Xianhong Road

Chapter 1086

Chapter 1086
(The starting point was stuck for nearly an hour, this chapter is a bit late, and the second update is also delayed accordingly.)
"Hehe, Your Royal Highness, if you don't say hello to me, are you going to leave?"

The man's chuckle was very casual, as if he was only complaining about his friend leaving without saying goodbye.

Following the pace of Xuanmiao's pulse, the national teacher suddenly froze in place, motionless.

This sudden stop movement is in harmony with the original nature, relaxed and comfortable, and out of tune.

The movements and demeanor of the national teacher were frozen at that moment, as if they had become a picture frozen by time.

Under the guidance of the national teacher, the princess Yu Mengqing also stopped in place.

She looked at the national teacher extremely puzzled, just in time to see the national teacher's frozen expression and movements.

"National Division."

Yu Mengqing said in a low voice.

Under his reminder, the national teacher's expression and movements were relieved.

And the next moment, he, who had been flattered from the beginning to the end, was finally moved.

At the same moment, the other people in the hall had already recovered from the original space resistance, and they all looked terrified.

Yang Fan's casual words broke the resistance that bound the space area and brought everyone back to normal.

Yu Mengqing was startled by the state teacher's gaffe, and couldn't help but look at the man in the corner.

"Master Yang laughed."

Yu Mengqing forced a smile, which was very unnatural.

She originally thought that the mysterious Third Young Master had no power to fight back in front of a fairy-level powerhouse.

But it turned out that she was dead wrong.

The national teacher turned his head and looked at the young man who broke his own realm and the power of the law for the first time, with a solemn expression.

Even with his status and height, he still feels the difficulty of the matter.

"In the small Linyuan City, when did such a rare talent appear, and it took only tens of thousands of years to reach the level of a fairy king, even I can't see through it."

The national teacher let out a breath, suppressed the shock in his heart, and slowly walked back to his original seat.

When he was going to Linyuan City, he heard Tianxiang King mentioned the third son of Linyuan City, but he didn't take it seriously.

"The old man forgot, the negotiation with Guicheng can be discussed properly now."

The national teacher sat in his original position, as if he was talking to the city lord Yang Lin.

But in fact, all his mind was focused on Yang Fan.

Yu Mengqing bowed her head and walked to Yang Fan's side, not daring to speak.

With her intelligence, she naturally understood that even with the state teacher's detached status that had frightened Yuzhou for tens of millions of years, she couldn't bring her back without paying any price.

There was a hint of a smile in Yang Fan's eyes, this old man of the national teacher, he advances and retreats, and he is very aware of current affairs.

Next, we really enter the topic of negotiation.

Yang Fan stood with his hands behind his back, and didn't look at him during the period, but just looked at him lightly.

The real negotiator is the second brother Yang Dong.

"Senior National Teacher, do you think that 1000 million immortal stones are enough to measure the meaning of the two titles, Her Royal Highness Princess and Your Excellency the Holy Maiden?"

From the beginning to the end, Yang Dong maintained a certain amount of respect in his words.

"The younger generation believes that the Tianxiang Dynasty needs to form an alliance with our two cities, sign a non-aggression pact, and give 8000 million immortal stones, three immortal treasures, and the eight cultivation materials I mentioned just now..."

Most of it was Yang Dong who said it, so it was plausible.

"The Tianxiang Dynasty is a huge country. It has stood on this land for hundreds of millions of years. Its dignity and status must not be desecrated or insulted."

The voice of the national teacher was low and heavy.

"1000 million fairy stones is already the maximum limit. If I am forced to sign a non-aggression treaty if I am forced to sign a non-aggression pact, what a humiliation it would be. How do many forces in Yuzhou view Tianxiang?"

In the main hall, everyone dared not show a single breath.

The "confrontation" between the national teacher and Yang Dong gradually became intense.

If Yang Dong was given 1 guts in normal times, he wouldn't dare to compete with a generation of legends like this.

But the third younger brother standing next to him, with a slightly smiling expression, gave him great encouragement.

The attitude of the national teacher is already obvious, and he does not want to be forced to sign a non-aggression pact, so he can use the fairy stone to redeem His Highness the Holy Maiden.

Ten million immortal stones is already a huge sum.

However, compared with a large country, the hostages who take into account the dual identities of a saint and a princess are still [-] cents.

Yang Lin, the city lord, sighed secretly. As a dynasty that has ruled Yuzhou for hundreds of millions of years, if a small faction were forced to sign a non-aggression pact, it would probably make many forces in Yuzhou laugh at it.

Regarding the issue of dignity, the national teacher will not give in at all.

At the end of the negotiation, the second brother Yang Dong, with a look of exhaustion and helplessness on his face, asked his father Yang Lin.

Yang Lin also secretly felt helpless, it was already commendable for the Tianxiang Dynasty to make such a concession.

But before making a decision, Yang Lin looked at his third son, Yang Qi.

"Qi'er, you captured the Holy Maiden of Heaven's Mystery alive, what do you think?"

Yang Lin just asked a symbolic question, without placing too much hope.

"My child thinks that it is not impossible not to sign a non-aggression treaty. However, in a huge country, noble princesses and saints are so cheap?"

Yang Fan paused, smiled, and glanced at the national teacher and the princess.

