant Yuan Deyin "Princess Lord", but thinking that there were still people here, she quickly changed her words.

"Do you know of any places here that are not easy to find?"

Yuan Deyin picked up the silver needle again and pressed it against the boy's neck.

He raised his eyes slightly, looked at Yuan Deyin with empty eyes, and then asked, "Aren't you afraid that I'll sell you?"

"If you want to die, you can betray us."

After finishing speaking, the silver needle in Yuan Deyin's hand moved forward a few minutes, and could be inserted into his dead point at any time.

"Come with me."

Finally, he compromised, and walked to the side path while propping up his frail body.

Under his leadership, they quickly found a side door and successfully exited the house.

The sky was still full of flames and chaos outside.

"Miaojiang people are very united. If someone finds us, they will definitely report our news to the patriarch and elders, so we can only look for places where there are no people."

Perhaps Yuan Deyin's threat played a role, Wu Bian led Yuan Deyin and the others into the jungle, and explained.

"Miaojiang people are very united?"

Yuan Deyin read this sentence carefully, staring at him vigilantly.

"Don't look at me like that. Miaojiang people are very united, but in their eyes, I'm not from Miaojiang. I'm just a traitor."

Wu Bian glanced at Yuan Deyin indifferently, then spoke leisurely.

Yuan Deyin was not angry with his tone, but just looked away lightly.

Soon, under his guidance, they walked into the jungle.

Wherever the eye can see, there are towering trees reaching directly to the sky.

Because this place is in the wind, the fire will not blow here.


A certain rabbit was obediently following them, but suddenly it became restless and burrowed into a bush.

"Ms. Jun, what is Xiaobai going to do?" Chen Shujing asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I guess I found something."

Yuan Deyin seemed very calm.

Because a certain Xiaobai is very clever, if it is in danger, it will never run that far.

Sure enough, after a while, Xiaobai came back with a person.

The corners of Jun Yu's clothes and the sword he was carrying were covered in blood, and even the resolute side of his face was dotted with red marks.

But this still couldn't take away his temperament.

The sharp blade of the sword in his hand was originally aimed at this side, but when he saw Yuan Deyin, the sharp blade was hidden behind him in an instant.


He walked over quickly, and then checked Yuan Deyin's whole body.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, I'm fine." Yuan Deyin shook his head and replied obediently.

The moment she saw Uncle Nine Emperors, all her guard and worries disappeared.

As long as she sees Uncle Nine Emperors, she won't be afraid anymore.

Hearing that she was fine, Jun Yu's heart relaxed a little.

But soon, his sharp eyes moved to Wu Bian and Mu Lang.

Especially when looking at Wu Bian, he stared at Wu Bian for a long time.

"Uncle Nine Emperors? Could this be..."

Next to him, Mu Lang coughed violently, and stared at Jun Yu in fear.

He has been out of Miaojiang, so he is still very clear about the outside world.

On this land, right now, there is only one young Nine Emperor Uncle...

It should be Chi Yan, the murderous and ruthless god of war!

Why is Jing'er with them, why are they here?

Chen Shujing looked at Mu Lang and didn't know how to explain it.

And Yuan Deyin didn't intend to hide it at this time.

She stood beside Jun Yu, and said, "Uncle Nine Emperors, this is Mu Lang, the father of the child in Chen Shujing's womb. And this is Wu Bian."

"My surname is Wu?" Jun Yu's dark eyes fell on Wu Bian again.

And Mu Lang was a little at a loss by Yuan Deyin's words.

He was both happy and a little helpless.

"Jing'er, do you really have our child in your stomach?"

he asked nervously.

He tried to put his big hand on Chen Shujing's stomach, but he was afraid that his behavior would be rude, so he didn't let it go.

Seeing his helpless look, although Chen Shujing's eyes were still red, he couldn't help laughing,
It turned out that he didn't want to abandon their mother and son, he really didn't know, and he had reasons.

So she reached out quickly, took his hand, and put his big hand on her belly.

"The princess said that the child is only two months old, so he doesn't feel anything."

"I have a child, Jing'er and I have a child."

A big man, he was as excited as a child at this moment.

Although Jun Yu didn't know what was going on at first, he saw a little girl's slightly complicated expression from the corner of his eye.

I soon had a guess in my heart...

Chen Shujing lied to them at first.

However, the little girl seemed to be planning to let the other party go for the sake of the innocent life in the other party's stomach.

This is the little girl's choice, so naturally he will not interfere.

Jun Yu withdrew his eyes lightly, hiding the coldness in his eyes.

If in the past, someone dared to deceive them like this, he would definitely not let them go.

But now, rather than pursuing responsibility, he hopes to put the little girl's feelings first.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why did you suddenly disappear, and, you..."

Yuan Deyin originally wanted to ask something, but soon realized that there were two outsiders beside her.

So her words stopped quickly.

And Jun Yu also understood what she meant.

He nodded lightly, "They are all safe now, this king is here to look for you."

So, what Uncle Nine Emperor meant, did Master and the others find a safe place to hide?
Sure enough, with Nine Emperor Uncles around, there would be no danger.

The big stone in Yuan Deyin's heart began to come down.

"Let's go, I will take you to find them."

Jun Yu's big hand naturally took the little girl's small hand.

"Princess." Chen Shujing opened her mouth, trying to follow Yuan Deyin.

But Yuan Deyin shook his head at her.

Her tone was also very indifferent.

"Since you've found the person you're looking for, there's nothing you can take advantage of from this princess, so don't let it go, and treat it as a stranger when you meet in the future!"

After speaking, she wanted to turn around and leave.

It turned out that Wushu actually leaned forward, as if to follow her.

She stopped, squinted her eyes, and looked at him dangerously.

"You just follow them, don't follow the princess."

"I brought you out, and you haven't treated me yet."

Wushu spoke coldly, and his fearless eyes met Yuan Deyin's.


Yuan Deyin looked at the wound on his body and found that it was still bleeding.

She bent down, pulled a piece of grass from the ground, and threw the grass on the opponent.

"This grass has the effect of stopping bleeding and vitalizing bones. It can be used externally or taken internally. Now, we are clear of the two."

After speaking, Yuan Deyin turned and left.

After walking a few steps, she turned her head and saw that Wu Bian was really looking for that kind of herbal medicine, and she had no intention of following him.

There was a flash of emotion in her eyes.

Could it be that she really guessed wrong, this Wu Bian is really just an ordinary Miaojiang native?
(End of this chapter)

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