Chapter 420 Lost memory

Wuying outside heard the movement inside and wanted to rush in.

But Jun Yu stopped him coldly.

"You don't need to come in, my king is fine."

Is it really okay?
Wuying looked worriedly at the position of the door.

But this is the order of the prince, so he naturally cannot disobey it.

In the room, Jun Yu was covering his heart.

Blood slid down from the corner of his mouth, and the palms of his hands were filled with the blood he coughed up just now.

His cold eyes scanned the entire room, and finally landed on a piece of debris on the ground.

He bent down and picked up the fragments, only to see a line of writing on it——

"Before tomorrow night, kill Wu Bian, or you will die."

Jun Yu looked at the fragment, and the hostility in his eyes flashed.

He quickly took his own pulse, only to find that the pulse was extremely disordered.

What kind of poison is this?Even his invulnerable body couldn't stop it.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, I heard Wuying say that there is movement inside you, what's wrong with you?" At this time, Yuan Deyin's voice came from the door.

Although her voice was tired, the worry in it didn't diminish in the slightest.

"It's okay." Jun Yu said lightly.

He flicked his sleeves, endured the pain in his heart, and quickly threw the broken porcelain pieces all over the floor into the corner.

The moment Yuan Deyin pushed the door in, he also wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Yuan Deyin's head was a little dizzy, but when she thought that the situation of A Qiao and Grand Master Zongmu had improved, her mood recovered a little bit.

She shook her head, then walked towards Jun Yu.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Grand Master Uncle and A Qiao are in much better condition. How are you doing? Have you taken your medicine?" Yuan Deyin began to care about Jun Yu's physical condition.

Hearing her question about the medicine, Jun Yu frowned.

There will be no problem with the medicine she gives, and Wuyi will not be able to cook the medicine...

So where is the problem?

Just as Jun Yu was meditating, Yuan Deyin had already come in front of him.

She wanted to feel his pulse, but he took his hand back without a trace.

At this moment, he didn't want her to worry.

Yuan Deyin's small face wrinkled when his hands fell.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why don't you let Deyin feel your pulse?"

"You have been injected with needles for two hours, do you still need your body?" Jun Yu looked at her pale face with an extremely serious expression.

"It's okay, Deyin checked your physical condition and went to rest." Yuan Deyin explained earnestly.

She reached out her hand again to feel Jun Yu's pulse.

But this time, her hand stopped before touching Jun Yu.

She looked at Jun Yu with a serious expression, and then asked, "Uncle Nine Emperors, why do you smell like dry heart grass?"

"You mean, withered heart grass?" Jun Yu's eyes froze.

Dry heart grass, that is something that can only be found in Fanzhou Island.

"That's right, it definitely smells like dead heart grass. Crazy Yu had this kind of herb back then. But for some reason, Deyin has never seen this kind of herb when he was out of the Death Soul Formation." Yuan Deyin quickly continued to add .

Of course there is no outside...

Because of that kind of grass, the people of Fanzhou Island must feed it with blood to survive.

If the person taking it does not take the antidote within two days, the heart will be swallowed slowly, and then die in pain.

No wonder……

No wonder his invulnerable corpse was still affected by the poison, it turned out to be the poison from Fanzhou Island.

Jun Yu's eyes darkened.

So, the person who poisoned him and forced him to kill Wu Bian was from Fanzhou Island?


"Princess, Senior Zongmu and Aqiao are awake." At this time, Wuyi hurried in.

Woke up?

Yuan Deyin's face brightened, and she hurriedly said to Jun Yu: "Uncle Nine Emperors, wait a moment, Deyin will go to see the two of them first, and come back later to check on you."

"No need, this king is fine, let's go with you." Jun Yu said softly.

After speaking, he stood up, put his hands behind his back, hid his bloody fingers, and walked to Yuan Deyin's side.

Although Yuan Deyin was still a little entangled in the matter of Dry Heart Grass, the matter of Uncle Zongmu and A Qiao seemed more important now, so she quickly suppressed the rest of her emotions.

She nodded to Jun Yu, and the two quickly walked to Zong Mu and A Qiao's house.

Wu Rao and Wu Ling also heard the good news, and they hurried out.

"County, princess, is there anything we need to do?"

Wu Ling asked Yuan Deyin politely.

She also learned of Yuan Deyin's true identity from Wu Rao just now, and she was shocked, but she didn't dare to slack off.

Now that her identity has been exposed, Yuan Deyin has nothing to hide.

She thought for a while, and then said in a low voice: "I wonder if my aunt can help me cook some light porridge. The princess's two friends have been in a coma for so long, and they need to eat something light when they wake up."

"It's easy to handle, princess, you're welcome, I'll get ready right away." Wu Ling hurriedly went to work with a smile.

Wu Rao also hurried to help.

The door of the next room was closed, which looked like Wu Bian's style.

While Chen Shujing and Mu Lang stood at the door, they both looked at Yuan Deyin with complicated expressions.

Especially Chen Shujing, who wanted to come over several times, but didn't have the courage, and finally could only stand there stupidly.

Yuan Deyin naturally noticed the movement of the other party.

But she just glanced at him indifferently, and then quickly withdrew her eyes, without any intention of saying anything to the other party.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, let's go."

She said this to Jun Yu softly, then walked to the last room and pushed the door open.

Yushengxiao, Shen Chuannan and Cang Ling are already guarding here.

Yuan Deyin took a look and found that there was no sign of Yunmo.

Strange, why haven't I seen him all this time, what did he do?

Usually, in this kind of thing, wouldn't he always be by the side?
However, the feeling of doubt only flashed in Yuan Deyin's heart, and she didn't have time to think deeply.

She quickly walked to the bed and asked with concern: "Master, how is the situation?"

There are two beds in this room, both Zong Mu and A Qiao have woken up.

They continued to lie on the bed, but with their eyes open.

And what is puzzling is that they are looking at them with vigilant and unfamiliar eyes.

Yuan Deyin sensed something was wrong, so he hurriedly asked Yushengxiao.

Yushengxiao is now feeling Zongmu's pulse. He has changed from his previous playful appearance, and now his expression is indescribably dignified.

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, he hesitated for a moment, and finally said softly: "Xiao Deyin, the two of them seem to have lost their memory."

"What? Amnesia?" Yuan Deyin's expression changed suddenly.

She quickly rolled up her sleeves and sat beside A Qiao's bed, intending to feel his pulse.

As a result, as soon as her hand touched A Qiao's wrist, she was thrown away forcefully by the other party.

(End of this chapter)

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