Xianhong Road

Chapter 1059 Capture and Kill 2 Immortals

Chapter 1059 Capture and Kill the Two Immortals (Related works can be seen for free)
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Tianchenxing's two Jinxian-level powerhouses unleashed divine power on Yang Fan at the same time, the surrounding space trembled unruly, and the vast fairy air shook and roared, sweeping the world like a storm.

In the entire barren mountainous land, everything in the world is under terrible pressure and changes.

There was a crack in the mountains, and the trees broke down one after another. During this period, some creatures were directly annihilated and perished.

Yang Fan didn't expect that he would face two big Luo Jinxians at the same time when he was fighting against a master from the upper realm for the first time.

At this moment, his usual calm expression was moved.

As for why the warden of Tianluo also came, Yang Fan knew it well.

Fang Yan said before: "Officer Gao Xing's best friend is 'Lu Guang', the warden of Tianluo Prison. Both of them are Daluo Jinxian, and their strength surpasses Tianchenxing..."

Swish! !
Gao Xingguan and the warden 'Lu Guang' moved in lightning, forming a front and back attack on Yang Fan.

Yang Fan understands that after reaching the level of Daluo Jinxian, the comprehension of laws is extremely profound, and some advanced people can even create unique spatial domains.

At this moment, under the joint pressure of the two, a mysterious and terrifying force was produced in the space within a million miles, which was exerted on Yang Fan.

The situation was like being in the water. The two big Luo Jinxians could control hundreds of millions of catties of water power to oppress and balance Yang Fan.

With Yang Fan's aging body like a walking corpse, he naturally couldn't resist the combined attack of the two.

However, the damage caused by this shocking power was carried away by Yang Fan in a perfect cycle.


A phantom of a roulette suddenly appeared between the heavens and the earth, and a wave of invisible damage fell on the two golden immortals.

The two groaned together, their complexions changed.

The damage that originally attacked Yang Fan returned to them.

Although it did not cause much harm to them, it caused a great psychological blow.


The warden Lu Guang shouted in surprise, a piece of sharp silver light surged like a wave, and turned into a huge silver sword hundreds of feet long, engulfing Yang Fan in the transpiring flame.

Ding - hum ~~~~
A dreamy and blurred silver-gray roulette stood in front of Yang Fan, and suddenly burst into bright five-color light, cutting towards Lu Guang like lightning.

not good! !
Lu Guang's heart trembled, a jade pendant appeared in his hand, and it instantly turned into a stone tablet that lifted the sky. With bursts of silver light, it pierced into the sky, narrowly blocking the stunning blow of the reincarnation disk.


The wheel of reincarnation hit the stele that lifted the sky, sparks flew everywhere, the silver light rippled, and then dimmed suddenly, Lu Guang grunted, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"This is clearly my strength!!"

Lu Guang was short of breath, his face was cloudy and uncertain, and he stared at the "Reincarnation Disk" in front of Yang Fan. It was an eighth-rank fairy artifact! !

Gao Xingguan and Lu Guang looked at each other, then cautiously circled around, cast various supernatural powers and spells, and made a tentative attack on Yang Fan.

Then, no matter what kind of attack it was, it was returned intact by the reincarnation disk, and the power was even more terrifying than before.

Yang Fan looked calm and quietly analyzed the strength of the two.

They are all first-tier Jinxians, whose strength is dozens of times stronger than that of upper-ranked true immortals.

With just a snap of their fingers, they can kill real immortals.

If they wish, they can stay away from this planet or even the star system, and step into the vast and boundless galaxy universe.

It has to be said that Da Luo Jinxian's strength has exceeded Yang Fan's expectations.

This is still the first level of the Golden Immortal.

The gap between each level of the Golden Immortal Ninth Level is even more worlds apart. If one reaches the Ninth Level, he will be an extremely powerful person who looks down on all living things, and the difference between the first level of the Golden Immortal is more than a million times.

