Chapter 416 Jun Yu confesses
They didn't look for another exit, and went out directly by the way they came in.

"My lord, there is a situation." Wuying was exploring the way ahead, and his anxious voice came from the front.

Jun Yu's situation is not very good now, so Shen Chuannan walked over to see the situation first.

As a result, when he went there, he saw a mummy.

Yu Shengxiao also followed. Enduring his nausea, he began to examine the corpse.

"This... Isn't this the old man who blocked us when he came in that day?" Yu Shengxiao asked in surprise.

"Do you know the cause of his death?" Shen Chuannan's face was also slightly surprised.

That day, although he didn't have much contact with this old man, he could still feel the deep inner strength of the other party.

How could a strong man die so easily?
"He didn't die for a long time, as if his blood was sucked dry with something." Yu Shengxiao said with a frown.

"That can only be a Gu worm. A gatekeeper of Miao Jiang died on a Miao Jiang Gu worm."

Yuan Deyin came over at this time, her tone was complicated.

"Since he is the gatekeeper of Miaojiang, he naturally knows Gu worms very well, and he has deep internal power, so he shouldn't be recruited." Shen Chuannan shook his head, puzzled

"So there are only two possibilities. One is that the other party's ability is far superior to his, and the other is that an acquaintance commits the crime."

Jun Yu coughed lightly. Although his face was pale, his brows were clear, and his black eyes were filled with a deep and sharp light.

"Forget it, these are not things we should pay attention to, let's get out of here first."

Yuan Deyin shook his head and said.

Uncle Jiuhuang is in a bad situation now, and he must find the medicine as soon as possible.

And Senior Aqiao and Zongmu, the two of them haven't woken up yet, so they can't be tired anymore.

Shen Chuannan understood what she meant, so she nodded, and quickly gave Wuying and Wuyi a look, helping them get out of here as soon as possible.

It is estimated that there is no gatekeeper, so they can go out unimpeded.

"It's not realistic to rush back to the capital now. Let's find a village as soon as possible and settle down first." Shen Chuannan suggested.

The others also nodded, and that was all they could do.

Although their carriage is still outside, there are mountain roads nearby, and the carriage cannot walk at all, so they can only rely on their two legs to find the way.

Just when Yuan Deyin was about to continue helping Jun Yu, Yun Mo, who had been silent by the side, came over.

"It's good that the king comes to support him."

Ignoring Yuan Deyin's shocked eyes, he directly pulled her away, and then supported Jun Yu by himself.

Yuan Deyin was squeezed away, she tilted her head and looked at the scene in front of her depressedly.

What is Yunmo going to do? Sometimes he is unhappy, sometimes loses his temper, and now he even took the initiative to help Uncle Nine Emperors.

Forget it, it's good to have someone to help.

Yuan Deyin naturally didn't think much about it, she shrugged and went to help Yu Shengxiao look at A Qiao and Zong Mu.

The situation of the two of them is even more special now, and they need to be taken care of more carefully.

Here, only Yun Mo and Jun Yu are left.

Speaking of helping, in fact, Yunmo didn't need to make much effort at all, because Jun Yu could walk by himself.

Xu Shi couldn't bear the quiet atmosphere, and Xu felt that he was extremely depressed, Yun Mo finally spoke.

"Jun Yu, I know you don't like me, I think I hate you..."

"This king has never felt like this." Jun Yu also spoke at this time, his voice was extremely cold, and he directly interrupted Yun Mo's words.

Yun Mo was stunned for a moment.

Why did Jun Yu deny it?Doesn't he hate him?

"This king has never taken you seriously, so how come he hates you?" Jun Yu added indifferently.


Yun Mo was almost pissed off, this feeling was really aggrieved.

However, he couldn't find anything to refute, because he found that what Jun Yu said was very reasonable.

Taking a deep breath, Yun Mo continued to pull himself together, he must not lose face in front of Jun Yu.

So he insisted and said confidently: "Okay, even if you don't take this king seriously, I still want to tell you that I wanted to marry the younger one back then, and now I still don't change my mind. The princess of the Western Regions can only be her."

No matter how powerful Jun Yu is, so what, he will fight for what he wants!

This is the answer that Yunmo has been struggling with for a long time in the past two hours.

Hearing Yun Mo's words, a certain Nine Emperor Uncle was not angry, he just chuckled.

There was no sadness or joy in that chuckle, it just had a...feeling that the other party was childish.

Yun Mo was stimulated by Jun Yu's laughter, he felt that the other party was mocking him.

So he couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, "Do you think this king is joking? This king knows that you are her Ninth Emperor Uncle, and thinks that there are not many people in this world who are worthy of her. But if this king can't win you How, if this king is sincere, he can treat her well..."

"Where do you get the confidence to think that your sincerity can impress her?"

Jun Yu also restrained his smile, he stared at Yun Mo with indescribable indifference.

"My lord..." Yun Mo anxiously wanted to prove something.

As a result, Jun Yu's tone became even colder.

"I have worked so hard for so many years, but I still can't make her enlightened. What is your sincerity?"

"What?" Yun Mo finally began to notice something was wrong at this moment.

He looked at Jun Yu, his heart was in turmoil.

Why did Jun Yu say that he has worked hard for so many years, why did he work hard?
Isn't he the little Nine Emperor Uncle?
"Uncle Nine Emperors is just a title. She is the adopted daughter of Tu Su's family and the legitimate daughter of Prince Ji's mansion. She has nothing to do with this king in terms of blood or name." Jun Yu glanced at Yun Mo indifferently, Then said coldly.

"you you……"

Yun Mo was speechless at this moment.

He could only look at Jun Yu in shock, and then his mind was in a mess.

Does Jun Yu mean that he cares about Xiao BuDian as much as he does?
No wonder, no wonder he was so angry when he wanted to abduct Xiao BuDian back to Jun Yu of the Western Regions.

It's no wonder that every time he gets close to the little one, Jun Yu's eyes will be so cold.

He always thought that Jun Yu was in the position of an elder, and worried that he would hurt the little one.

It turned out that he was too naive...

Jun Yu has never been an elder, but his competitor.

"Anyway, Xiao Deyin has always called you Uncle Nine Emperors, how could you have such thoughts for her!"

Yun Mo still couldn't accept the truth, he questioned angrily.

"I still remember that when Yin'er first met me, she called me the elder brother of the prince regent." Jun Yu raised his eyes, looking at Yunmo with indifferent eyes.

"The little one won't accept it, she won't accept it!" Yun Mo kept shaking his head, feeling a little dazed.

"You can compete with this king, but you will never be able to compete with this king." Jun Yu said this sentence without any waves.

Because, he really never put Yun Mo in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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