Chapter 519 Prince Mu is here

"The servant sees Princess Qingxi."

Feng Gao quickly saluted.

Yuan Deyin frowned, but she didn't intend to salute.

"Eunuch Feng, who is she? Why is she walking around in the palace?" Wei Qingxi said in a bad tone.

Feng Gao touched the cold sweat on his forehead, and then whispered: "Return, report to Princess Qingxi, this is a little genius doctor, and the slave was ordered by the emperor to bring her into the palace."

"Little miracle doctor? She is the folk quack doctor who treated my father last night? Heh, at such a young age, the medical skills are really good? It's not that there is no imperial doctor in our palace, why do we need a common quack doctor to treat my father? What a mistake, Feng Gao, can you bear it?"

Wei Qingxi yelled loudly, calling Yuan Deyin a quack doctor in a few words.

Yuan Deyin didn't speak, but just listened silently, still feeling a little funny in her heart.

It's just that Feng Gao is poor, the cold sweat on his forehead is even more.

The emperor is still waiting, but this little ancestor is also the queen's most beloved daughter.

"Princess Qingxi, don't make things difficult for this slave. The little miracle doctor was indeed called into the palace by the emperor." Feng Gao explained in a difficult tone.

"Okay, since you have already said, Eunuch Feng Gao, that her father summoned her to enter the palace, then let's just believe it once in the princess account. But the mother had a headache last night, so let her go and show it to the mother first. The princess wants to see how powerful her medical skills are!"

Wei Qingxi raised his chin and continued to speak arrogantly.


It turned out that she was the queen's daughter and Wei Xiao's younger sister.

No wonder they are so arrogant.

The status of the queen's mother clan in the Wei state is not low, so they naturally have the confidence to speak.

Besides, the royal brother is about to replace the prince now.

Yuan Deyin lowered his head, hiding the ironic smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Princess Qingxi, this, this slave really can't be the master. The emperor is really still waiting. Or, the little genius doctor will show the emperor first, and then go to the empress for treatment?" Feng Gao asked tentatively. road.

As a result, the next moment, Wei Qingxi's face became extremely gloomy.

"Feng Gao, the princess has already said that the empress has a headache, and you still talk so much nonsense, do you want the empress to die of pain?"

"Slave, I dare not!" Feng Gao was so frightened that he knelt down.

"Come on, take this quack doctor to the queen mother."

Seeing Feng Gao knelt down, Wei Qingxi felt a little better.

She clapped her hands, and then began to order the people she brought.

Yuan Deyin glanced at the maidservants walking towards him from the corner of his eye, and each of them had internal force fluctuations.

She raised her eyebrows, knowing it in her heart.

Where is there any coincidence, they are here specially waiting for her.

It is fake to treat the queen, but it is true to want to take her away.

But even at this time, Yuan Deyin didn't panic in the slightest.

She just stood there, waiting for these people to catch her.

She wants to see how courageous Queen Wei is.

But just when these people were about to touch her, suddenly an indifferent voice sounded.

"Qingxi, you are getting more and more disciplined."

"Uncle Mu, why are you here?"

When Wei Qingxi saw the familiar figure in the official robe, his eyes lit up, and his tone became much more docile.

When Yuan Deyin heard it, her heart moved slightly.

Looking sideways, there was actually a sedan chair parked beside it. Prince Mu had already got off at some point, and walked towards this side.

and many more……

Why is there a ball of white in Prince Mu's arms?
That is……


This stupid little white, why did he run into someone else's arms again!

Yuan Deyin was in a good mood just now, but at this moment she was so angry that her temples burst out.

She even had the urge to perform a live performance of eating raw rabbits.

Sensing a murderous aura, Xiao Bao arched his head in Prince Mu's arms, and then he didn't dare to turn his head back.

woo woo woo...

The master silver is so scary, I was scared to death and smashed it.

It's not that it wanted to come here to Lord Mu, it was also thrown here by someone.

huh huh...

Wei Qingxi didn't wait for Prince Mu to come here, she went by herself.

"Uncle Mu, Xi'er came to your house to look for you a few days ago, but the servants said you were not there." Wei Qingxi wanted to pull Prince Mu's sleeve to act like a baby.

Prince Mu turned sideways indiscriminately, making it impossible for Wei Qingxi to touch him.

"The emperor is not feeling well. This king needs to take care of the performance for him. It is normal not to be in Prince Mu's residence." His tone was flat.

Wei Qingxi couldn't help stamping his feet, and said aggrievedly: "Uncle Mu, why didn't you come to the mother's harem when you entered the palace? Not only Xi'er misses you, but the mother also misses you very much."


Yuan Deyin was listening beside her, raising her brows and eyes slightly, in a strange mood.

The words of Princess Qingxi sounded like the relationship between Prince Mu and the queen was very unusual.

However, one is the emperor's younger brother and the other is the emperor's wife.

If the relationship is not normal, then something is wrong.

Next to him, Feng Gao wished he could bury his head in the ground.

The few young eunuchs behind him also lowered their heads in trepidation, and if you look closely, you can still see their bodies trembling.

It is estimated that this involves some secret history of the palace.

Yuan Deyin murmured in his heart, and his curiosity grew even stronger.

Prince Mu's eyes swept over Yuan Deyin indistinctly, just in time to see the curiosity on her face that was too late to hide.

"Girls are not allowed to enter the harem, Qingxi don't talk nonsense anymore." He continued to speak without any waves in his voice.

"Eunuch Feng, what's going on?"

Ignoring Wei Qingxi's aggrieved expression, Prince Mu set his eyes on Feng Gao.

After Feng Gao came to his senses, he wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then said respectfully: "The emperor is feeling much better today, and he specially ordered the servant to bring a little genius doctor into the palace to treat him, but...Princess Qingxi... ..."

"The queen mother is also unwell, the princess asked this quack doctor to see the concubine mother first, what's wrong!"

Wei Qingxi interrupted Feng Gao in a cold voice.

"Since you think this little genius doctor is a quack doctor, let's invite another imperial doctor to the queen's side. Feng Gao, take someone to the emperor's place."

Prince Mu lowered his head, smoothed the fur of the rabbit in his hand, and then said in a calm manner.

Feng Gao breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, okay, Prince Mu came to the rescue.

He hurriedly got up from the ground, and said respectfully: "This servant will take the little genius doctor to face the saint."

The moment he stood up, Feng Gao accidentally caught a glimpse of the snow-white rabbit in Prince Mu's arms.

His expression was also slightly sluggish.

Prince Mu is such a loner, yet he is actually holding a rabbit in his arms today.

Is this the heck?

Although he was curious in his heart, Feng Gao didn't dare to explore it.

Yuan Deyin lowered his head unobtrusively, then turned around and followed behind Feng Gao.

After walking for a while, she could still hear Wei Qingxi's unwilling voice behind her.

"Prince Mu, how do you help that quack doctor?"

"It's you who said she was a quack doctor, who you don't even approve of, how dare you treat the queen?" Prince Mu's tone finally became a little more cold.

"But, but..." Wei Qingxi wanted to say something else.

In the end, Prince Mu interrupted her, "Also, this is the emperor's order. You took the person away halfway, which is to refute the emperor's face. Even if you are the emperor's favorite princess, the emperor may not take it lightly. Forgive you."

Hearing this, Wei Qingxi finally became a little scared.

She stomped her feet and said unwillingly: "Qing, Qingxi knew she was wrong, Qingxi just doesn't want that quack doctor."

(End of this chapter)

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