Chapter 430 Wu Ling's True Identity

Yun Mo's face also darkened.

What is Wu Rao's identity?
Is she really a descendant of those who were expelled from Miaojiang?

Yu Shengxiao was not a stupid person either, after listening to Yuan Deyin's words, he quickly deduced the general course of the matter.

"So what do we do now?" he asked worriedly.

Also at this time...

Wu Ling's voice sounded not far away.

"Princess, the women are ready to cook, you can eat as much as you want."

"Go eat first."

Yuan Deyin gave Yu Shengxiao a look, and then he did not forget to tell Wuying: "Brother Wuying, I will let you watch Uncle Nine Emperors."

"Subordinates obey."

Wu Ling set up a large table in the yard, and when Yuan Deyin and the others arrived, all the dishes had already been served.

Wu Ling and Wu Rao were still busy arranging the dishes.

Seeing Yuan Deyin coming, she said with a smile: "Princess, you are here, did you sleep well last night?"""

"Very good." Yuan Deyin replied softly.

Behind them, Wu Yi and Cang Ling glanced at Wu Rao who was still busy, and then stepped forward to help.

"Auntie, don't be too busy, sit down and eat." Yuan Deyin said softly, pulling the corner of her mouth.

"Okay, okay." Wu Ling smiled, and quickly found a seat and sat down.

"By the way, where is your lord? Why don't you see him?" Wu Ling looked around and frowned when she found that Jun Yu was not there.

"Uncle Jiuhuang is not feeling well, let him rest for a while." Yuan Deyin said calmly.

Can't hear any questions in the words.

Wu Ling didn't ask any further questions, she nodded, and then changed the topic: "Princess, these are our farm dishes, I don't know if they suit your taste."

Yuan Deyin picked up the chopsticks and took a bite.

She smiled: "It's delicious."

Since Yun Mo was sitting next to him, he picked up his chopsticks.

Because they all heard the meaning of Yuan Deyin's words.

Not only is it delicious, the most important thing is that it is non-toxic!
They all believed in Yuan Deyin's ability to discriminate against poison.

She said it was not poisonous, so it was not poisonous.

However, their vigilance still cannot let go.

This trip to Miaojiang is really dangerous everywhere.

People who you think have no problems are actually hidden dangers.

"I don't know if you can go back in after you leave Miaojiang?"

Yuan Deyin raised his eyes, glanced at Wu Rao without any trace, and then asked softly.

This tone sounds as if he suddenly became interested in this question.

"Princess, you are joking, we are all driven out of Miaojiang, how can we have the opportunity to enter Miaojiang again?" Wu Rao said with a sigh.

"That's right. There are gatekeepers in Miaojiang. If we try our best to break into Miaojiang, I'm afraid we will lose our lives. However, we have already left Miaojiang, and there is no point in going back..."

Cang Ling shook her head and added.

"But, the gatekeeper is dead." Yuan Deyin suddenly said this in a cold tone.


Both Wu Rao and Wu Ling reacted extremely, they suddenly raised their heads and looked at Yuan Deyin in shock.

Especially Wu Ling, although she was suffocating, her tears still flowed down drop by drop.

"Princess, is what you said true? Is the old man really dead?" She asked with a choked voice.

Her reaction was too strange.

Yuan Deyin nodded first, and then asked, "Auntie and the gatekeeper, are they related?"

Hearing Yuan Deyin's words, Wu Ling's body froze.

"Forget it, there's no point in hiding these things." She sighed, shook her head, and began to recall something.

"Actually, Miao Jiang's gatekeeper for decades is Elder Miao Jiangwen, who is great-grandfather."


Yuan Deyin and the others looked closely at Wu Rao.

Wu Rao sighed again, and then continued: "Back then, our Wen family, Zheng family, and Jin family were all three families that the patriarch trusted very much. But what is more mysterious is that my grandfather and the elders of the Jin family all Falling in love with a woman from outside, and breaking up with the patriarch because of this..."

"If it's other people, just drive them away. But the elders are related to the survival of the family, and they can't all be driven away. So the patriarch thought of other punishment methods. In order to make up for my grandfather's fault, the other Wen family members were driven out and replaced First and last name is Wu, only my great-grandfather is left to be the gatekeeper of Miaojiang..."

"Then dare to ask the old man's age this year?"

Yu Shengxiao couldn't help asking.

Wu Ling looks to be in her thirties this year, if the old man is her great-grandfather...

"He's almost a hundred years old." Wu Ling replied softly.

"Isn't that as big as that monster in Guque!" Yu Shengxiao said in surprise.

But after he finished speaking, realizing that such an expression was not quite right, he coughed and apologized.

Wu Ling shook her head, and then said: "It's okay, grandpa didn't actually live to such an old age. The people in Miaojiang are good at Gu, but their martial arts are actually very poor. In the whole Miaojiang, only the patriarch and our wen The family is good at Gu and martial arts, and the rest, even Elder Jin and Elder Zheng, can only know Gu skills, and martial arts are difficult to protect themselves..."

Listening to Wu Lin's words, Yuan Deyin raised his eyebrows.

So, is this the reason why Elder Jin and the others only use Gu insects instead of close combat when dealing with them?
No wonder they became so weak after destroying their Gu worms.

Zheng's family...

That is Wu Bian's family, so is this the reason why Wu Bian is so weak and has no martial arts?
For some reason, Yuan Deyin felt something was wrong when he thought of this.

But I can't think of anything wrong.

"Are the other people's martial arts average? What's going on with Mu Lang?"

Yu Shengxiao couldn't help asking.

Although he had never fought against Mu Lang, he felt that the opponent had martial arts, and the martial arts were not low.

"Don't worry, let me continue to explain to you," Wu Ling nodded to Yu Shengxiao, and then continued, "Gu worms are powerful, but they can't be used as the whole to protect Miaojiang, martial arts are still needed A strong person. This is why my grandfather married my grandma from outside, which made the patriarch so angry..."

"The patriarch does not tolerate betrayal, but he is also unwilling to abandon the Wen family. So he kicked out the other Wen family members, and then used life-extending Gu insects for my grandpa, hanging my grandpa's life, and making him guard all the time. Miaojiang entrance."

Hearing this, Yuan Deyin and the others had complicated expressions, and felt a little embarrassed.

No wonder when they first entered Miaojiang, when they saw that old man, he almost lost his popularity.

Almost relying on Gu worms to make a name for himself, it's no wonder that he is popular!
(End of this chapter)

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