Chapter 520 Concubine
After a while, Wei Qingxi saw Xiao Bai in Prince Mu's arms, her eyes lit up.

"Uncle Mu, why do you have a rabbit? Did you bring it into the palace specially for Xi'er?"

After Mu Qingxi finished speaking, she wanted to reach out and hug Xiaobai.

But Prince Mu walked past her expressionlessly, not giving her the slightest chance to meet Xiao Bai.

"This is someone else's property. If you want it, just ask the palace servants to buy it."

When Mu Qingxi realized it, she could only see Prince Mu's generous back, and she was so angry that she could only stomp her feet fiercely on the spot.

On Yuan Deyin's side, she looked at Feng Gao who was still wiping his sweat, and asked tentatively, "Eunuch Feng, how many princesses are there in the palace?"

"There are eight of them. All the emperor's princesses are in the palace." Feng Gao didn't dare to neglect Yuan Deyin, and answered immediately when he heard the question.

"Then that princess just now..."

"The little genius doctor is talking about Princess Qingxi, who is ranked fifth and born of the empress. She has a lively personality and is deeply loved by the emperor." Feng Gao hurriedly continued to answer.

Lively personality, won the emperor's favor?
Yuan Deyin snorted coldly in her heart.

In Wei Po's heart, how could he really love a princess?
I'm afraid, it's still for the sake of stabilizing the forces.

To blatantly favor the queen's faction is to suppress the prince's faction without any effort.

Thinking of this, Yuan Deyin became even more angry.

"Then, does this princess have a good relationship with Prince Mu?" Because she was angry, Yuan Deyin's tone was also a little rushed.

Although that Prince Mu is neutral, who can guarantee that he will always be neutral?

If he sided with the Queen's faction, it would be extremely detrimental to them.

"This... Prince Mu has always treated every prince and princess in the palace equally."

Feng Gao said with a sneer, his expression clearly meant that he didn't want to say anything more.

His appearance made Yuan Deyin even more suspicious.

"I'm curious about this king, why don't you ask me personally?"

Suddenly, Prince Mu's voice sounded behind Yuan Deyin.

She paused, not waiting for her to turn around.

Prince Mu has already walked to her side.

He was a lot taller than her, and she could only see a few strands of hair hanging from his temples that had turned white from the corner of her eye.

Sensing her peeking eyes, he glanced sideways, and those black eyes full of experience met him, as if he had seen through her.

Yuan Deyin's expression froze for a moment, she moved her mouth, and whispered, "Minnv has seen Prince Mu."

"Why are you curious about this king's affairs?" Prince Mu glanced at Yuan Deyin condescendingly, and asked indifferently.

That's not because I want to know if you will help the queen!

Yuan Deyin was cursing in her heart, but she replied obediently on the face: "This is the second time for a minnv to enter the palace, and she is full of curiosity about everything in the palace. Minnv also knows that these actions are too unruly. It will definitely not happen again in the future!"

Regarding Yuan Deyin's answer, Prince Mu's expression could not tell whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied.

"Let's go, don't make the emperor wait." After a long time, he turned around and walked to the emperor's bedroom.

Seeing the direction he was going, Yuan Deyin was slightly startled.

He also wants to see the dog thief Wei Po?
Could it be to monitor her?
"Still following?" Realizing that Yuan Deyin hadn't moved, Prince Mu stopped, looked back, and just stared at her like this.

Yuan Deyin moved his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything, and hurriedly followed.

Feng Gao watched from behind, and wiped off his cold sweat again.

Why does Prince Mu seem to be very interested in the little miracle doctor?
In the past, he was disdainful to talk to outsiders.

That's all, the most important thing now is to bring the little miracle doctor to the emperor, the rest is not important.

Yuan Deyin followed Prince Mu step by step, always keeping a step away from him.

"Do you know why this rabbit came back to me?"

Yuan Deyin didn't want to speak, but Prince Mu in front actually spoke again.

Frankly speaking, his voice was deep and powerful, with a refined sense of looking down on everything.

But I don't know why, Piansheng has such a nice voice, to Yuan Deyin's ears, there is a sense of oppression being watched by the elders.

"Min, Minnv don't know." Yuan Deyin answered bravely.

"Because of an old friend, I entrusted him to take care of it." Prince Mu said again.

Yuan Deyin frowned slightly.

The old man gave Xiaobai to him?
However, she clearly asked Uncle Nine Emperors to take care of Xiaobai last night?
"This old friend of this king is surnamed Jun."

Prince Mu's voice came from the front again, but this time his tone seemed to be a little more smiling.

Uncle Nine Emperors actually knew him?

Why didn't Uncle Nine Emperors tell her about this?

Yuan Deyin frowned.

I thought that next time I have a chance, I must ask Uncle Jiu Huang what he is hiding from her!
Soon, they arrived outside Wei Po's bedroom.

"Go in and report." Prince Mu looked at Feng Gao, his eyes were calm, but they gave off a sense of coercion.

"Slave, slave, let's go in now."

Feng Gao hurried in, wiping his cold sweat.

