Chapter 411
It's so serious!

Yuan Deyin calmed down to feel his pulse, only to find that...

The situation was really as Yu Shengxiao said.

She hesitated for a moment, but gently pushed A Qiao's sleeves away, only to see the scene of the flesh being torn apart.

Although there is a thin layer of herbs covering it, the white bones can still be seen.

"They are really not human!" Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth and said.

No matter how you say it, Aqiao is still the saint of Miaojiang, how could they treat such a teenage girl so cruelly!

How much pain she must have.

Yuan Deyin looked at A Qiao's eyes, feeling a little more distressed.

She raised her hand, gently wiped off the blood on the other person's face, and then said softly: "It will get better, the princess will definitely save you."

Suppressing his inner emotions, Yuan Deyin checked Zongmu again.

It turned out that her injuries were more serious than A Qiao's.

Also, she seems to be...

All martial arts were abolished.

Looking at the rotten flesh on his wrist, Yuan Deyin felt sick to his stomach.

She took a deep breath to force herself to calm down.

She continued to feel Zong Mu's pulse, but soon, she realized that something was wrong.

While the pulse was disordered, there was also a trace of weirdness.

"Little Deyin, what's wrong?" Yu Shengxiao noticed Yuan Deyin's strange expression, he walked to her side and asked suspiciously.

"Master, do you feel that Grand Master's pulse is not right?" Yuan Deyin hesitated for a moment, but still asked.

"Not right?"

Yu Shengxiao gave Zong Mu another pulse with some uncertainty.

"The pulse is very weak... Wait, is there something in her body?"

Yu Shengxiao didn't find anything at first, but after Yuan Deyin's words, he calmed down and found...

Sure enough, something was wrong.

There seemed to be something else hidden in Zong Mu's body.

"How come this genius doctor has seen so many patients, but has never seen such a strange pulse?" Yu Shengxiao muttered.

He looked at Zong Mu's pale face, and continued to mutter: "This pulse... how does this genius doctor feel that the things in her body are not only not affecting her badly, but are protecting her instead. It's so strange, this genius doctor has never been there before. I have seen this kind of pulse on my body, not even Aqiao..."

Yu Shengxiao muttered while shaking his head.

But the eyes of Yuan Deyin next to him were full of sharp light.

"No, Deyin has seen this kind of pulse, just half an hour ago..."

"What?" Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yu Shengxiao looked at her puzzled.

But Yuan Deyin didn't intend to answer him, she stood up quickly.

Then when she walked to the entrance of the cave, she looked at Jun Yu and said, "Uncle Nine Emperors, do you think it was too easy for us to find Uncle Zongmu and Aqiao so easily?"

"En." Jun Yu's dark eyes also flashed a bit of sternness, and he nodded.

The style of letting them find someone so easily is indeed not like the style of being overwhelmed.

But Guo is a wolf hiding in the dark, capable of biting off a person's neck at any time.

"Wuying." Jun Yu called Wuying coldly.

"The plan to leave Miao Jiang tomorrow morning has been cancelled." Jun Yu continued.

Their original plan was, since they have found Zongmu and Aqiao, and they know that Xia Lonely is from the Gobfu, they should leave here as soon as possible...

They planned to leave at dawn through another exit in Miaojiang.

"Ah Yu, why did you cancel the plan?" Shen Chuannan also heard Jun Yu's words, and he asked suspiciously.

Yu Shengxiao stood up directly from the stone, and he was also puzzled.

"That's right, Ah Yu, we really can't get out of the original entrance, because someone might be ambushing there. But didn't we just find a new exit on the other side? At dawn tomorrow morning, We'll go out right away, and they can't do anything to us!"

Yu Shengxiao said quickly.

Miao Jiang is too weird, he thinks he can leave as soon as possible.

"How are you sure that the new exit is the exit?" Jun Yu raised his eyes, and his cold eyes fell on Yu Shengxiao.

Yu Shengxiao's expression froze.

He actually felt that Jun Yu's words... made a little sense!

"A Yu, do you mean that they made that exit on purpose to ambush us?"

Shen Chuannan understood what Jun Yu meant, and asked in a solemn tone.

"Even this king can detect it. The smoother it is, the more tricky it is. It's not sure. It's really a trap."

Yun Mo also calmed down at this time, he said sharply.

How can the King of the Western Regions who can command dozens of tribes in the entire Western Regions be a reckless grassland man?
At this time, Yun Mo's eyes were full of solemn light.

It was he who brought them here with a letter from his nanny, and the murder caused this situation. He must protect them, especially the little ones. This is what a man in the prairie should do.

"Wuying, Wuyi, pack up your things, and take Senior Zongmu and Aqiao to leave here." Jun Yu continued to order.

Sensing his intention, Wuying asked worriedly: "Then, my lord..."

"Since the other party can use Senior Zongmu and Aqiao as bait, they naturally think that they are already abandoned children here in Miaojiang, and they may kill them to silence them. You must protect them."

After Jun Yu ordered Wuying Wuyi, he still didn't forget to tell Shen Chuannan and Yushengxiao: "You two also follow, and don't leave Miaojiang without my king's order."

"Ah Yu, let us go first, then you..."

Shen Chuannan asked worriedly, he had a little understanding of Jun Yu's intentions.

"The other party has released all the bait, so naturally the fish must take the bait, otherwise, how can we break this deadlock?" Jun Yu's eyes were full of cold light.

"My lord..."

Wuyi Wuying said worriedly.

Is the prince trying to use himself as a fish to break the opponent's game?
Facing their worried eyes, Jun Yu's tone was unquestionable.

"This is the king's order."


Wuyi and Wuying looked at each other, and finally they still bowed their heads firmly.

"Subordinates obey."

"Jun Yu, Xiao Deyin." Yu Shengxiao still wanted to say something to Jun Yu and Yuan Deyin.

But Shen Chuannan pulled him away.

Since A Yu has a plan, they shouldn't leave him as a burden.

Today, it is only possible to win this war through division of labor and cooperation.

After all, they are in the light and the enemy is in the dark, so they are very passive.

Wuying carried Aqiao on his back, Shen Chuannan carried Zongmu on his back, and the six quickly left this place to find the next safe place.

Now, only Yuan Deyin, Jun Yu and Yun Mo are left at the entrance of the cave.

"Hey, everyone is gone, only the three of us are left."

Yun Mo rolled up his sleeves and sat down on a big rock.

During this period of time, with so many people staying together, he had no chance to be alone with the little one.

Although there are three people now, he can consciously pretend that Jun Yu, an eyesore, does not exist.

In this way, he can be alone with the little one.

But before Yun Mo could laugh for long, Yuan Deyin and Jun Yu turned cold at the same time.

"As expected." Jun Yu said with a half-smile.

Sure enough?

What do you mean?
Yun Mo frowned at first, but soon, his ice blue eyes were full of cold light.

Because he heard it too.

Footsteps from far and near.

There are quite a few people here, almost all of them are masters.

Sure enough... there was an ambush.

(End of this chapter)

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