Xianhong Road

Chapter 1058 The chance of life, the core of life! !

Chapter 1058 The chance of life, the core of life! ! (do not reorder)
(The update was interrupted yesterday, I am very sorry, there is only one month left in the fast food school, and I will face an internship soon, but I will try my best to update it stably...)
When the ruins were opened, all the rookies of Tianchenxing rushed into the light gate with their sword energy.

To enter the Nine Swords Ruins, one of the conditions is that one must have the characteristics of a sword cultivator.

These Tianchenxing rookies, long before rushing to the Nine Swords Gate, practiced some kendo techniques, or held a certain kendo weapon to protect their bodies with sword energy.

The light door channel is purely composed of nine-color sword light, if there is sword energy protecting the body, it can be pushed away.If not, he would be smashed into fine particles in an instant by the nine-color sword light, leaving no bones left.


The fastest of the two, one is Leng Jianfeng from Nine Layers True Wonderland, and the other is "Hua Yue" from Tianci Palace. The magnificent magnetism like five-color electric lines around her body condenses into a strange sword energy. Reach the pinnacle of the field.

Then Qi Lin, Fang Zhen and other powerful beings rushed into the Nine-Colored Light Gate one after another.

In a short period of time, everyone on the field competed in speed.

Yang Fan showed a slightly pensive expression. Fang Zhen's speed was only a little faster than that of monks of the same rank, which was not because of his bloodline.

Leng Jianfeng is a peerless genius of the Nine Swords Sect, the "Sword Immortal" of the Nine Layers True Wonderland, both in attack and speed, he is extremely terrifying. When Yu Linzong's "Qi Lin" planned to escape from prison, he was decisively released together, which can be seen.

What surprised him was that "Hua Yue" was so tyrannical with a celestial magnetic light all over her body, her speed could do short-distance evasion and teleportation, and the divine light she possessed could restrain most of the magical powers in the world.

It seems that when I was on the Ascension Platform, I underestimated this girl's talent potential.

In a short time, about [-] or [-] rookies on the field escaped into the Nine Swords Light Gate one by one.

The gate of nine-colored sword light stabilized, and then gradually converged until the nine-colored sword light condensed above the bare stone wall.

Since then, many rookie talents of Tianchenxing have entered the Nine Swords Ruins and are isolated from the outside world.

In front of the sword-shaped stone wall, the powerhouses of all major forces began to wait long and anxiously.

Yang Fan can predict that after entering the Nine Swords Ruins, there will probably be a competition and fight. As for who can get the treasure and inheritance of the Nine Swords Immortal Emperor, it depends not only on strength and means, but also on fate and luck.

"With Fang's true strength, he should be invincible among the rookies of Tianchenxing. The only ones who can hinder him may be Leng Jianfeng and Huayue..."

Yang Fan murmured in his heart.

Even so, there was still some worry in his eyes.

After all, Fang Zhen was his disciple, the one who had been with him the longest.

The two have been together for 1000 years, and their relationship is very deep.

"Mr. Yang knows the strength of his disciples best. Do you need to worry? Fang Zhen possesses the two blood talents of 'Sky Eye' and 'Immortal King Kong'. Even if he can't succeed, at least it is more than enough to protect himself."

Fang Yan smiled slightly.

For the first time, I saw emotional fluctuations on the face of this mysterious Mr. Yang.

At any time in the past, Yang Fan's face was as calm as Gu Jing's. Most of the time, he also closed his eyes, as if waiting for the insurmountable death.

Fang Yan once offered Yang Fan an elixir to increase his lifespan, but was rejected by the latter.

"What kind of secret is hidden in him? Even the old man Gao of the Xingjun Mansion seems to have some plot against him."

Fang Yan noticed the movements of Gao Xingguan with the white beard, and the latter's attention never moved away from Yang Fan's face from the beginning to the end.

Yang Fan also felt the greedy and malicious eyes of the old man with white beard.

"Dare to ask Elder Fang, what position does Gao Xingguan hold in the Xingjun Mansion?"

