Chapter 422 Force her to admit it
"Could it be that he's actually been watching us all the time?"

Yun Mo frowned, then asked aloud.

"That's the possibility, so...the other party won't let us go back to the Valley of Divine Doctors or the Valley of Divine Doctors so easily."

Yuan Deyin was discouraged, and she held her small face with a slightly sad expression.

They are too passive and in a difficult situation.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, if the amnesia of Aqiao and Zongmu can be cured, maybe we won't be so passive."

Sensing that everyone's fighting spirit was sluggish, Shen Chuannan hurriedly comforted them.

we can only do this.

Yuan Deyin sighed.

At this time, Jun Yu coughed suddenly.

"By the way, Uncle Nine Emperors, I haven't checked you yet." Yuan Deyin thought of Jun Yu's situation and hurried over.

Jun Yu's eyes suddenly darkened.

He shook his head quickly, and then said in a low voice, "I'm fine, it's just that I've been a little tired recently, that's why I'm coughing."

Soon, he shifted his eyes to Wuying, and said indifferently: "Wuying, the princess is tired, you ask Wuyi to take her back to rest."

Is Uncle Nine Emperors ordering her to evict her?
Yuan Deyin's little face collapsed in an instant.

Jiuhuangshu seems to be a little indifferent to her these days.

Yu Shengxiao didn't feel that there was anything wrong, he stretched himself, feeling that he was really exhausted.

He stood up, yawned, and then said to Shen Chuannan: "This genius doctor is almost exhausted, so hurry up and go back to sleep with me."

Although there are many rooms here, they are not so many...

For example, he and Shen Chuannan are going to share the same room.

In order to prevent Shen Chuannan from going back late and affecting his rest, Yu Shengxiao felt that he had to persuade the other party to go to bed early.

Without waiting for Shen Chuannan to respond, he directly pulled the person away.

When passing by Yuan Deyin's side, Yu Shengxiao even gave her a hand.


Yuan Deyin originally wanted to say that he would stay with Uncle Jiuhuang for a while, but he didn't have a chance to finish his sentence, so he was taken out by his master.

"Xiao Deyin, you should go back and rest quickly. You have to think about how to treat Uncle Shi and Aqiao tomorrow."

Yu Shengxiao waved to Yuan Deyin, and dragged Shen Chuannan back to sleep.

Well, it is indeed late at night, it is time to rest.

Yuan Deyin sighed and planned to go back to his room.

As a result, at the corner, Yuan Deyin saw Chen Shujing standing there again.

It looked like it had been waiting for a long time.

She originally wanted to ignore it, but the other party had already run up.

"Princess, just say a word." Chen Shujing said anxiously.

Seeing that the other party was covering his stomach and his eyes were red, Yuan Deyin's footsteps still paused.

After all, she was still soft-hearted.

Sighing in her heart, Yuan Deyin whispered, "Speak."

Hearing these two words, Chen Shujing was overjoyed, and she hurriedly said: "Princess, this servant will leave this place with Mu Lang tomorrow, and I don't know if there is any chance to see you again in this life, this servant wants to solemnly say goodbye to you before leaving Say sorry."

Seeing Chen Shujing's expression, Yuan Deyin suddenly remembered how she stood with Mu Lang.

"You really... don't you regret it? For him, you have been humiliated for so long in your own village. Although he can't help himself, but you have been wronged so much for him, do you really have no resentment at all?"

Although she was still very angry about Chen Shujing deceiving them, Yuan Deyin was still a little worried when she thought that she would leave her hometown for a man in the future and how long she would have to travel.

What if the entrustment is not human?

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Chen Shujing wept with joy.

The princess still cared about her.

Her eyes were red, she shook her head, and her tone was firm: "Although I have complained about him, I have never regretted it. Princess, if you meet someone you like, you will understand how I feel."

"Is there someone you like?" Yuan Deyin read Chen Shujing's words carefully.

"That's right, it's the person you like. If you lose him, you will feel that the world is dark. To be with him, the world will become bright again. You will not regret what you have done for him." Chen Shujing said seriously After speaking, he bowed.

After doing all this, she turned and left.

Not far from her, Mu Lang had been waiting for her, and she walked towards him firmly.

Yuan Deyin was still standing there, but her thoughts were a little messed up.

That's... Do you like it?

It would be sad to lose him.

Seeing him, he will run towards him regardless of everything.

His eyes and hearts are all about him.

I never regret giving everything for him.

"Do you feel that there is such a person beside you?" Suddenly at this moment, Yun Mo walked out from behind her.

Hearing the voice, Yuan Deyin turned his head and looked at him with confused eyes.

Yun Mo sighed and walked towards her step by step.

"Do you know why this king disappeared during the day?" Yun Mo walked past her, and then sat down on the stone chair next to her.

"Why, why?" Yuan Deyin frowned, and she asked softly.

"Because this king likes a girl, but later found that someone likes her more. Moreover, that person is someone that this king may not be able to win in this life, so this king gave up. It took a day to understand a lot Things are clearing up.”

Yun Mo shrugged, and he looked at Yuan Deyin calmly.

At this time, he was completely free of the previous rebelliousness.

Some things really should not be forced.

"Why did you say this to the princess?" Yuan Deyin's heart beat suddenly, and his tone was a little nervous.

"Because this king once liked you."

Yunmo smiled bitterly, and he looked at Yuan Deyin with a little more helplessness in his eyes.


Yuan Deyin's face changed slightly, and she looked at Yunmo strangely.

Does he like her?
She thought that he had been clamoring for her to go to the Western Regions just because he wanted her to be his playmate.

"It's really a person who doesn't understand, but now this king sympathizes with Jun Yu." Yun Mo's mood suddenly brightened.

Falling in love with a little girl who is not enlightened, and having loved it for so many years, it is still a bit bitter for Jun Yu.

Forget it, let's do him one last favor by treating him as his vague rival in love.

Patting the non-existing wrinkles on his body, he took the initiative to return to Yuan Deyin's side, and then said in a frivolous tone: "Hey, little one, there are many beauties in the Western Regions of this king. After so many years, how about...this king send him some beauties?"

"How dare you!" Yuan Deyin's expression turned cold when she heard his words, and she stared at Yunmo with sharp eyes.

Yun Mo snorted again.

He raised his eyebrows, his ice blue eyes were full of understanding.

It seems that it is not completely incomprehensible.

"Why don't you want to? How old is he, and he doesn't have a woman by his side, that's not okay." Yun Mo continued to speak quietly.

"Because, because..."

Yuan Deyin choked.

Her face was flushed red, she obviously wanted to say a lot, but when she opened her mouth, she found that she couldn't say anything.

She lowered her eyes, hiding her disappointment.

(End of this chapter)

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