Chapter 410 Unexpected surprise
After following Jun Yu for a long time, Yuan Deyin finally came to a cave.

"We are full of food and drink here, and we don't know what's going on with Xiao Deyin. If she is captured and tortured, how pitiful it would be..."

Before she could go in, Yuan Deyin could still hear her master's nagging voice.

Yuan Deyin instantly went dark.

He can't look forward to her, okay?
Xiaobai also smelled the fragrance inside the cave, kicked its hind legs, and then ran in.

"Ah, Xiaobai, why are you back? Where's your master, where's my little apprentice!" Yu Shengxiao soon noticed Xiaobai's arrival, he shouted excitedly, and even ran out.

As a result, Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu were seen standing at the entrance of the cave.

"Xiao Deyin, you are still alive!" Yu Shengxiao shouted this sentence in surprise when seeing Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

"Can you speak something human." Shen Chuannan also came out of the cave at this time, and when he heard Yu Shengxiao's words, he couldn't help but give the other party a supercilious look.

Yu Shengxiao also knew that he had said something wrong, he touched his nose in embarrassment.

Then he hurriedly apologized to Yuan Deyin: "Ahem, Xiao Deyin, I made a mistake for my teacher, as long as you come out safely."

"What are you eating? It smells so delicious." Yuan Deyin walked straight past Yu Shengxiao and walked into the cave.

"Little boy, you are finally back. This is the rabbit that this king caught from the woods. It was roasted just right."

Seeing that Yuan Deyin was safe and sound, Yunmo's expression brightened, and he quickly explained.


When Yun Mo said that the smell of meat was the smell of rabbits, a certain Xiaobai's pricked up ears instantly went silent, and it hurriedly hid in a corner and shivered.

"There are animals in this jungle?" Yuan Deyin grasped the key content of Yunmo's words.

"That's right, as you expected, Princess. There are no animals within a few miles of the house. It must have been cleared out, because there are still a lot of animals in this place."

Shen Chuannan walked in and helped explain.

"This king left one for you, so that you can interrogate it conveniently."

At this time, Jun Yu walked to the corner expressionlessly and took out a snake.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

Uncle Nine Emperors, snakes are discussed, not only!
Moreover, because Yuan Ying'er turned into a black python before, Yuan Deyin now has a psychological shadow when he sees a snake.

Sensing Yuan Deyin's frown, Shen Chuannan hurriedly explained: "Actually, we had caught other animals, but we were too hungry. Except for this snake, the rest went into our stomachs."

Yuan Deyin: "..."

"This king will go out and catch others for you." Jun Yu was about to throw the snake out.

"No need, Uncle Nine Emperors, this is fine too." Yuan Deyin said softly, and she stopped Jun Yu.

The situation outside is not good now, it is better not to go out.

"Let Deyin ask it what's going on here."

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Deyin approached the snake.

She looked at its mung bean eyes, but didn't speak for a long time.

"Small, but is there something wrong?"

When Yunmo was in the Western Regions, he often dealt with wolves, so now seeing Yuan Deyin not speaking for a long time and still frowning, he felt that the situation was not good.

"This snake can't ask anything." Yuan Deyin turned around and said helplessly.

"Why?" Yun Mo and the others were a little confused.

"It doesn't have the intelligence of animals." Yuan Deyin explained helplessly.

Animal intelligence?
Yun Mo and the others looked at each other, not quite understanding Yuan Deyin's meaning.

At this time, Jun Yu spoke, his voice was a little cold: "Yin'er, what do you mean - is this snake artificially made stupid?"

"That's right, it's not just this snake. It's probably the case of animals eaten by Master and the others. We can't ask anything." Yuan Deyin shook his head.

"Damn it, these Miaojiang people are too vigilant, they even want to seal the mouths of animals." Yu Shengxiao was discouraged, he felt that the meat in his hand was no longer fragrant.

"The princess is really getting more and more curious about what kind of person this Miao Jiang patriarch is. He seems to know the princess very well."

Looking at the position of the cave entrance, Yuan Deyin murmured softly, with a complicated tone.

"By the way, princess, can you see Chen Shujing?"

Shen Chuannan asked worriedly.

Because Yuan Deyin told him to bring Chen Shujing out, but he lost him, he is ashamed!

"Don't worry, she is being taken care of now." Yuan Deyin explained quietly.

"Is there someone to take care of?"

Except for Jun Yu, Shen Chuannan, Yu Shengxiao and Yun Mo all looked at her suspiciously.

So she told about Chen Shujing's pregnancy, including the fact that she went to Gufu to find Wu Bian and Mu Lang.

Of course, she omitted what Chen Shujing said about the lunatic.

After all, she still doesn't understand what lunatic Yu wants to do, so it's better for less people to know.

"So, Chen Shujing is now with her child's father?"

The three big men had complex expressions.

Forget it, it's unrealistic to go back and hold Chen Shujing responsible at this point.

Moreover, she is also a poor person.

"Why don't you see Cang Ling and Sister Wuyi?"

Only at this time did Yuan Deyin realize that there were only a few big men around them, Cang Ling and sister Wuyi were gone, and even brother Wuying was gone.

"They're inside." Shen Chuannan said to Yuan Deyin with a smile.

Seeing that Shen Chuannan actually smiled, Yuan Deyin felt something was wrong.

She quickly walked into the cave inside, only to see Cang Ling, Wu Yi, and Wu Ying inside, as well as two other people...

"Uncle Nine Emperors, you actually rescued Uncle Grand Master and A Qiao!"

Yuan Deyin turned around and asked Jun Yu excitedly.

"Yeah. When you created the turmoil tonight, I found a team that was tricky, so I went after them. Sure enough, they wanted to transfer Senior Zong Lin and A Qiao away, so I rescued them. It is also because of this, when I went back to look for you, I found that you were missing."

Jun Yu explained in a deep voice.

That's the case, Yuan Deyin suddenly realized.

She just said, how could Uncle Nine Emperors suddenly abandon her?

It turned out to be saving lives!
"The thick smoke was too choking, people in the dark also came out, we dispersed in order to avoid it, and it was only later that A Yu found them here." Shen Chuannan also explained why they disappeared.

"Deyin is going to check on Grand Master Uncle and Aqiao." Yuan Deyin lifted the hem of his skirt and walked towards the two lying there.

Cang Ling and Wu Yi put all their clothes underneath and put hay on them, which would make them lie down more comfortably.

Although A Qiao also lied to them, at the last moment, A Qiao would rather protect them after being arrested, which made Yuan Deyin unable to sit idly by.

Moreover, only when A Qiao wakes up can the truth of many things between her and Uncle Zongmu be revealed.

When Yuan Deyin put his finger on A Qiao's pulse, Yu Shengxiao also came in.

He frowned and explained: "They were seriously injured, but this genius doctor has given them both medicine just now. If they can survive tonight, they may wake up within three days, but if..."

He didn't say the last words, but everyone knew what he meant.

If you can't make it through, you are really going to die in this place.

(End of this chapter)

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