However, at this moment, Gao Xingguan and Lu Guang, the two great golden immortals, flanked Yang Fan back and forth, with unprecedented solemn expressions on their faces.

"This person's supernatural powers are too weird, ten times more difficult than imagined!!"

Gao Xingguan secretly complained, it was extremely difficult.

He originally felt that Yang Fan was unusual, weird and unpredictable, and he was not sure, so he secretly notified his friend Tianluo Warden to come to help out, at worst, he offered a reward for the two to share together.

"Battle like this will accelerate the loss of vitality and mana in my body..."

Yang Fan frowned slightly, not so relaxed on the surface.

Fighting with the two great golden immortals will hasten his death.

In just a short moment of kung fu, he was shortened by a few days from the time of death.

"A quick battle is necessary!!"

Yang Fan's heart shuddered.

He didn't want to fall prematurely when his disciple left the Nine Swords Ruins.

Taking a deep breath, Yang Fan stepped in front of Gao Xingguan, stretched out a hand that was as old as a branch, and patted his chest.

Yang Fan's blow seemed weak, but it made Gao Xingguan feel cold all over his body, and a breath of death came over him.

He subconsciously dodges quickly.

Yang Fan opened his mouth and spat out, and a dry yellow airflow turned into a storm that covered the sky.


Trapped in this withered yellow air current, Gao Xingguan's soul and body instantly appeared aging, and his vitality dissipated rapidly.

During this period, he was stuck in the mud, and his movements were extremely slow.

Although Yang Fan is not in the realm of the Golden Immortal, he has not comprehended the laws of the universe, but the realm of reincarnation that he comprehended by himself is integrated into the system of reincarnation of heaven and earth, and blends with various rules.

"help me--"

Gao Xingguan called for help from Lu Guang while struggling and screaming.

Lu Guang's face turned cold, and he raised his hand, and the sky swelled tenfold again, flashing thick silver light, and carrying a dull aura, it fell from the sky and crashed towards Yang Fan.

Faced with the [-]-foot-high stele, Yang Fan was terrified. If he resisted this blow, it might bring him closer to death.

Swish! !

With a flicker of his figure, Yang Fan shrank from the ground to an inch, and moved hundreds of miles away to avoid the blow of the sky-lifting stone tablet.

boom -

The stone tablet that lifted the sky fell, the sky and the earth shook, the mountains collapsed, the river stopped flowing, and ghosts and gods wept.

The strength of Da Luo Jinxian really made Yang Fan jealous. He could win against one, but it was not so simple to deal with two.

"This person is difficult to deal with, and his supernatural powers are weird and extraordinary. Even with the strength of the two of us, if we want to kill him, I'm afraid..."

Gao Xingguan and Lu Guang looked at each other, exchanging ideas, each other's eyes were full of fear.

Seeing that the two of them wanted to retreat, Yang Fan was a little impatient.

At present, Gao Xingguan is the only one who knows his identity, and Lu Guang is added at most.

But if these two people are allowed to leave, their identities are made public, and they stay in Tianchenxing by themselves, it will be in danger every step of the way.

"Your Excellency, Da Luo Jinxian, who is famous in Tianchenxing, has one enemy against two, and still dare not fight head-on with Yang?"

Yang Fan's eyes were full of sarcasm: "If you don't act, Yang will soon leave 'Tianchenxing' and enter the vast world of stars."

His meaning is very clear, if you don't make a move at this time, I, Yang, will leave Tianchenxing at the worst, and then there will be no chance to meet again.

Hearing this, the complexions of Gao Xingguan and Lu Guang changed.

Yang Fan immediately deduced that "Lu Guang", the warden of Luo, should also know his details this day.

After finishing speaking, Yang Fan made a "shua" sound, and fled directly to Tianchen Xing.

call out--

With his speed, even though he is under the regular force field where the planet is, he can still leave Tianchenxing in a short time.


