The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 423 Admit It, You Like Your Uncle 9

Chapter 423 Admit it, You Like Your Nine Emperor Uncle

Seeing her like this, Yun Mo didn't show any signs of softening his heart.

He said coldly: "Admit it, you don't want to have other women around him, you like your Nine Emperor Uncle."

"My princess..." Yuan Deyin suddenly raised his head, staring at Yunmo with red eyes.

She opened her mouth, but she couldn't say a word that should be said.

"Could it be that you really want another woman to be the princess regent?" Yun Mo said sharply.

"Of course the princess doesn't want to!" Yuan Deyin said in a panic.

"Okay, you admit it, you just like your Nine Emperor Uncle." Yunmo said sharply.

In fact, after hearing Yuan Deyin's confession, he also breathed a sigh of relief, as if the shackles that had trapped him for a long time were finally freed.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't like him...

As long as the person she likes is Jun Yu.

Because losing to Jun Yu is not considered a loss.

"Okay, if you like someone, you have to dare to admit it. Let's talk to your Uncle Jiuhuang another day. It's not easy for him alone."

After saying these words bitterly, Yun Mo planned to turn around and leave.

As long as he leaves quickly enough, he can let himself act a little more relaxed.

But just as he turned around, he heard a sobbing voice behind him: "You don't understand anything, how do you know that the princess is unwilling to admit it..."

These words made Yun Mo's heart sink, and he turned his head quickly, only to see that Yuan Deyin was already in tears.

"Little one, you, what's the matter with you?"

Yun Mo also panicked at this time.

Although he told himself that he couldn't like her anymore, it must be his youthful obsession, and he was determined to treat her as a friend in the future, so now seeing her crying, he was still in a hurry.

He frantically searched all over the body but could not find anything to wipe away his tears.

In the end, he could only raise his hand, trying to dry Yuan Deyin's tears with his sleeve.

But Yuan Deyin had already wiped away her tears with the back of her hand.

Her eyes were still red, but her condition was much better.

"Can the princess trust you?" Yuan Deyin stared at her suddenly.

Meeting her eyes, Yun Mo's heart tightened, and he opened his mouth to say something.

But Yuan Deyin didn't give him a chance to respond, she went straight to him, grabbed his collar, and dragged him to a hill not far away with light work.

Sitting on the edge of the cliff, Yuan Mo's hair was disheveled by the harsh mountain wind.

He wanted to complain, but when he turned his head, he saw Yuan Deyin curled his knees in front of him.

Her little bloodless face rested on her knees, her eyes fixed on the bottom of the cliff.

At this time, she was especially like an insecure little animal, not at all the flamboyant appearance he remembered.

What Yun Mo originally wanted to say, he just swallowed it back.

"My king's father once told me that a person can be good-for-nothing, but he can't be loyal. Don't worry, you can tell this king if you have anything to say, and this king will not say it." After thinking for a while , he assured loudly.

"It's okay, if you dare to speak out, the princess will poison you to death."

She spoke expressionlessly.

Yunmo: "..."

Looking at her like this, he knew that what she said was true.

As expected, she was the little girl raised by Jun Yu, and she was indeed ruthless.

"Let's go ahead, my king is listening, at the risk of being poisoned to death."

Yun Mo took out a jar of wine from his arms.

This wine was originally intended for me to relieve my worries, but I didn't expect that I would contribute it now.

He took out the wine, wanting Yuan Deyin to taste it.

But before he could finish his sentence, the wine was taken away by Yuan Deyin.

Uncorking the bottle, Yuan Deyin took a sharp breath, which made her cough continuously, and her little face began to turn red.

"You..." Yunmo wanted to ask her if she could drink badly.

In the end, she blocked his words indifferently.

"Don't talk, listen to the princess."

Yun Mo: "..." Okay.

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Deyin withdrew her lonely gaze from the abyss below, and lifted up her right sleeve.

Yunmo was originally curious about what she wanted to do, but then saw a few hideous scars on her arms after her sleeves were lifted up.

The scar is raised high...

It is also a person who has been injured. Yunmo knows very well that if the skin and flesh were not broken, there would be no such wounds.

"Your injury..." He couldn't help asking with complicated eyes.

"This injury is actually just the tip of the iceberg of the injury suffered by the princess." Yuan Deyin laughed at himself.

Why?Why is she hurt so much.

Yuan Deyin didn't look at Yunmo, she put down her sleeves, took another sip of wine, and then continued: "No one knows how the princess survived the death array, Master and Mr. Shen both said that the county The Lord is a genius, but... no... no..."

Not knowing what to think of, her eyes turned red again.

"Every time the soul formation is activated, I am on the verge of death, and Yu Crazy never helps me. Because if I can't become stronger in that formation, I will die after I survive..."

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Yunmo frowned.

Why is this happening?

Why did he always sound like that lunatic Yu deliberately wanted to force her to become stronger.

Taking a deep breath, Yuan Deyin continued to say, "Every time I can't hold on any longer and just want to accompany my father and queen mother like this, I will think of Uncle Jiuhuang. His whole life It’s already hard enough, if I die too, what should he do?”

In the last sentence, Yuan Deyin's voice turned into a whisper.

"You all think I don't understand anything, but how do you know that I really don't?"

Yuan Deyin suddenly smiled wryly.

"It's been seven years, and I've improved not only in martial arts. I understand how good Uncle Nine Emperors is to me. How can someone say that the Prince Regent's Palace will always be in the hands of me without a wife for so many years? Could it be that he was moved by the truth, It won't be like this..."

"Then why..." Yun Mo frowned, he didn't understand.

Since she knew everything, why didn't she confess to Jun Yu?
"It's not that I don't understand, it's that I can't understand." Yuan Deyin turned her head, and she looked at Yunmo with a somewhat empty look.

"Do you know why Crazy Yu forced me like this?" She stared at Yunmo like this, and asked suddenly.

"Why? Don't you also know?" Yunmo was even more puzzled.

Although he had never met Yu lunatic, but following Yu Shengxiao and the others along the way, he probably knew something about Yu Shengxiao and Yuan Deyin.

"It's not that I don't know, it's just that I've been uncertain. But so many things have happened in recent days, and when I recall all the big and small things back then, I vaguely have the answer in my heart." Yuan Deyin shook his head lightly.

"You, what do you know?" Yunmo looked at Yuan Deyin nervously, and couldn't help but ask.

"How much do you know about God Lord Tuoling?" Yuan Deyin's eyes became more and more obscure.

"I know everything that the outside world knows, and when I was with you all this time, I vaguely felt that that lunatic Yu seemed to be the one who belonged to God Lord Tuolin, and you... seem to have something to do with God Lord Tuolin .”

Yun Mo hesitated for a moment, but still spoke out his thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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