The cub of the Nine Emperor Uncle's family is squeamish again

Chapter 426: Even Snickering While Dreaming

Chapter 426: Even Snickering While Dreaming

The next morning.

Yuan Deyin jumped off the bed with a "crash", like a fake corpse.

"County, princess, are you okay?"

Cang Ling and Wu Yi saw this scene as soon as they brought in the water, which almost scared them to death.

Yuan Deyin didn't answer, she just lowered her head, wrinkled her face, and looked at her bed suspiciously.

After hesitating for a moment, she began to rub her nose, only to smell a smell of wine.

She remembered...

She and Yunmo went drinking last night.

It seems that he lost his words after drinking.

Clutching her head, Yuan Deyin recalled what she did last night.

"It's over, did I confess to Uncle Nine Emperors, did I..."

Thinking of what happened last night, Yuan Deyin's heart beat faster, and he panicked.

"Is the Princess okay?" Cang Ling asked Wuyi worriedly.

Wuyi watched their princess scratching her head for a while, and covering her head for a while, she was not sure...

"It seems that the prince is right. The princess must never be allowed to drink anymore. Every time she wakes up after drinking..." It's a bit silly.

Wuyi said helplessly.

"Princess, this servant will take care of you to wash up."

Seeing that Yuan Deyin wanted to continue scratching his head alone, Cang Ling had no choice but to walk up.

Cang Ling's words brought Yuan Deyin back to his senses.

Staring at Cang Ling and Wuyi, she quickly brought her head closer, and then asked in a strange tone, "How did the princess come back last night?"

Her current memory probably still exists where she confessed with Uncle Nine Emperors, and the rest seems to have no effect.

Could something have happened last night?

"Princess, you are drunk, it was the prince who brought you back." Cang Ling patiently explained.

"Just hug it back, nothing else?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask tentatively.

other things?
Wu Yi and Cang Ling looked at each other, and they couldn't help asking: "Princess, what else do you want?"

"Cough cough..."

Realizing that his statement was incorrect, Yuan Deyin coughed in embarrassment, and quickly turned his head away.

"Then the princess didn't do anything after she fell asleep, right?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask tentatively.

After hearing her question, Cang Ling and Wuyi's expressions became extremely strange.

"Princess, do you really want this servant to tell me?" Cang Ling asked worriedly.

Cang Ling's reaction made Yuan Deyin feel uneasy.

She asked in a low voice: "Hey, tell me, what did the princess do?"

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that when Nubi and Sister Wuyi were watching the night outside, they heard laughter coming from your room from time to time."

Cang Ling hesitated for a moment, but finally told the truth.

Yuan Deyin: "???"

So, is she still snickering while she sleeps?

Her questioning eyes fell on Wuyi.

In the end, Wuyi also nodded firmly.

Wuyi couldn't help asking: "Princess, are you feeling unwell, why did you laugh all night long?"

a whole night?

Yuan Deyin's expression gradually became stiff.

She actually laughed all night!
She touched her face, no wonder she felt her cheeks were sore when she woke up just now.

"No way, it shouldn't be because of your health. Ji Xia and Lan Qiu used to snicker in their sleep, but when they woke up, it was said that they had a sweet dream last night..."

Cang Ling quickly explained.

As she was talking, she couldn't help muttering: "I should laugh out loud when I have a good dream..."

I just don't know what kind of dream it is that can make the princess laugh all night.

So, what dream did the princess have?

Their puzzled eyes fell on Yuan Deyin again.

Sweet dream?
Could it be that she was dreaming about Uncle Nine Emperors?

Thinking of this possibility, Yuan Deyin's expression instantly became unnatural.

She coughed softly, and then said in a low voice, "wash up, wash up."

After washing up, Yuan Deyin pushed the door out.

She stretched, only to find that the side of her waist was painful.

She covered her waist and frowned.

"Princess, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing this, Cang Ling hurried over to help Yuan Deyin.

"It's okay." Yuan Deyin shook his head lightly.

It should have been caused by Uncle Jiuhuang's accidental injury yesterday. She was too busy checking Aqiao and Grand Master Zongmu's health afterwards, so she didn't take care of herself.

"Why are you all right, princess, your face is pale." Cang Ling said worriedly.

When she saw Yuan Deyin clutching her waist, she hurriedly said, "Princess, are you coming to Kuishui soon?"

If you come to Kuishui quickly, you will indeed feel unwell.

Hearing Cang Ling's guess, Yuan Deyin's eyes flickered.

"Well, it should be." She nodded softly.

Since Cang Ling mistook her for Kuishui coming soon, let her misunderstand.

In case she knew that the injury was caused by Uncle Nine Emperors, she would have to think wildly and worry again.

"Then what can we do! Princess, servants go and boil brown sugar water for you." Cang Ling continued to speak anxiously.

"No need, my princess writes a prescription. You ask Wu Rao to tell you where the old doctor is. You go to pick up the medicine and come back to boil it. After drinking the medicine, you should be fine." Yuan Deyin explained softly.

After finishing speaking, she quickly went back to the house to find a pen and paper, and wrote down all the medicine she needed to treat internal injuries.

Anyway, Cang Ling doesn't understand medicine, so she doesn't worry about being discovered.

After receiving the paper, Cang Ling nodded: "Princess, the servants will come back as soon as they go."


Seeing Cang Ling leave, Yuan Deyin walked into the yard.

Just at this moment, the door to the opposite room was opened, and Yu Shengxiao walked out while yawning.

"Little Deyin, have you seen Fox Shen?" Yu Shengxiao asked Shen Chuannan's whereabouts as soon as he saw Yuan Deyin.

"Didn't Mr. Shen live in the same room as you? Why don't you see him?" Yuan Deyin asked suspiciously.

"That's right, when I woke up, I found that he was gone, and I don't know where he went." Yu Shengxiao muttered.

At this moment, Shen Chuannan's disgusted voice came from the direction of the gate.

"You slept until the sun was up, so naturally you don't see anyone."

Yuan Deyin turned his head, only to see Shen Chuannan and Yunmo walking in.

Each of them carried a few chickens in their hands.

"Shouldn't you go hunting?" Seeing this, Yu Shengxiao's eyes lit up.

"We looked around early in the morning, and we happened to see a few pheasants, so we called back to make up for everyone."

Shen Chuannan replied calmly.

Although he also came from a wealthy family, it is not too difficult for him to adapt to civilian life.

"Thanks to the King of the Western Regions, my lord can start hunting so quickly."

Shen Chuannan didn't forget to praise Yunmo.

Yunmo snorted arrogantly: "That's natural, I grew up on horseback, not to mention catching pheasants, even wolves."

After speaking, his eyes fell on Yuan Deyin.

Now facing Yuan Deyin, he was extremely calm and calm.

"Where did Jun Yu go?" He looked at Yuan Deyin and asked.

"Uncle Nine Emperors," Yuan Deyin frowned, she shook her head, "I haven't seen Uncle Nine Emperors yet."

(End of this chapter)

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