Chapter 427 Detoxification
"Hey, I guess he is practicing kung fu again. This kind of god-like person can't do without practicing kung fu for a day."

Yu Shengxiao shrugged, then complained.

When Yun Mo put down the pheasant, he took the initiative to walk to the other side.

"what are you doing?"

Seeing Yu Shengxiao actually holding his hand, Yun Mo's face turned dark.

He quickly pulled out his hand, and then looked alert.

"Who do you think this genius doctor is!"

Seeing Yun Mo's black face, Yu Shengxiao was furious.

"This genius doctor is going to take your pulse, do you understand the pulse?"

Angrily grabbing Yunmo's hand back, Yu Shengxiao muttered disgustedly: "If it weren't for the fact that you kept coughing while you were sleeping, which made me sleepy, I wouldn't be bothered to feel your pulse... "

"What cough? My king is in good health!"

Hearing Yusheng's words, Yunmo's face darkened even more.

"It's not you who coughed. Did the miracle doctor hear the coughing sounds from ghosts last night?"

Yushengxiao spoke in disgust, he looked like Yunmo was lying.

"It's really not my king!" Yun Mo's expression was also very bad.

He is a majestic king of the Western Regions, but he is not someone who dares to be or not to be.

"Did Master Shen cough, and then you thought it was me who coughed?" Yun Mo asked indifferently.

"It can't be him. He was lying next to the genius doctor last night. Whether the coughing sound came from the genius doctor's ear or from the next door, the genius doctor still has the ability to judge."

Yu Shengxiao shook his head very firmly.

He also patiently added: "Besides, in the middle of the night last night, this miracle doctor secretly took the pulse of Shen Huhu. He is very healthy."

"The king is also very healthy." Yunmo said through gritted teeth.

And Yu Shengxiao was carefully distinguishing his pulse, and finally...

"It's strange, this genius doctor also thinks you are very healthy." Yu Shengxiao withdrew her hand in embarrassment.

"Ahem, accidents, all accidents..." Yu Shengxiao twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled awkwardly.

"I even said that I'm fine!" Yun Mo said with a dark face.

"Yes, yes, you are fine, but I don't know where the coughing sound is coming from." Yu Shengxiao muttered with a puzzled face.

"Master, the room next to you has two sides, Yunmo on the left and Uncle Nine Emperors on the right."

Yuan Deyin couldn't help but speak at this time, she looked worried.

"Could it be A Yu's coughing sound!" Shen Chuannan also realized something at this moment, and his expression changed.

"No way, Jun Yu's evil poison has been restrained, what else can affect his body." Yu Shengxiao immediately complained.

He felt that Shen Chuannan and Yuan Deyin's guesses were too unreliable.

Everyone can get sick, but that pervert Jun Yu won't get sick.

"Last night, the king noticed that Jun Yu's face was not quite right." Yun Mo also spoke out at this time, with a somewhat dignified tone.

"That's right, Brother Wuying also said that Uncle Nine Emperors knocked over the teacup yesterday..." Yuan Deyin said worriedly, shaking his head.

"Could it be caused by backlash?" Yun Mo glanced at Yuan Deyin, and then asked.

"Backlash? It's possible... But last night, when the chief of the county inspected Uncle Nine Emperors, he refused."

Yuan Deyin sighed, looking very annoyed.

"That's right, we were all there at that time. I still remember that Jun Yu said that he was just a little tired and he was fine." Yu Shengxiao muttered.

But it was his words that made Yuan Deyin's face change suddenly.

"Master, what did you say, say it again." She grabbed Yu Shengxiao's sleeve and asked anxiously.

It was the first time seeing Yuan Deyin in such a hurry, and Yu Shengxiao was taken aback.

He rubbed his nose in embarrassment, and then replied: "Just, just to retell what happened last night. That's what your Nine Emperor Uncle said at the time. He said he was just a little tired, so we don't have to worry... ..."

Not knowing what made Yuan Deyin so nervous, he gave Shen Chuannan a look and told him to speak quickly.