Yang Fan asked Fang Yan through voice transmission.

"Gao Xingguan has a special status in Xingjun Mansion, second only to Xingjun. In the past tens of thousands of years, he seems to have been sent to monitor the 'Flying Ascension Platform'. Considering his strength, he is really overqualified."

Fang Yan replied.

Monitoring the flying platform?Overkill?

Yang Fan's heart beat, and he was absolutely certain that his identity had been revealed.

Of course, Gao Xingguan didn't expose his identity immediately, probably wanting to take the wanted reward all by himself.

Yang Fan can probably estimate the situation at this moment.

"Gao Xingguan's best friend is 'Lu Guang', the warden of Tianluo Prison. Both of them are Daluo Jinxian, and their strength surpasses Tianchenxing..."

Fang Yan introduced some other information about Gao Xingguan one after another.

Yang Fan's heart gradually calmed down, and he thought to himself: I still have a hundred days of life left, and the next step is to step into death. Even if I face a big crisis, don't worry. "

Yang Fan is not afraid of death.

"However, since Gao Xingguan knows my identity, it will be a big trouble after all..."

Yang Fan secretly made up his mind and bid farewell to Fang Yan.

"I'm going out for a walk."

"Are you alone?" Fang Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yang still has a hundred days of life left, and wants to be quiet."

Yang Fan bid farewell to Fang Yan and temporarily left the entrance of the Nine Swords Ruins.

Yang Fan couldn't intervene in the competition in the Nine Swords Ruins for the time being, but he also left a hole card for his disciples, so I believe there will be no major problems.

The only thing to worry about now is this "Gao Xingguan" who knows his background.

Sure enough, not long after Yang Fan left, Gao Xingguan also left the camp of Xingjun Mansion.

"You guys wait here, the old man goes out to relax."

Gao Xingguan stroked his white beard lightly and smiled.

The other elders of the Xingjun Mansion welcome him to leave, after all, Gao Xingguan is the leader of the team this time, the only Da Luo Jinxian.

Yang Fan closed his eyes and walked slowly in the area of ​​Nine Swords Gate.

He believed that Gao Xingguan would not do anything easily here.

Taking this opportunity, Yang Fan checked the situation of the reincarnation fruit in his body.

Now there is only Bairi Shouyuan left, and the surface layer of the reincarnation fruit has been completely rotted, and the layers are peeled off and cracked.

Withered and yellow reincarnation fruit, the surface layer is rotten, withered, and peeled off, revealing a crystal clear core inside.


Yang Fan's expression was indifferent, which was obviously expected. After all, the deduction of the realm in the later stage had already been simulated.

When a seed undergoes rooting, germination, flowering, fruiting, and peak maturity, the fruit will peel off and life will end...into death! !

However, the fruit after death only completes a period of life journey, and the remaining "fruit core" can create "new life".

——This contains a reincarnation artistic conception of death and rebirth.

Doesn't the core correspond to "new life"?

Yang Fan's spirit and vitality all withered and withered all his life, but was absorbed by this newly born "fruit core".

And this fruit core is only the beginning of a new life. It can be predicted that its potential is terrifying, and it is also standing at an incredible new height and new starting point.

"So far, the evolution of the realm has been going well, and I have half a foot in the late stage of Lunguo..."

Yang Fan quietly inspected the "crystal nucleus" exposed after the reincarnation fruit rotted.

A layer of yellow crystal light lingers on the surface of this crystal nucleus, full of death breath, absorbing Yang Fan's majestic vitality.

Inside the crystal nucleus is the reincarnation fruit space.

"This crystal nucleus should be the 'life nucleus' through which I was reborn, gathering my whole life's painstaking efforts, soul power, vitality, and supernatural powers..."

Yang Fan carefully comprehended the profound meaning contained in the "Fate Core".

At this moment, the life nucleus is absorbing the vitality of Yang Fan and the nature of the world all the time. The small world inside is constantly expanding, and the greenery is full of vitality...