"1000 million fairy stones, for a great country, for a majestic saint, princess... too shabby!!"

Too shabby! !

As soon as this remark came out, the face of the national teacher changed, and the saint of Tianji even lowered her head, showing shame in her eyes.

"Then dare to ask the third son, how many fairy stones are suitable?"

The national teacher said calmly.

"From Yang's point of view, 1000 million fairy stones is really a shame for the great country and the majestic princess and saintess."

The corner of Yang Fan's mouth pursed into a strange arc.

How much do you want?
Everyone on the field thought that what Yang Fan said was reasonable, and they couldn't bear it anymore.

"The dignity of the princess and the kingdom of heaven can be multiplied by at least ten thousand times..." Yang Fan said at the end, and slowly spit out three words:
"1000 billion."

what! !

There was an uproar on the field.

1000 billion! ! !

From 1000 million, it directly increased by 1000 times, reaching the terrifying number of [-] billion.

The faces of the national teacher and the princess are extremely ugly.

"Yang Qi!! You are too much, 1000 billion, how can you open your mouth like a lion?"

Yu Mengqing was so angry that his eyes were almost on fire.

The national teacher's complexion sank even more. This price is too much.

"1000 billion, there is no room for bargaining, the princess is in our hands. If the national teacher can't make a decision, you can go back and discuss with the king of Tianxiang."

Yang Fan said lightly.

The muddy eyes of the national teacher, the pair of pupils, suddenly shrank and turned into cold silver.

In an instant, the space of the entire hall seemed to be frozen.

Immediately breathing, the blood stopped flowing, and the heartbeat was stopped.

"The old man thinks that the third son is just joking."

The national teacher looked directly at Yang Fan, and his pupils had turned into silver, giving him a slight pressure.

Yang Fan's eyes narrowed involuntarily, and he said leisurely: "Yang never jokes."

At this time, the space matter in the entire hall seemed to be solidified.

In the field of vision, there are only two people left.

The space changed inexplicably, and the area around the two of them was faintly distorted.

The hall and people in the field of vision gradually faded away, as if being shielded.

The surrounding scenery also changed, a blue sky and white clouds.

Yang Fan and the national teacher stepped on the clouds.

In the senses of Yang Lin, Yang Qi and others, the two disappeared from the world.

"Hehe, domain? You in the seven-fold gold fairyland can already create such a spatial domain?"

Yang Fan stepped on the clouds under his feet, a little inconceivable.

With his senses, he can naturally see that there is a huge difference between the materials and scenes created by this level of space domain and the real space.

Of course, in the eyes of ordinary people, this has almost reached the height of epoch-making.

"In the realm of aging, you have lost control of life."

The national teacher looked at him indifferently, as if looking at a dead person.

"Life?" Yang Fan laughed, his eyes filled with sarcasm: "There are not many people in this world who are qualified to talk about 'life' in front of me."

The national teacher was startled, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable.

His own spatial domain, which has clearly enveloped and bound the other party, has a feeling of unreliability.

When it comes to life, Yang Fan suddenly thinks of a person:

The blood emperor.

Back then in the Blood Sun Palace, Hua Yanmei, the spokesman for the Great Emperor of Blood, once said:

"When the emperor made the rules, he said: Natural selection, survival of the fittest, this is the truth of evolution. Only the struggle for survival exists among life, and the survival of the fittest can produce the true 'fittest', which is blood day The 'predestined people' that the temple needs."

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

Yang Fan has a deep understanding.

The Emperor of Blood, who was able to create the "Heavenly Blood Against the Gods", may have reached the most essential level of research on living things.

In the Seven Realms Space, perhaps he is the only one whose understanding of life surpasses that of Yang Fan who comprehended the Great Dao of Immortals.

When Yang Fan lost his mind slightly, the national teacher standing proudly across from him felt an inexplicable anger in his heart.

In his own field, the opponent would still lose his mind?

Such a startling walk, could it be that this person is so conceited that he can ignore himself.

In the field of space, the blue sky and white clouds vibrated loudly, and the tyrannical space ripples combined with the destructive power of space were imposed on Yang Fan.

This force is enough to tear Yang Fan into pieces.

Facing the power of heavenly power contained in the law of vast and endless space, Yang Fan suddenly felt his insignificance.

Indeed, he, who had barely stepped into the threshold of the Golden Immortal in his physical body, had no power to resist at all.

He didn't move, he just watched the overwhelming waves of space ripples rushing towards him.

There was a trace of surprise on the face of the national teacher, could it be so easy to succeed?

In his understanding, Yang Fan was at least on the same level as himself, so he wouldn't be completely powerless to resist.

puff! !

The national teacher spat out a mouthful of blood, and barely managed to stand up after a stagger.

Swish! ! !
Yang Fan disappeared from where he was, and appeared behind him the next moment, but he didn't make a move.

The national teacher, who had been deeply traumatized, was extremely shocked.

Why did his supernatural attack hit him?
In his own space domain, the other party can still perform teleportation?

What kind of mysteries of heaven and earth did this person comprehend, which penetrated into his own space law?
"Strength and supernatural power, so what? Is it the law of space?"

The man standing behind him chuckled softly.

The national teacher only felt a chill, from the spine to the whole body, and immediately drenched in cold sweat.

(One more to...

(End of this chapter)

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