Chapter 418 It was him

Seeing Yu Shengxiao standing there stupidly waiting for the sword to stab him, Shen Chuannan quickly stood in front of him and helped him knock down the sword.

"Scared this miracle doctor to death."

After Yu Shengxiao came to his senses, he patted his heart guiltily, almost giving his life away here.

"Who is in the room?" Shen Chuannan asked the people in the room in a daze.

"Princess?" Suddenly a surprised voice sounded.

Chen Shujing walked out from inside with an excited expression.

Behind her, two men also walked out.

They are Wu Bian and Mu Lang respectively.

Although Mu Lang's face was still pale, he was much better than the last time he saw him.

Wu Bian held the scabbard in his hand, and the sword was shot from his hand.

It was probably his reaction because he thought there was danger outside.

"You guys know each other?" After Wu Rao realized it, she hurried over.

"Yeah." Yuan Deyin nodded lightly.

I didn't expect to run into Chen Shujing here.

Wu Rao froze for a moment, then remembered something.

She hurriedly said: "How could I have forgotten, when you rescued me that day, Miss Chen was standing beside you, my benefactor."

But after she finished speaking, she found that the atmosphere between Yuan Deyin and Chen Shujing was not right.

She continued to explain to Yuan Deyin: "Benefactor, Ms. Chen came with my brother. I forgot to mention it just now. It scared you."

"Brother?" Yuan Deyin frowned again when he heard Wu Rao's words.

"Wu Bian's father is Elder Zheng. Elder Zheng was brought up by my grandfather. Although we have not entered Miaojiang these years, we still have contacts... This time, I heard about the turmoil in Miaojiang, and I was quite worried about him. Come on, luckily he escaped safely."

While explaining, Wu Rao looked at Wu Bian with pity.

Yuan Deyin's eyes flickered.

That boy... had such a relationship with Wu Rao.

However, the speed of his sword just now is beyond the reach of a person who does not know martial arts!

But she clearly remembered that last time, when she felt his pulse, he had no internal strength.

What is going on here?
Yuan Deyin took another look at Wu Bian, only to find that he was still aloof and arrogant, so she quickly withdrew her eyes.

Wu Bian?

Why is this name so familiar?

Yu Shengxiao and the others pondered for a while, and soon remembered that it was the person Xiao Deyin met in the Tian Prison of Guque Mansion.

"Princess, the situation of Aqiao and Senior Zongmu is not good." Wuyi's anxious voice sounded.

Yuan Deyin turned back quickly.

And Yu Shengxiao didn't have time to get entangled anymore, he hurriedly opened another door, and then let Wuyi and Wuying send people in.

"Wu Rao, can you prepare some medicine for us?" Yuan Deyin asked Wu Rao in a solemn tone when he suddenly remembered something before following him in.

Wu Rao also knew that the situation was serious, so she nodded quickly: "Yes, there is an old doctor in the village, and he has all the necessary medicinal materials."

Yuan Deyin gave Cang Ling a look, and Cang Ling quickly took out a piece of paper and a piece of charcoal from the bundle.

After quickly writing down the medicinal materials she needed on a piece of paper, Yuan Deyin handed the piece of paper to Wu Rao.

"Okay, benefactor, don't worry, I'll go find the medicine right away." Wu Rao took the paper and ran away quickly.

Wu Ling heard the movement, and hurried over: "Benefactor, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Auntie, do you have an oil lamp here?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask.

The lighting in these rooms is not very good. If you want to perform acupuncture, you must use oil lamps to illuminate it.

"Yes, yes, how much do you need?"

"Two are fine."

"Okay, I'll go get it now."

"It's work."


When Wu Rao brought back the medicine from the old doctor, Yuan Deyin and Yu Shengxiao were already administering acupuncture together.

"Miss Wu, just give us the medicine." Cang Ling and Wuyi hurried over to take the medicine.

Before Yuan Deyin went in, he had told them that these medicines should be boiled directly.

If there is nothing very urgent, don't bother her and Master.

The most taboo thing about acupuncture is being disturbed, especially the situation of Uncle Zongmu and Aqiao is very complicated.

"Sister Cangling, Sister Wuyi, let me help you." Chen Shujing wanted to come over.

But Cang Ling and Wu Yi quickly took a few steps back, and they smiled slightly, their smiles were very alienated.

"No need, Miss Chen, we can just come."

Miss Chen?

Do they need to be so alienated?

Chen Shujing's expression gradually dimmed.

But thinking of what she had done, she felt that she deserved it.

"Jing'er, I'm sorry, I'm the one who got you in trouble."

When Mu Lang saw Chen Shujing so lost, he felt guilty and annoyed.

"It's okay, I... I don't regret it, I don't regret finding you at all." Chen Shujing shook her head with red eyes.

"Wu Bian, do they call their benefactor 'Prince Lord'?"

Wu Rao walked to Wu Bian's side and asked in a low voice, her tone was a little uncertain.

Wu Bian didn't look back, she couldn't help asking again: "The benefactor said that she is a relative of the Tusu family, is she... Princess Deyin?"

In the whole world, there seems to be only one princess who has a relationship with the Tusu family.

Is it her?
"So what if it is, so what if it's not?" Wu Bian suddenly turned his head, his cold and alienated eyes fell on her.

"If so……"

Wu Rao spoke anxiously, she wanted to say that if it was true, she must take care of her benefactor more carefully.

After all, "Princess Deyin County" is the most valued person by Chi Yan's current emperor and regent.

However, before she could finish her words, Wu Bian turned indifferently and entered the room, not even bothering to say a word.

"Wu Rao, don't worry about it, Mu Lang and I have been with him for two days, and he has this temperament."

Beside, Chen Shujing saw Wu Rao's disappointed expression, so she hurried over to comfort her.

That day, after parting with the princess, the three of them fled all the way.

Fortunately, because Wu Bian was very familiar with the terrain of Miaojiang, they were able to easily escape all the pursuit and came out safely.

But along the way, Wu Bian remained indifferent to both her and Mu Lang.

When they got outside, Wu Bian took them directly to Xiaowu Village.

Anyway, without Wu Bian, they probably wouldn't be able to come out alive.

So she felt that the other party was a little cold-tempered, but he shouldn't be a bad person.

Mu Lang also hurried over to help explain: "Yes, I have known him for a long time, and he is such a person. When I was in Miaojiang, I liked to stay at home alone and ignore foreign affairs. Even I It is also extremely difficult to see him. Now that such an accident has happened, he should not want to talk even more..."

"It's okay, I'm not angry. It's probably because Uncle Zheng's death hit him too hard, so he's been reluctant to get in touch with people. But it's okay, he's escaped from the prison of Miaojiang now."

Wu Rao shook her head and said in a relaxed tone.

(End of this chapter)

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