After Feng Gao ran in, only Yuan Deyin and Prince Mu were left here, and of course, there was a rabbit.

"Don't worry, I won't treat it badly. Say yes, Xiaobai." Prince Mu said quietly while smoothing the rabbit's fur.

Yuan Deyin: "..."

He even knows the name of the rabbit?
What else does he know!
"The daughter of the people thanked Prince Mu." Yuan Deyin couldn't understand what happened, so Yuan Deyin could only bite the bullet and thank her.

"Prince Mu, little genius doctor, the emperor has called you in." At this time, Feng Gao ran out quickly, panting.

Yuan Deyin followed quickly.

Prince Mu looked at her back, and finally followed Xiaobai in his arms.

When Yuan Deyin walked into the inner hall, he could smell a strong smell of medicine.

The smell of this medicine is very familiar.

Master is here?

Yuan Deyin's eyes flickered.

She quickened her pace and walked in quickly.

After bypassing the Longteng screen, Yuan Deyin saw Yu Shengxiao feeling sadly for Wei Po.

It is difficult for a master to treat someone who obviously hates him so much.

Yuan Deyin sighed helplessly in her heart, and silently expressed her guilt towards her master.

"Xiaode...Little Junior Sister, you've come."

The moment Yuan Deyin appeared, Yu Shengxiao felt that the savior had come.

He quickly let go of Wei Po's hand, and then quickly walked towards Yuan Deyin.

He grabbed Yuan Deyin's wrist: "Little Junior Sister, you came just in time, show the 'Emperor'."

The word "Emperor", Yusheng Xiao added the tone, it can be said that there is a kind of gnashing of teeth.

Yuan Deyin and Shen Chuannan at the side looked at each other, and after receiving the report that everything was normal, she then turned her eyes to Yushengxiao.

"Okay, I'll show the emperor." She comforted Yu Shengxiao softly.

Behind him, Prince Mu came over, his eyes saw Yu Shengxiao holding Yuan Deyin's wrist, he frowned, and his face was a bit displeased.

Yuan Deyin didn't notice something was wrong, she took her hand away from Yu Shengxiao, and then walked towards Wei Po.

How could Wei Po care about their rudeness at this time, he looked at Yuan Deyin and smiled kindly.

"Little genius doctor, I heard from your senior brother that your master loves you the most, and your medical skills are also very good. Is there such a thing?"

Wei Po's cloudy eyes stared at Yuan Deyin, and then asked.

Yuan Deyin lowered his eyes to hide the hatred in his eyes.

She replied with a low eyebrow; "Master prefers more, Minnv has learned more than senior brother, but senior brother is too self-effacing, our medical skills are comparable."

The same is true of the master, the dignified doctor Gu, in order not to confront Wei Gou, actually pushed her out.

But she was still calm.

Although Wei Po is her enemy, but for the final plan, she can only hide her hatred now.


Wei Po laughed excitedly.

Yuan Deyin's words made him more determined that her medical skills were better.

His body can definitely be saved.

So he looked at Yuan Deyin with more gentle eyes.

"Your Majesty, let me feel your pulse." Yuan Deyin walked slowly to the bed with his head lowered.

Seeing Wei Po stretch out her hand, she held back her murderous aura and put down her two fingers.

save him?

No, she was just thinking, if she could kill him without anyone noticing that's all.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, your health is gradually improving, and you will definitely recover after the blood exchange." Soon, Yuan Deyin withdrew his hand and said.

Yu Shengxiao listened beside him, almost laughing out loud.

As expected of the little apprentice of this genius doctor, he is merciless in deceiving people.

Judging from the pulse, Wei Po's situation has indeed improved.

But, in essence, they gave him special medicine last night.

His internal organs are slowly rotting away.

After going through this period of time, he will suffer more and more, and in the end, he cannot survive but cannot die.

These problems, if not for people with better medical skills, they would not be able to see them.

This is why Wei Po secretly consulted many imperial physicians for diagnosis and treatment early this morning, but all the conclusions he reached were that he was about to recover.

Those are just some low-level quack doctors.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Wei Po was in a very good mood, his brows were brimming with joy, and he said three "good" words in a row.

He stared deeply at Yuan Deyin who was not far away, and then said: "Little genius doctor, please treat me well. As long as my body recovers and I can rejuvenate, I will give you whatever you want..."

Looking up at Wei Po's eyes, Yuan Deyin felt very uncomfortable, always feeling that he was planning something.

"What's the name of the little genius doctor?" Wei Po asked suddenly.

"The girl of the people is calling Yu Hong." Yuan Deyin hesitated for a moment, and felt that it was inappropriate to say which surname she had, so she simply took the surname of Madman Yu.

"Sure enough, he is Mr. Yu Hai's disciple, and his surname is also followed by Mr. Yu Hai." Wei Po laughed again with satisfaction.

After the laughter stopped, Wei Po immediately turned his head to command Feng Gao who was beside him.

"Feng Gao, immediately draw up an order for me. The little genius doctor has superb medical skills, both virtue and art, and won my heart. Let me make you a noble concubine."

(End of this chapter)

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