At a certain moment, the "fate core" in Yang Fan's body buzzed, causing his senses to expand a thousand times.

In an instant, Yang Fan entered a mysterious and supreme realm, and captured the huge reincarnation system between heaven and earth, which is related to space, time, and even causal fate.

Strange things... happened.

Suddenly, Yang Fan felt that "myself" disappeared from this world.

He was still there, but he felt like he had disappeared.

Then, what disappeared was not the physical body, but the "Fate Core".

Yang Fan's mind was shaken, and he felt that the red vortex in the life core space expanded a hundred times, and it was connected with the huge reincarnation system between heaven and earth.

At that moment, his life core disappeared, leaving only a nearly dead skin.

"what happened?"

Gao Xingguan, who was secretly staring at Yang Fan, was taken aback, only to feel that the object he locked disappeared out of thin air, as if merging into the heaven and the earth.

Swish! !

The next moment, Yang Fan's mind was shaken, the life core popped out from the heaven and earth system, and he "returned" to the world again.

"Since I can achieve this step, I can enter the late stage of the fruit wheel at any time now, and enter the stage of life and death!!"

Various understandings flashed in Yang Fan's eyes.

At this time, Gao Xingguan discovered that Yang Fan, who had originally melted into the world, was brought back into his own spiritual monitoring.

"It's so strange, this person is really weird. Could it be that he will be wanted by a big shot in the 'Star World'."

Gao Xingguan suddenly felt the difficulty of the matter.

He watched every move of the "prey".

At this moment, he noticed that Yang Fan was staring at the boundless galaxy world with a serious expression on his face.

"This crisis... seems to be inevitable."

Yang Fan let out a long sigh, as if he had already foreseen his own fate.

When the small samsara in the "Fate Nucleus" was integrated into the great samsara system of heaven and earth, Yang Fan's senses were enhanced a hundred times, and he had a clearer sense of the crisis in the galaxy.

It seems that not only Gao Xingguan discovered Yang Fan's identity, but also the great figures in the upper world have made progress.

Under the terrible crisis in the dark, Yang Fan felt his soul was suffocated and his breathing was difficult. Every step he took was so simple.

In the end, he simply withdrew his senses and left Nine Swords Gate.

In Gao Xingguan's senses, Yang Fan floated out of the Nine Swords Gate like a walking dead or a weightless ghost.

His heart felt cold, and he felt more and more that the purpose of this trip was strange and unusual.

Yang Fan just flew around aimlessly, heading for sparsely populated places.

Time passed day after day.

During this period, Gao Xingguan was very scrupulous and did not dare to take action easily.

An intuition told him that this person was absolutely dangerous! !

"Do you want to inform Lord Xingjun?"

A month ago, he still had this idea, but it was quickly abandoned.

Because Xingjun's strength is the highest among all the stars in the sky, if he is allowed to get this matter, how can he have his own share in the rewards offered?

Finally, after two months.

Gao Xingguan snorted coldly, his white hair spread out in the wind, he moved thousands of miles out of thin air, and descended from the sky above Yang Fan.

The overwhelming spiritual coercion came from all over the world, oppressing every inch of space around Yang Fan.

Even if it is a high-ranking true immortal, under the pressure of such fusion of space law, it is very likely to vomit blood and die directly.

"You finally couldn't help it, are you going to make a move?"

The corner of Yang Fan's mouth pursed into a hint of sarcasm.

Huh?wrong! !
Suddenly, his complexion changed.

More than one person! ! !

call out--

From the end of the world in front, a bright silver light came like a shooting star, a figure like a god.

It was a man in silver armor, standing proudly in the void, his divine power trembling the world.

Yang Fan frowned.

He was no stranger to the visitor, and it was Tianluo Prison who displayed his might in the desert that day... the warden! !
(As soon as it's updated... the next chapter will be released in the public and VIP at the same time at night, and some VIP readers who have caused losses can read it in the public for free.

(End of this chapter)

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