Chapter 421 It's Strange

"Who are you, don't touch me!"

A Qiao quickly got up from the bed, she curled up in the corner, hid her hands in her abdomen, and stared at Yuan Deyin with vigilant eyes.

Yuan Deyin's smile faded a little, she took a deep breath, and then said in a gentle tone: "Aqiao, you can see who this princess is. This princess is thinking of you for the sake of saving Zongmu Taishishu Come on, don't care about your mistakes..."

But after hearing Yuan Deyin's words, A Qiao still shrank into the corner with a face full of resistance.

She kept shaking her head: "Don't come here, don't come here..."

"Princess, Aqiao seems to have been seriously stimulated."

Cang Ling stood beside her, she frowned and couldn't help but make a sound.

Yuan Deyin didn't speak, because she also realized that something was really wrong with Aqiao.

It's not just like losing their memory, but also like treating them as enemies.

She turned around and pinned all her hopes on Zong Mu.

But obviously, the situation on Zong Mu's side is not very good.

No matter how many times Yu Shengxiao asked her, she always lowered her head, as if unwilling to open her mouth.

"Uncle Grand Master, you are safe now, you can talk."

Yuan Deyin comforted the other party softly.

In the end, Zong Mu just looked up at her indifferently, and then looked away.

That look, no matter how you look at it, is like looking at a stranger's eyes.

They had already been in contact with each other, and besides, even if Uncle Zongmu didn't remember her, it was impossible not to remember his master.

Could it be that Uncle Zongmu really lost his memory?

"The genius doctor continued to check their brains just now, and found that there were traces of external force beating, and there seemed to be other things in their blood, which probably caused them to lose their memory." Yusheng Xiao said in a complicated tone. said.

"Look at Senior Zongmu's voice again." Suddenly at this moment, Jun Yu's sharp voice came from behind.


What's wrong with your throat?
Although Yu Shengxiao was a little puzzled, he took a silver needle from Yuan Deyin quickly, pointed it at Zongmu's throat and pierced it.

The pain only made Zong Mu frowned.

She still didn't make a sound, as if these things had nothing to do with her.

The silver needle was pulled out, but there was nothing wrong with it.

But Yu Shengxiao was still worried, so he started directly and put his finger on Zongmu's throat.

The result really made him discover the tricks.

"Xiao Deyin, Uncle Shi has a problem with her voice." Yusheng Xiao said anxiously to Yuan Deyin.

Yuan Deyin also hurriedly put down the things in his hands, and then slightly tore off the collar of Zongmu's clothes.

As a result, she saw a crooked scar like a centipede on her fair neck.

Moreover, the scar is still mottled with blood, and it seems that it was caused only recently.

"Could it be that those people ruined Senior Zongmu's voice and made her unable to speak?"

Shen Chuannan stood on the side, watching this scene, a disturbing guess suddenly appeared in his heart.

"En." Yuan Deyin responded coldly.

Her fingers hidden under the sleeves had already clenched into fists.

However, he was really ruthless. It was not enough to hurt Aqiao and Grand Master Zongmu and lose his memory, but he even made Grand Master Zongmu dumb.

"Is the voice unable to speak? Princess, are they still saved?"

When Cang Ling heard this, her eyes were red, and she asked Yuan Deyin anxiously.

Yuan Deyin's expression dimmed in an instant, she shook her head lightly, and then said in a low voice, "If it was just poisoned by drugs, I guess we could still be saved, but the other party forcibly cut the throat of Grand Master Zongmu. .Unless Grand Master Shu changes his body, may be difficult to speak again."

Medical skills are not divine skills, they can recreate completely destroyed things.

After hearing Yuan Deyin's words, everyone felt very solemn.

They turned their gazes to Yu Shengxiao again, but Yu Shengxiao only replied to them without saying a word.


What Xiao Deyin said is the truth.

"Now we can only do our best to see if we can cure the amnesia of Uncle Shi and A Qiao." Yu Shengxiao said in a low voice.

Originally thought that after the uncle and A Qiao were rescued, the matter would be resolved.

But who knows, those people in Miao Jiang are not human at all!

