Chapter 424 Her life is for sacrifice
"Then have you ever thought that I am a descendant of God Lord Tuoling?"

Yuan Deyin stared at Yunmo like this, and suddenly his tone began to change.

Is it a descendant of Lord Toling?

In Yunmo's icy blue eyes, a look of horror spread around.

But he quickly calmed himself down.

He took a deep breath, thought for a while, and then said, "If you only listen to this guess, it's really unbelievable. But looking back on what happened to you, then this guess is not impossible."

Hearing his words, Yuan Deyin slowly looked away.

"Then do you think that God Lord Tuoling may reappear in the world?" Yuan Deyin's voice was very soft, as if he was just asking casually.

"Impossible, how can a dead person come back to life? Although this king has heard the rumor that after 300 years after the death of Lord Tuoling, everything will come back again. Could it be that the meaning of the Fanzhou The people of the island found the descendants of the God Lord Tuoling, and then recovered Fanzhou Island..."

Thinking that his guess was right, Yun Mo's tone became more and more excited, "God Lord Tuoling is actually just a false name, just like Chi Yanhuang. As long as someone takes over that position, Fanzhou Island will be able to reappear in the world." The king understands that the descendants of Fanzhou Island want you to sit in that position, and then lead them to revitalize Fanzhou Island..."

"No, you guessed wrong."

Just when Yun Mo wanted to continue guessing, Yuan Deyin suddenly and directly interrupted his words.

What?He guessed wrong?

Yun Mo was stunned and looked at her puzzled.

"Everyone guessed like this, even the owner of this county thought so at the beginning. Until one time, the owner of the princess tried to learn about the affairs of Fanzhou Island secretly, but was severely punished by the lunatic. He also said something very Weird words..."

"Weird words?" Yun Mo's mood became more and more serious.

He always felt that the truth would not be too good.

"That's right, it's very weird. He said, if I don't want to die, I should never get to know Fanzhou Island. Practice martial arts well and keep my name anonymous is my final return." Yuan Deyin said with a wry smile.

She glanced at Yun Mo, and then continued: "In the past seven years, I have often dreamed that my father, queen, mother and concubine died because of me."

"How come, they obviously..."

Yunmo wanted to say that King Ji died in battle, while Princess Ji died of a serious illness, how could she be blamed for this fault?
"So I've been thinking, if I'm with Uncle Nine Emperors, will he be killed by me too?" Yuan Deyin lowered his eyes and murmured softly.

Without giving Yun Mo a chance to speak, she continued: "I have been wondering why Madman Yu didn't allow me to come out, and didn't allow me to approach Jun's house. It wasn't until two days ago that I understood that it wasn't that he didn't allow me to approach Jun's house. You are not allowed to get close to Uncle Nine Emperors."

"That may be because he has long expected that Jun Yu is a member of the Dugu family. The Dugu family is a subordinate of the Lord Tuo Ling, and you are a descendant of the Lord Tuo Ling. The relationship between you is master and servant, and you cannot marry."

Yunmo frowned, but still spoke out his guess, trying to comfort Yuan Deyin.

But regarding his guess, Yuan Deyin shook his head firmly.

"You guessed like this, and Uncle Nine Emperors probably guessed that way too. He thought I didn't know, but I figured it out later. Uncle Nine Emperors must also know about my relationship with Lord Tuoling, so he wanted to go back to Dugu's house , will be able to protect me in the future..."

"However, what he doesn't know is that God Lord Tuoling doesn't want me to restore Fanzhou Island, but he wants to use my life to revive him." Yuan Deyin shook his head with a wry smile.

"What did you say?"

At the beginning, Yun Mo managed to remain calm no matter what he heard.

But after Yuan Deyin said this, he could no longer remain calm.

"Everyone guessed wrong, including me at the beginning. Toll God is not a name, but a person, and only one person. Several generations of Panzhou Island have worked hard for 300 years, but they are actually just waiting for me to appear , use my humble life to resurrect the only Lord in their hearts."

Yuan Deyin gritted his teeth and said.

Crazy Yu is not a subordinate of God Lord Tuoling at all, he is someone who wants to prevent God Lord Tuoling from being resurrected!
There is also the dove ghost who is still hiding in the dark.

They wanted to kill her time and time again, and there was only one reason, and that was to prevent the resurrection of Lord Tuoling.

In this world, there are mainly two groups of people who want her dead.

One group wanted her life to be sacrificed to God Lord Tuoling, and the other group wanted to prevent God Lord Tuoling from being resurrected, so they must kill her.

Crazy Yu was also among those two groups, but he didn't know why he softened his heart, so he began to train her, persuaded her to hide her name, and stay away from all people related to Tuoling God.

"How could they do this, how could they!"

Yun Mo gritted his teeth, he couldn't accept the truth.

"Don't be nervous, the right time for the resurrection of the leader of God has not yet come. Moreover, those people on Panzhou Island have not yet confirmed that I am the person they are looking for, so I am safe for the time being."

Yuan Deyin said in a pretentiously relaxed tone.

"You, are you the only one who bears these burdens?" Yunmo looked at Yuan Deyin with pity.

She is obviously just a young girl, why make her bear so much?
"Otherwise? Who will bear it for me?" Yuan Deyin looked at him with lonely eyes and whispered.

In fact, Uncle Nine Emperors thought she was someone Fanzhou Island wanted to protect, not someone to kill, and that was pretty good.

At least, before she was forced to death by the people of Fanzhou Island, Uncle Jiuhuang didn't have to worry about her,

"I understand a lot of things. But as the truth is peeled away step by step, we will become involuntary. I can't give Uncle Nine Emperors anything. It's better to let him always think that I'm a little girl who doesn't understand. One day in the future, if I really die, he won't be too sad..."

Yuan Deyin said the last sentence very lightly.

Rather than saying that she is convincing Yunmo, it is better to say that she is convincing herself.

After drinking this wine, tomorrow she will be that little girl who doesn't understand anything.

If you are heartless, maybe you won't be too reluctant to part with this world.

"The princess' biggest secret has already been told to you. If you can't keep the secret, the princess will kill you personally."

After Yuan Deyin warned Yunmo, she stood up and staggered back.

Although Yunmo is unreliable at times, he still deserves a beating.

However, he still has loyalty.

She can't be wrong about this.

After telling the secret, Yuan Deyin felt that although there was still a big rock in her heart, she should be more comfortable.

She stumbled down the hill, dizzy.

But at this time, Yun Mo's words of apology came from behind her.

"I'm sorry, I lied to you. This king is actually... not a righteous person."

Yuan Deyin froze when he heard this.

The dizziness in her head disappeared instantly, and she turned around in a panic.

The result is to see...

Beside Yunmo, a man in a black robe stood against the wind, his clear eyebrows were looking at her complicatedly.

"Nine, Uncle Nine Emperors..."

Yuan Deyin opened his mouth and called out helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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