Receiving Yu Shengxiao's eyes asking for help, Shen Chuannan had no choice but to help and said: "Yes, my lord also heard what A Yu said at the time."

"It's not right, it's very wrong..."

Yuan Deyin lowered his head, muttering in frustration.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing Yuan Deyin like this, Yu Shengxiao also became nervous.

But Yuan Deyin didn't have the heart to answer his question anymore, she turned around and ran towards Jun Yu's house.

As soon as he opened the door, he was not inside.

"Brother Wuying, come out."

Yuan Deyin snorted coldly.

Soon, Wu Ying, who was dressed in black, landed in front of her.

"Where's Nine Emperor Uncle?"

Seeing Wuying appearing, Yuan Deyin asked anxiously.

"My lord has gone to the back mountain." Wuying hurriedly replied respectfully.

Yuan Deyin immediately ran towards the back mountain.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, Uncle Nine Emperors, where are you?"

Yuan Deyin shouted anxiously.

Suddenly, a cough came from the river.

As soon as the color of her eyes changed, she quickly pushed through the grass and ran over.

Jun Yu realized that he had been discovered, and it was too late to leave, because the little girl's qinggong was already on par with him.

"Yin'er, why are you here?"

He looked at her calmly, and then asked.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, what are you doing here?" Yuan Deyin asked sharply.

Hearing the little girl's pressing question, Jun Yu's black eyes flickered.

He wanted to see if he could use his internal force to force out the toxins in his body before she found out.

But obviously, he failed and was almost discovered by her.

"This king is..." He wanted to hide it.

But Yuan Deyin had already grabbed his hand at this time, and this time, she didn't give him a chance to take it back at all, so she quickly felt the pulse.

Soon, her face became extremely dignified.

"Nine, Uncle Nine Emperors, how could your body be poisoned?" Yuan Deyin raised his eyes and looked at him worriedly.

Judging from this pulse, the toxin is already very deep. If the antidote is not found as soon as possible... his life will be in danger.

"How did you find out that something is wrong with me?" Jun Yu didn't answer the little girl's question.

"I should have felt something was wrong last night. In front of Deyin, you have always reported good news but not bad news. Even if it is just a small thing that worries me, you will not say it. But last night you actually said you are tired……"

"Under normal circumstances, you wouldn't tell Deyin like this. Unless, your situation is worse, in order to cover up something, you can only say that you are tired."

Yuan Deyin expressed his analysis with a cold face.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, why didn't you tell me about your physical condition?"

Yuan Deyin was about to die.

The person who knows him best in this world is indeed a little girl...

Sighing in his heart, Jun Yu understood that it was better to let her know about it.

Especially after going through what happened last night and knowing that she is not someone to be protected by Fanzhou Island, he feels that he can no longer hide many things from her.

So he said the bowl of medicine yesterday and the words left on the bowl.

"The other side wants you to kill Wu Bian?" Yuan Deyin frowned fiercely.

Who on earth was the other party, who could poison him so easily, and even threatened Uncle Nine Emperors to kill Wu Bian.

Wu Bian is such a low-key person, why would anyone want to kill him?

"Yin'er, this king..." Jun Yu opened his mouth to say something.

As a result, Yuan Deyin reprimanded indifferently: "Don't talk, I will help you detoxify."

"Yin'er knows how to detoxify Fanzhou Island?" The dark color in Jun Yu's eyes began to spread around.

"Uncle Nine Emperors, did you just hide it because you thought Deyin couldn't be cured? In your eyes, is Deyin that bad? You can't even cure this little poison!"

When Yuan Deyin heard Jun Yu's words, she was furious.

Looking at the little girl with fried hair, the coldness in Jun Yu's eyes also began to dissipate, revealing some light.

"My lord remembers that the poison of Fanzhou Island... is almost impossible to cure." He said softly.

"That's because of their food!"

Yuan Deyin made no secret of his dislike.

She pushed him down, and said in a cold voice, "Don't move around."

(End of this chapter)

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