How could they be so cruel to the two women!

"This miracle doctor is going to kill them!"

Yu Shengxiao stood up, his peach blossom eyes were full of hatred and murderous intent.

He turned around, ready to go back to Miao Jiang again.

Shen Chuannan grabbed him.

Suppressing the complicated emotions in his heart, Shen Chuannan said in a sad tone: "Yushengxiao, can you calm down? We have already hurt Senior Zongmu and Aqiao, so we can't go with you again."

"The other party made senior Zongmu and A Qiao look like this, it must be to conceal certain truths. Moreover, they dared to make people like this, and asked us to rescue them, which means that the other party has already Be fully prepared, just waiting for you to go back and throw yourself into the trap."

Worried that Yu Shengxiao could not be persuaded, Shen Chuannan roared loudly, trying to wake him up.

"This miracle doctor knows."

Hearing Shen Chuannan's words, Yu Shengxiao seemed to be drained of strength in an instant. He said this softly, then turned back silently, and stopped talking.

The atmosphere became extremely oppressive again.

At this time, Wu Ling and Wu Rao came in with snacks.

Wu Ling said with a smile: "Princess, this is my snack, the porridge is not ready yet, you should eat some to pad your stomach first..."

But after entering, she found that the atmosphere was not right, and her smile faded a little.

She tentatively asked: "Princess, what happened?"

"It's okay." Yuan Deyin shook his head lightly, and then asked Cang Ling to take the snacks.

Although she said it was fine, Wu Ling and Wu Rao were not stupid people, how could they not see this problem?
The two of them looked at each other, and finally Wu Rao said understandingly: "Princess, my aunt and I went to see how the porridge is doing."

After speaking, the two of them quickly retreated.

The atmosphere returned to its original appearance.

After some time, Yuan Deyin spoke.

"Master Shen is right. The other party has ruined Zongmu Grand Martial Uncle's voice even after using so many means. It must be because Grand Martial Uncle knows something. The memory must be retrieved."

This enmity must not be overcome like this.


With the unremitting efforts of Cang Ling and Wu Yi, although A Qiao still couldn't remember anything after the whole day, she no longer resisted them so much.

But Zong Mu still didn't say a word, she was always immersed in her own world.

Asking Wuyi and Cang Ling to guard Uncle Zongmu and Aqiao, Yuan Deyin pushed the door of Uncle Jiuhuang's room.

Yushengxiao, Shen Chuannan, Yunmo and Wuying are all here.

Yuan Deyin glanced at Yunmo first, and asked in a low voice, "Where did you go during the day, why didn't you see me?"

"The king is just walking around. The matter of the king is not important. Let's discuss the matter of amnesia first." Yunmo can now face Yuan Deyin calmly.

Although Yuan Deyin felt that the other party was a little weird, but now is not the time for her to struggle with these issues.

So she hurried over and sat down across from them.

"Xiao Deyin, what do you think of us rushing back to the Valley of Miraculous Doctors tomorrow?"

Seeing Yuan Deyin sitting down, Yu Shengxiao asked anxiously.

Although they have already left Miaojiang, this place is always very close to Miaojiang, which makes him uneasy, as if something will happen again.

"Master, do you think we can escape?" Yuan Deyin raised his eyes and asked in a cold tone.

"What do you mean?" Yu Shengxiao's heart sank after hearing Yuan Deyin's words, and his tone became more anxious.

"Deyin has been thinking about it all day, and there is one thing that I don't understand..." Yuan Deyin's cold voice continued.

"What's the matter?" Shen Chuannan asked.

"It was Gu Que who poisoned Sister Qingzhou, and it was Gu Que who took Uncle Grand Master and A Qiao away. To put it simply, when we entered this situation, Zhong was the mastermind..."

"That's natural, it's this Miao Jiang patriarch who played us around!" Yu Shengxiao gritted his teeth sorely when he heard the word "Gong Que".

"That's right, he played us around. But it's just such a person, and he has never appeared in front of him. Don't you think it's strange?"

Yuan Deyin's tone became a little colder, and her eyes were full of sharpness.

(End of this chapter)

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