Chapter 417 Seeing an acquaintance again
Yun Mo was so stimulated that he no longer planned to speak.

He gritted his teeth, his whole mood was in a mess.

Although Shen Chuannan and Yushengxiao were separated from them, they could still hear the movement over there.

Yu Shengxiao glanced at Shen Chuannan and asked what was going on.

Shen Chuannan seemed very calm.He mouthed it, probably Ah Yu confessed.

frank?confess what?
Oh, shouldn't it be confessing his feelings for Xiao Deyin?

A certain jade genius doctor finally got enlightened here once, and he suddenly realized.

But soon he couldn't help but sigh again.

This Prince Yunmo, oh, no, he is already the king of the Western Regions, why is he still so stupid.

Jun Yu's thoughts on Xiao Deyin, isn't that something that can be seen with eyes?
Oh, and there's one more person who can't see it.

Yusheng Xiao Youyou's eyes looked towards Yuan Deyin.

His silly little apprentice still can't tell...

I still don't get the hang of it.

He continued to ask Shen Chuannan with his eyes, who do you think will win?
"This is not a competition at all, because the king of the Western Regions didn't even qualify for the competition." Shen Chuannan answered directly.

Although Princess Deyin is not enlightened, the king of the Western Regions will not be A Yu's opponent.

Because Princess Deyin would only choose A Yu.

In this matter, Ah Yu will not let himself lose, and definitely will not lose.

Hearing Shen Chuannan's words, Yu Shengxiao shrugged.

Because he felt the same way.

I hope that kid Yunmo won't cry too badly.

Along the way, a weird atmosphere enveloped them.

But Yuan Deyin was thinking about finding medicine for Uncle Jiuhuang, so he didn't notice something was wrong.

Finally, they saw smoke curling up ahead.

Walked over and saw a small village.

There is a river at the entrance of the village, where many women wash clothes.

Seeing strangers coming suddenly, especially Wu Ying who was walking in front, dressed in black, with a faint murderous look on his body, they immediately put down the clothes in their hands and looked over vigilantly.

"Wuying, come back, I'll go talk to them."

Wuyi is a woman with a delicate mind, so she naturally knows what the villagers are wary of

So she hurried forward to pull Wuying away.

But she hadn't been able to walk over to chat with those women and women, suddenly a pleasantly surprised voice came.

"Benefactor, why are you here?"


Yuan Deyin and the others looked at the source of the sound suspiciously, only to see a familiar figure.

Wu Rao quickly ran out from the crowd.

The scars on her face have faded a lot, she is wearing clean clothes, and there are still water marks under the hem of her skirt.

"here it is……"

Yuan Deyin also stepped forward, she looked at Wu Rao and asked suspiciously.

"This is Xiaowu Village. My aunt lives here. I came to take refuge in her, so I settled down here too." Wu Rao explained patiently.

Worried that Yuan Deyin didn't understand well, she continued to explain: "All of us who came out of Miaojiang were scattered and gathered in several villages. These villages were called Dawu Village, Xiaowu Village, Shangwu Village, and Xiawu Village. ...The village I lived in was called Dawu Village, but now it's gone..."

That's the case, Yuan Deyin nodded clearly.

"Girl Rao, who are these people?"

Behind Wu Rao, a strong, dark-skinned woman threw her clothes back into the basin and asked loudly.

"Aunt Zhang, this is what I told you, it saved my benefactor." Wu Rao hurriedly turned around to explain.

"It turned out to be a benefactor, so why don't you hurry up and take him home, so that you can entertain him."

Hearing Wu Rao's words, Aunt Zhang's tone changed suddenly.

She laughed cheerfully, and her face became much more gentle.

Those around who were wary at the beginning also began to let go of their guard, and they looked at Yuan Deyin and the others with kind eyes.

Yuan Deyin instantly understood that Wu Rao should be a popular person.

"Benefactor, I'll take you to my aunt's house right now." After Wu Rao realized it, she said quickly.

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Yuan Deyin nodded to the other party.

In an unfamiliar environment, it is also good to have a relatively familiar person.

The group of them followed Wu Rao, and soon came to a house.

This house is a simple farmhouse wooden house, but it is obviously much larger than other houses at first glance.

Wu Rao saw their doubts, and quickly explained: "My uncle is the head of Xiaowu Village, and my cousin also went out to do business, so his family background is not bad compared to the average family in Xiaowu Village. Benefactor, don't stand still, Come in with me."

After finishing speaking, Wu Rao quickly pushed open the courtyard door.

At this time, a woman in her thirties came out again.

"Rao girl, this is..." The other party looked at Yuan Deyin and the others suspiciously.

"Auntie, this is the benefactor I told you about. If it weren't for them, I would have died long ago." Wu Rao hurried to Wu Ling's side to explain.

"So it's Rao girl's savior." Wu Ling's eyes turned red instantly.

She hurriedly yelled: "You are the benefactors of Rao girl, and of course they are also my benefactors, come in quickly."

She led Yuan Deyin and the others into the house.

The room is very spacious, although there is not a lot of furniture, but it is clean and tidy, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

Wu Ling and Wu Rao poured them water and brought them fruit.

"Rao Rao, Auntie, don't be so busy, let's keep it simple." Seeing what Wu Ling was going to do, Yuan Deyin hurriedly stopped him.

"Okay, okay." Wu Ling hurriedly wiped her hands, and then sat down opposite.

"I remember Rao girl said, you want to enter Miaojiang, right, so why are you here now?" She asked curiously.

Wu Rao's worried eyes also fell on them: "Miaojiang people are extremely xenophobic, have you encountered any problems?"

"It's okay. We are relatives of the Tusu family. Entrusted by the Yinshi family, we came to Miaojiang to visit the patriarch, but the other party didn't do anything to us."

Yuan Deyin gave a reason and said softly.

Their situation is complicated, so it is inconvenient to say more about it to outsiders.

Besides, she wasn't exactly a liar.

After all, she is really a member of the Tusu family.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Wu Ling and Wu Rao were slightly shocked.

They are all from Miaojiang, so they naturally know that the hermit family has the right to enter Miaojiang.

Although he is a foreign relative, his ability is definitely not small.

So they looked at Yuan Deyin with respect.

Wu Ling even stood up and saluted Yuan Deyin.

Sensing her intentions, Yuan Deyin hurriedly stopped her: "Don't be too polite, we are ordinary people when we go out."

"Benefactor, these two..." Wu Rao noticed Zong Mu and A Qiao who were still unconscious.

Yuan Deyin said with the same face: "I came here this time because these two friends have been infected by a voodoo, so I asked the Miaojiang patriarch to relieve the voodoo. Now the voodoo has been released, but their bodies are damaged and they need to rest for a while time to recover."

"So that's it, Rao Rao, hurry up and vacate the guest room so that the benefactor's friends can rest." Wu Ling turned her head and told Wu Rao.

"Okay, aunt." Wu Rao quickly stood up and went to work.

"Thank you." Yuan Deyin smiled and nodded to the other party.

There are quite a lot of houses here, and Wu Rao couldn't clean them up by herself.

Yuan Deyin and Yushengxiao found that Aqiao's breathing was unstable and her situation was a little dangerous, so they had to treat her as soon as possible.

Yu Shengxiao saw a room on the left, so he went straight to it and opened the door.

But just when the door was pushed open, a coldness came to his face, followed by a sword that pierced his life.

(End of this chapter)

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