Chapter 429 Something is wrong

"Ah, by the way, I forgot the medicine that the princess asked me to boil for her, and it should be ready soon."

Cang Ling remembered that the medicine was still being boiled in the kitchen, and she yelled.

"Medicine? What happened to the princess?"

Hearing about boiling medicine, Wuyi became worried.

"That's right, the girl's home brought sunflower water to drink for her discomfort." Cang Ling said in a low voice.

Kwai water?

Has the princess come to Kuishui yet?
Wuyi's eyes were slightly serious.

Because she has been taking care of the princess since she came back from the Yue family.

So she is more familiar with the princess's physical condition than Cang Ling.

The princess shouldn't have come to Kuishui these days.

Before Wuyi could figure it out, Cang Ling had already hurried to the kitchen.


Cang Ling hurried into the kitchen.

As a result, Wu Rao and Wu Ling were both here.

"Wu Rao, aunt, you are all here." Cang Ling hurriedly greeted them.

Wu Ling was chopping vegetables, when she heard the movement, she turned her head quickly, smiled and said to Cang Ling, "Oh, it's Cang Ling, have your princess and prince, and those adults got up yet?"

"Oh, I'm already up." Cang Ling replied softly.

"That's good, that's good. I was afraid that the dishes would be cold, so I didn't dare to make them early. Now that they are all awake, I can cook a few side dishes and cook the porridge." Wu Ling said with a smile Said.

"Auntie, thank you for your hard work. I'll help you when I need the medicine for the Princess." Cang Ling said quickly.

"No need, it's too easy to cook a meal, and Wu Rao and I can do it together. But... this medicine belongs to the princess, what's wrong with the princess?"

Wu Ling asked worriedly.

When she came in just now, she saw that there was medicine boiling, but she didn't know it was Yuan Deyin's.

"Auntie, the princess is not feeling well, so he needs to drink medicine." Wu Rao hurriedly explained to Cang Ling.

"That's right." Cang Ling nodded quickly.

"Cang Ling, I will watch the fire for you, don't worry." Wu Rao turned her head and said to Cang Ling with a smile.

Cang Ling quickly walked over there, and she said embarrassedly: "Wu Rao, I'm really bothering you, you helped me rewrite the medicine list, and now you help me read the fire."

"What are you talking about, your princess is also my benefactor, I'm not happy if I don't do this job."

Wu Rao put her hips on her hips and said pretending to be angry.

"Okay, don't talk so much, the medicine is ready, hurry up and serve it to the princess."

Wu Rao continued to exhort.

"Okay." Cang Ling nodded, and quickly found a bowl.

"By the way, girl Rao, remember to ask Wu Bian for dinner later. He shuts himself in the room every day. Before, Mu Lang and Girl Jing talked to him. Now everyone has left, and he is the only one left. Against the wall..."

Wu Ling thought of something, she stopped chopping vegetables, then turned around, and told Wu Rao patiently.

"I know, I know, aunt, you care so much about Wu Bian, people who don't know will think that he is your real nephew, and you picked me up."

Wu Rao said pretending to eat.

"You child, you have to eat this jealousy. You two are hard-working children, but Wu Bian just can't think about it. I need to enlighten him, otherwise he doesn't know what foolish things he will do at such a young age. "

Wu Ling didn't know what to think of, her tone suddenly became complicated and lonely.

Although Cang Ling was holding medicine beside her, she could hear their conversation clearly.

Wu Bian?

That lonely boy.

Thinking of her first impression of the other party, she also felt that the boy was very withdrawn.

It should have become like this because of a big change.

Sensing that Aunt Wu Ling and Wu Rao were both a little unhappy, Cang Ling quickly changed the topic.

"Auntie, you just said that Mu Lang and Chen Shujing left? When did they leave?"

"I left early this morning. I said I wanted to live in another place, so I chose to leave here. But yes, this place is too close to Miaojiang after all, and Mu Lang's identity is more sensitive. Be safe..."

Wu Ling sighed and explained.

"Auntie, don't worry. Brother Mu Lang is a calm person, and Miss Chen is smart and capable. They can live well in other places."

Wu Rao said softly.

"I hope so." Wu Ling sighed, then nodded.

Cang Ling also filled the medicine at this time, she hurriedly said: "Auntie, Wu Rao, I'll go get the medicine for the princess first."

"go Go."

Holding the medicine, Cang Ling hurried to their room.

She was still thinking about it, wondering if the princess is back now.

If the medicine cools down, it will be too bitter.

Thinking about things in her heart, Cang Ling almost bumped into someone.

Fortunately, she reacted fairly quickly, hurriedly stopped, and then tightly protected the medicine with both hands, so as not to let the medicine pour down.

"Why do you suddenly come out to scare people!" Cang Ling asked anxiously.

As a result, when she looked up, she saw Wu Bian standing in front of her.

He was dressed in white, with a thin figure, and his beautiful eyes were like slender hooks embedded in his flawless face.

The pursed mouth was pale and colorless.

