Chapter 419 Choose to let go
"Drink medicine."

Yun Mo pushed open the door, and directly put a bowl of dark medicine beside Jun Yu.

Hearing the movement, Jun Yu, who was closing his eyes to rest, raised his eyes, and his awe-inspiring eyes fell directly on him.

"The little one is still administering needles to those two, but she told Wuyi before going in, saying that these medicines can restore your vitality..."

Yun Mo gritted his teeth and said.

Although he kept telling himself not to care, the sourness in his heart was really about to swallow him up.

No matter what big or small things Xiaobudian encounters, she never forgets Jun Yu.

But what about him?

It's just her dispensable friend!
"Didn't you say that there is no one to follow, why is it you?"

Jun Yu tapped the table with his slender fingers, he raised his eyebrows, and his cold eyes fell on Yun Mo again.

"Wuyi still has a lot of things to do, so it's good for me to do this. Why, I am the king of the Western Regions to serve you, do you still dislike me?"

Yun Mo's face was flushed red, and his ice blue eyes were full of anger.

"Tell me, what do you need to find me?" Jun Yu withdrew his eyes and said this indifferently.

He already had the feeling of seeing through everything Yunmo said.

Yun Mo's expression froze.

Because he really needed to come to Jun Yu because of something, so he helped to bring the medicine.

It's just that Jun Yu is better than him in intelligence and strategy, but he guessed his mind so accurately.

This feeling is really suffocating.

Gritting his teeth, Yun Mo didn't speak.

There was a stalemate like this for a while, and finally Yunmo sat down on the chair next to him as if discouraged.

He clenched his fists tightly, then mustered up his courage, looked at Jun Yu, and said loudly: "This king wants to bet with you. As long as this king persuades Xiao Budian to go to the Western Regions before returning to the capital, you can't stop us, you..."

Yun Mo wanted to continue to tell his plan, which he spent a lot of time thinking about just now.

He still doesn't want to give up Xiao Budian, he wants to compete with Jun Yu.

But before he finished speaking, Jun Yu interrupted him mercilessly.

"I don't gamble." Jun Yu's voice was cold, but his tone was very firm.

"Say no more gambling so soon, Jun Yu, can't you afford to lose?"

Yun Mo asked Jun Yu in a provocative tone. At this time, he felt that his confidence had become stronger.

However, Jun Yu remained unmoved by his provocation.

His slender fingers tapped on the table again, and Jun Yu looked at Yun Mo squarely, and then spoke in a cold voice.

"It's not that I can't afford to lose, but that this king has never thought of taking Yin'er as a bet. The little girl I hold in my palm is not the proof of my victory."

Jun Yu's words froze Yun Mo's provocative expression, and the curve of his mouth slowly dropped.

Lowering his head, he bit his lower lip, the lip had been bitten by him, and there were blood spots.

Under his wide sleeves, his fists were still tightly clenched.

I don't know how long this atmosphere has been stalemate. He suddenly raised his head, looked at the roof and laughed.

Smiling and laughing, tears flowed down the corners of his eyes.

But he stubbornly continued to hold his head up, insisting not to lower his head, because he was already embarrassed enough, he couldn't let Jun Yu find him crying anymore.

"The king's father is gone, and died of illness. The king's mother and concubine also left, following the father. I am not happy at all when I am the king of the Western Regions. I am very lonely..."

Everyone in the world thought that he had defeated his brother and led dozens of tribes in the Western Regions. He was the most valiant king in history.

But he was really not happy at all.

In order to hold onto that territory, he needs to disguise himself and become ruthless.

Galloping his horses and fighting in all directions is not because he likes it, but because he, as the king of the Western Regions, wants all the people in his tribe to submit to him.

"The happiest days in this king's life should be those days with her. In the past ten years, everyone told this king that a man born in the grassland is not qualified to be cowardly." But except for the concubine, she is the first one who will tell the king when the king is timid, no one is born brave..."

"This lord really envies you. You are equally at the top, and you have no choice about your background. But you can choose your own life, and she is by your side..."

"At the beginning, when my concubine was still alive, this king told her that I liked Chi Yan's Princess Deyin, so I must abduct her back to be my concubine's daughter-in-law..."

"But the concubine mother said this at the time: Son, the concubine mother thinks that your wording is wrong. The girl you love is not a horse on the grassland. If you like her, you want to abduct her home. If you really love her, she will like it." The place is where she belongs..."

"Although my concubine has never met the Princess Deyin, she has heard about her deeds. She is full of vigor, bright and beautiful. Although the Western Region is vast, it may not be her way back..."

"My concubine has seen through things back then, why does this king only understand now? This king thinks he likes her, but he has never thought about what she wants. This kind of love seems to be a bit suffocating..."

Yun Mo laughed at himself as he spoke.

Before, he couldn't figure it out.

Why can't the little boy be able to do without Jun Yu in a few words!

Every time she talked about going to the Western Regions, she didn't want to go when she thought of her Ninth Emperor Uncle.

He was also very jealous of Jun Yu, and felt that it was because Jun Yu met Xiao Budian first that he had won so much attention from her.

He was even thinking, if he met her earlier, he could get all her favors?
Until just now, Jun Yu's answer finally gave him the answer.

Because in this world, except for Jun Yu, no one would consider her unreservedly.

"This king will no longer be an obstacle to you, just treat it as the only contribution this king has made to the beauty of youth."

Yun Mo took a breath, suppressed the tears, and stood up.

With his back to Jun Yu, he gritted his teeth and finished speaking, then strode out.

From behind, Jun Yu looked at his slightly embarrassed back, and finally sighed helplessly: "Little kid, I finally learned to grow up."

But when will his little girl grow up?

Looking away, Jun Yu looked at the bowl of medicine on the table.

He picked up the medicine and found that there was still some residual heat.

This is what the little girl ordered someone to boil for him, and her good intentions should not be wasted.

Thinking about it, he quickly drank the medicine.

But just finished drinking the medicine...

With a "poof", he spat out a mouthful of blood.

The bowl in his hand also fell down.

With a bang, the bowl shattered into several pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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