Gao Xingguan and Lu Guang revealed their murderous intent, they all turned on the defensive fairy armor, sacrificed the attacking fairy weapon, and chased and killed Yang Fan.

Seeing this, Yang Fan was secretly delighted, and his plan of playing hard to catch succeeded.

Originally, he was worried that these two people would withdraw from the court, so his situation would be worrying.

Now he deliberately escaped, causing the two people to be impatient.

After all, if Yang Fan escapes from Tianchenxing, the sky is high and the earth is far away, and he will never have this opportunity again in the future.

Whoosh whoosh—

Gao Xingguan and Lu Guang soon caught up with Yang Fan.

At this time, the three of them had already flown out of Tianchenxing and came to the starry sky universe. They lost the restriction of the regular force field. With one stroke, they were hundreds of thousands of miles away, and their supernatural powers were not restricted.

It was the first time to fight in this environment, Yang Fan was a little uncomfortable, and he was immediately forced into danger.

In the dark, Yang Fan felt that there were mysterious checks and balances and force field rules among the many stars in the sky and the earth.

Gao Xingguan and Lu Guang, who had the upper hand, increased their confidence and attacked more violently. Yang Fan dodged passively.

Yang Fan's eyes flashed until he adapted to the speed in the starry sky.

Swish! !

Lu Guang's god-like figure came over in a flash, and swung a big knife in a thousand-mile long wave. Wherever he passed, everything was annihilated, and the meteorite dust was all turned into particles.

"On this opportunity..."

Yang Fan's figure suddenly stopped, and he escaped the terrifying knife wave by a tiny margin. The billowing vigor brushed past him and was swallowed by a withered yellow light.

Lu Guang's saber fell to the ground, and he flew close to Yang Fan, revealing his flaws.

"Take my life—"

Yang Fan's eyes showed a cold light, and he took the initiative to meet him. A big withered yellow hand, as wide as ten feet, grabbed Lu Guang's body.

Lu Guang wanted to dodge, but he was deterred by a breath of death that froze his soul. The space around him seemed to be mired in mud, and his speed was greatly slowed down, less than one-tenth of the peak period.

puff! !

The big withered and yellow hand grabbed it at once, and amidst the screams, the vitality was quickly drained, and all the power and matter related to life would quickly wither. ,

not good! !
Gao Xingguan rushed over to rescue him, he manipulated a huge axe, and slashed across the air.

Yang Fan didn't dodge or dodge, the reincarnation disk appeared above his head again, and with a "clang", he blocked the blow of the giant axe.


The reincarnation disk transformed and condensed the power of the giant axe's full blow, turning it into a silver arc light, and with a "poof", it cut the slow-moving Lu Guang in half, his body was annihilated, and his soul was absorbed into the reincarnation disk.


Official Gao Xing looked haggard and lost his mind. He didn't expect that his power would be used by Yang Fan to kill Lu Guang.

After all, under normal circumstances, they understand Yang Fan's supernatural powers and are wary.

After killing Lu Guang, Yang Fan felt relieved that there was only one Da Luo Jinxian left, so it was much easier.

He was not in a hurry either, and sat cross-legged on the spot, as if he was meditating to adjust his breath.

Gao Xingguan was so cunning and cunning that he turned around and ran away without thinking about it.

well! !

Yang Fan sighed softly, raised his hand slowly, and slowly pushed his palm away towards Gao Xingguan.

Gao Xingguan had just escaped tens of thousands of miles when his body froze suddenly.

"Reincarnation... back... door..."

In a five-color vortex above the head, a light gate that cannot be described by color is revealed.

An irresistible pulling force came.

Although he circulated his life energy and struggled with all kinds of secret techniques, it didn't decrease much, and he was quickly pulled in.

When his whole body was submerged in, the reincarnation door swung and closed immediately.

After a moment.

Snapped! !

Yang Fan slapped again, the reincarnation door opened, and a baby crawled out from inside.

(Second more to...

(End of this chapter)

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