If he is a woman, she must be that delicate woman who is like a willow and can be blown away by the wind.

His obscure eyes moved from Cang Ling's face to the medicine in her bowl, and then he said in a hoarse voice, "Is this what she wants to drink?"

Cang Ling was stunned for a moment, but quickly came to his senses.

"No, that's right, it's the medicine of our princess."

"Let's go." Wu Bian walked past her, and said nothing more.

That made her go?

Why is this person so weird?

Cang Ling glanced at the back of the other party, finally shook his head, and hurry up to deliver the medicine to the princess.

When Cang Ling returned there, it happened that Yuan Deyin had followed Yunmo back.

"Are you okay?" Yun Mo asked worriedly, looking down at her pale face.

"It's okay." Yuan Deyin shook his head lightly.

In the Death Soul Formation, she has bled a lot. This little blood is a small problem for her, just rest and take some medicine to make up for it.

"Princess, the medicine is here." Cang Ling's voice came from far to near.

Seeing Cang Ling, Yuan Deyin's frowning eyebrows also relaxed.

The prescription she wrote not only has the effect of curing internal injuries, but also nourishes the blood.

"Bring the medicine here." Yuan Deyin said softly to Cang Ling.

When Cang Ling brought the medicine in front of her, Yuan Deyin took the medicine, and she lowered her head and wanted to drink it.

"Princess, it's still hot." Cang Ling reminded worriedly.


Yuan Deyin said two words lightly, but when she was about to drink the bowl of medicine, her face suddenly changed.

"Cang Ling, this it really you who went to get it?"

Facing Shangyuan Deyin's sharp eyes, Cang Ling was a little nervous.

She quickly explained: "Yes, it is true that the servant girl went to the old doctor to get it."


There is a medicine in it, which is different from what she wrote!
"Princess, is there a problem?" Cang Ling continued to ask worriedly.

"Are you really sure that every medicine in it was written for you by the princess?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask solemnly.

"Slave is indeed..."

Cang Ling originally wanted to say that she was sure, but suddenly remembered something, and her expression changed.

She hurriedly explained: "Princess, this servant took your list and wanted to go to Wu Rao to lead the way, so that I could go to the old doctor. But the servant accidentally fell, and then the prescription you gave was worn out. Find out what it is. Wu Rao said that she understands medicine, so she asked the servant to show her the list, and she added it..."

Wu Rao understands medicine?Make it up?
Yuan Deyin put down the medicine, and said, "Is there any other prescription? Show it to the princess."

"Yes." Cang Ling quickly took out two prescriptions from her body.

One was written by Yuan Deyin, and the other was rewritten by Wu Rao.

Putting the medicine in Yunmo's hand, Yuan Deyin spread out the two prescriptions.

As a result, I saw the one I wrote on the left. It was indeed worn, and there was a smell of medicinal materials in the worn place, which could not be seen clearly.

Only one word "white" can be seen on it, and there is still half a word.

"It's just that you can't see it. The servant didn't tell you what's going on with you, so Wu Rao just wrote 'white wood'."

Cang Ling quickly explained.

"Is there something wrong?" Yunmo couldn't help but speak at this moment.

"This character does indeed look like white wood, and what the princess wrote is also white wood." Yuan Deyin said solemnly.

"Isn't that right? Wu Rao really understands medicine, she wrote it right." Yun Mo nodded.

"Really... right?" Yuan Deyin's eyes flashed a bit of weird emotion.

At this moment, Yuan Deyin saw Yu Shengxiao coming out.

She immediately asked: "Master, Deyin wants to ask you some questions. The woman is not feeling well when she comes to Kuishui. Should I eat Baimu or Baizhu?"

Although it was discussing women's issues, as a doctor, Yu Shengxiao didn't feel any embarrassment.

He blurted out: "Baimu and Baizhu have similar fonts, but they are really not the same thing. In comparison, Baizhu is more commonly used. Anyone who understands medicine knows that you women will also use this medicinal material when you come to Kuishui..."

"What about Baimu?" Yuan Deyin continued to ask.

"Baimu is cool in nature, so it is not suitable for women to eat during special periods. It is often used to treat internal injuries." Yusheng Shengxiao continued to add.

"My princess used this prescription to lie to Cang Ling that she came to use sunflower water, but the main medicinal material is to treat internal injuries." Yuan Deyin looked at Yunmo and said.

Yun Mo's expression changed.

His pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at Yuan Deyin with more serious eyes.

Therefore, it is true that Wu Rao understands medicine.

She saw that it was true that Yuan Deyin's prescription was for treating internal injuries, and that it was true that she lacked white wood instead of Baishu.

"So..." Yun Mo frowned, and a rough guess began to form in his heart.

"So, Wu Rao knows that the princess has suffered internal injuries." Yuan Deyin raised her eyes and said coldly.

However, she suffered internal injuries...

Obviously only she, Yunmo, Uncle Jiuhuang, and those who died in Miao Jiang knew about it.

How did Wu Rao know about it?

(End of this chapter)

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